Balance of Light and Dark (Na...

By blackstarlove19

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What would you do if you knew your time was almost out? that as the seconds passed, your end draws near? Ho... More

Chapter 1: Meeting team 7
Chapter 2: The bell test
Chapter 3: a C rank mission
Chapter 4: C rank turns A rank
Chapter 5: Climbing trees
Chapter 6: There are real heroes
Chapter 7: Rememeber me
Special no.1 Meeting Sasuke
Chapter 8: Finishing trainning
Chapter 9: Battle on the bridge
Special no.2 A mission with the jounins
Chapter 10: The jounins ambush
Chapter 11: Reuniting with friends
Chapter 12: Chunin exams
Chapter 13: Forest of Death: Encounter with a snake
Chapter 14: Forest of Death: A friend's help
Chapter 15: The perliminaries suprise
Chapter 16: Devastating news
Chapter 17: A day in the hospital
Chapter 18: A birthday party
Chapter 19: Encounters with Garaa
Chapter 20: The third exam begins
Chapter 21: Trying to fix it!
Chapter 22: The sand and sound attack!
Chapter 23:Family or Revenge?
Chapter 24: The breaking point
Chapter 25: A new enemy
Chapter 26: Mission: find the medic
Chapter 27:The Legendary sucker
Chapter 28:The bet
Chapter 29: Training to the limit!!
Chapter 30: A battle with the snake's follower!!
Chapter 31: More than one way to die!!
Chapter 32: Have to find an answer!
Chapter 33: An A rank mission
chapter 34: Old friends!
Chapter 35 : Riddles!!
Chapter 37 : A mission change
Chapter 38 : More flashbacks!!!
Chapter 39 : Divide and patrol
chapter 40: The target
Chapter 41: An unexpected night
chapter 42: The battle starts
Chapter 43: One vs one
Chapter 44: Sacrifice and guilt
Chapter 45:Pulling from the darkness
Chapter 46: Back
Chapter 47: New announcements!
Chapter 48: Sasuke Retrieval!
Chapter 49: Departure!
Sequel is up!!

Chapter 36: The tale of seven years ago!

373 19 1
By blackstarlove19

I am on a roll three chapters in three weeks, wow! just wow! I started writing this chapter and honestly couldn't bring myself to stop writing in the middle!!

You'll notice that Sara's father name is Akihiro just like the oc I introduced but this is not a mistake, they're both named after someone that's why the name is repeated.

Also despite that Streetplayaa_ was the first to comment I did dedicate the last chapter to her so this one is dedicated to Anime_Lover_Girl_123 

Okay hope you enjoy the chapter don't forget to comment and vote, I'm going to bed cause it's two in the morning over here!

Third Pov

The night was quiet on the village of Heiwa; slow a bit chilly wind was passing through it as well, but in the skies on the back of a sparrow sat Sara. She hadn't taken any notice of the how deserted the village looked, it was more like the quietness was just what she needed as she lost herself in her thoughts.

As her thoughts swirled, she was sure of a few things. Yoshio was in the forest among the ninjas that attacked the village, in that case the secret was out she would have to explain everything to her friends. She would have to explain how Yoshio wasn't doing this by his free will, that it was because Orochimaru was controlling him and hopefully they would understand.

Another thing Orochimaru he was the one behind the attack on her village, both her villages. If he was here in person it was sure to get troublesome, she was in no shape to fight him and he wasn't a legendary sanin for nothing facing him – even with all of them – wasn't going to be an easy job nor could she really know if they can defeat him.

This mission might be her only chance to save her brother and she was determined to not waste it even if it took her life.

Back at the head's village, everyone were shocked about what Akihiro had just told them, almost everybody Hideo was clenching his hand, while Kakashi had narrowed his eyes.

The two of them understood one important thing this mission might have just turned S-rank if Orochimaru was here himself.

"Wait a second how is that possible?" Kiba questioned "Wasn't her brother MIA?" He was remembering the conversation they had that day after the spar.

