
By Leafstorm

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nine

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By Leafstorm


I rinsed my hair in the shower, the warmth giving me comfort. These last couple days were horrible and I wanted nothing but to just go home to my bed and pass out. And then maybe binge watch some Netflix and read fanfics. I wanted to relax and not do anything but I knew the second this whole supernatural debacle was over, I was going to need to find a job or something. I couldn't just sit around and do nothing unless Aria turned me. She promised she would and she's never broken her promises to me before. I couldn't wait to get rid of this human life. I wanted power again. Chad breaking up with me hurt so much. I felt like I was used and didn't have a purpose in life and no one ever makes me feel like that. I don't allow anyone to make me feel like that. Thankfully Aria and Damien reminded me that I'm a catch and Chad's the dumbass who made a mistake; it's his loss.

Speaking of Damien, he was super fucking hot. A part of me hates that Aria slept with him but if she didn't, she wouldn't have been turned. And then I wouldn't be getting turned. She did say I could have him and not just because she wants me to be happy but because she found a guy too which is conveniently his brother. I don't know though. Would getting together with him be too soon? Would that make me look like a slut? I doubt it. People these days sleep around like it's nothing and maybe it's time I let loose and do the same. I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in the soft fuzzy blanket. Man he must've been loaded if he was able to get us rooms at a Hyatt. He didn't even compel the receptionist, he actually paid for the rooms. Now I'm not saying I'm a gold digger but being with someone who can support himself and me would be hella nice. Just gives me one more thing not to worry about. I wrapped the towel around my hair and slipped on the soft bathrobe. They even had slippers so I used those which helped my feet from getting cold because the bathroom tiles were freezing. I opened the bathroom door and let out a scream when I noticed the silhouette of a man in my room. He was looking at the diaries on the chair by the door.

The man turned around and it was Damien. He seemed more surprised than me and backed up. "I'm sorry. I knocked but no one answered so I figured you and Aria were downstairs. I just came by to drop off these." He pointed to a pile of new clothes on the bed.

I walked over to the clothes and started sifting through them. "Thanks."

"I'm sorry about your breakup." He spoke. "From what I can tell after meeting you, he made the biggest mistake of his life."

My insides started swirling from that compliment. I had my back to him so thankfully he couldn't see my facial expression but I was ecstatic. I took a deep breath and turned around to face him. "Thanks." I smiled softly. There were a couple seconds of awkward silence before he spoke again.

"I'm just going to go back next door." He turned to leave.

I know I'm crazy but I just felt something. "Wait." I called.

"Hm?" He asked confused.

"Stay, come sit with me." I patted the bed as I sat down.

He sat down next to me and I tried so hard not to turn tomato red. I had a super hot vampire sitting in bed next to me.

"For what it's worth, I don't think you're a dick. At least not that much. I can tell you're hurting and well I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to."

He half smiled, warmed by my response. "You're much nicer than Aria was when I first met her."

I laughed."And how did she act?"

"Well she was just annoying. I thought I'd get rid of her but she ended up sticking with me."

I nodded. "Yeah she tends to do that. She's like a leech from a lake. But she's a leech I'm glad stuck with me. She's like that leech from grey's anatomy that that one guy ended up liking and kept him as a pet later on."

He shook his head completely blanking on what I was saying.

"Yeah nevermind. Aria would've gotten it." A couple more seconds of silence passed and I decided to suck it up and just ask him about the elephant in the room. Or elephants I should say cause I had a lot of questions. "So um, are you single?" Jesus Lynn you don't just ask people if they're single. Fuck. Whatever I said it. Now all I can do is just go through with it.

He looked amused but answered anyway. "Yes I am. I have been for a while now actually."

"Why's that? If you don't mind me asking."

His eyes started darkening like the vampires on the vampire diaries did when they had some sort of weird temptation. He quickly looked away so I couldn't see. "My previous girlfriend passed away. I never found anyone I had a liking for after her."

