The New Beta(Liam Dunbar Fanf...

By Teenwolfmccallpack

146K 1.9K 469

Alyssa McCall is Scott McCall's little sister. You know, the True Alpha who is always running into trouble? W... More

The Dark Moon(pt.1)
The Dark Moon(pt.2)
The Benefactor(pt.2)
Another Day(bonus chapter pt.1)
Another Day(bonus chapter pt.2)
Authors Note :(
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.1)
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.2)
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.3)
Pain and Forgiveness(bonus chapter)
Author's Note
A Bit of Love
~I'm Alive Guys~

The Benefactor(pt.1)

12K 126 4
By Teenwolfmccallpack

I was up on the roof of the hospital with Stiles's dad, after he had Deputy Parrish take everyone else off/away from the roof.

I looked around at the bloody teenage boy, not only smelling his blood, but another's.

"So, I'm guessing you've been there long enough to know we need to make this quick," Sheriff Stilinski told me. "Scott said him and Alyssa heard this kid call himself a wendigo."

"Cannibalistic shape-shifters," I told him. "But I haven't heard of them in Beacon Hills for a long time. Must of been well hidden. How many people did Scott say we're up here?" I still smelt another persons scent along with Scott's, Alyssa's, the wendigo's, and the murderer.

"Just him, Alyssa, Sean, and the axe murderer, who apparently had no mouth," Sheriff informed me. "You don't know anything about that, would you?"

"There was someone else," I told him, the fact I could smell the fear and blood of this other person was nagging at me.
"Someone young, and male."

"You smell his fear?," Stiles's dad asked.

"And his blood," I said, looking at him
After about half an hour later, I heard Scott walk in and go straight upstairs, not even seeing if I was OK, even though I was still crying. I heard him unroll some duct tape, then he started talking on the phone to someone. A few minutes later, I heard someone else opened the door. I looked up from my spot on the floor to see Stiles walk in.

"Hey Al...Oh my gosh, are you OK?," he asked, voice full of concern, as he helped me up.

"Glad someone cares," I grumbled. "And no I'm not," I added.

"What do you mean, 'glad someone cares'? What happened?," Stiles questioned.

"I was crying for at least an hour, not gonna go into why yet, and when Scott came in a little bit ago, he ignored me and rushed upstairs," I explained, as Stiles hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, grateful for the comforting gesture.

"Um, you don't know why he rushed, do you?," he asked.

"What?," I responded.

"It had something to do with Liam," Stiles stated, pulling away from me, grabbing my hand, and leading me up the stairs. I thought I smelt someone else when Scott came in.

"What? Is he ok?," I asked in a rush.

"I don't know, Scott just said something happened with him, you were there, and he said to come over," he informed me. Oh, great. So now he is telling people that we bit Liam.

Hopefully it was just Stiles, I don't want the rest of the pack knowing yet.

"You didn't tell your dad about Liam, did you?," Scott asked Stiles as soon as we got in his room, ignoring me.

"I'm okay, thanks for asking. I only cried my eyes out for about an hour because the only friend I have outside the group, besides Liam's best friend Mason, probably hates me now," I said to Scott, glaring at him. He looked at me apologetically.

"No. Besides, you barely told me about Liam," Stiles replied to him. "What'd you do with him anyway?"

"He's, ummm lying down," Scott replied. He then led the 3 of us to his bathroom. Stiles pulled back the shower curtain, after Scott pointed to the bathtub, to reveal Liam, tied up with duct tape, and had duct tape over his mouth. Liam looked terrified, and was breathing heavily. He started whining towards me and Stiles, basically begging us to help him.

"SCOTT," I screamed, and he flinched.
I went to untape Liam, but Scott grabbed me and pulled me back. I instantly started snarling and pulling against him, while Stiles closed the curtain. Scott and Stiles walked over, and sat down on Scott's bed, Scott still holding me back.

"So you 2 bit him," Stiles stated after I finally stopped struggling against Scott.

"Yeah," Scott replied, and I sighed.

"And you kiddnapped him," Stiles said.

"Yep," Scott replied.

"Apparently," I stated angrily.

"And you brought him here," Stiles pointed out.

"I panicked," Scott told him, releasing me.

"This isn't gonna end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert is it?," Stiles asked. Liam's whimpers got louder. I ignored Stiles, finally having enough of Scott's behavior.