"You guys don't know anything do you?" Takao stated "You don't know what happened seven years ago?"

"They don't know that it's been kept a secret" Kakashi explained

"But everyone thought that Yoshio was gone by now" Asuma said

"This certainly complicates things" Kurenai said thought she had just become a jounin recently but she was one of the ninjas that assisted the Hiroshi clan back then.

"Would someone mind telling us what are you talking about?" Naruto questioned shouting "What happened seven years ago?"

Shikamaru sighed he had told Sara that they weren't going to rush her to tell them about what had happened seven years ago, but if it affects their mission it looks like they will find out with or without her consent.

"So you guys know?" A familiar voice questioned from the door, they looked up to see Sara staring at them with Manami behind her. "You know that Yoshio is here"

"Not just here but he's also one of the attackers" Akihiro clarified "I guess Lady Susumu wanted to talk to you about it"

"Sara!" Hideo sensei started grabbing her attention, he wasn't sure about what he was going to ask her but he had to give it a shot "You need to tell them what happened seven years ago! Some of the details concern our mission"

Sara bit her lips holding the frame of the door hard; she had turned her gaze to the ground but closed her eyes after a few seconds the memory playing through her mind.

"I…" She started hesitantly "I am sorry I can't"

As soon as she finished she was already running out of the house.

"Sara!" Most of them shouted after her, as Yumiko attempted to follow, Akihiro grabbed her shoulder shaking his head.

"Just give her sometime" He told everyone as they gazed after her.

Hideo sighed after that, he always tries to push her but whenever it comes to it seemed that he couldn't help Sara when it came to this particular thing.

"Looks like I will be doing the storytelling" He told them as everyone settled down, even though most of them still couldn't help but be concerned.

Outside Sara was running she had dropped her bag at the front door of the house, she had also managed to quickly wear her shoes as she ran.

She wasn't crying but she sure felt as she was on the verge of it.

She ran through the deserted streets, she was glad they were she didn't want anyone to see her like this.

She finally stopped when she reached a wooden bridge connecting the banks of a river, this area barely had any houses around, and it was a green open park with a great view of the night star full sky.

Sara slowly made her way towards the bridge but she didn't walk on it instead she sat by it staring at her reflection. Soon enough the memory played through her mind.


The five year was sound asleep till she heard the scream coming from outside, she woke up startled at it, she was still a bit groggily, but what confused her mostly what was that scream? And where was this light coming from?

Instead of the usual blue moonlight, there was orange light coming from her window. She got out of bed making her way to the window. One look was it all it took to remove her grogginess.

Looking out she saw some houses on fire, in a distance she could some shinobi fighting. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the scene.

She came to her senses quickly though, they were under attack, she was only a few days from being an official ninja, she couldn't just sit here.

She was still in her pajamas as she reached into the weapon pouch containing the weapon she used in her training.  She clipped the pouch on grapping a kunai in her right hand she made her way out of the room.

She guessed that her family was already on fighting outside, quickly she made her out of the house it was obvious that ninja were discovered early because the area around her house was empty, they were probably being fought at the outer areas.

She used her chakra to climb the nearest house, looking in all directions once she was on the roof. She saw that some houses at the Far East and northeast were on fire, but at the same time she could sense multiple chakras coming from the south and south west.

'A distraction?!' Sara thought to herself, but it was obvious they were discovered since among the chakras were that of her clan's ninjas.

Thinking to herself it was obvious that they were having trouble containing the fire, especially since they only had two people with water chakra including her.

Nodding to herself she started making her way towards the fire rather than the fight, she would help stop the fire before joining the fight.

She was jumping from roof to roof rushing to the houses but at one point she jumped backward instead of forward, just as a snake lunged at where she previously stood.

The snake was a giant purple one and she could almost see the venom that was on its fangs. She pulled out a kunai and grabbed it tightly, in this sort of fight she had the advantage of being small on her side, she would be able to move faster and even sneak attack.

