RusAme - 10 things I hate abo...

By Skaizark

41.1K 820 1.8K

Art Cover by: Imaweirddo What do you get when you have a bitchy American, a selfish Canadian, a rebellious Ru... More

Chapter 2 - Expressing Opinions
Chapter 3 - Overprotective Much?
Chapter 4 - Idea
Chapter 5 - Deal
Chapter 6 - I dont think its going to work
Chapter 7 - Ooh! A party!
Chapter 8 - Omfg Brendon No.....
Chapter 9 - Oh no... The Party..
Chapter 10 - Is it me or does this party all of a sudden suck??
Chapter 11 - Cold War... Sorta...
Chapter 12 - 🎶 💙 I love you baby! 💙 🎵
Chapter 13 - Confessing
Chapter 14 - Discussing Prom
Chapter 15 - Prom
Chapter 16 - Crappy Prom 10/10
Chapter 17 - Resolution
Part 18

Chapter 1 - A New Kid

7.8K 107 295
By Skaizark

5 weeks until prom. Almost every country was excited.

There was some girl countries in their convertible car, all talking and giggling and having fun. They were listening to a song, all bubbly and pop-ish, when another car pulled up next to them. It was a dented black truck with rock music blaring through the speakers. The confused countries looked at the girl who was driving the truck.

She was a really powerful and beautiful country (but trying not to be) She had red and blue slightly curly hair in a ponytail. She also had red and white stripes, she had a blue part on her face with star spangled on it, but you can't see her eyes. You can't see them because they were covered with dark sunglasses. She had a black turtleneck and camo pants. The girls looked at her with disbelief, and she gave them a sassy look and drive off to school.

She got out of her car and walked towards her school building, which almost looks like the Wayne Manor. She signed and walked in the building. As she went into the Bat Cave, she passed a poster for the prom. She tore the poster off the wall as she passed. The girl who had been putting the posters up saw her do that and so she yelled, "HEY!" The star-spangled girl ignored her and continued to class.


A nervous boy, with yellow on the bottom of his face, and blue on the top, sat in the Guidance Counselor's office. He had a flower crown sitting on top of his messy golden and slightly blue hair. He sat there with his leg thumping up and down very rapidly.

The Counselor sat at her computer typing something. "Reginald removed his throbbing cock from his panting submissive from underneath him. " (I am sorry about that) Her glasses perched on the edge of her slightly crooked nose. She had a light blue pigmentation, only with a white globe-like design. She wore a gray suit, pretty formal.

The boy cleared his throat. The Counselor, named UN, looked up at the boy. She finally remembered her job. She closed her laptop and looked at his transcript.

"So... Ukraine... Let me see here... Ah ha! 9 schools in the last 10 years... Hmm you are an Army Brat?" She asked while looking at his transcript .

Ukraine fiddled with his thumbs, and answered, "Yes ma'am... My dad is a-"

He didn't get to finish what he was saying and was cut off by UN holding her hand up and saying, " the tut tut tut tut... That's quite enough... I'm sure you won't find this place any different than any of your other schools, it's the same little asswipes everywhere... "

Ukraine was surprised, so he stuttered, "U-uh E-excuse me? What did you just say?" He looked around the office for a second, " A-am I in the right office? "

UN laughed, " Not anymore you're not... Now... I've got deviants to see and a Wattpad story to update... Now SCOOT! " Ukraine paused and had a bewildered look on his face, obviously confused. "Scoot!" UN insisted.

Ukraine hurried out of the office while exchanging a glance with a Tall Boy who was walking into the office. He had a leather jacket, with a blue and white striped shirt and black jeans. He had a gray ushanka on. His hair was shoulder length and was messily attractive. It's color faded through all his colors, almost purple. His flag was white on top, blue in the middle, and red on the bottom.

He sat down on the chair in front of the desk. UN gave the boy a look of disapproval. She looked at the files in front of her.

"Russia Moscow... I see we are making our meetings weekly..."

Russia gave a small smirk and said in his deep Russian accent, "Only so we can have these moment together... Should I get the lights?" He asked smugly.

UN rolled her eyes, "Very clever Slavic... It says here, that you exposed yourself in the cafeteria?"

Russia leaned back in his chair and sighed, "I was joking with the lunch lady... It was a bratwurst..."

UN looked at Russia's face,"Bratwurst? " then trailed down to his groin, then back to his face, "Aren't we the little optimist? Next time, keep it in your pants... Now SCOOT!"

Russia got up and walked out the office. UN sat down at her chair again and opened her laptop again. She changed a word from her previous sentence. "Reginald removed his throbbing bratwurst from his panting submissive."

She looked around suspiciously before being fully indulged in the story.


A boy named Germany stood in the hallway, waiting for the new student. He had thin wire rimmed glasses, he wore a wrinkle free white button up shirt, he wore black slacks. His hair was slicked back, the colors were red, black and yellow. His flag was the same as his hair. He had a clipboard and had a pen. He spotted Ukraine and went up to him, "Berlin comma Germany, nice to meet you..." He shook Ukraine's hand, " I'm supposed to show you around... "

Ukraine sighed in relief, "Oh hi... I'm Ukraine Kiev... You know... They normally send one of those audio/video geeks..."

Germany laughed nervously, "Oh yea... Those geeks..." They had started to walk when a country went up to Germany and asked, "Hey, where should I put these slides?" He held up a bunch of cables and slides, used in audio video clubs.

Germany waved the country away and mouthed, "Go away..." And turned to Ukraine, "So, uh, Ukraine... Here's the breakdown..." As they walked down the hallway Germany explained all the groups on campus.

Germany pointed to a group of pretty countries, "That's your group of basic pretty people... Listen... Unless they talk to you first don't bother talking to them..."

Ukraine asked, "Uh... Is that your rule or theirs?"

Germany answered, "Just watch..." They passed a country so Germany said, "Hello"

The Country that Germany said hi to told him to fuck off geek, so Germany said to Ukraine, "See? Told ya..."

They continued on their way, before Ukraine was distracted by a girl, a girl with red on the side of her face and a red maple leaf in the middle. She had long reddish hair and wore a raccoon hat on her head. She wore a red flannel designed dress and passed them in the hallway.

Ukraine was mesmerized, "Who was that?"

Germany gave a small laugh and said, "The don't even think about it group... That's Canada Ottawa, a sophmore."


Das the end of this chapter! Good day!

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