Final Fantasy 7 Harem X Male...

Von Ninneko7

235K 4.4K 823

Y/N L/N an ex soldier who wants to work as a mercenary but he suddenly meets two people he hasn't seen in fiv... Mehr

Mako Reactor 1
Mako Reactor 1 Pt. 2
Making A Name
Catching Up
A Job For Jessie
A Job For Jessie Pt. 2
A Job For Jessie Pt. 3
A Job For Jessie Pt. 4
Mako Reactor 5
Mako Reactor 5 Pt. 2
Mako Reactor 5 Pt. 3
Mako Reactor 5 Pt. 4
Mako Reactor 5 Pt. 5
Bodyguard Pt.2
Saving Kids
Tour Guide
Back Together Again
Madam M
The Tournament
Helping The Market
Dancing King
The Audition
The Sewers
Train Graveyard
The Fall Of Sector 7
The Fall Of Sector 7 Pt. 2
Test Subjects
The Stairs
The Mayor
Saving Aerith
Hojo's Research
Changing Destiny
The Past
The Past Pt. 2
A New Member
Old Town
Old Friend
Chocobo Race
Study Of Planet Life
Former Turk
The Captain
Damsels In Distress
Date Night
The Spy
Temple of the Ancients
Black Materia
Just In Time
Huge Materia
Hojo's Secret
Saving the Planet
Living Legacy
Three Years Later
Advent Children
Advent Children Pt.2
Advent Children Pt.3
Advent Children Pt.4
Thank You

Money Collector

7.9K 130 49
Von Ninneko7

Y/N was sleeping until he heard a noise so he quickly jumped out of his bed and he could hear the person next door groaning.

Y/N: Guess it's time for introductions.

He grabs his sword and he walks out of his room. He heads next door and stands in front of his neighbor's door.

Y/N: Hey, you okay in there?

The person kept groaning.

Y/N: Coming in.

Y/N opens the door and he looks around the room and his head starts to hurt as he see Sephiroth sitting there. He tries to take out his sword but it gets caught by the doorway. Y/N forces his sword at Sephiroth's way, as Sephiroth was walking towards Y/N, he fell back. Sephiroth kneels on top of him and tries to choke him. Y/N pushes him off and he quickly grabs his sword and was ready to swing his sword at him.

Cloudia: Y/N! What are you doing!?

Tifa: Y/N! Stop!

Y/N: Get back inside!

Sephiroth grabs his ankle.

Y/N: Get off me!

Y/N's head starts to hurt and he sees a vision.


Y/N sees a group of men in robes walking through the strong wind.

???: Reunion... Reunion...

{Vision Ends}

Cloudia tackles Y/N to the ground but he snaps out of it to see a man in robes with a number on his left arm. Tifa runs up next to them.

Tifa: What are you doing to Marco? This is his apartment. He's got a few problems, but he's not a bad guy. The landlady asked me to check on him now and then to make sure he's okay. Can I ask you to do the same?

Y/N: Sure... Cloudia, can you get off of me now?

Cloudia: Oh, sorry.

Tifa helps Marco back to his room and Y/N goes back to his but Cloudia follows him in.

Cloudia: You're sweating, a lot.

Y/N: It's nothing.

Cloudia: Then why did you attack Marco?

Y/N hesitates to answer so Cloudia walks up to him and hugs by putting his head on her chest. Y/N face blushes.

Cloudia: You can always talk to me or Tifa. We're your friends. We always help each other.

She grabs his face and faces it towards hers and Y/N nods. She let's go and walks towards the door.

Cloudia: Good night.

She walks out and closes the door and Y/N goes back to sleep.

{The Next Day}

Tifa and Cloudia were at Seventh Heaven waiting for Y/N.

Cloudia: You know Y/N's gotten masculine.

Tifa: What were you doing to him?

Cloudia: Nothing I was patching up his wound.

Tifa: He was hurt?

Cloudia: Yeah, you didn't notice?