The snake lunged again Sara jumped high into the air, forming hand signs, and ending it with the tiger sign.

"Fire style: great fireball!" She said as she inhaled before exhaling with her fingers forming a circle around her mouth. A giant fireball was formed directed towards the snake. The snake tried to avoid it but it wasn't fast enough, and got burned pretty badly.

Sara landed on the ground in a crouched position, looking at the smoke that was rising from the burned snake; it was twitching like it was going to move again but instead disappeared in a puff of smoke.   

"I can see that what they say is true!" A voice said in amusement she looked towards its owner, who was standing opposite to her. He was a white skinned man with long black hair and snake like eyes. Orochimaru was who she recognized him to be. She had never met him before but she did know of the three legendry sannins.

But looking at him smirking like he was with the strong chakra radiating from him she froze. Her eyes widened as she stared at him. She wasn't sure what had gotten into her but it was like she was paralyzed.

"You really are quite the prize Sara!" He told her "I see you have quite the talent and let's not forget you have managed to unlock your clan's lost kekkei genkai"

He started walking towards her. Thankfully her body finally decided to obey her and move; she took a step back shaking as he took a step forward causing him to chuckle.

"Are you afraid, Sara?!" He asked in amusement, taking more steps forward causing her to tremble more "Don't worry I am not going to hurt you…much!  You're going to be quite the lab rat"

She was trembling even more, she had never been this afraid before but his chakra and bloodlust were too strong for her.

At that moment, Orochimaru side jumped just as Katsumi Hiroshi was aiming a punch to him from above. Her hands came in contact with the ground causing a huge hole to appear.  

"Katsumi long time no see!" Orochimaru told the black haired woman.

"Don't you dare come any closer to my daughter!" She warned him as she stood up, she looked completely furious, her black hair was tied in high ponytail it's end reaching the mid of her back, she was wearing the Konoha ninja uniform too and her headband was on her forehead.

Sara, despite still being fearful, felt safer now that her mother was here.

"Fire style: phoenix flower jutsu!" A male voice said from above, just as small fire shoots headed towards Orochimaru, who avoided them easily.

While Orochimaru was avoiding the fire shots, a male with messy black hair and wearing the Konoha shinobi uniform too jumped beside Katsumi.

Both Katsumi and Akihiro Hiroshi were standing in front of their daughter, while Orochimaru was standing opposite to them, smirking.  

"Katsumi, take Sara and get out of here!" Akihiro told her quietly so only she can hear.

"You can't possibly be thinking of taking him on by yourself?!" She asked him horrified

"We're no match for him, even together. What matters is keeping our clan and daughter safe! For that we have to hold on till backup comes from the village, now I will give you an opening grab Sara and get out of here."

"No I am not leaving you alone!" she argued with him causing him to smile

"You're always too stubborn, but just this once do what I say for our daughter!" He told her "Remember I love you!"

He charged forward unsheathing his katana.

Katsumi stared at her husband as he charged forward, she could easily follow and fight by his side, but her eyes darted to her daughter and softened, her daughter looked so afraid.

Biting her lips she ran in her daughter's direction, picking her up before she started running with her away.

She could feel the tears that threatened to fall, but she had to hold them in no matter what, she wouldn't let them. She had to focus on protecting her daughter she won't let Orochimaru lay a hand on her daughter.

Akihiro was relieved when he saw Katsumi and Sara getaway; he focused his attention back to Orochimaru.

"How sweet! You actually think you can defeat me?" Orochimaru mocked causing Akihiro to tighten his hands around his katana.

Akihiro didn't waste his words as he passed his chakra through the katana. Even though this could be his last fight, he wasn't going to go down easily.

Katsumi on the other hand was herself getting ready to fight; both she and Sara were surrounded by six of Orochimaru's henchmen. Sara had snapped out of her terrified state and was about to stand beside her mother to help her fight but she was stopped by her mother.

