
By kindamessy_thoughts

9.3K 380 24

"š™„'š™¢ š™š™šš™§š™š š™©š™¤ š™©š™šš™”š™” š™®š™¤š™Ŗ š™©š™š™–š™© š™–š™Ø š™– š™™š™¤š™˜š™©š™¤š™§ š™®š™¤š™Ŗ š™š™–š™«š™š š™©š™¤ š™˜š™¤š™£š™©š™§š™¤š™” š™¬š™š™–... More

1: First Day Jitters
2: Orientation
3: First Patient
4: Talk over Lunch
5: Mistakes
7: Penny for your Thoughts
8: Transient
9: Resolute
10: Come off second-best
11: Pressure Point
12: Get a Grip
13| Compete
14| Bounce back
15 | Ethics
16| Longing
17| Degenerative
18| Blast from the Past
19 | Troubled waters
20| Homebound
21| Fallout
22| The Dreadful Shift
23| Defuse
24| Cases
25| Day Off
26: Derailed
27| Intentions
28| Aftermath
29| Closure
30| Euphoria
31| Tension
32| Care to Dance?
33| Secrets
34| Together
35| Understanding
36| Reflection
37| Trial
38| Moments in Between
39| First Hearing
40| Bleak
41| Farewell
42| Revoke
Finale| With Every Heartbeat

6: Tipsy

326 10 0
By kindamessy_thoughts

We finally got in the club after almost an hour of trying to convince the security guard that I was 28 years old and that was my ID.

As soon as we got in, Kellan shouted through the music saying, "Damn Alex, you were talking up a storm there."

"Can you blame her?," Rosa shouted as she squished my cheeks then continued to say, "Having a baby face is a blessing and a curse."

"As they all say, Asian don't raisin," I humoured through the loud music and Nathaniel chuckled and said, "That's simply unfair, you'll probably look the same even in your 50s."

"Enough about my face guys, let's go look for a place we can sit in and let's order some drinks," I shouted again so that they could hear me.

We all scanned the nightclub's surroundings and found the perfect place. An empty velvet couch with a table right in front of it. We rushed to the couch and immediately flopped ourselves onto it.

Rosa then waved a waiter to our table and ordered sets of tequila shots. When the shots finally arrived, I was about to take one but Rosa swatted my hand away.

"Nuh Uh," she said, "We're going to play a little game called never have I ever, and if you've done whatever the person said then you take a shot."

She then equally divided 6 shots for each one of us and said, "The one with the most shots left, wins."

We all nodded and Rosa said, "Ok let's start with resident British boy Nathaniel!"

"Alright," he said as he contemplated on what he was going to say.

Eventually he finally said, "Never have I ever gone skinny dipping."

I watched as only Savannah took a shot and her eyes looked bewildered when she realised no one else took a shot.

"I'm curious as to why you did that?," Kellan asked and Savannah simply said, "It was a dare."

"Alright, Lucas it's your turn," Rosa said and Lucas started thinking about what he was going to say.

He then mischievously smiles and says, "Never have I ever bragged about something I have not done."

I watch as Rosa, Nathaniel and Kellan take a shot.

"Alright you three, spill, starting with Rosa," I said and Rosa smiles and says, "Well.... I was young and naive sooo...."

"Just get to it already," Savannah said as she nudged Rosa.

"Ok ok fineeee, so I had a huge crush on this guy back in high school and I heard from my friends that he really liked a girl who was adventurous," she explained and I laughed then said, "I see where this is going."

"So basically I bragged to everyone in my class that I went skydiving and all those extreme stuff the summer before and let's just say it eventually blew out of proportion," Rosa said.

I pointed at Nathaniel and said, "Your turn."

He sighed and said, "Well, during one of the family gatherings we had, this including cousins and aunts and such."

"Go on," Lucas said clearly invested in the game.

"Well my cousins were extremely talented and I didn't want to embarrass my parents so I bragged about being really good at singing," he said as he looked embarrassed of what he was going to say next.

"Well, they asked me to sing and I could barely carry out a tune and it caused an even greater embarrassment," he said and Rosa burst out laughing.

She then said, "I can just imagine Nathaniel retreat after singing one line."

I then turned to Kellan and said, "Your turn cowboy."

"Well I had this girlfriend back in high school that I really wanted to impress and so I bragged to her that I could last an hour on a mechanical bull," Kellan said, looking like he wanted to down a drink before he continued the story.

"Long story short, She surprised me by bringing me to a bar with a mechanical bull and I didn't even last a minute on it," he said.