"Oh." I replied quietly.

"Until today." He added looking back at me. His hazel eyes stared into mine and for a second a bad thought crossed mine.

What if he was going to compel me to have sex with him? Would I be mad? At this point I don't think I really even care. He's attractive as hell and I need a good lay to get over Chad. I'm so fucking stressed and yeah I did tell Aria I was over him but that was to make her not feel bad. I wasn't lying, I am sorta over him but he's still in my mind. I can't forget about those nights we spent together in Europe and the different places we saw. Okay snap out of it. You have a hot man in your bed wanting to be with you and you're going to throw him away just for some thought of a guy who left you. I did the only dumb thing my body could think of doing. I leaned forward and kissed him.

His lips were soft but firm, molding perfectly with mine and sending shivers down my body to the tips of my toes. It was the kind of kiss that captivated you and it wasn't even him who initiated it. He pulled back from the kiss and took a stray hair of mine that had escaped my towel, tucking it behind my ear. "Lynn I find you beautiful and charming. I don't want this to escalate any further unless you want it to. I realize you are going through a hard time right now and I am willing to wait as long as I need to until you feel like you're ready."

"I am ready." I breathed, staring back at him. Just kiss me again dammit! That first kiss was better than anything Chad and I had ever done. With Chad it just felt mechanical but with Damien it felt right. It felt like I had been living life riding a bike with the wrong size wheels. They worked but they weren't the right fit until Damien came along and made everything fit into place. I wanted more, I needed more.

Damien cupped my cheek with his hand and brought my face closer to his. He pressed his lips against mine gently, letting the connection between us grow. His tongue circled my lips and I opened them gladly, letting him come in and taste me. He tasted hot and sweet and delicious. We kept making out for a bit until he reached up and let the towel off my hair, dropping it to the floor. My short hair unraveled in waves and he ran his hair through it, enjoying having something to play with. I explored his chest and started to unbutton his shirt. I felt his pecs and abs underneath the shirt and moaned. There was nothing more attractive than a man who knew how to stay fit. I pushed the shirt off him, running my hands over his muscles. He moved his lips from mine to my cheek, peppering kisses across my face. They tickled at first until he moved to my neck where he started deepening the kisses, allowing him to suck on my skin gently, causing me to moan in pleasure. He moved to a spot right below my ear that made me gasp in surprise. I curled my toes, his sucking causing me so much pleasure I couldn't handle it. He knew I was at my point so he stopped, landing another kiss on my lips before stopping to give me a couple seconds to breathe. Damn Chad had never been able to make me feel like that and we hadn't even gotten to the good stuff. His hands began to explore my body as he gently slipped my robe off, peppering kisses across my shoulder. Normally I would've gotten self conscious of him seeing me naked considering I just met him this morning but something about him made me feel comfortable and safe. And I was already too hot and bothered to even care at this point. I couldn't wait until he was inside me.

He pushed me down on the bed, opening my robe even more so that I was completely exposed. Thank God I had just showered. His mouth moved to one of my breasts, gently sucking on my nipple. The pleasure was indescribable and it took everything in me to not let out a moan. It didn't work because the second his hand moved to my south part I let out a moan that made him smirk. It only encouraged him as he kept sucking, moving to my other breast. His fingers played the guitar on my clit, teasing me every time I felt myself getting close to coming. I was enjoying the pleasure but the teasing was getting to be too much.

"Stop playing." I managed to breath out.

"And if I don't?" He asked playfully.

"I'll-I'll stop talking to you." It was the best I could do under the circumstances.

He laughed. "I'll give you that one this time." He moved his mouth to my clit and the rest felt unreal. His tongue licked me in circles while his finger did wonders inside me, rubbing up against the spots that caused me to quiver. He started going faster and faster until I couldn't fight myself and began moaning. I could feel it coming so soon and then it was here and I collapsed, breathing heavily from that orgasm. I hadn't felt something that powerful and amazing before at all. With Damien, every experience felt new and perfect.

