Chapter 10: Morning

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Vincent was not in a good mood. He had sat through what seemed like an endless lecture from his father about his family responsibilities before his father finally dozed off from the wine he'd been guzzling all night. Sungjae and Richard had retreated to the library to play cards and let Vincent and President Lee argue in peace.

Vincent was wondering why on earth he agreed to come back in South Korea for two weeks when he passed by the kitchen on his way upstairs and heard halmeoni humming. Hearing her voice turned his frown into a smile and he entered the kitchen to see her preparing the bread for tomorrow morning.

"Seunggi-ya, why are you not upstairs?" Chairman Lee said, looking up from her dough.

"I wanted to spend some time with my halmeoni." He sweetly smiled at her.

"Ah, nonsense! Why you want to stand here talking to an old woman when you can be upstairs making love to your beautiful Suzy?"

"Halmeoni…" Vincent shook his head.

"Tomorrow night, you take her to the winery, arasso?"

"Why are you so invested in my love life?"

"My strength may be dwindling, but my heart is strong. And my hearing is perfectly fine."

He looked at her, puzzled.

"I heard your Abeoji talking to that… vile man from the U.S. embassy. They make plans for you. I do not like it."

Vincent looked over his shoulder to make sure they were alone before walking over to halmeoni and lowered his voice to a whisper. "What did you hear?"

"They say you only get married to stay in the country. They say that Suzy is your secretary and you force her to help you."

"Halmeoni, I…"

"But I see the way you look at her, and the way she looks at you. I have seen those looks before, and every time they were directed at me I would end up with hay in my hair."

"She doesn't feel the same way." He shook his head in defeat.

"Seunggi-ya! Look at you! How could she resist? You have your grandfather's eyes and hair, his passion and kindness," she affectionately stroked his cheek. "Your brother inherited his other traits," she said sadly and resumed her kneading.

"Sungjae's a good man. He shouldered my responsibilities when I left. I owe him a lot."

Halmeoni looked up at him with burning eyes. "Keep Suzy away from him. Far, far away."

He frowned. "Why would you say that?"

"He is trouble. You have been away, you haven't seen…" she shook her head. "Go to her and make her yours. Before it's too late."

"Good night, halmeoni." He kissed her cheek.

"Hwaiting, Lee Seunggi!" She winked.

Vincent shook his head on his way upstairs. Her grandmother was seeing things that just weren't there. Sungjae was not like their father and Suzy didn't want him. Every time he got close, she would push him away.

Vincent opened the door to their bedroom and found the covers and blankets on the floor, a pillow thrown on top of them. No, Suzy didn't want him. Sighing, he stripped down to his boxers and lay down on the floor.

Morning came, Suzy sat up in bed, harshly awakened by a sharp knock on the door.

"Are you decent?" a voice asked.

Suzy looked around in confusion and spotted Vincent sleeping on the floor. "Vincent!" she hissed. No response. "Vincent!" Suzy threw a pillow at him, to which he sat up in bewilderment.

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