bItChY FoRgE (Aloha x Army)

By Bruhmomemt69

8K 199 571

Pee More

Inky Snow Resort... Noice
Please Answer Me
Mask is dead
Mask isn't dead. Yay...?
Drama at the Diner :o
Cafe time yayay

Oh... haha, I was Just Kidding...

757 19 12
By Bruhmomemt69

I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna confess to Army! Aloha thought to himself. He glanced over quickly at Army, who was still writing in his manuel. Aloha took a deep breath, and walked over to him.

"Hi Army~" Aloha said. Army looked at him, and nodded. "What do you want?" He asked. "Um... well... I was wondering if- I mean, I think I-" Aloha stuttered. "Just get to the point." Army interrupted. Aloha took another deep breath, and quietly said, "I like you." Army's face turned bright orange. "W-what?" Army asked, as if he had no idea what that meant. Aloha grabbed Army's hands, and asked again, "I like you. No, I love you. Will you be my boyfriend?" Aloha looked determined. "U-um... I'm sorry... but-" Aloha's smile slowly turned in to a sad frown. "What? What is it?" Army looked at Aloha, and sadly said, "I'm sorry, Aloha, but I'm not ready to go out with a guy." Aloha was stunned. "But I'm sure you like me! You always blush when I flirt with you! W-why aren't you ready?" he yelled. Army got up and said, "Aloha, not yet, okay? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go to the library. I'll tell Skull and Mask to meet here later for lunch. If that's fine with you?" Aloha was silent, but he nodded. He was trying really hard not to cry in front of Army. Army nodded, and left the room. Speechless, Aloha laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I-I can't believe it... he rejected me... I guess I should've listened to my love expert side..." Aloha looked at his phone and saw that it was 9:28. "I guess I still have time to go snowboarding..." Aloha put on his snowboarding gear, grabbed his snowboard, and headed out to the skiing area. 

Meanwhile, Skull was lost. Big surprise. "Where am I? This place is huge..." Skull said to himself. He kept on walking wherever his feet would take him, hoping he would find the candy boutique. Someone that worked in the resort noticed Skull wandering around, and she went over to him. "Hello? Are you lost?" Skull nodded, and asked, "Where's the candy boutique?" The worker laughed. "Hehe, the candy boutique is faaaaar from here." Skull asked her where it was, and she gave him a map of the resort, and circled where the candy boutique was and where they were with a red pen. "Just follow this map, okay? And then you'll get to the candy boutique." Skull took the map and thanked the lady. 

A few minutes of walking later, Skull was lost yet again. He didn't even know where he was on the map, and he looked around if anyone could help him. "Welp, guess I'm gonna trust my feet now." Skull kept walking, without knowing where he was going. But suddenly, he could smell a faint scent of something sweet. His eyes widened, knowing that the scent will lead him to the candy boutique. He followed it, and the candy boutique stood in front of him. There were those huge swirly lollipops, gigantic pieces of rock candies, and mountains and mountains of any kind of candy you could think of. "Holy shit." Skull quietly said to himself. He went inside, and honestly wanted to take everything they sold. Instead, he decided to buy a purple swirl lollipop. Because everything was really expensive.  After he bought it, he was sucking on it and trying to get back to his room. Oh boy...

Meanwhile, Mask did not get lost and found his way to the game arcade. He went inside, and nearly went blind from all the lights. "Wow..." He looked around, wondering which games to play... until he saw it. Squid Destroyer. His favorite game ever, but he had only played it once because of how rare it is. "N-no way... their website wasn't lying... they really do have every single game. Mask reached into his pocket and he grabbed a coin and inserted it in the game. A screen popped up, and it said, "Try to beat the high scores." Under that was all the names of the people that tried the game and their scores. The top had a total of 30,000 points, which Mask laughed at. "I bet I can get something WAY higher than that." He said to himself, and he started to play.

