✔Mini Us? • [BTS]


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♚ Stalwart - Purple you BTS awards in Van category ♚ ❛ You are Me!! ❜ Jin screamed when he saw a tall cute b... More

1. Transform
2. Where do you came from?
3. Practice Time.
5. Amusement Park
6. Peace
7.Cooking disaster
8. Shopping Mall
9. Fan Meeting
10. Hello! We are Mini BTS!
11. Beach
12. Waves
13. Dream
14. MAMA
15. Family
16. Family pt.2
17. Seoul = Christmas
18. Yoongi
19. Day care
20. Never doing that
21.Taking care of a Baby~
22. Award + Birthday?
23. Kindergarten
24. First day at schools ~
25. Taking care feat.Jin
26. Grocery shopping feat.Jin.
27. Kookie's desire
28.The Mcdonalds
29. Hibernation
30.Field Trip
31. Adventure
32. Lost?
33. Kookie's Day out
34. Normal Weekdays
35. Petting Zoo
36. When your in trouble
37. Lesson time
38.Treats or Dentist
39. Sports day
40. Power out
41. Our sweet Tae
42. Babies Day out
43. BBQ
44 .Orange Fight
45.Rose Petals
Questions part!
46. Tooth Fairy
47 . Gift shop
48 . Wizard Nightmare
49. Last Goodbye
Final : Coming back to you!
Appreciation and Words


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Anneyenhaseo!! Author-nimhinimda! !

Yes, this is an exclusive and special episode which doesn't count as an chapter of the book.

I thought you guys are getting bored living in quarantine for almost months!! So I had an great idea and already started it.

Yes, you guys will enjoy I hope so  (Big Hopes 😅)

So, enjoy!

Btw it will be a little tricky to understand at first but bear with it. You will get it what I mean!! So....without further due!! Let's get it!!


Bangtan's dorm

"Hello, this is Author-nim!! Greeting you from Bangtan's dorm. Yes, I live nearby and yes, I am aware of this virus as well! So, no worries we took care of it. You guys are wondering why all of a sudden I'm updating a 'special episode '? Well, it's being hard to deal with this virus and it's no fun staying at home. So, I thought why don't I make a episode about what can you do meanwhile staying at home? Feat Bangtan and mini's. So,let's go ins-"

'Noooonnnnnnaaaawwwwww!!' The mini's already rushed out while wearing their cute animal themed masks.

"Aigoo! How did you all knew I was coming?!"

"We saw you with the cc TV, author-nim!" J-Hope replies while smiling.

"Ahh!I forgot!"The mini's pulls my sweater and drags me inside.

"Aigooo! Is that Author-nim!" Jin squeals and walks towards us.

"What a surprise, author-nim? !" Jimin stares while being surprised.

"Author-nim, came to make an special episode." Namjoon explains and I nod.

"We have to give some tips and advise to the about what they (readers and viewers )can do meanwhile staying at home. I hope you guys will help me out."I bowed and they all smiled.

"We will try our best." Jimin bows and Kookie tugs in my pant.

"Yes, baby?"

'Kookie ...wawnnaw help. ..'

"Of course you can!"

"Let's set up then. So,everyone fighting!" J-Hope cheers and we started to film.

"So, we will start off with Namjoon and Joon." I said and Namjoon nods.

"Okay,we will work hard."

"Okay! Three, two, one! Go!"

Namjoon's tips:

"Anneyenhaseo! Kim Namjoon-hinimida. Welcome to 'Mono Studio'. Today, me and Joon will give you some advise on what else you can do while staying at home."

'Hope that you all will follow them and stay away from outsider and saty safe at home. Because your safety is more important than anything.'

"Shall we start?"


"Okay, first thing you can do is....you can read some books which you stacked up but didn't had enough to read it. Like example;  adventure type of books will make you feel less bored because it will drift your mind to another world."

'But do remember that you also have to make sure to finish your studies as well. Because if you don't do that, maybe it will be a great loss afterward.'

"Second thing, you can be more creative. Like say, you can write your own book with your creative thoughts or you can make poems which can turn out to be a great song later. "

'Third thing, you can always talk to your friends. Make sure to ask them about their health condition and aware them about staying away from outsiders.'

