Chapter 2: Proposal

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"Mr. Lee," the bored clerk at the Immigration Office looked at his papers. "Mr. Bae's office is through there," he said and nodded to a door to his left.

"Bae? Any relation?" Vincent looked over at Suzy as they stood outside the door to Richard Bae's office.

"Bae is a common name," Suzy shrugged.

"In New York? It's not even that common in South Korea."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't have any family here."

"Good to know," Vincent said and pushed the door open. "After you, sweetheart," he said sweetly.

Suzy glared at him but entered the room.

Richard Bae was a reasonably attractive man in his mid- to late 30s. He definitely could passed as Suzy's relative just for his stunning visuals. But any illusions that his overall appearance may have created about his character to also mirror with Suzy's were quickly dispelled the moment he opened his mouth.

"Why don't you save us all a lot of time and money and come clean right this second?"

"About what?" Vincent frowned.

"About the fact that you're using your position as..." he looked at his papers, "... editor-in-chief at Frey Publishing to coerce your naïve little assistant into committing fraud."

"Excuse me?" Suzy said sharply, not appreciating his tone and his derogatory comment.

"I don't know what he promised you, Miss Bae, but I can guarantee that when this..." he waved his hand "... charade is exposed, you are facing a 250,000 dollar fine and five years in federal prison for your part."

Suzy felt her stomach lurch. What on earth had she gotten herself into? Sensing her distress, Vincent took her hand in his, lacing their fingers together.

"So, this is what we'll do. You are going to say that you are not engaged to Mr. Vincent Lee, and you walk out of here a free woman, while Mr. Lee gets on the next available flight to South Korea. Do we have a deal?"

Suzy looked down at their intertwined hands, up at Vincent's eyes filled with understanding, telling her it was okay to back out, and back over at Richard Bae. When she spoke, she did so in a calm, steady voice.

"We're just two people who weren't supposed to fall in love, but did. I'm going to be Mrs. Vincent Lee and there is nothing anyone can say or do to stop me."

Vincent gave her hand a grateful squeeze and Richard Bae looked like he had a foul taste in his mouth.

"Very well, then. Let's get on with the interview, shall we?" Richard leaned back in his chair and gestured for Vincent and Suzy to take a seat. "There will be a number of questions you'll have to answer about each other, of course. I'm sure that for two people so much in love such as yourselves, you won't have any problems at all. I'm scheduling a meeting for you with an interviewer. I assume you've told your parents about this joyous union?"

"Actually..." Suzy started.

"We were going to break the news this weekend. Suzy's brother is getting married, and what better time to bring good news to the family?" Vincent said sweetly.

"Oh, really? Where is this?"

"Uh... well, why don't you tell him, sweetheart? It's your family, after all..." Vincent turned to Suzy.

"Lancaster, Pennsylvania."

"How charming. We have the same hometown, lots of Baes there," Richard said sarcastically. "And what about your family, Mr. Lee?"

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