Mask was crushing it. He destroyed every squid that came in his way (in the game) and he never lost an health. Some squids took notice, and they stopped just to look at Mask playing. "W-wow! He's already at 60,000 points!" One squid said. "Look at him destroy those squids!" Another said. Heh. Mask thought to himself. 

After a few minutes of playing, the game was done. Everyone was crowding around him. "What's gonna be his score?" One asked. "I bet you 20 coins it'll be 80,000!!" Another yelled. The other squid nodded. "Bet!" A black screen came onto the screen. (lol) "Congratulations," it said, you have a total of 80,000 points!" Everyone cheered, especially the one that made the bet. "You owe me 20 coins!" He yelled. The high score screen came up, and Mask was at the very top, with 80,000 points. "Nice." He said, and went off to play another game. Everyone tried to go up to him and ask how he's so good, but he ran away. "Um... okay?" They said. "What game should I play next?" Mask thought to himself, as he tried to get away from the other squids.

At the library, Army was trying to write in his manuel peacefully, but he couldn't stop thinking about Aloha. "Ugh." He said. "I should go to the cafe..." Army got up from the sofa and walked to the cafe that was near the library. It wasn't that crowded, thankfully, so he ordered a coffee and sat down at a bar like area but there was a huge window, where he could see the skiing area. 

(Like this but it's on the 5th floor and you can see the skiing area through the window)

After he sat down, Army got his manuel out and started taking notes on the S4 when they're not in battles. For example, how Aloha can snowboard, and other new things he learned since this trip started. He flipped through his pages, and hoped that he could write on all of the pages. "These information will be useful for me when we get back." He quietly said to himself.

"One coffee for Army!" Someone yelled from the counter. Army got up and got the coffee and sat back down. He took a sip and continued writing in his manuel. 

After half an hour, Army took a break from writing and was just looking at the skiing area. Until he saw someone... familiar. It was Aloha! "Oh. It's Aloha." Aloha was wearing snowboarding jacket and pants, yet still had his visor on. "Stupid... he should've worn a helmet..." He watched as Aloha went up with the lift and slide off at the top. But he didn't go down yet, he went on another lift... That was marked a double black diamond... (for you people who don't know, green circle is beginner, blue square is intermediate, black diamond is advanced, and double black diamond is GOD) The lift was covered by some trees, and after around 40 seconds of being hidden in the trees, Army finally spotted Aloha getting off the lift. He attached his feet on the snowboard, and started making his way down. 

The trail he was going down had a lot of bumps, and was so vertically straight that it was literally a wall. "Oh my cod..." Army said to himself. Aloha was going down full speed, and doing S turns the whole time. Then there was a huge ramp in front of him and Aloha started going to it. "Ohcodohcodohcod"He finally reached it and did a back flip, and landed perfectly on the snow. Army saw Aloha put his hands up, and took a guess that that was him cheering. He finally got down the trail, and went on the same lift again. "Wow... he's really good..." Army thought. He put that down in his manuel: "Aloha is an expert at both surfing and snowboarding." 

After a few times going down that trail, Army noticed Aloha flirting with another inkling, which made Army jealous for some reason. "Ack, why am I mad? He flirts with everyone all the time..." he grumbled. But the inkling Aloha was flirting with didn't seem happy... she seemed annoyed...? Aloha was already prepared to go off, and so was the girl. Something seems wrong here... Army thought. He then saw an evil smirk on the girl, which Aloha didn't seem to notice. Army could tell that the girl said something, because her mouth was moving. He saw Aloha nod, and they went down the trail together. 

The girl was pretty good, doing S turns and all that, but Aloha was better than her. 

But then, she grabbed onto Aloha's hood, and threw him to the side, where there were trees.

Aloha crashed into a tree, and he tried to get up, but the snow on the tree fell on him, making it harder for him. The girl was gone, she had already went down the trail.

Army could see Aloha trying to get up, but he fell every time. He probable hurt his leg! 

Army ran out of the cafe while putting his parka on, and sprinted to the skiing area. 

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