"No sweetie, I will take care of those scum" Katsumi told her, she didn't want her daughter to kill anyone, even though she was about to become a Kunochi she was still too young.

The ninja charged together at Katsumi who only narrowed her eyes, before crouching down as the first man approached and was about to attack her with a kunai.

She punched his chin sending him flying then falling unconscious, before holding the wrist of another she pulled him before throwing him at the man coming from the other side, both of them hit a wall very hard causing them to lay unconscious.

She jumped above Sara, her leg hitting the man that was heading for her daughter; he fell on the ground unconscious. That was four down and two to go.

All four were taken down in less than two minutes making the two standing still to look horrified at the strength and speed of the woman.

In less than a second Katsumi had appeared beside the, before kicking the side of one of them causing him to hit the other one and were sent flying towards another wall, both than laid unconscious as well.

Sara stared with wonder at her mother, this was the first time she had seen her in actual battle not one for training and she was amazed by her.

While that Akihiro was still trying to hit Orochimaru, that looked bored.

Akihiro hadn't managed to land any hits on Orochimaru so far while Orochimaru had landed many on Akihiro. It looked like Orochimaru was toying with Akihiro so far.

Akihiro was known as village's best katana user, powered it his chakra passing through it, he could easily defeat his opponents, but Orochimaru had managed to avoid everyone so far while he was almost depleted Orochimaru was just fine.

"And I thought you would be at least some fun Akihiro!" Orochimaru said mockingly "I have wasted enough time on you"

Orochimaru formed hand signs after biting his thumb. He put his hand on the ground for the summoning jutsu, causing lots of small snakes to appear it was like the entire ground around Orochimaru was covered by snakes now and they were slithering their way towards Akihiro.

Akihiro jumped into the nearest building, but the snakes were fast and soon enough they were climbing the walls of the building after him. But instead of jumping to another roof like he ought to have done, Akihiro started cutting the snakes one by one.

If he had continued to run away he would give Orochimaru the chance to follow after his family, but he wouldn't let him.

Akihiro sheathed his sword, back fibbing over the side of the house, forming hand signs.

"Fire style: flame flower jutsu!" He said as he shot three fire balls at the hoard of snakes on the wall, making sure to avoid the wooden roof.

He landed on the ground looking sound for Orochimaru but he was nowhere in sight.

"Striking shadow snake!" Orochimaru's voice said just as a snake bit Akihiro before he disappeared in puff of smoke and was replaced by a log.

"Earth style: earth dragon bomb!" Shouted Akihiro from behind him, causing a dragon's head to appear beside him shooting mud balls at Orochimaru.

"Why fight a losing battle, Akihiro?" Questioned Orochimaru as he dodged the incoming mud balls.

"I won't let you lay a hand on my daughter Orochimaru!" Akihiro replied as he charged towards Orochimaru.

"How can you stop me when you're dead?" Orochimaru mocked, Akihiro was now sending punch after kick trying to hit but to no avail, Orochimaru just kept dodging.

Before he knew it Orochimaru had jumped back, while forming a hand sign, his neck extended and he managed to bite Akihiro in his left arm.

The moment he did, Akihiro felt the shot of pain and fell to the ground biting his lip so hard to stop the scream that it started to bleed.

"What have you done?" Akihiro asked as he felt another wave of pain.

"Normally this would be a gift but right now it could prove helpful" Orochimaru walked towards him and once in front of Akihiro, he pulled Akihiro's katana "I won't take any chances. How funny you should die by your own weapon!"

'I guess this is it' Akihiro thought to himself as his own Katana slowly descended towards him 'I was hoping to see both Yoshio and Sara grow up, to grow old with Katsumi. But at least I managed to buy them sometime. Katsumi, Yoshio and Sara I love you. I hope you forgive me for not being beside you as you grow.'

The katana was shoved through his heart causing.

Katsumi felt a bang in her heart causing to her to stop running and turn her head looking at the direction she left Akihiro at.