"Damn, I thought you'd be the type to know that kind of stuff," Savannah said and Kellan simply laughed and shook his head.

"Don't be fooled by the accent," he humoured and we all just laughed.

The game went on until finally everyone's shot glasses were empty except for me who still has three left.

Rosa was shocked as she looked at how many I had left and said, "You're like a saint, it's like you never really lived."

"I like to play it safe," I said and Rosa smirks and says, "Well that's about to change now, I'll be waiting for you at the dance floor to show me your moves."

She makes her way to dance floor as Savannah, Kellan and Lucas follow her as well leaving me and Nathaniel on the couch.

There were no exchange of words, the only noise heard was none other than the upbeat music of the club.

Eventually the silence between us broke when his smooth English accent ringed in my ear saying , "You look great tonight Alexandria."

"Thanks," I said and before I could do anything, he stood up and offered his hand then said, "Care for a dance?"

"Hmmm... considering I'm kinda liking the music right now, I guess that would be a yes," I said as I took his hand. He led me to the dance floor and there Rosa and Savannah were busting moves while Lucas was in a trance as he just kept on staring at Rosa.

Kellan on the other hand was living his best life throwing some odd dance moves all alone without caring about the people staring at him.
I laughed at Kellan but then I watched as Lucas was still frozen.

I gave Nathaniel a look and he grinned and said, "Seems like you've got a plan Dr. Huang."

"Yes I do," I said as I walked up to Lucas and shoved him towards Rosa.

Rosa was at first surprised but then she continued dancing and Lucas started to dance with her as well.

"Wow, you work fast Alex," Nathaniel said and I just grinned and said, "Not all the time, you'd be surprised on how long it takes for me to get out of bed."

He chuckles and says, "You still owe me a dance."
I smiled and said, "Of course."

We stepped into the dance floor and Nathaniel started swaying his hips to the rhythm.

I shook my head and said, "That's no fun."

I started doing the robot and Nathaniel burst out laughing. I looked him in the eye and said, "Well are you gonna join me or not Cardinal? Or are you intimidated by my robotic moves."

He laughs and joins me as I do the robot. We eventually started switching up the moves. We'd occasionally try to shuffle to the beat and sometimes just sway our hips to the rhythm.

Eventually the upbeat songs turned slow and sultry. I froze not knowing how to dance through this. I looked at Rosa and Lucas who were already getting into the music while Savannah and Kellan decided to retreat to the couch.

I looked at Nathaniel who looked nervous as he offered his hand and said, "Follow my lead."

I took his hand and he pulled me close as he put his other hand on my waist. I put my arms around his neck and he puts his other hand on my waist as well as we slow danced to the music.

I chuckled and said, "I'm pretty sure this is not how you dance at a nightclub."

"Eh, I like to think I can dance however I want," he said as he looked into my eyes and I looked into his.

I stared at his ocean blue eyes and I watched as they dilated when he looked at me.

They say that when you're attracted to someone or have an interest towards someone , your pupils dilate.

Nathaniel then pulls me closer as we continue to sway to the sultry rhythm.

They also say that your body leans closer to them, your body is in a way, attuned to them.

Your brain starts to produce more dopamine which is the neurochemical responsible for the giddiness and teeth-grinding arousal of your attraction.

Dopamine gives you a sensation of bliss where it's one of the brain's way of signalling that it's anticipating a reward.

We continued to slow dance and everything seemed normal when suddenly he started leaning closer and I knew what he was going for.

He wanted to kiss me but of course that was natural. Usually your body creates these love hormones of oestrogen and testosterone that urges you to procreate with a potential mate.

Knowing me, I'm as unfeeling as a stone and wasn't exactly ready to give up my first kiss.

I lightly pushed him back and said, "I'm sorry, I-."

"Was it something I said or did?," Nathaniel said, his eyes filled with panic. I shook my head and said, "No, Nathaniel you're perfect, We're just not on the same page yet."

He nodded and said, "I see, well, just to let you know, I'll be more than happy to wait."

I nodded but I saw the sad look in his eyes so I sighed and said, "I'll just give you something to compensate." I kissed his cheek and he gave a small smile then said, "I could hold onto that."

All six of us danced the night away until eventually they all said their goodbyes, devising to head home and I was about to leave as well until I spotted a familiar face at the bar.

Oh my god.

That can't be.

I took a closer look and saw....

Dr. Damien Wright

I looked at Nathaniel who was waiting for me to leave the nightclub but then I looked at Dr. Wright again.

