Smitten Anyway

By Gayatrikothuri

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Angelina and Jacob may like or strongly dislike each other but they are smitten anyway. ***** Drew is Angelin... More

About The Book
My Interview
Chapter 1 : First Day Drama
Chapter 2 : The Drama Continues...
Chapter 3 : Retaliation
Chapter 4 : Let The War Begin Part 1
Chapter 5 : Let The War Begin Part 2
Chapter 7 : Hate Is A Very Strong Word
Chapter 8 : Untamed Night
Chapter 9 : Revelations Part 1
Chapter 10 : Revelations Part 2
Chapter 11 : Maybe History Is Repeating Itself
Chapter 12 : Clubs And Cheerleading Tryouts
Chapter 13 : Google Can Never Fail Me
Chapter 14 : Our Bonding Is More Important
Chapter 15 : Prank War And Cell phones
Chapter 16 : Truce
Chapter 17: New Beginnings
Cover and Banners
Chapter 18: I Will Always Love You
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Jealousy
Chapter 21: Anything For You
Chapter 22: Business Party
Chapter 23: Dad's Baby Girl
Chapter 24: Our Own Always
Chapter 25: Dating Within Friend Group is Awful
Chapter 26: Crazy Is The New Normal
Chapter 27: Hyping Up The School Spirits

Chapter 6 : Fraternizing With The Enemy

150 56 93
By Gayatrikothuri

Angelina’s POV

"We should allow people to go into the pool only after half of the party so that the sober ones can avoid the wilderness." Katie suggests and everyone murmurs in agreement. Asher and Chris are bonding with their team mates while the rest of us are at Sunrise diner planning the party.

"You really think someone will remain sober?" Drake scoffs. Apparently everyone except Draky boy...

"Yes you d*ckhead, not everyone thinks that parties are fun only when you are drunk out of your mind." She counters.

"About that I want have two sections for drinks - one for the people who want to get drunk and one for those who don't." I interrupt before the argument gets even more heated.

"Sweetheart the non alcoholic section will join the alcoholic one before you can even blink." Noah says cheekily.

"I was coming to that Goofy boy; we will take shifts to monitor the drinks and the party. Everyone will be checked so that no drugs enter the party. And it will be a private party only for Stanfield high students, absolutely no outsiders got it?"

"But princess how will we implement that? I mean if the person in charge leaves the drinks to break up a fight or something anyone can slip something in the drinks in the meantime." Justin asks.

"You three are such dumbasses. When I thought we had enough share of dumbasses with our siblings and Chris, you three had to happen." Rosie says smacking her forehead. Katie and I burst out laughing while the said dumbasses give us offended looks.

"Please care to enlighten us low lives your highness." Justin says sarcastically. I didn't think he had a sarcastic bone in his body. Well everyone is full of hidden talents; it just takes the right person to bring them out.

"With pleasure, of course there will be two teams - one which plans to remain sober will monitor the drinks and the other one which plans to get drunk later will check people first and after a certain time will close the entry and then go off to enjoy the party. But they should not be drunk out of their minds so they can help resolve fights. We would need two sober people though so that when people start leaving one can escort the people out and one can monitor the drinks. They will switch and the one escorting people can enjoy the party in the meantime." Rosie explains.

"Thanks Rosie, I couldn't have said it better. Does everyone agree?" They murmur in agreement.

"So who will remain sober?" I ask.

"I will." Rosie and Justin say in unison and then share a look.

"Okay good I will drink later and help at the entry, so who will help me?"

"Count me in sweetheart." Noah says.

"Okay but Drake and Katie please don't drink too much; we may need an extra hand. And yeah we will tell everyone to assign someone as DD for their group so that we are not stuck leaving people at their homes."

"You have got it Tiger, now chill everything will be perfect." Drake says reassuring me. Katie nods.

"Good and one last thing, we will all meet at the triplets' place at 10 AM to decorate it, then lunch and finally the girls will come to my place to get ready."

"10 AM!" Noah and Drake practically shout.