She knew what that meant, but how she wished she was wrong. But she couldn't stop; she had to get Sara as far away from Orochimaru as possible.

 But she hadn't really managed to get that far she kept running into Orochimaru's henchmen and not all of them were easily defeated.

On the sides of the clan compound, the shinobi from the clan were trying to keep the enemy out but their numbers were pretty big compared to them and  some them – the couldn't find a better description- were monsters in both appearance and abilities.

"Uncle Hideo!" Called the eleven year old as he jumped beside his uncle, both fighting the incoming enemy. "Where are mom and Dad?"

"They're fighting the enemy!" Hideo told Yoshio, but he was only telling half the truth.

"Where are they? I have gone over the entire area where the enemies are I can't find a sign of them" Yoshio told him, as he punched another enemy in the stomach.

 Akihiro, Katsumi and him, had managed to find out from one of those shinobis that their target was capturing Sara and that Orochimaru was behind the entire attack. Both Katsumi and Akihiro had then left the frontal attack to Hideo and went to search for Orochimaru, they had told him not to tell Yoshio so that he won't follow.

At that moment Katsumi was standing guard in front of Sara, Orochimaru had managed to catch up to them, Sara was now even more terrified than before.

Both mother and daughter knew one thing though that Orochimaru being here meant that Akihiro wasn't with them anymore.

While Katsumi had managed to hold back her tears, Sara's were flowing down her cheeks.

"Sara!" Katsumi shouted snapping Sara out of her thoughts "Run now, I will try and keep him busy, got it? You have to run, don't stop don't look back!"

Sara didn't respond while she was terrified she didn't want to leave her mother alone, nor was she sure her body would obey.

"Sara! Listen to me!" Katsumi called her again "I know you're scared but you have to remember you're going to be a shinobi in just a few days, you have to control your emotions! Now you have to run!"

"What heart touching words?" Orochimaru mocked "But I'm afraid I can't let her go anywhere"

But as he said that he jumped backwards avoiding a punch that caused the ground to crack when it made contact.

"Run Sara!" Katsumi shouted once again, but Sara didn't have enough time.

When she was surrounded by a hoard of snakes both her and her mother.

"You think I would let you get away that easily again?" Orochimaru stated "I would be careful now those snakes are extremely poisonous, if you do get bitten, you would be of no use for me."

Katsumi was about to run to help her daughter but Orochimaru jumped in her way.

"Show me what you've learned from your precious master!" Orochimaru told her smirking.

Katsumi Jumped back, pulling her specialty weapon from her pouch. She wore her claws and passed her chakra through them.

She charged towards Orochimaru so fast that normally no one would even see her, but Orochimaru did, he bent his back backwards causing Katsumi's hand to pass above him.

He transformed his tongue into a snake to try to hold her but she was too quick for him. She crouched down and pushed his legs from underneath him. She hit him with the claws in his chest but he turned to log.

She back flipped avoiding his extended neck, but he turned after her, but when he bit her she turned to log too.

He barely avoided her as she tried to cut his extended neck. Retreating his neck quickly, he looked at her smirking.

"You're even more fun than Akihiro!" He told her amuse.

"I will make you pay!" She told him angrily.

She charged again, the battle dragged on with both of them going on like that.

"What?!" Yoshio questioned as he finally managed to convince Hideo to tell him the truth "But Orochimaru is one of the sannins, as good as mom and dad are they can't possibly…"

He stopped talking realizing that his parents were sure to know that, but despite that they went. They were ready to throw away their lives for their clan, for their family.

"I am going after them" He told Hideo not giving him even a chance to object.

Katsumi was almost out of chakra, gathering her resolve she pretended that she was going to charge at him but instead jumped back charging at the snakes surrounding her daughter.   

She tried to slash through as many as she could, but there was too many of them and they were too small for her to track all of their movement.

Eventually one of them managed to bite her, but despite that she continued to fight.

Till she managed to get rid of all of them, she was breathing hard by then and was taken by surprise when she was kicked in the stomach and thrown away hard.