Tifa: No, he played it too well.

Cloudia: (smiles) I'm going to make him mine.

Tifa: I'm not gonna lose to you.

Cloudia: But he likes my boobs since they're bigger.

Tifa: Our breast have nothing to do about winning Y/N.

Cloudia: But they're bigger than yours.

Tifa: Oh, shut up. My boobs are big too but you were just really blessed.

Cloudia: *giggles* By the way where is he?

Tifa: Probably still sleeping.

Y/N was still sleeping in bed but he wakes up after having a nightmare. He gets up from his bed and he grabs his sword and sheathes it on his back. Y/N walks out of his room and he walks downstairs.

???: Well, now. You must be Y/N.

Y/N looks away and sighs.

Marle: I'm Marle, your landlady. So how'd you like the place? You from up on high?

Y/N: I've been around.

Marle: I'll bet. No matter. All kinds come through with all kinds of reasons. If you ever need an ear to bend, I'll lend you mine. Can be about anything even Tifa and Cloudia.

Y/N: What are they to you?

Marle: The granddaughters I never had. And if you hurt them, I'll take it out of your hide. You hear me?

Y/N: Loud and clear.

Marle: Good! Now you'd best get a move on to Seventh Heaven! They got a head start on you and then some.

Y/N makes his way down to Seventh Heaven as he saw many people around the area. Y/N walks up the stairs and opens the door, he sees Cloudia cleaning the tables and Tifa cleaning the cups.

Tifa: Morning!

Cloudia: Good morning, Y/N!

Y/N: Hey.

Tifa: Just so you know, Marlene's still asleep.

Y/N nods and he sits on the table at the counter.

Tifa: Let's get down to business, shall we? These water filters won't replace themselves. Although, the next batch probably could, if Jessie put her mind to it. Most every home in the area has one. Folk love 'em 'cause they practically eliminate the rotten-egg smell. Honestly, they make us more money than this place. And it's easy money too. We bring new filters, collect the old ones, and get paid.

Cloudia: Y/N, what's wrong?

Y/N: I'm not a salesmen. I'm a SOLDIER.

Cloudia: Which is why no one will refuse to pay, dummy.

Tifa: What do you say? Please?

Y/N: *sighs* Let's get this over with.

Tifa: Great. And while we're at it, we'll give you the grand tour.

Y/N follows Tifa and Cloudia outside.

Tifa: Go ahead and keep whatever we collect. Seeing as you didn't bring any luggage, I'm guessing there's stuff you need to buy.

Y/N: Thanks.

Cloudia: We'll pay you the difference after. Barret's out making his rounds too.

Y/N: As long as I get it all today.

Y/N, Tifa, and Cloudia walk into the shop.

Tifa: Hey, there. Here to change out your water filter.

Item Store Owner: Tifa and Cloudia, how you doing? Been waiting for you to--

He looks at Y/N.

Item Store Owner: Wait. Who's he?

Cloudia: Y/N's in charge of collections. He'll take your money.

Item Store Owner: Sounds like a pretty sweet gig! If you ever need someone to fill in, I'm your man.

Y/N: In your dreams, maybe.

Item Store Owner: Huh?

Tifa: Y/N! Uh... since we're here, maybe we should a little shopping?

Y/N: Suppose I could take a look.

Y/N looks what the owner has in stock.

Y/N: I'll take two antidotes.

Item Store Owner: That'll be 160 gil.

Y/N pays for the items he bought and he walks out of the store as Tifa and Cloudia were waiting for him.

Tifa: He's a regular. Stock up here and he might throw in a freebie or two.

Y/N: For you two maybe...

Cloudia: You could try being a little nicer.

Y/N: To get free shit? Not my style.

Tifa: *giggles* Our next stop is Stargazer Heights. Landlady's a client.

Y/N: Just met her.

Tifa: Then you know what to expect. Remember: she's a good friend of Avalanche, so be nice. Please.

Y/N: *sighs* I'll try.

