Behind Enemy Lines (Dramione)

By WoodsyBear06

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(Marriage Law) Our Favourite Bookworm is back for a new and exciting twist in fate. Hermione has a secret, an... More

Chapter 1: The Morning Of
Chapter 2: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3: How The Hell Did That Happen?
Chapter 4: Mind-boggling
Chapter 5: The First Saturday
Hogsmeade and The Three Broomsticks
I Know Your Secret
Games with the Devil
Movie Night
Back To Class
The Mixer
Another Day Off
Things Are Changing
The New House
Perfect As The Ocean
Breaking It
The Next Generation

They Can Never Know

604 7 3
By WoodsyBear06

******Draco's POV******

*3 Years Later*

"Ready for you're birthday gift?" I asked her coming up from behind and wrapping my arms around her waist. "Ready as I'll ever be she laughed. I let her go, taking her hand and picking up my youngest daughter Lyra with my other. I looked around, calling for my 2-year-old sons. Scorpius and Theodore came running towards us. "Are you really to show your mom her birthday surprise?" I asked them as they both grabbed hold of our adjoin hands. I looked over at my now wife, holding my 3-year-old. "Don't worry, you'll love it" Elena said grabbing my wife's cheeks and giving ber a big kiss. "Ready, hold on tight, one, two three!" I said and apparated us. I instantly felt the warm breeze as my feet hit that hand. The smell of the ocean surrounding us. 

"Welcome to your new home, I said as Hermione took in her surroundings." Right away tears sprang to her eyes. "A house on the beach" She said, more to herself than anyone else. "This is the Mea Huna Moku, the secret island, our island" I told her letting it sink in. "You bought an island?" She asked looking at me wide-eyed. "Just like I told you I would, that day on the beach" I told her, kissing her forehead. "Draco, I'm at a loss for words. I can't possibly tell you how much I love you and this and everything we've built together." She said putting Elena down and settling into my arms with Lyra. 

"You tell me every day, just by being with me. We are risking everything being together, yet there hasn't been a single day, where you haven't been by my side, completely devoted to us and our family." I told her kissing them both. She would never know how much it meant to be that she decided to stay, that day in McGonagall's office. 

We took a seat on the sand watching Ellie, Scorp and Theo play, while Lyra slept in Hermione's arms. "They can never know Draco." She said out of the blue, looking out at our happy, beautiful children. "Knowing this would change their lives. Not only are they be natural heirs to Salaraz Slytherin, but they would also be the grandchildren of the Voldemort, 3/4 Veela and, well you know." She said looking terrified. 

"I know beautiful," I said pulling her into my side. "But that heritage could make them the most powerful wizards and witches our world has ever seen and they will have to know how to deal with that, eventually. They will also have to know they are Veela's, which is going to lead to more questions, so sooner or later, we will have to tell them." I told her and she nodded, knowing I was right. 

"Until then though, they are Malfoys, and having that much veela, they will likely enchant everyone around them, so at least we know they will be popular," I said and winked at her, making her laugh. "Do you remember what your mom said that day in McGonagall's office?" She asked looking up at me. "Vividly, which part?" I asked, wondering where this was leading. "About your father running charms on you" I said breaking eye contact with me. "You've been thinking about that as well?" I asked her, relieved that it wasn't just me. 

"I'm so conflicted, your mother said they were noninvasive and they never hurt you. This makes me think maybe we should look into that, knowing our children's heritage, but on the other hang, part of it feels wrong." She said looking at Lyra in her arms. "I know what you mean, I feel the same way, but at the same time, look at where we are. If my father had not done that, I could be dead right now. If he only bothered to see you ask Andromeda's daughter, we would never be together, my mother wouldn't have fought for us to be together." I told her, trying to talk it out. 

"I know, I thought the same things. I just want to be prepared, you know? There are four of them and two of us, and they could have any number of abilities we have no idea how to deal with" She said concern clear on her face. "We can't tell them anything until they are 18 so until then the only way they can be prepared is through us." She added, making a lot of sense. "Let's way it out, what are the possible things they can inherit?" I asked her, as she summoned a piece of parchment to make a list. 

"Salazar was powerful and his traits have so far carried on to everyone, except me." She said looking at me. "Have you attempted to use them?" I asked her, wondering how she knew that for sure. "No, as soon as I found out, I avoided them like the plague." She said looking at me concerned. "Well darling, it might be time to start practicing," I told her, can she knew I was right, it would be the only way to help them. 

"So what are we looking at here?"I asked as we both thought about family heritage.