"Mom!" Sara finally shocked out as she saw her mother thrown away.

"You do feel the venom take effect, don't you?" Orochimaru asked her smirking "You won't be any more trouble for me"

He turned to Sara and was about to take her when Yoshio appeared beside her, he grabbed her and jumped backwards.

He had used flying Raijin, a jutsu he had learned from his sensei. Good thing he already marked Sara.

His eyes darted to his mother lying down on the ground on one side; he noticed no sign of his father, finally his eyes landed on Orochimaru.

They just had to hold a bit longer, help was sure to come from the village soon.

He teleported -but not very far- to his mother's side along with Sara. His mother was barely alive; he could till she only had a few minutes, he grabbed her too and teleported the three of them to another empty street in the compound.

Sara was staring terrified and sad at her mother. Her tears were still streaming down her face.

Yoshio was also looking grave and on the verge of tears as he looked at his mother

"Don't look like that sweeties!" Her mother told her between breathes "A smile suits you two more! Yoshio, I have always wanted to see you grow older find that special girl that will turn your head upside down, just like your father always said about me or see you become the clan leader; you're going to become a great leader. Sara, how I wanted to see you become a shinobi, throw you a party when you advanced in rank, maybe talk to you when you fall in love and don't know what to do and then help you prepare your wedding" she chuckled a bit but it turned to a coughing fit as Sara's tears streamed even more.

"I think you're father wanted the same, we wanted to see both of you grow up, have families of your own, become your own person" She continued "I am sorry! We're sorry we won't be there for that, but remember we're going to be always watching over you, we're going to be always in your hearts, just remember our good memories together, watch over each other, and always remember what matters. I want you two to promise me you won't let yourselves to be blinded by revenge, to always try and face life with a smile"

"We promise" Yoshio told her not able to contain his tears anymore, Sara nodded too afraid if she talked her voice would fail her.

"That's good, the shinobi world has a good side but there's also darkness try and stay away from it, always hold on to your beliefs, never give up and always try your best. I love you both so much" She continued her own tears streaming down her face but she still tried to show them a smile, her voice was weakening more by the second "we both love you so much, never forget that! Sayonara Yoshio, Sara!"

She said closing her eyes and Sara's tears' turned to loud cries as laid on her brother's chest sopping.

Yoshio himself was crying, as he rested his head on hers.

"Well! Well! Isn't this such a lovely moments between siblings?" He said mockingly "So heart touching.

Before Yoshio and Sara can even react, Orochimaru was in front of them Kicking Yoshio away from her.

"Your family really is annoying they have caused enough delay for me" He told Sara as he tried, but after just seeing her mother die in front of her she wasn't about to be afraid of this man.

She grabbed a kunai from her pouch and slashed the hand that tried to grab her or at least tried he had managed to retreat his hand in time.

"You foolish girl!" Orochimaru told her "You think you can succeed where your parents who have more experience than you failed?"

"That would be enough Orochimaru!" A voice said causing Orochimaru to jump back just the owner of the voice jumped in front of Sara.

"Sarutobi- sensei!" Orochimaru spitted licking his mouth "Well I don’t really have time for this right now, looks like my original mission just got ruined."

He turned his gaze the boy behind him who was trying to recover from being thrown and hitting his head on the wall causing blood to trickle down his face.

Orochimaru appeared beside him and hit the back of his neck causing him to lose conscience.

"I guess he will do for now" Orochimaru said as he grabbed Yoshio.

"Yoshio!" Sara screamed and got up and attempted to run to him but was stopped by the third.

"Put the boy down" The third Hokage told Orochimaru.

"I don't think I will! He has talent and will act as the perfect bait for what I am after" He said "I will see you around Sarutobi- sensei"

As he said that he started to disappear in a flame till he was gone.

Sara dropped to the ground on her hands, In that night she had lost both her parents, saw her mother die in front of her, her brother taken, members of the clan died all because that snake was after her.

It was all her fault.


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