Pretend Love

By Exitian

14.9K 574 92

Chief Editor Vincent Lee forces Suzy Bae, his executive assistant, to pretend to be his fiancée. How far will... More

Chapter 1: Deal
Chapter 2: Proposal
Chapter 3: Lunchdate
Chapter 4: Home
Chapter 5: Reunited
Chapter 6: Kiss
Chapter 6: Lucky
Chapter 7: Annyeong
Chapter 8: Lessons
Chapter 9: Bed
Chapter 10: Morning
Chapter 11: Ride
Chapter 12: Tossing and turning
Chapter 13: The past, present, and future?
Chapter 14: Twisted truth
Chapter 16: Goodbye
Chapter 17: Revelation
Chapter 18: The Finale
Chapter 19: Epilogue

Chapter 15: Dinner went wrong

554 21 4
By Exitian

Vincent had to stay and work out the details with the lawyers for several days, and even though he and Suzy talked every night, the days still passed at an excruciatingly slow pace.

Suzy managed to avoid President Lee, though, for which she was incredibly grateful. She wasn't sure she would be able to refrain from slapping him if he so much as looked at her again.

She spent her days with Halmeoni, learning to cook and listening to her stories. An idea started to form in Suzy's head, but she was nervous about bringing it up.

Suzy and Sungjae were getting along much like brother and sister, and she was becoming increasingly convinced of his relative innocence in the drama that surrounded the family. So when she pondered whether or not to discuss her idea with Halmeoni, she confided in him.

"I want to write Halmeoni's story," she said as they were having drinks in the garden. "But I'm afraid to ask her."

"Wae? I'm sure she'd love that."

"You think? I mean, I don't want her to think I'm using her or anything... it's just... I haven't wanted to write for a really long time, and I'm so inspired by her."

"Then you should definitely ask her about it. Halmeoni loves telling people her stories, it's like she gets to relive her past every time she does."

"Yeah, I've notice how her eyes sparkle when she starts reminiscing. So you think she'd agree?"

"I think she'd be honored." Sunjae smiled.

"Okay. I'll ask," she said and sipped her drink. "Listen, would you do something for me?"

"Anything for my sister-in-law."

She chuckled. "Thanks. Not there yet, but... Okay, so Vincent's coming back tomorrow night, and I really want to surprise him."

"What do you have in mind?"

"A romantic dinner in the winery? Would that be okay?"

"Of course. I'll help you set it up."

"Thank you."

"What do you need?"

"Um... red roses... a white linen tablecloth... candlelight... classical music..."

"That's... very specific," he commented.

"I'm recreating his proposal," Suzy explained. "I've asked Halmeoni to help me prepare the food, but I was hoping you could help with the wine. I know you don't produce it here, but..."

"I know other winemakers. It won't be a problem," Sungjae confirmed.

"Great. And can you maybe trick him into going to the winery? Make up an emergency or something? I just want him to be really surprised."

"Don't worry, Suzyssi. I will make sure he is surprised."

"Great. Well, I should go talk to Halmeoni about the book. See you later," she said and headed back inside. On her way there, she passed Richard Bae and they glared at each other, but neither of them spoke.

"Annyeong, Halmeoni," Suzy said, entering the kitchen to find Chairman Lee looking through cookbooks.

"Suzyssi! I was just getting the recipes for your dinner. Come, look," she gestured for Suzy to take a seat at the table. "Sundubu-jjigae, as you requested."

"Thank you, Halmeoni. I was actually wondering..."


"You know I want to be an editor... well, growing up, my biggest dream was to be a writer, but I just never found my story... Does that make sense?"

"You lacked passion," Chairman Lee supplied.

"Yes... I suppose so."

"And you have found it here."

"I think so... Halmeoni, you are an amazing woman, and I would be honored if you would allow me to write your story."

"My story? Why would you want to write about an old woman when you have so much to tell about your own life?"