"Parseltongue and Legilimens were two things Salarzar excelled in, and so it Voldemort" She said, knowing there was a good chance, if she tried, she would also have those abilities. "He was also, highly skilled in charms, which explains I'm sure why you have such an affinity for it," I told her, which thankfully she took it as the compliment I intended it to be. "I think my father is the one we need to worry about. According to McGonagall, he was a magical prodigy, ten times as powerful as Salazar. She said if it weren't for him dividing his soul, it would have been impossible to kill him." She said, the look on her face giving away how much the memory pained her. 

"Do we know what those traits are?" I asked her, hoping McGonagall had divulged. "Well to start, duelling, and of course potions. Like Slytherin, he was highly skilled at charms, as well. McGonagall said he had an affinity for elemental magic, she said he could manipulate all the elements but had a special connection with fire. Luckily we live on our own island so if our children do develop that, we can attempt to teach them to control it here." She said starting to explain. "Memory modification and apparition are also big ones. If they start apparating young, they could get lost and hurt, not to mention expelled for underage magic. Which is another thing, he was exceptional at controlling his underage magic, he used wandless magic just as often as wand magic" She said, looking more and more nervous the more was talked about it. 

"It's going to be okay, as long as we are prepared, let's keep going," I told her looking down at Lyra. "Okay, Occlumency, which might be a good thing. Voldemort was good at reading mines, but he was equally as good as closing his mind to people using it on him. Which is good, it will keep them safe if they can use it right." She said sighing. 

"He had the power of possession too, I saw if on multiple occasions while he was staying at the manor. And when he possed Professor Quirrell first year." I added, that being something I was not excited about. "On the upside, he was really accomplished and highly skilled in Flying, Transfiguration and DADA. He was able to fly without support and was said to be unrivalled by anyone in the wizarding world in transfigurations. He was one of the few wizards able to create working spells as well." I told her, remembering hearing from Snape, several if his best-known skills 

"Draco, add us to this and the list seems impossible to control. You are highly skilled at, at least 7 of those things and so am I. Not to mention what I must have gotten from my mother. McGonagall is right, no one will stand a chance against them" She said tears spilling over her eyes. I could tell she was terrified. "Let's talk to McGonagall. We can take the kids to Zabini and go in early tomorrow, see what she thinks of the charms and see if it would be a good idea to test them. There is no way they all have all of those abilities it just isn't possible." I told her. She seemed comforted by the idea. 

We gathered the kids and walked into our new house. All worry of the future, temporarily forgotten. 

******HERMIONE'S POV******

*The next morning*

I tossed and turned a lot thought the night, worried about what the outcome of today would be. When I finally saw the sun rising, I quietly got out of bed and walk onto the beach. Since the island was private, we never put a wall up in our room. It was entirely open on one side to the beautiful ocean view and breeze. Just ask I sat in the sand, I heard our bedroom door open. I turned around seeing out little Elena paddling her sleepy little feel and looking up to the bed. I called her name quietly, so I wouldn't wake Draco and she ran out to me. 

"Mummy, I had a scary dream again" She said for the third time this week. "The same one baby?" I asked as she crawled onto my lap. She nodded her head, wrapping her little arms around me. "It's going to be okay Jellybean, I promise" I said kissing her forehead and letting her fall back to sleep in my lap. Not long after Draco came up and sat behind me. "What do you think it is?" He asked, whispering in my ear. "I honestly don't know, all she says is that she sees a little boy, then hears him calling her name." I told him, completely bewildered. "Has she described the boy? I know she's only three but she's smart" He said looking out at the ocean. "No, I asked her, she says she can see a little boy but she can't see him enough to describe him." I told him. "The faceless boy, how terrifying that must be for her" He said wrapping his arms around the two of us. 

"We should get them up and ready. I think they should just come with us, there is no sense is bringing them to Blaise, only to have to go right back and get them if McGonagall says yes." He said, and I caught the drift that he anticipated that would be her answer. I nodded in agreement and we both stood up, Elena in my arms. 

After we were all dressed and ready for the day, we apparate to Hogwarts, heading straight for the headmistresses office. When we arrived at the door, McGonagall was already waiting for us. "Malfoy's, I was anxiously anticipating your arrival. I sense a great strain, what seems to be the matter?" She asked ushering us into her office. "We have been discussing something and wanted your opinion, Professor" I said as we sat down with the kids. "Please, Hermione, you have been working here for years now, it is due time you call me Minerva, now what is the issue?" She said sweetly. "Do you remember, years ago when we sat down with you and Narcissa, when you told me who my mother was? Well that same day we discuss Draco, and the tests Lucius had done on him when he was young" I said hoping she would remember. "Ah yes, I was wondering when you would ask me about this" She said surprising us. 

