Ink Bendy x Reader - Till Ink...

بواسطة flemingsara

403K 12.3K 13.5K

You're a young and hopeful voice actress in your late teens and your name is (Y/N) Pendle. You had a quite pe... المزيد

Visiting the old workshop
She's alive
Inky guardian
Alice Angel
Angel's path
Demon's reward
Ink Machine
Soulless Beast
Tearing Apart
Pulling the trigger
Bond with the Devil
Forbidden lovers
Bendy the Jealous Demon
Give me a kiss, toots
Murder & Revival
If I die, don't cry
You are memory
Finally with you
We are found
End the Angel
Running out of time
Game is on
There's always a reason
Epilogue - The wedding day

Breathed her last

6K 215 235
بواسطة flemingsara

[Just a reminder this is not the end of the book]
Anyway, enjoy!

,,Allison!" you screamed with a frightened face as you saw your sister with a noose around her neck.

,,(Y/N) n-no.." Allison whispered as you barely even heard it. Alice chuckled and drank from the inky wine.

,,The rules are clear, little angel," she began. ,,You do exactly as I tell you, and if you don't... well let's say someone is getting pushed down with a broken neck."

,,Don't play her games-"

,,Who allowed you to talk, hangman?" Alice snapped at your sister, then she looked back at you. ,,Where did we end? Oh, of course, please take a seat. Hey, someone take out the garbage!"

Ink puddles appeared on the ground and a few seconds later they formed into searchers who pulled unconscious Henry away from the room.

As you watched how his body was being dragged away, thought has crossed your mind.

,,Where's Bendy and Tom?" you asked, scared of her answer.

,,We'll get to everything, don't worry!" she smiled. ,,Now sit down."

,,Where are they?!" you repeated, walking closer to her. ,,I swear if you hurt them I'll—"

,,You'll what?" Alice whispered, twirling a glass in her fingers. ,,Better obey or your dear sissy will take it instead of you."

With a hateful look, you reluctantly sat down at the table. ,,What do you want?"

,,I told you I just want a friendly conversation!" smiled the angel with two faces. ,,So, let's get started, shall we?"

She picked up a bottle of ink and poured it into your glass. ,,Here you go."

Your eyes were fixed on the glass. A single drop of ink can speed up and worsen the entire ink process in your body. You couldn't mess this up.

You took the glass carefully into your hands.
A former voice actress in front of you lifted her own glass into the air. ,,Cheers."

You breathed slowly, lifting your glass up and clinking it gently with Alice. She put the glass to her mouth without any problems and drank what was inside while you were just looking at her.

,,Why won't you drink?" she asked with a grin on her face. ,,Own recipe. Made purely for you."

,,Alice don't." you whispered.

Her grin got even wider. ,,Do it (Y/N). Now."

,,First I want to see Bendy and Tom. Then I'll do what you want."

Alice rolled her eyes but finally shouted.

,,Bring them!"

A couple of searchers entered the room. They carried the ropes behind them, and when they came closer, you saw Bendy and Tom tied to them. Place where Tom's mechanical hand should have been was empty and Bendy looked very exhausted, he had trouble standing normally.

,,What did you do to them?!" you screamed with tears in your eyes. ,,It's me who you want! Then why won't you just leave them alone?!"

,,Well, the Wolf put quite a fight to protect his wife. Adorable. It cost him a hand, as you can see, but at least I have a new trophy. And the ink demon?" she laughed. ,,I literally drained him, took the most ink out of his body as I could. So, he's just like fish on the dry land."

More tears began to form in your eyes. ,,Why..?" you whispered.

,,Revenge, (Y/N)." she said in a cold voice, leaning toward you. ,,Drink."

Shaky breaths escaped your mouth. You slowly picked up the glass in your hands. You lifted your head and looked at your sister, who will be hanged in a moment. You looked down at Tom, who was missing his hand, and at the visible bruises he had all over his body. You looked at Bendy, who was laying weakly on the ground, but didn't took his gaze away from you.

None of these deserved it. Nobody.

A tear rolled down your cheek.

,,I'm sorry." you whispered, putting the glass to your lips.

Suddenly there was an explosion that threw you both off the chairs. A dense fog swallowed the room. You gasped when a hand raised you up and started pulling you away.

,,W-Who are you?" you struggled, not seeing person's face through the fog. ,,What are you doing? Stop pulling-"

,,Just stop talking for a damn minute!" said a female voice. Together you got to the exit of the room, where the fog was not so strong and you finally saw the one who ruined Alice's little meeting.

Your Double.

