Smitten Anyway

By Gayatrikothuri

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Angelina and Jacob may like or strongly dislike each other but they are smitten anyway. ***** Drew is Angelin... More

About The Book
My Interview
Chapter 1 : First Day Drama
Chapter 2 : The Drama Continues...
Chapter 3 : Retaliation
Chapter 4 : Let The War Begin Part 1
Chapter 5 : Let The War Begin Part 2
Chapter 6 : Fraternizing With The Enemy
Chapter 8 : Untamed Night
Chapter 9 : Revelations Part 1
Chapter 10 : Revelations Part 2
Chapter 11 : Maybe History Is Repeating Itself
Chapter 12 : Clubs And Cheerleading Tryouts
Chapter 13 : Google Can Never Fail Me
Chapter 14 : Our Bonding Is More Important
Chapter 15 : Prank War And Cell phones
Chapter 16 : Truce
Chapter 17: New Beginnings
Cover and Banners
Chapter 18: I Will Always Love You
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Jealousy
Chapter 21: Anything For You
Chapter 22: Business Party
Chapter 23: Dad's Baby Girl
Chapter 24: Our Own Always
Chapter 25: Dating Within Friend Group is Awful
Chapter 26: Crazy Is The New Normal
Chapter 27: Hyping Up The School Spirits

Chapter 7 : Hate Is A Very Strong Word

149 50 103
By Gayatrikothuri

Angelina’s POV

People come in a lot of forms or types. They have different qualities or strengths as well as weaknesses. But each and every one is special in their own way.

Some maybe intelligent or smart making them great at academics, some may have artistic minds, while others maybe good at sports.

Oh no! These are not qualities, these are talents. Quality is someone being brave, someone who would do anything to protect their loved ones. Or someone who is wise beyond their years and uses their wisdom to help themselves and others out of a tough situation. That someone can be a very loyal person who would care and nourish their loved ones or a sarcastic and rude person who is good at getting things done their way but would go to any extent to protect what they consider theirs'.

Someone maybe a jolly and goofy person who can make even the saddest person smile or a pensive person who can get the most impulsive of people to quit a stupid plan. Or they can be someone who is a mix of all these things.

The types of people I have mentioned don't even scrap the surface of all the types. I believe that every single person is good at something or has a hidden talent that needs to be revealed.

But sitting between these dumbasses anyone can forget what they believe in. Don't get me wrong I love them and all but they are a bunch of idiots! They have qualities and talents but at this moment they are hidden a bit too deep.

If you haven't guessed yet we are at the triplets' place preparing it for the party. Well at least that's what we are supposed to do.

"For the hundredth time, Noah, no we cannot not have a non - alcoholic section so just listen to the instructions dammit! Drake I said the right corner not the left! And Justin where the hell are you?! I told you to place the snacks like half an hour ago!" I exclaim almost shouting. This is our condition at 1 PM. No one has even eaten lunch and our supposedly party is a train wreck.

Decorations : Not done

Food : Not yet placed

Drinks : Placed but in danger

It's going to be one hell of a party. Time for some damage control....

"Listen everyone!" I whistle to grab their attention.

"That whistle was hot damn." Noah says but my glare shuts him up.

"Justin put the food in its place. Drake, Katie and Rosie put the decorations in the right places as we all decided. Noah go and bring the towels, recliner and everything to set up the pool as decided and don't you dare touch the drinks! It is 1 PM already if anything goes out of place you will regret the day you were born!" The boys nod their heads vigorously terrified and the girls me thumbs up and reassuring looks. After the boys run off I find them approaching me.

"Anne you need to take a breath. You are on the verge of hyperventilating." Rosie says softly.

"How can I? You can yourself see nothing is done!"

"You know what, bring everyone food. Going out will help you calm down." Katie suggests.

"Are you kidding me? How will everything be put in the right place?"

"We made a rough sketch on paper right?" Katie asks.


"So we will make sure these idiots behave and most of the things are done before you get back. If not we can deprive them of food." She smirks. This girl...

"I will not deprive them of food but they don't know that. So okay I will get food for us and leave this in your hands." I say handing them the papers.

"Listen up!" The boys perk up their heads.

"I am going to get us food and most of the things should be done before I come back or no food." Their eyes widen. "Assuming that won't happen pizza and coke right?" They voice sounds of agreement. And I leave for getting pizza.


"Hey Baby Doll, long time no see." A familiar voice says. Please God don't let it be him. But just my luck it's him.

"Hello Tyson, didn't know you were in town." It's really hard forcing myself to keep my voice cheery. If you ever meet him you will find out that he has the most beautiful forest green eyes and dirty blond hair with a strong jaw line to die for. But I really hope you don't meet him because behind that charming handsome boy is a totally opposite human.

"I came over the weekend to visit my grandparents but little did I know I would get to see your beautiful face." He says invading my personal space.

"Ma’am, your order please." The girl at the counter asks. And I use the opportunity to step away from him.

"Yeah 5 pizzas and 6 cokes please."