"That will be from us, thank you so much for hearing and reading. Stay safe everyone." Namjoon waves at the end.

"Cut!" I smiled and waved at Namjoon before walking out to Jin's room.

"Jin , your ready?!!"

"AISHHH! KOOKIE!! GO TO OUR ROOM!!!" Jin screams and Kookie quickly runs out and almost bumped into me.

"Careful!" He grins and runs to Jungkook's room.

"HEYO!! JIN! IT'S ME YOUR BOI!" I banged on the door and Jin peeked out.

"You are a girl!"

"I'm a stranger now shut up!" I sneered and he scoffed.

"Shall we start?"

"Uh!Uh!  Wait! My tea!" Jin pours some tea into his cup and raise one his eyebrows.

"Want some?"

"Are you asking or offering?"

'Maybe both.' Jinie replies while scratching his neck.

"Okay! Jin let's start!"

Jin's tips:

"Anneyenhaseo! I'm Jin. How are you all doing in this boring shit hole."

'Language, hyung.'

"Ah! I forgot! There's many underage readers are here too. My bad! Anyway, I'm here to hype you all up. About what you can do while staying at home."

'Rule one, you can be a chef or baker. Because who knows there's hidden talent inside you. So, you can cook for your family and test your skills '

"Rule two, cleaning up your home and redecorate your room with new stuffs. If you are a ARMY then oh boi! Get your items and arrange them like your life is depending on it."

'Rule three, you can help your siblings with their homeworks or help your parents with house chores and-'

"Jinie....seriously? Who wrote your script?"

'Author-nim did..' Jin puts his hands on his hip and stare at Author-nim.

"Really? 'Help your siblings'?!! Can't you see Kookie? !! His a big brat yet I still adore him!!"

"Aish...I guess your done. Cut! Thank you so much. And thanks for the tea. See ya!" Author-nim waves before getting out or otherwise I had to hear Jin's yelling.

"Now...Suga! " author-nim knocks on Suga's door and slowly it opened.

"Already on me..." He ask while looking around.

"Yeah! My co-host!  It's been a while!" He nods before opening the door for me.


So it's my turn?" Suga ask and I nod.

Suga's tips:

"Ah..hi. I'm Suga. And I hope you all are holding up great in this lock down situation. Be sure to drink alot of water and keep yourself clean."

"That's all?" He nods.

"Nothing else what can they do meanwhile? No advise or something? " He shakes his head.

"What about you, Yoon? "

'Please listen to their new album and support us.'

"That's very small..."

"You could've let me talk more on his behalf!!!" Jin yells from the door.

"Maybe he was right...." Suga shrugs his shoulder.

"Anyways, say your byes."

"ARMY,  love you all. Stay well. See you soon."


"Okay! On to J-Hope! !" I waved at Suga and yoon before leaving their room.

On my way to J-Hope's room, Jimin came to me.

"Ah! Author-nim, are you heading to J-Hope Hyung's room? "

"Yup! Your his roommate right? Then lead me!" He smiles.

"Right this way." I followed him and he gestured me to be quiet because Kookie fell asleep in their room.

"Hyung!" Jimin whispers and J-Hope nods.

"Sorry, but we have to shoot it in the living room." J-Hope says and I nod.

After transforming to the living room.

"Here you go, your tea." Jimin serves us some tea and sat down beside J-Hope.

"Okay! Let's start!"

J-Hope's tips:

"Anneyenhaseo!! I'm your hope, your my hope! I'm J-Hope!"

'And I'm Hope!'

"Today, we will tell you what you can do while staying at home!"

'Tip 1 ; you can exercise and keep you body healthy to deal with this virus! Because immunity is important!'

"Tip 2 ; you can send emails and check up on your friends and family. You have to keep your communication with them as quick as possible because anything can be happen now."

'Tip 3 ; stay healthy and make some delicious food and you can try out some new recipes as well. '

"That's all from us! Thank you for reading! See you soon!  ARMY ! Love you!"

"And cut! That's was great!"

"Author-nim, you should take rest and continue later. " Jimin suggests and I massage my shoulder.

"Yeah, your right..."

"Readers, don't be sad because it takes time to write and keep up with books. So, let Author-nim rest a bit then you will have another chapter of this special episode. So, stay tune~" Jimin smiles and waves.

To be continued ~

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