"Princess, these idiots wake up after 10 AM." Justin chuckles "Why don't you girls bring an overnight bag to get ready and crash overnight, we can all then even hang - out the next day. In this way you can save time and come at our place at 11 AM." He suggests.

"Doesn't sound that bad to me..." I look over Rosie and Katie for confirmation and they shrug.

"Fine, 11 AM it is." Noah and Drake whoop.

"Hey guys! Why are you all so excited?" Sophia asks making her way to our table with Emma, Mia, Dasher, and Jacob in tow.

"Hey Soph! We were just planning the party and deciding the time we would meet. Apparently Drake and Noah don't wake up till after 10 AM so we extended the time. That is what has gotten them so excited." Katie answers. Soph and Dash chuckle while Mia and Jacob smirk.

"Hey! There is no harm in sleeping till after 10 AM if you have nowhere to go." Emma pouts. "By the way can we join you guys? After all we are going to spend a lot of time together." The boys look totally lost.

"Sure Em! But we haven't even tried out yet." Rosie says.

"Doesn't matter, of course you girls will be selected if your group dance at the talent show says anything." She says sitting down with the rest of them.

"Thanks for the faith Em." I say smiling at her.

"What tryouts?" Noah asks scrunching up his nose in confusion.

"The cheerleading tryouts of course, haven't they told you? I thought you were all friends?" Mia asks faking shock. That b*tch!

Dasher coughs uncomfortably as Sophia shoots Mia a look while Rosie, Katie and I glare at her. Jacob just sits indifferently.

"Cheerleading tryouts?" Justin says as if testing the words in his mouth.

"Charming, trust me we were going to tell you guys after planning the party. I say.

"Tiger, saying one line wouldn't have taken much time." Drake says. Mia smirks triumphantly.

"You guys are acting as if you need to keep track of everything we do." Katie says getting angry.

"I don't know about you all but I am really excited for them." Noah says and I shoot him a grateful look. "Who wouldn't want to see these hotties in those uniforms?" So much for being supportive.

"Charming, Draky Boy please hit him for me." I say

"Me two!" "Me three!" Rosie and Katie say simultaneously.

"Hey!..." Before he can say anything they start hitting him.

Then my eyes meet those stormy ones and they have something in them that I can't decipher. Then suddenly their owner smirks.

"You never striked me as the cheerleading type, pretty girl." He says.

"I don't seem as a lot of things but that doesn't mean I am not capable of them." I counter and he looks taken aback. Definitely he didn't expect the response. His eyes then get that searching look as if he is trying to understand me, what I am thinking.

"Well princess at least tell us when the tryouts will be so that we can support you girls." Justin says breaking my eye contact with Jacob. Thank God! If I had maintained it for even one more moment he would have found out everything about me - every last secret. Crazy I know, but that's how it felt.

"They are on Monday." I answer.

"Well sweetheart you girls can count on us to cheer the loudest for you all, get it cheering the loudest for cheerleaders." Noah grins.

"Yeah Goofy." I say shaking my head while chuckling. This boy...

Then we all fall into individual conversations and Drake doesn't utter a single word. I have to talk to him later. And on top of that I feel Jacob's stare on me the whole time but I don't give him the satisfaction by acknowledging him.

"Sorry guys, it was nice talking to you all but I have to go. See you tomorrow." Sophia says checking her phone.

"I will drop you. See you all tomorrow." Dasher says standing up.

"Yeah sure, no worries." Rosie answers for all of us.

"I have to go too."Emma says smiling apologetically and I smile back reassuringly.

"Well I think I should go too, Jake would you please drop me?" Mia asks Jacob and with that the whole crew leaves.

"Now that they are gone, Drake what is your problem?" I ask. I think it came out harsher than I thought.

"My problem?" He scoffs "You are the one who is fraternizing with the enemy."

"The hell!"

"Don't act so innocent, we all saw how friendly you were with them and that little staring contest."