This is my one chance where I can just scream at him and tell him off.

But I didn't want to worry any of my friends.

I then looked at Nathaniel and said, "I'll stay for a bit, I wanna get some more drinks."

"Are you extremely sure?," He asked and I took one last glance at Dr. Wright then said to Nathaniel, "I'm very sure."

Nathaniel then says, "Give me your phone, I'll punch my number in so you can text me when you get home safely."

I nodded as I give him my phone and types in his number. He gives it back,  I save his number then he waved goodbye as he finally left the nightclub.

I looked at Dr. Wright and felt my blood boil.

I'm so angry at him. And yes, I am very sure that I loathe him.

I walk up to him at the bar and I tap his shoulder. It was clear that he was drunk as he squinted his eyes at me and says, "Ahhh, Dr. Huang, have you come to apologise for your friend's actions?"

"As a matter of fact, I'm here to tell you what you need to hear", I said and he turns his chair to face his body towards me.

He stretches out his arms and says, "Give me your best shot."

That was the final straw. He's even cockier when he's drunk.

With heart rate, arterial tension and testosterone increased.

Decreased levels of cortisol and a very stimulated left hemisphere of my brain.

I was ready to unleash my anger.


"YOU DON't even KNOW ME AND YET YOU CONTINUE TO SCRUTINISE ME FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER," I yelled and that's when I finally got a reaction out of him.

He gets of his stool as he stands up but loses a bit of his balance showing that he had too much to drink.

He points his finger at me and says, "I'll HAVE you know..... that... my actions..... always have a reason to them..... and..... are never done......without giving...... a thought about it....."

He looked like  he wanted to say more but then he suddenly passes out and falls to the floor.

Oh my god! I wasn't even done with him.

I was so ready to just leave the club but then I looked back at him once more and felt a bit of pity.

Seriously Alex?!
You are not gonna help him.

You are not gonna help him.

You are not gonna help him.

You are not gonna help him.

You are not gonna help him.

Ughh......... you are gonna help him because you are the better person here.

I walked back to him and crouched to his level and tried to shake him saying, "Dr Wright? Dr. Wright? Time to get up now!"

He barely moves and just groans at me. I don't even know where he lives so how am I gonna get him to where he lives.

I decided to slowly bring him up on a stool and it was excruciating because he was really heavy.

I then put his left arm on my shoulder and started dragging him out of the bar when the bartender yelled, "HEY! He didn't pay for his drinks!"

I groaned and did my best to pull out my card and give it to the bartender to pay for Dr. Wright's drinks. The bartender eventually gave me back my card and I continued to drag Dr. Wright out of the nightclub.

We eventually made it out of the nightclub and I hailed a cab and immediately  shoved him in the backseat.

I got in from the other side of the cab and gave the driver my address. I sank into the seat in relief because my shoulders were finally free from his weight.

The ride wasn't too long until we arrived at my place and I had to drag him out of the cab again and all he did was groan and occasionally said, "Damn interns."

For once I actually appreciate the fact that despite my crappy apartment building, it had an elevator that would make this situation way easier. Although I wouldn't have minded carelessly dragging his body up the stairs.

I took the elevator to my apartment and dragged him towards my front door. In an attempt to get my keys, I accidentally drop him making him groan a little louder than usual.

"Sorry," I said as I finally got my keys from my sling bag and opened my door.

I dragged him inside my apartment as I turned on the lights and I put him on the couch. He continued to groan and mumble gibberish as he sank into my couch.

I went to my room and rummage for big enough clothes for him to wear and thankfully I found a shirt and sweatpants that I stole from my dad before coming to America.

On the way back to him, I grab a small white towel and dampen in.

I made my way to the couch and saw that he was on his way to falling asleep.

I crouch to his level and I started wiping his face with the towel. He groans as I almost poke him in the eye and I continue to wipe the rest of his face.

Savannah was right, he was somewhat attractive. Like a somewhat younger version of David Gandy.

Although I didn't know his age. He was probably not that much older than me and that means he must've been a genius to be in the position where he is now.

I then removed his button down shirt and proceeded to wipe his chest and I found myself admiring his figure.

Well, he looks like he goes to the gym.

I eventually wiped his back and I discarded the rest of his clothes and put him in my dad's clothes.

I sighed as I felt tired from all the events of today. I decided to go and wash myself and change into my pyjamas.

I sighed as I took one last look at a now fast asleep Dr. Wright.

What did he mean by his actions always having a good reason for them.......

It's impossible to think that there's a good reason to be a jerk..... but hopefully he does.

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