"You have lived such a fascinating life, Halmeoni. I think people would be inspired by your story, just like I have been."

"Well, of course you may write about me, dear, if you wish.

"Thank you, Halmeoni."

"Now, shall we get started on the Yaksik?"


Suzy was nervous. Vincent was coming back late, and Halmeoni had gone to bed after having left her with the final instructions for the dinner. While Sungjae was setting up the table and the music, she went to shower and change.

Suzy put on one of the dresses she had bought - a red spaghetti-strapped chiffon dress which flowed down to her knees - and did her hair and makeup before heading back to the winery.

The winery was situated a couple of minutes' walk from the main building and her strappy heels dug into the gravel as she walked.

When she arrived, she found everything to be in order except for the final touches. Soft classical music was playing and the table was set. Smiling, Suzy picked up a rose, stripped it of its petals and strew them over the white linen tablecloth.

"Perfect," she said to herself as she finished lighting the candles and took a step back to survey the scene.

"Yes, you are," a voice drawled from behind her.

Startled, Suzy spun around to find Sungjae looking her over appreciatively.

"Sungjae!" she gasped, covering her heart. "You scared me."

"Mianhe," he said smoothly.

"No, it's fine... I guess I'm nervous, is all... I don't know why..." she shook her head at her silliness. "Well, Vincent should return any minute now - you should probably go back to the house and intercept him like we planned."

"We have time..." he said intently, stepping closer.

"Uh..." Suzy instinctively reeled back. "No, if he goes inside and sees I'm not there he'll worry and it'll ruin the surprise."

"Sshh," Sungjae said, putting a finger to her lips to silence her. "Hyung will have his surprise. I promise."

"Sungjae... what are you..." Suzy frowned as he stepped closer still.

The confusion in her eyes quickly turned into a look of sheer panic as his lips crashed down on hers.


Vincent was excited. He felt like a schoolboy on his way to his first date - only this night wouldn't end in a sloppy kiss on the cheek. He couldn't wait to hold Suzy in his arms again. How could he possibly have resisted her for so long? Now that he'd had a taste of her, he was insatiable. The best part was that she was equally hungry for him.

As he pulled into the driveway, he found himself in a sensationally good mood. Nothing would put a damper on his night now.

That conviction faltered when he met Richard Bae in the doorway.

"Move," he growled and pushed past him.

"If you're looking for your partner in crime, you won't find her in there," Richard said casually, lounging against the doorpost, his arms crossed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Vincent growled and grabbed Richard by his shirt collar.

"It seems your so-called 'fiancée' prefers the company of your brother," Richard drawled. "I saw them heading to the winery together, looking awfully cozy..."

"You're lying," Vincent hissed.

"By all means, go see for yourself..." Richard made a sweeping gesture.


"Sungjae! What are you doing?" Suzy put her hands on his chest, trying to push him away.

"Don't worry, baby, no one will find us," he said, licking her neck.

"I'm not your 'baby'!" Suzy growled, pushing at him. He didn't move an inch.

"Whatever you say. I can tell from the way you look at me that you want me.


Sungjae's eyes darkened along with his cheek. "Mm..." he practically purred, "I like it when they fight..."

The next thing she knew, he had her pinned against the wall, and was stifling her screams with his mouth. Suzy started kicking wildly when one of his hands moved up her dress.

"No underwear..." he smirked. "You make it too easy, Suzyssi."

Suzy took the opportunity of his lips leaving hers to scream at the top of her lungs. "Vin - CENT!"

Sungjae clamped a hand over her mouth, banging her head against the wall. "He doesn't care about you. You're just a means to an end."

"Suzy!" the door to the winery flew open and in the doorway stood a man with hair and clothes so black he melted into the night, his eyes the only thing burning in the darkness.

"Hyung," Sungjae said flippantly. "How nice of you to join us. We weren't expecting you back so soon."

"Get the hell away from her, Lee Sungjae!" Vincent growled.