"You think I didn't panic, Scott?I bit him too, in case you forgot," I shot, glaring at Scott. "Then I literally ran home and cried for an hour, but the person to ask if I was okay wasn't you, no, but our best friend. He's more like my brother than you are. All's you seem to worry about is you, and the rest of our friends. You don't ever pay attention to me, except for the couple of times you came in here when I had a nightmare, though you probably did that to shut me up, since it's usually mom that comes in here, or even dad. Don't forget that dad left us and worse, but he acts like he cares about me more than you. For crying out loud the man freakin beat me when I was little because he hated me so much, he hated that mom had a girl! But he still comes to me in the middle of the night, probably to try beat me again or something, and granted I scream at him to leave. But you probably don't care that he did abuse me while no one was looking! You would probably take over for him now! Sometimes you act like I don't even exist." Scott opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.
"It hurts, you know that? Wait, you probably don't care since you never ask if I'm ok, you never see what's going on in my life, it's all about you and your friends. Well they are my friends too, but still. I'm done, I'm going for a walk, and probably not coming back home tonight. Don't talk to me, Scott, and don't you DARE hurt Liam," I yelled.
I dashed out of his room, and into mine. I threw some clothes into my backpack, then bolted downstairs, and out the door. I briskly walked down the street towards Lydia's house, since she is practically like my sister, the same way Allison was. I didn't care if what I said was harsh, I meant every word of it. I probably won't talk to Scott for a while, but I will still hang with the group, even if he's there. I'll just ignore him.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't hear the footsteps run up behind me. Next thing I know, I'm falling face-first towards the ground. I immediately front break-failed, my face a few inches from the ground, the other person landing on my back, sending pleasant tingles through me. They were familiar, but I was too angry to figure out why.

"Ouch, watch were the hell you're going," I snapped, and I felt the person get off me.

"Alyssa?," a familiar voice asked.

"Liam?," I questioned as I rolled over onto my back. Well tried to anyway, since my backpack was there.

"Here," he said helping me up, sending the tingles back through my body. I guess his foot is fine now.

"Thank you," I told him. "And I'm really, REALLY sorry, about betting on Scott and Stiles, then about biting you a little bit ago. I know you don't really understand what happened, but I'll explain later." Speaking of later, I hope he survives the bite- well, bites; it would crush me if he didn't.

"Um, okay?," he replied. "And I forgive you. Besides, you're not the one that kiddnapped me."

"Yea, sorry about that. If it helps, I'm not talking to my brother," I told him as I started walking towards Lydia's house again. "Oh, here let me see your arms." I stopped walking again, and started rummaging through my backpack. I pulled out the small first-aid kit I always carried with me. Don't ask me why, I just do. probably because Stiles and Lydia don't have supernatural healing, so I keep it with me just in case.

I pulled out some dressings, then gauze, and patched up Liam's arms, like a professional.
Thank you mom.

"Thanks," he said.

"No problameo," I replied, then smiled at him.

"Hey, are you OK? I heard your fight with Scott, you know, since I was in his bathtub," Liam asked me. My smile fades instantly.

"I'm fine," I snapped, looking away.

"Oh, okay," he said quietly.

"I'm sorry, Liam, I didn't mean to snap. I'm glad you care, but I don't want to talk about it," I replied, looking at him, and giving him a small smile.

"It's fine," he reassured. "I understand."

We stood there for another minute, smiling at each other, until we heard 2 sets of feet running in our direction.

"ALYSSA," I heard Stiles, my brother from another mother, shout.

"LIAM," Scott shouted. Of course he wasn't the one shouting for me, but mine and his best friend.

"Let's go," I shouted at Liam, then we both took off running.

After a minute or so, the running behind us stopped. I looked behind us to see the 2 boys walking back to Scott and I's house.

"Okay, we can stop running," I told Liam. We both stopped at the same time.

"I guess I will see you later," I said to Liam.

"Where are you going?," Liam asked me.

"A friend's house," I replied vaguely. "Night."

"Night," he responded. I quickly gave him a hug, relishing in the comfort of his arms that came with the pleasant tingles, and then ran to Lydia's house when we let go.
When I got there, I climbed up the tree that was next to her window. In case you're wondering, her room is on the second floor. I knocked on the window, noticing her lights were still on. Then again, it was only 10:00.

I watched her walk over, and open the window. She was in her pjs, and her hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. I gave her a small wave.

"Al? What are you doing here?," she asked. Then she looked concerned. She must have noticed my eyes were puffy still from all of my crying earlier. "Are you ok?"

"Physically, I'm perfect," I trailed off. "Emotionally, not so much."

"What happened?," she asked, waving me in, then plopping on her bed. I sat down next to her, and explained everything that happened tonight, between biting Liam, fighting with Scott, and talking to Liam afterwards.

"Wow," Lydia said, shocked.

"Yep," I replied. "So can I stay here tonight, then ride with you to school?"

"Yeah, but you're going to have to talk to Scott eventually," she told me.

"Thank you, and I know, just not yet," I replied.

"Your welcome, now let's go to sleep, it's 11:30," she said.

"Wow, it took me an hour and a half to tell you all of that?," I asked, shocked.

"Yep, now go to bed," Lydia replied. I laid down on her bed as she turned the light off. She came and laid down on the other side of the bed, it's a king size bed by the way, and said," Goodnight."

"Night, Lydia," I replied.
I woke up around 1 A.M. to Alyssa screaming Allison's name, and sobbing.

Right, the nightmares.

I know about them because Alyssa likes to stay at my house at least once a week, sometimes up to three times a week.