I laughed as he gave me a kiss on the cheek and laid down next to me.

"What's funny love?" He asked looking concerned.

I shook my head smiling. "Nothing, that was just amazing."

"Well it doesn't have to be over yet." He replied, a look of desire consuming his eyes. That look alone got me hot again and I nodded as he got on me and kissed me again. This kiss was passionate and wistful.

I reached down and began unbuttoning his pants. He broke the kiss and helped me as he slid off his pants and boxers. My eyes widened at his size. I was aroused and almost a little scared. He was huge. Having him inside me was going to feel even better than I had imagined.

He went back to kissing me, his hardness poking into my stomach. "Do you have a condom?" He whispered breaking the kiss.

I shook my head sadly. But if this was the man I had such a deep connection with, I honestly didn't care if I got pregnant. Not to mention I was on birth control so we were still sorta protected. "I'm on the pill though, it's okay."

He paused for a couple seconds, thinking to himself. I looked up at him, really hoping he wasn't going to say no. He kissed me again and nodded. He ran his hands over my thighs and calves, bending them and placing himself at my entrance.

Without warning he pushed himself into me and I gasped as he filled me. He moved slightly to position himself better and I moaned. That little movement alone had filled my body with ripples of pleasure. I could tell it did the same to him because he closed his eyes, trying to hold his moan in. He moved again, this time back and forth in a rhythm that had us both breathing heavily. He went faster, leaning down and kissing me. He moaned into my mouth and I breathed back into his, too focused on the pleasure to notice anything else. I felt the sweat begin to build up on me and that familiar feeling was on the cusp again. I didn't know if I could handle it when it came this time. He kept moving faster and faster, his hand cupping my breast. His fingers played with my nipple, gently caressing. That pushed that feeling even closer and closer and I let out a moan so loud the whole hotel must've heard it as I collapsed again. He came right after. I felt his cum fill me as he pulled out, the smooth liquid felt like a lotion down there. We both laid next to each other, staring up at the ceiling breathless.

A couple seconds of silence had went by. All that was heard was our breaths. He turned on his side to face me. He had no sweat on him which pissed me off just a little. It's not fair that I'm sweating like a pig and he's spotless but I guess that's one of the perks of being a vampire. He ran a finger across my jawline, staring at me with his hazel eyes full of lust. "You're so beautiful Lynn."

I blushed and tried to look away.

"Don't look away love." He whispered. "Please you're absolutely gorgeous. And that was the best I've had since my last girlfriend, which was years ago."

I guess I should take that as a compliment. "That was the best I've had ever. I never even experienced half of that with Chad."

"So stay with me?" He pleaded using his puppy dog eyes. He grabbed my hand and peppered little kisses on it.

I smiled. "Only if you promise to stop acting like a dick to my best friend."

He rolled his eyes. "I can't promise, love, but I'll try."

I laughed giving him a kiss on the cheek. "That's better than nothing."

He grinned continuing to kiss my hand. "How about we go in the bathroom and wash off that sweat?"

I sighed. I was so tired and I wanted to sleep but the thought of a hot, steamy shower with him took away my tiredness. He could sense I was conflicted and stopped kissing my hand and moved to my cheek instead.

"I'll do all the washing, you can just relax." He whispered.

Ah fuck it. "Okay."

He quickly got off the bed and picked me up honeymoon style, causing me to squeal in surprise. We both laughed as he kicked open the door to the bathroom lightly and closed it. I really had to remember to thank Aria when she got back. I sat on the toilet seat as he set the bath up. Bubbles started to form after he poured some bubble bath solution into. I couldn't even remember the last time I had a nice, calming bubble bath. After it was ready, he gestured for me to come over and we both sat in the tub, my back pressing up against his chest. He sprinkled little kisses on my shoulder as he used the loofah to slather me in body wash. I leaned against him, enjoying the warmth and comfort of him and the water in the bath. 

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