Sungjae released Suzy and she ran into Vincent's arms, burying her face in his leather jacket.

"Are you okay?" Vincent whispered against her hair.

Suzy shook her head, sobbing into his chest.

"Oh, she's good," Sungjae mocked. "Nice touch with the whole 'damsel-in-distress' act. Kudos."

"Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you. Permanently."

"Oh come on, Hyung. I was doing you a favor. It was only a matter of time before she would turn to me. She only agreed to marry you for a promotion."

"At least I gave her a choice. I didn't try to force myself on her."

"Some choice," Sungjae scoffed. "'Marry me or lose your job'."

"That's not what happened," Vincent said between clenched teeth.

"But you did ask her to marry you for a green card."

"And she agreed of her own free will," Vincent spat out.

"And there we have it," a voice drawled from behind them. Richard was holding up a tape recorder with a smug smile on his face.

"Thank you, Mr. Lee. You have been quite co-operative," he said, smiling at Sungjae.

"Miss Bae and I will leave in the morning. Say your goodbyes tonight," he said to Vincent, who was seething.

Suzy sniffled, and Vincent decided to get her back to the house before she had to endure any more of this drama.

"We are far from done here." Vincent glared at Sungjae and scooped Suzy up in his arms. She clung to his neck, keeping her eyes closed.

When Vincent and Suzy were out of earshot, Sungjae turned to Richard. "I assume there's a seat for me on that plane, as well..."

"There is not."

"But... I don't understand. I kept my promise. I did my part."

"I told you to seduce her, not try to rape her. That instantly disqualifies you for citizenship."

"You son of a..." Sungjae growled, taking a few menacing steps towards Richard.

"Easy there," Richard said patronizingly. "I should hand you over to the authorities - or to your brother - but I'm giving you a chance to get away. Something you clearly haven't offered any of your previous... victims."

"Willing participants, all of them," Sungjae scoffed.

"I'm sure..." Richard rolled his eyes. "Who would be able to resist a virile man such as yourself?" With that, Richard walked away, content with the way things had worked out. President Lee would pay him well for getting Suzy out of the picture and Vincent deported to South Korea. Not to mention the promotion he would receive for his outstanding work.


Vincent gently placed Suzy down on the bed, but she refused to let go of him, her tiny arms locked tight around his neck. He had never seen her so fragile.

"Sshh, it's okay. I'm just gonna take off my jacket, okay?"

Reluctantly, she released him and he quickly shrugged out of his jacket and crept up on the bed with her.

"I'm so sorry, Vincent," she sniffed. "I... I wanted to surprise you. I cooked you dinner and I was going to..." sniff "...ask you to marry me." Sniff. "Instead, I... he..."

"Sshhh, it's okay."

"I thought he was my friend, Vincent. I thought he wanted to help me surprise you..."

"It wasn't your fault." He stroked her hair. "It's him. There's something wrong with him. I never should have left you behind."

"I would never... you know that, right?" she sniveled.

"Of course. I love you."

Suzy stopped sniffling. The room fell silent except for their breathing - and then that stopped, too.

"What did you say?" she whispered, looking up into his cerulean eyes that told her he meant every word.

"I love you, Suzy Bae."


"It's okay, you don't have to say it back. In fact, it might be best if you don't. Tomorrow, they'll take you away from me, and I can't promise I won't rip Richard Bae to shreds if you say it back."

"I can't lose you..." she breathed.

"You won't," he said softly, pushing a stray hair behind her ear. "I promise."


Sungjae was livid. He had betrayed his brother for the promise of a new life. He had spread lies about his father and sullied the Lee name. He would burn for this.

Consumed by rage, Sungjae toppled the table and threw it into a rack of wine bottles. He barely had time to register what was happening before a falling wine bottle knocked him out cold.

With the alcohol, the hay from the loft strewn on the floor and the flame of the knocked over candles, the fire spread incredibly fast.

The flames licked Sungjae's body, lapping him up until it devoured him completely.

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