"Put that on my account please." He says putting an arm around me.

"There would be no need." I say already giving the money while carefully slipping away from his hold.

"Well whatever the lady says, though I can't help but ask who these other people are Baby Doll?" He asks grabbing my hand.


"Is that so? Well come to that restaurant went to tonight. We have a lot of catching up to do." He says picking a lock of my hair and twirling it around his finger.

"Can't I have plans and please let me go; I have to get back to my friends." I say trying to keep my composure when his grip tightens.

"The lady said to let go." Another familiar voice says but this time I release the breath I didn't even know I was holding. Tyson releases his hold on me. I turn to find Jacob and his stormy eyes which are swiveling with a lot of emotions. When our eyes meet I try to convey all my emotions.

"And who might you be?" Tyson asks. Oh no his interest has shifted to Jacob. However big of an asshole he maybe he doesn't deserve this. I plead him with my eyes to lie but the stubborn idiot gives his head a light shake.

"We are friends." Wow he did listen to me but the lie he said would make matters even worse. Tyson gives him a long look.

"We can catch up later Baby Doll." The look he sends me makes a shiver run up my spine but not the good kind.

"Why the actual fu*k would you do that?!" I exclaim turning to Jacob. I am literally on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Why are you shouting at me?! If anything you should thank me." He says getting irritated.

"No one asked you to act like my knight in shining armor. I was handling the situation." I know I am being rude but he has no idea how worse he has made things.

"Yeah really well" He growls.

"Look I know you were trying to help me and for that I think you can, not act like an asshole if you do not want but you don't know the whole story and just made the situation worse." I explain briefly taking a deep breath. I feel like I owe him an explanation as he tried to help me even if we don't get along.

"Who the hell was he? And how did I make the situation worse? I made him leave your hand for God's sake." He looks so adorable when he is confused.

Anne, get your mind out of the gutter! Sure the boy is hot but you are frenemies if not enemies!

I was just looking. I am a teen girl, of course I will look if there is a hot guy in front of me. Though that doesn't mean I like him. I am just appreciating god's work.

Looks like even my subconscious mind can't argue with that.

"Let's just say I made the mistake of going on a date with him." He chokes on air and I help him. I don't want him to die on me, geez. Well it would be funny...

Jacob Wilson - died of choking because he could not believe Angelina went on a date with Tyson.

The press would have a field day.

"You went on a date with him!?" He asks disgusted.

"The dude's hot and was acting friendly enough to give a chance but little did I know about his actual personality." I humorlessly laugh.

"There were moments in the date when he would act possessively that is why I tried to avoid him after the date but he would find a way to talk to me. He didn't let me even talk to any guy except Ash. I was so relieved when I found out his family shifted out of the city and thought I would never have to see him again. And you know the rest." I finish.

I look at the ground not being able to meet his gaze. I don't know what made me tell him everything. But I guess its fine since Tyson may now target him and he deserves to know the story.

"So now since I said I am your friend you think he will target me." He put a finger under my chin making me meet his gaze. I don't know why but suddenly I feel calmer.

"Yeah even if you are an asshole you don't deserve that." I stare right back. His eyes are not at all judging instead they are full of warmth and understanding.

"You don't have to worry about me. I have dealt with jerks like him before." He reassures offering a small smile.


"Now why were you buying so many pizzas and cokes? Surely it can't just be for yourself through even if it is, it's cool I am not judging." He teases changing the subject.

"The girls and I were over the triplets' setting up for the party speaking of which I should probably go." I reply offering him a smile.

Just when I was about to walk away he asks "Why do you hate me so much? Is it just because of the parking lot incident?" Did he really just ask me that?

"One it wasn't nothing, you said a lot of things and didn't even apologize. Two hate is a very strong word. I just strongly dislike you though it reduced a teensy tiny bit because of today." I answer walking away before he could say anything else.

I have hungry teenagers to feed you see.


By the time I reach the triplets' place it is already 2 pm but atleast everything was almost set up. After eating and completing the leftover decorations the girls and the boys split up to get ready. Oh no if you think even the boys went to get ready then you are absolutely wrong. Apparently they would need at most 30 minutes to get ready so they went to chill. The perks of being a boy...

Though beauty takes time so after taking hours to get ready we stood in front of the mirror looking at ourselves. And let me tell you we looked really hot.

Katie decided to wear black. Surprise!!! Though she really looks good in her two piece.

(Imagine red curly hair instead of blonde)

And Rosie decided to wear a navy blue floral dress that goes great with her red curly hair.

(Imagine auburn hair)

Lastly I decided to go with an off - shoulder red dress. We all decided to let our hair loose.

After taking a million pictures and enough chit - chat we finally decided to go and help the boys so that this party could get started. Let me tell you it was really a very eventful night.


Author's Note

Hello everyone! How are you guys doing? I could not update as I had an exam. Yeah an exam in corona time - it was online. I really hope you all are enjoying the story thus far. And as you already read, Anne and Jake had a one on one chat. What do you think of their relationship?

Have a nice day!🙃

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