The one who warned you about Alice from the very beginning.

,,You?" you gasped in surprise. ,,But-"

,,We don't have much time, (Y/N)," she interrupted and handed you a knife. ,,The ink has gotten nearly everywhere. We only have a few minutes. Take this and help others."

,,But what about you?"

,,Don't worry about me. I'll slow down Alice. Get everyone out of here and hide."

,,Wait but-"

,,(Y/N) just do what I say-"

,,Let me talk for a second!" you screamed. ,,Have you lost your mind? Have you forgotten how all this works? When Alice kills you, it kills me too! Then there's a zero chance of me getting others away from here."

,,You won't die right away, you'll have enough time to free everyone and escape."

Then your Double placed both hands on your shoulders and rolled up her hood a little to look into your eyes. ,,(Y/N), we have to end this, so let's do -watch out!"

She pushed you away from her. You looked her way and saw Alice running towards her with a knife in her hand. Your another self successfully outlooked the attack and returned it back.

Meanwhile you ran to Tom and cut the ropes that were holding him. ,,W-where is my hand? I'm not sure if I can fight without it.." he whispered in a raspy voice.

,,Alice's den, probably," you replied, helping him to get up. ,,Go help Allison, I'll take care of Bendy."

Wolf nodded and ran away while you knelt quickly to your devil darling, cutting the rope.

,,Ink-" he whispered.


Ink demon raised his hand slightly and pointed to a bottle of ink nearby. ,,Pour it on me. Fast."

You obeyed and ran to the bottle, taking it in your hand and running back to it. You quickly poured the liquid over him and watched him gain strength every incoming second.

,,It's working!" you cried out in joy. ,,It's worki-"

A sudden wave of pain passed through your body. You screamed immediately and fell to the ground, crushed in pain.

,,(Y/N)!" Bendy shouted and knelt to you. ,,What-what's happening?!"

With half-opened eyes, you looked to the side where your Double should have been fighting with Alice. But the only thing you saw was how Alice was grinning at the body what was lying on the ground with an axe in the back. On the other side stood a man with a mask to who the axe belonged.

,,Just in time, Lawrence," she smirked and knelt to the veiled body. ,,Now let's see what do we have here."

Alice uncovered the hood and saw the face of your Double, dead and completely covered in ink. She smirked, understanding now, and started taking steps toward you.

Bendy growled and ran toward Alice, ready to attack, but a group of searchers who appeared from the ground kicked him to the other side of the room and then forcefully carried him away.

,,No!" you shouted, trying to stand but failed repeatedly.

,,Smart thing about the clone, huh?" she smirked, coming closer and closer. ,,I wonder if-"

At that moment your sister got into the room with Tom, running between angel and you.

,,Don't you dare to come near my sister."
Allison said through clenched teeth, fixing her eyes on the angel.

,,Pendle, I'm glad you made it." Alice said, taking the axe from Sammy. ,,Come closer and fucking finally die!"

Allison and Alice began fighting, brutally and without any rules. Tom ran to you in that time and helped you up, dragging you away.

,,Wait, Allison-"

,,Do you know how to shoot?"


Before you could respond or oppose he handed a bow with a few arrows into your hand.

,,Stay here and defend yourself if needed. I'm going to help her."

Tom ran to Allison while you tried your hardest to stay on your feet. With your fingers you slightly touched your face. The ink was already under your eyes, and this time it was spreading uncontrollably every second.

You turned to Tom's scream as Sammy showed his axe straight into his thigh.

,,Tom!" Allison screamed and ran to him as Alice stabbed her from the behind with a knife to the lower back. She fell to the ground, her machete slipped out of her hand and flew away from her.

Alice, amused with herself squeezed the knife tighter and walked towards your sister, ready to stab her again.

,,No.." you whispered and clung to her as fast as you could, stretching the bow and aiming straight at Alice. When you released the arrow, it flew just past her face, which was enough for you to get her attention and got her walking towards you.

,,(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N).." she said from behind the cold smirk on her face, slightly shaking her head. ,,What are you trying to prove?"

Her walking toward you made you back up and shooting another arrow that she caught right in her hand and threw it away. You gasped and tripped which made you fall on the ground, where you were completely under angel's will. You tried to shoot another arrow, but she kicked the bow out of your hand and knelt to you. ,,Look where we got, my little angel..." she said, looking around. ,,Throne room full of people who ruined my life."

But then her eyes fixed right on you, whispering in your ear.

,,But now it's my turn."