"Under normal circumstances, I would say that it's more trouble than its worth, but in this case, we have some very powerful future witches and wizards on our hands." She said, thinking the same thing we did. "If you wish, I can prepare the charms and cast them today for you" She offered, providing the smallest bit of relief for me. "You don't know how much we would appreciate that, thank you!" I said, eternally grateful. "There is one thing I must caution you though" She said pausing and looking at the both of us. "There is a strong presence of affinity for the dark arts on both sides of your family. If we catch it now we can ensure they follow the right path, but I do want you to prepare yourself that it is possible that any of them could have an affinity for it." She said and we looked at each other, having both silently considered it. 

"We understand Minerva, thank you" I said looking at our children. "Very well, I will start with Elena, you can leave her here with me and I will come find you when I am finished. Feel free to bring the other with you to your classes, or drop them with Hagrid, whichever suits you best" She said and we thanked her again. Ellie went willingly with her, having always love being around Minerva. 

"I'll take Lyra if you want to take the boys, I have a feeling they will enjoy being in your classes far more than mine."I told him and he willingly agreed. I made my way down to the Charms classroom, setting up for this morning's lesson. I transfigured a stack of books into a highchair of sorts and sat Lyra in it just as the classroom started to fill. 

*8 Hours Later*

****** DRACO'S POV******

I met Hermione outside the transfigurations room with Elena and Theodore, once my potions class had left. To say I was nervous was an understatement, I was terrified. Not of our children, but of whether or not we would be enough for them, to help them become who they needed to be. Hermione exited her classroom with the same look on her face as I had. "Ready?" I asked her and she nodded silently. 

"Mummy, are we going to come here one day?" Elena asked as we walked back to McGonagall's office."Of course you will! This is the best school in the entire wizarding world." I told her, not going into further detail. Soon after, we arrived at the door and McGonagall was standing, waiting with Lyra in her arms. She had a smile on her face, which I hoped meant good things. She handed me Lyra and welcomed up into the office. "Shall we get started?" She asked and we both nodded. 

"I would first like to start by saying that you were right to get this done. I had thought, knowing the abilities of their ancestors, and both of you, they would be powerful, but they far exceeded what I had though. Now I know the two of you are powerful all on your own, but please, if you need help in the future, ask for it. Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." She said quoting Dumbledore. "Now, lefts begin, I understand you may only be concerned with magical abilities, none the less I will give you the full report. You should also know that it seems, the more children you have, the more powerful they become." She told us picking up the first piece of parchment. 

"Elena Amelia Malfoy, Born: 6th March, 2000, Parents: Draco and Hermione Malfoy. Blood Status: Pureblood, Species: 3/4 Veela, 1/4 Human, Gender: Female, Adult Height: 5'7" Hair colour: Golden Blond, Eye Colour: Blue, Wand: 10" Hawthorn, Dragon Heartstring Patronus: Tiger, House: Slytherin, Inclination to Sport: Quidditch - Chaser, Strongest Magical Abilities: Occlumency/ Legilimens, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Wandless Magic, Flying, Duelling, Charms and Alchemy," She said and I let out a sign of Relief "Apart from being a Veela, she above average, but very manageable," I said and Hermione nodded in agreeance

"I would have to agree with you, additionally, her mate will be James Potter" She said and we looked at eachother, not sure what to say. "Shall we move on?" She asked and we both nodded.

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, Born: July 12, 2001, Parents: Draco and Hermione Malfoy. Blood Status: Pureblood, Species: 3/4 Veela, 1/4 Human, Gender: Male, Adult Height: 6'0", Hair Colour: Golden, Blond, Eye colour: Blue-Grey, Wand: 18" Hawthorn, Pheonix tail feather, Patronus: Basilisk, House: Slytherin, Inclination to Sports: Quidditch - Chaser, Strongest Magical Abilities: Magical Mastery, Duelling, Potions, Charms, Elemental Magic Mastery, Apparition, Occlumency and Legilimency, Flying, Parseltongue, Defense Against the Dark arts, Wandless Magic, Charisma, Intimidation Mastery, Physical Aptitude, Intellectual Genius." She finished, looking up at us. "His mate will be Dominique Weasley" I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to calm my nerves. This is what we feared. 

"Please, continue," Hemione said pulling Scorpius up into the chair with her as I pulled Theo up. McGonagall nodded her head and picked up the next page. 