Cloudia pulls his ear.

Cloudia: Don't try do it.

Y/N: Okay.

Y/N follows Tifa and Cloudia to Stargazer Heights.

Tifa: Hey, Marle! Got some filters for you.

Marle: Tifa! Cloudia! My dear, dear girls!

She looks at Y/N.

Marle: Oh. What's he doing here?

Y/N: Working.

Tifa: Be nice! Y/N's helping us with collections.

Marle: You'd better take care of them!

Cloudia: We're pretty good at taking care of ourselves, you know.

Marle: That I do. Still, better him than you two. No charm, no wit. Big sword... but no skills.

Y/N: I've got skills.

Cloudia: Y/N. Be nice!

Y/N: I'm doing my best.

Marle: You're looking awfully glum. Are you getting enough sleep? A good long rest'll cure anything, I tell you.

Tifa: A tried-and-true lesson for life on the ground floor, am I right?

Marle: That you are. Now, your money.

She gives Y/N the money.

Cloudia: Thanks, Marle.

Tifa: Take care of yourself.

Marle: Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

Y/N follows Tifa and Cloudia to the next client.

Tifa: Marle's great. She helped me and Cloudia get set up back in the day.

Y/N: You guys... been here a while now?

Cloudia: Five years, give or take.

Tifa: Never mind that. We've gotta get you your money. Last stop is the weapon store.

They walk inside the weapon store.

Weapons Vendor: Hey! That last filter didn't do shit!

Tifa: We're so sorry about that. Hopefully this one will work better...

Weapons Vendor: Save your excuses and get out!

Cloudia: Well, if you could just settle your bill, we'll be on our way.

Weapons Vendor: The hell? You charging me for your busted-ass goods?

Tifa: Our associate handles payment disputes...

Weapons Vendor: Think you can mosey up in here and have it your way?

Y/N: Pretty please.

He gives the money to Y/N.

Tifa: Thank you very much. Seeing as we're done with our rounds, and you've got a small fortune now, why not take a gander at the weapons?

Y/N: Well... when will Barret be back with the rest?

Cloudia: Before we open up tonight. It'll be a while yet, so what do you wanna do?

Y/N: Don't really know...

Tifa: In that case, I've got a suggestion. Wanna hear it? If you're serious about becoming a merc, then you're going to need to start making connections. "It's not what you know, but who you know," y'know?

Y/N: Hmph. Another lesson for life on the ground floor?

Tifa: Yep.

Cloudia: Connections get you jobs, jobs build your rep, and more rep gets you better connections...

Y/N: How do I start?

Tifa: Hmm... why not help out the neighborhood watch? They're mostly volunteers, but you'll get to know people.

Y/N: Yeah, okay.

Tifa: Didn't see anybody at the office, so let's head up top.

Y/N follows Tifa and Clouda upstairs. He follows them to a room as they see Biggs and Wedge.

Cloudia: Didn't you were holding down the fort.

Wedge: Oh, hey, Y/N. Looking to join the neighborhood watch?

Y/N: That depends. What does this neighborhood watch do?

Biggs: Umm... lots of stuff, really. But our top priority is taking care of any beasts that wander into town. That and teaching the locals how to defend themselves.

Wedge: Like they say: "The only one who'll look out for you is you."

Tifa: Y/N's a great fighter, but only we know that. If no one knows him, no one'll hire him. Thought if he joined the watch, he could get his name out there.

Wedge: That would work for everybody!

Biggs: Truth be told. we could really use your help. We can't pay you in gil, but we'll work something out. For example... Aha, what about your sword?

Y/N steps back.

Biggs: I could mod it for you.

Y/N: No thanks. It's fine just the way it is.

Biggs: You some kind of purist? I know I'd never pass up a chance to improve my gear. C'mon... at least let me show you how it's done.

Y/N takes out his sword and he looks at it. He gives his sword to Biggs as he modifies Y/N sword. While Y/N was waiting but he started to get a little nervous for his sword.


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