"I was friends with Dash and Dyl since a long time ago while Soph and Em have nothing to do with this whole thing. And I am trying out so that I can support my twin. As for the staring contest it was literally that, a staring contest!"

"Who are you kidding?"

"Enough, you can't dictate what we do. As for that staring contest, sure it was intense but only they know what really happened and it isn't your business so back the f*ck off!" Katie exclaims.

"Katie, Anne and Drake please calm down. And Drake even if it wasn't just a staring contest what is it to you? And anyways why do you all hate him so much?" Rosie asks.

Drake silently fumes while both Justin and Noah just look at him.

"You want to know what it is to me. Mia and I were just about to become a couple towards the end of the summer." What? "Then Jacob came into the town and she stopped messaging that often and even started ignoring my phone calls the day before the school began. I was going to confront her but what do I see, she is all over him and is barely even acknowledging me. And he acts like she is the scum of his shoe. Then I thought of the parking lot incident and approached you. I just don't want you to get attracted to him and go through the same." He confesses. Oh my god...

I share a look with the other two girls and we just go and hug him.

"I am so sorry. And I assure you I am far from being attracted to him. If anything, now I dislike him even more." I say reassuring him.

"No your friends are right, I don't control you just be careful if you do get attracted okay?"

"Yeah sure"

"I am sorry too, will a milkshake get me your forgiveness." Katie asks smiling at him.

"Forgiveness can't be bought but it may accelerate the speed."

She just smacks the back of his head playfully and orders one. And the rarest of things happens - Drake smiles and it isn't even those half ones, it is a full genuine smile.

Justin and Noah offer us grateful looks and it seems like a huge burden is uplifted from their shoulders.

After Drake finishes the milkshake we part ways.


"I am home!" I holler.

"We all are in the living room!" Mom hollers back.

"Hello Mom, Dad, Ash."

"Hello sweetie, how was your day? And where were you? Even Ash got home before you." Mom asks

"Hey!" Mom silences him with a look.

"Was at Sunrise diner with friends and Ash was with his new basketball team, bonding. Speaking of which did he tell you the news?"

"He sure did and I have never been more proud of him." Dad answers.

"By the way we are having a party at the triplets' place to celebrate the whole new basketball team. Please keep him and Chris home so that they can't ruin the surprise. And yeah can we stay overnight there so that we can hang - out on Sunday? Please."

"Baby girl I am happy you are making new friends but sleepover at a boy's place." Dad hesitates.

"Ash and Chris will also be with us." I give him the look that says ' You can't break your baby girl's heart'.

"Fine" He surrenders and I hug him.

"Thank you so much! I have to be there by 11am to help with the decorations. Is it okay?"

"Yes sweetie, anything else you want to say?" Mom gives me a knowing look.

"Yeah, I am trying out for cheerleading. The tryouts are on Monday."

The remote falls from Dad's hand and Ash falls off the couch. "You are cheerleading?!"

"Is it that unbelievable?" I say giving them an offended look.

"Yes!" They shout in unison.

"Shut up you two." Mom says giving them a look "And sweetie I am really proud of you and you will definitely get selected. But can I ask why the change of heart?"

"It's our last year so I want to support our school, most importantly Ash." I confess. And send a smile to Ash.

"Aww I knew you loved very much lil sis." He says grabbing me in a bear hug and lifting me up.

"Get off me you idiot!" Dad and Mom just laugh.

"But in all seriousness, thank you twin." He says hugging me properly.

"Anytime twin" I say hugging him back.

"If I have to reach at the triplets' place by 11 I should really go and sleep. Good night everyone!" I say. I hug all of them and then run off to my room.

Now lying on my bed staring at the ceiling, I mentally thank god for giving me such an amazing family and set of friends.


Author's Note

Hey Everyone!

How are you guys? I hope you all like the story so far. And did you all like the cover of the story? I made it with the help from a friend of mine. I tried to give a glimpse of Anne and Ash's home life. What are your thoughts about their parents? Please share your thoughts about the story and its characters.

Have a nice day! 🙃

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