I Played The Player

By LaciDenise

186K 5K 827

Katherine Dominguez is your typical high school junior, trying to figure out how to juggle homework, band, an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Five

10.5K 385 64
By LaciDenise

Haha wow. I got on the website today, and my notifications were just crazy. I had four or five different people adding to lists, voting, etc., I love it! Everyone makes me so happy, you have no idea.

I hope you enjoy!

Edited for your enjoyment!


     Alyson was definitely something else. She was different than the girls Bailey normally went out with, and she found herself liking it a lot. She actually knew more than just who the Kardashian sisters were dating at that moment; she could keep a decent conversation going, about a multitude of subjects, knew how to play the guitar, (something Kat had known how to do since fifth grade,  but kept quiet about, something she was thankful for.) and was very adventurous, willing to try new things with Bailey. In that aspect,  Kat was also different. She didn't care about what everybody else thought, she did what made her happy, spoke her mind about everything and anything. They were both so different from everybody else, and yet almost completely the same when compared to each other.


     "My father left my mom when I was 10. He had been cheating with our neighbor's wife for who knows how long. He had also been cheating on her with a different woman for longer than that." The lines between Alyson's forehead appeared, something Bailey noticed happened whenever she was worried or concerned. The two girls were on another date, this time at a quiet restaurant downtown, somewhere they could get away from everyone they went to school with. They had had too many people stopping by at the small cafes and restaurants close to their neighborhood.

     "I'm sorry honey," Alyson replied, taking Bailey's hand in hers. "Have you talked to him or anything since?"

     Bailey shook her head.

     "He moved to another state not too long after. He used to send me cards for Christmas, and my birthday. Once in a while, there would be a Valentine's card, too. One year, he sent me a picture of his new wife, and my baby sister, Kathleen. My mom found the picture, and after that, the card slowed down to one or two a year, then altogether they stopped coming."

     Alyson just nodded her head, her bottom lip trembling a bit.

     "Its his loss."


     "Do you think that could be a possibility for why you do what you do?" Kat never sugar coated anything. She got right to the point of what saying what she wanted to say, screw what everyone else thought. Some of the time, it was sweet, and the rest of the time, words seemed to pop out of her mouth without her thinking about it. It happened more often than not, leaving Bailey with aching sides from laughing so hard and Kat's face redder than a tomato.

     "It might. I mean, I have no real explanation for dating three girls at one time."

     "Except for you wanted to see if you could actually do it, right?" she also didn't hesitate to call Bailey out on things, something she had been doing more and more in their interactions. Anytime Bailey's attention wandered from what they were supposed to talking about, tutoring or otherwise, Kat didn't hesitate to bring her attention back with a short snap.

     "Got me there," Bailey smiled, and Kat just rolled her eyes.

     "You do that a lot, you know. Roll your eyes."

     "Its an allergic reaction to whenever I hear bull," Bailey barked out a laugh, completely caught off guard with Kat's answered. Kat gave a small smile this time.


     "They sound like the type of girl you need. If they could somehow be combined into one, they would be the perfect woman."

     Bailey narrowed her eyes at her best friend

     "And what's that supposed to mean?"

     "Get your boxers out of a bunch. The only thing I'm saying is look at the girls you've dated so far: stuck up, rude, obnoxious brats that don't care about you. And here you have not one, but two very pretty girls, who not only care, but have the balls to put you in your place."

     "Yeah.. but how can they both be the girl I need?"

     "Well, look at it this way; Alyson is caring, funny, smart, and super hot. Kat is smart, but she's got this 'take no prisoners' attitude about her sometimes that really intrigues someone. Alyson is the type of girl you want, while Kat is the girl you actually need. Someone that will not only put up with your crap, but will also stick by your side when things get rough."

     "And when did you become such an expert in things?" Matt just smiled, that vague smile that Bailey hated.

     "I never said I was an expert. I just... observe." Bailey shook her head at his even vaguer answer.


     "How did your test go?' Kat asked, sitting down beside Bailey a couple days later; the brunette handed her the test test paper from her Chem 3 class and watched her eyes light up. "Dude! This is awesome!"

     "Its all thanks to my tutor. She's a wonderful teacher," Bailey smiled, causing Kat to blush. She wasn't used to compliments from anyone, much less Bailey. That day she was wearing a light blue v neck, with a black vest layered over it, blue jeans, and her favorite pair of converse. Kat wasn't wearing any make up, and Bailey found herself preferring it; Kat was naturally pretty, her skin tone helping to make her unusual eye color pop, and her lips had a natural pink tint most girls would kill for.

     "I bet. I'm so proud of you!" Kat hugged Bailey then, a brief side hug before pulling away to look at the other girl.

     "You look really nice today," Bailey commented.

     Kat's cheeks became a darker shade of red, and she looked away from the other girl, picking at her cast.

     "Thank you," she responded quietly. A smile was still playing at her features, and her earlier excitement was fairly buzzing around her.

     "So how about I take you out. To thank you."

     She sobered up, all traces of excitement gone. "I can't. I'm busy,"

     "Whaa? You're rejecting free food?" Bailey had intended it as a joke, but Kat didn't smile. "What's wrong?" the girl Bailey was becoming to know never rejected food. She ate so much, it left her was constantly looking Kat over and wondering where she put it all.

     "Nothing. I'll talk to you later, Bailey." she quickly left.

     Matt was right; she was definitely intriguing.


     Alyson said:How was school?

     I said: My tutor freaked out on me lol

     Alyson said: Lmbo why??

     I said : I thinks its cause I either called her pretty or wanted to take her out to thank her

     Alyson said: Wow that's weird

     I said: Yeah but it'll happen eventually

     Alyson said: Just gotta have faith


     Alyson never seemed to be phased by anything. She always has this 'happy-go-lucky' attitude about her, and she never got mad or jealous that Bailey was with Kat a lot, or that sometimes their dates would have to be pushed to another day or cancelled altogether. It was a total change up from the attitudes Bailey had become used to dealing with from girls. Of course, it was refreshing, getting to talk to and hang out with a girl that didn't let a thing like jealousy or insecurity ruin what they had going on. Bailey had just figured with the amount of time they had been spending together, Alyson would get a little jealous.

     "What if I told you... my tutor had a crush on me?" Alyson stopped what she was doing, and stared at Bailey with this look of her surprise on her face. They were at dinner, this small hamburger joint all the high school kids frequented.

     "Really? That's interesting." Bailey switched tactics.

     "Oh yeah. A huge crush. Its cute, really."

     "That is cute," Alyson answered, smiling.

       Bailey waited until she took a bite of her food to continue.

     "You and her are a lot alike,"Bailey noted.

      Girls hated to be compared to each other.

     "Oh? She must be nice then,"

     The girls Bailey knew hated to be compared to each other, at least.

     "She is. She's sweet, smart, keeps on me about my school work, and she's got this 'take no prisoners,' attitude about her that I admire." Bailey smiled, thinking about it.

     "It almost sounds like you have a crush on her, too." Alyson said, kinda smiling at her, an eyebrow lifted softly.

     "How can I, when my attention and heart are yours?" she dropped her fries in her lap, ketchup smearing across her jeans.


     "I think I'm in love with you, Alyson."

     That hadn't been the way Bailey wanted to confess her feelings, but there was no taking it back now. Bailey had realized sometime earlier in the week that she had undeniably fallen in love with the girl, and had planned to tell her later that evening when they were on their way back to Alyson's house.


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