She slightly cut her own hand and let the dripping ink fall on the knife, which she showed deeply into your shoulder, making you once again scream from pain. Ink was already taking over your organs. Your whole lips were by now covered in ink with your hair as well.

,,Oh, (Y/N)," the dark chuckle came out off her lips. ,,It's gonna end soon. Sooner than you think. But don't worry, I will do everything so that the last moments you see will be your closest people dying."

She stood up and headed to Allison, but then idea rushed through her head. She turned and knelt back to you, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look at her.

,,I've told you already some people are not meant to be heroes."

You looked at her and tried to do something, anything, but her grasp became even stronger. With smirk she leaned to your ear.

,,You're one of them. You failed to save even one person. Instead everyone will die just because of you. You're just a one selfish thing. Almost like me."

She let go of your chin and was ready to get up when she stopped. She simply stopped. It was like she froze.

Voice actress lowered her head and took a sharp breath. Deep in her chest was an arrow. At the other end of the arrow were your hands. They were pushing the arrow as deep as they could into angel's heart.

,,I don't think so, Alice." you said with a voice what you had left and you looked right into her eyes. ,,The difference between you and me is that I am willing to die for the people I love."

You pushed arrow even deeper into her chest and looked directly into her eyes. ,,And remember this. I will never be like you. Never."

These were the last words before the angel's tainted heart skipped a beat the last time. Her body relaxed and life disappeared from her eyes. All the searchers holding Bendy in the studio disappeared and Sammy fell unconscious on the ground.

You pushed Alice's body out of you and released a sharp breath.

,,She did it!" Allison laughed at Tom from happiness, but when she looked at your lying form, her smile immediately faded from her lips.

,,(Y/N)!" she cried out and ran to you, tears gathering in her eyes. She knelt down to you, and when she saw your inky face, her breathing sped up rapidly, and tears began to flow down her cheeks.

,,No no no no no..." she cried, taking your cheeks into her hands. ,,(Y/N) please you can't die now- T-there's gotta be something that will help you, I know it-"

She couldn't even form a sentence, her body was shaking.

You opened your eyes slowly and looked into hers.

,,Al..p-please promise me'll get the others out of here..please.."

,,I promise.." she breathed out, her crying getting stronger and stronger.

,,I love you, Hissy Sissy.." you whispered, holding her hand.

This sentence got her. She started crying even more and hugged you tightly, burrying her head in your shoulder.

,,I love you too, Sissy." Allison trembled, letting Tom carry her away and calm her down a little.


You turned your head weakly to the sound of the voice you knew and loved so much. On the other side of the room stood Bendy, who looked as if he had knocked a crossbow in his heart.

You breathed out his name, trying to keep your eyes open.

,,!" he screamed and started running to you as fast as he could. He knelt to you and wept at the sight of you, bringing you into his hands.

,,Darling look at me, p-please look at me. You're not gonna die in here, you're not gonna die today-"

His voice was trembling as you had never heard before while covering wound on your shoulder with his gloved hand.

,,Bendy.." you whispered, crying as well. ,,I'm so sorry I wasn't strong enough, I-I was trying..I promise..I don't w-want to say goodbye to you.."

,,I know, I know.." he cried, pulling you closer to him. ,,You have no reason to say goodbye, dollface. We're gonna get you out of it.." he said through shaky breaths.

,,Please don't leave me here, (Y/N).. you are the person who has changed me to the one I am today.. you have brought a hope in my life I've been lacking for forever...I haven't told you until today, for which I'm so sorry, you don't even know how much.."

You looked at him with the last part of your body that still hasn't been covered in ink, with your (E/C) eyes, softly squeezing his hand. ,,Shh.." you whispered, trying not to cry. ,,You don't h-have to apologize..there's nothing to apologize for.."

Cough escaped your lips. You started feeling stabbing pain in your heart. Ink has already got everywhere.

It was time.

Bendy saw your pain and began to cry even more, his own infamous smirk turned into one full of sadness and pain.

,,Hey.." you whispered and smiled at him. ,,Remember what you once told me? To smile because I'm more beautiful with it?"

,,Yes..I do.." Bendy nodded, squeezing your hand.

With the last power you had left, you reached out to him and put your hand on his cheek, bringing your foreheads together. You took a deep breath and focused your eyes on him, with your trembling lips saying his own words.

,,Then smile, darling."

Ink was everywhere by now. There was not a single cell in your body left uncoated. As your last breath escaped your lips, you closed your eyes. Your hand holding the cheek of the ink demon eased and fell gently into his palm. The loving sister and the love of the Ink Demon was dead.

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