"Theodore Damon Malfoy, Born: July 12, 2001, Parents: Draco and Hermione Malfoy. Blood Status: Pureblood, Species: 3/4 Veela, 1/4 Human, Gender: Male, Adult Height: 6'0", Hair Colour: Golden, Blond, Eye colour: Blue-Grey, Wand: 16" Hawthorn, Unicorn Hair, Patronus: Wolf, House: Slytherin, Inclination to Sports: Quidditch - Beater, Strongest Magical Abilities: Magical Mastery, Duelling, Potions, Charms, Transfigurations, Memory Modification, Elemental Magic Mastery, Apparition, Occlumency and Legilimency, Flying, Parseltongue, Defense Against the Dark arts, Wandless Magic, Charisma, Intimidation Mastery, Physical Aptitude, Intellectual Genius." She finished again, looking up at us. "His mate will be Juliet Finnigan" This just keeps getting worse.

"Are you both okay? You look ill" She said and I looked over at Hermione. "We can do this, I know we can professor. They are part of us, we might be a powerful family, but we are also a good one" Hermione told her and I took her hand, looking down at the newest member of our family. "Shall we finish with Lyra then?" McGonagall asked "Yes, please" I said quickly, this one would be worst of all. My little Lyra.

"Lyra Alexia Malfoy, Born: August 14, 2002, Parents: Draco and Hermione Malfoy. Blood Status: Pureblood, Species: 3/4 Veela, 1/4 Human, Gender: Female, Adult Height: 5'5", Hair Colour: Golden, Blond, Eye colour: Green-Grey, Wand: 16" Elder, Dragon Heastring, Patronus: Pheonix, House: Slytherin, Inclination to Sports: Quidditch - Seeker, Strongest Magical Abilities: Magical Mastery, Duelling, Potions, Charms, Transfigurations, Memory Modification, Control of Underage Magic, Power of Possession, Elemental Magic Mastery, Apparition, Occlumency and Legilimency, Flying, Parseltongue, Defense Against the Dark arts, Wandless Magic, Charisma, Intimidation Mastery, Physical Aptitude, Intellectual Genius and Indomitable Willpower." She finished nnot making eye contact this time. "Her mate will be Lorcan Scamander" 

You must understand, for the twins and Lyra especially that they are going to be, like nothing out world as ever seen and while they may be good, they are also part Veela. This means they will posess additional powers the only their mate can calm. It is important, that you they are with their mates before the curse is activated. Elena I am not as oncurned about. She will be extraordinary no doubt, but her silbing..." She said not finishing her sentence, letting the realizy of this sink in. 

"You must never tell them, under any circumstances this exact information, they cannot know how powerful they each are, especially compated to one another. I also recommend not telling them about their veela heritage until the last moment, right before their 18th birthday, additionally, never tell them their future, if you do, they may try to make it happen, which will go extremely wrong." She cautioned us. We both nodded and I was more than ready to leave when Hermione sat forward, ready to ask more. 

"Minerva, I have two other quick questions. Rose and Hugo, will they inherit any of this from me?" She asked the first questions. I hadn't even thought out that if I was being honest. "No, Hermione. When you gave your blood, it was simply to provide the female hormone component and formulate the eggs. They have no true connection to you as fare as DNA or characteristics or magical abilities go." She informed us which was both surprising and a huge relief. "The last thing, if you don't mind me asking. How many of these abilities so I have?" She asked, another things I didn't think of asking. 

"Ms. Granger, after finding out your origin as a witch, Professor Dumbledore, performed these very same spells on you, using nonverbal magic. We have results for you as well. You are all the same magical abilities as Lyra, with the exception of control of underage magic, intimidation mastery and flying. Luckily, Draco does posess these abilities, based on the tests he was given as an infant. Together you have all the tools you need to be almost as powerful as they are, you need only train yourselves." She said, trying to read our expression. 

"Thank you Minerva, we really appreciate you doing this for us. I think we should go, we need time to let this all sink in" I said, taking Lyra from Hermione and grabbing Elenas hand. "You are most welcome Draco. Please, let us know if you need anything at all" She said smiling.

"Wait headmistress. I didn't hear you mention Dark Arts, do none of them possess an aptitude for it?" I asked looking back at her. "Mr. Malfoy, your children are extrordinary human beings, they will master any and all forms of magic they can learn. It is your jobs to ensure they do not learn that one" She said and my stomach dropped. Hermiones eyes shot to mine, looking terrified. I took her hand as she took the boys and we aparated home. 

"Draco..." She said at a loss for words. "I know but its okay, they don't have a reason to use it, lets make sure that is always the case" I told her and kissed her forhead. 

We can do this. We will make them into the greatest witches and wizards this school has seen. 

For more on the next generation, read the sequel, Dramione: The Next Generation.

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