I quickly got up and hugged her, trying to calm her down. After a few minutes she did, and fell back asleep.
The next morning I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Stop it," I demanded groggily.

"No, you have to get ready for school if you want me to drive you," Lydia told me. I got up, and got ready for the day, then hopped in Lydia's car. The whole drive to school I was thinking about Liam, and was hoping he would survive the bite Scott and I gave him.
A few minutes later we arrived at school. I jumped out and started running towards my locker, not ready to face my brother yet.

"Thanks Lydia, see you later," I shouted, not waiting for a reply.

When I reached my locker, I quickly undid the lock and threw my bag inside.
I grabbed my books and headed of to geometry.
I was in my science class, in my seat next to Kira, typing on my laptop. I thought I was typing my math notes, but it looked like a code for something.

"These are your math notes?," she asked. "No wonder Malia's failing."

"No, some of them are my notes, the rest, I think might actually be a code," I told her.

"But you don't remember writing it?," Kira questioned.

"Not in the slightest," I replied. "But considering my drawing of a tree led us to the nematon, I should probably figure out what it means, before it tries to kill us." I rolled my eyes.

We talked about for another minute or so, coming up with theories of what kind of code it could be, and how to crack it using a key.

All of a sudden, a key was dangling in front of my face. I looked up to see it was my mom, holding out the as key to our lake house.

"Remember the rules, no more than 6 people allowed in the lake house, stay out of the wine, and if anything gets broken, it gets added to your credit card debt," my mom told me.

"Fine," I chirped, shrugging my shoulders. I went to grab the key, but she pulled it back.

"And lock up the basement. From all the scratch marks on the walls, it looked like a pack of wild animals got down there," she said to me.

Nope, it was just Malia on the full moon.

She handed me the key, and I smiled at her as she walked away.
After 1st hour, I rushed to my locker and threw my stuff inside, I didn't need anything for my next class, except a pencil.

"Hey Alyssa," I heard someone say directly behind me. I jumped, quickly elbowing them, and turned around. The culprit was clutching their stomach and groaning. It took me a few seconds to figure out who it was, since they were bent over, but once I did, I felt really bad.

"Oh my gosh, Stiles! Are you okay?," I asked, extremely concerned, since I elbowed him pretty hard. I wasn't mad at him, so I figured I would talk to him. Well as long as he didn't try to get me to talk to Scott.

"I'm fine," he replied, pain clear in his voice. "Just forgot not to sneak up behind you when you aren't paying attention, even though you do have wolf senses."

"Yea, I was focused on rushing, and trying to avoid my brother," I told him. "I would of noticed you beforehand any other time, though."

"Right...," Stiles trailed off. "I know you are still not talking to your brother, since you just said, but can you come corner Liam with us?"

"No," I said. "I can be there for moral support, though. You know, stay out of Liam's sight?"

"That works, I guess," he replied. "Let's go."

"Now?," I questioned.

"Yeah," Stiles said. "That's why I asked you now."

"Oh, okay," I replied, holding onto my pencil. I closed my locker and followed Stiles. I slipped in the nearest empty classroom when I noticed Liam walking in our direction, Scott trailing behind him. I watched as the 2 boys trapped him in the narrow hallway(this is not the main hallway, one of the smaller ones) Stiles coming from one way, and Scott from behind Liam.

"Liam, hey," Stiles shouted, as Liam looked around, trying to find a way out.

"We need to talk," Scott said seriously to him.

"No, you need to back the hell up, okay? Both of you," Liam practically shouted, looking back and forth at Scott and Stiles. Thank goodness I'm not out there.

"Can you just listen for one second, please?," Scott asked him.
Liam stared at him, waiting for Scott to talk. When he didn't, Liam made a gesture screaming 'What the hell are you waiting for'.

"Liam, we're brothers now," Scott told him. I busted out laughing inside the classroom I was watching from. This is great.

"What?," Liam questioned.

"Oh, God. That's... ," I heard Stiles whisper.

"What are you talking about? We just met, and you and your sister bit me," Liam replied, glaring. "But I don't hold it against her cause she is actually nice and did apologize," he whispered. Aww, thanks, I thought, still laughing my butt off.

"The bite, the bite is a gift," Scott said slowly. Oh, this just gets better and better, I thought, laughing even harder, to the point where I fell on the floor. That is what Derek said to Scott when we were first turning, when Scott wanted a way to become normal again. Me personally, I was fine with being a werewolf. I think it's pretty sweet.

"Scott, stop. Please stop," Stiles whispered, walking over to where Scott was. "You-you, we are trying to help you, you little runt," Stiles said, probably pointing at Liam. I slowly stopped laughing, and stood up to see what was going on. I could hear everything, but it wasn't the same as watching the hilarious scene lay out.

"By kidnapping me?," Liam asked.

"Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you, k? I aided and abetted," Stiles replied.

"Liam, I've gone through this before. Something's happening to you, something big," Scott said to him. Liam shook his head.

"Nothing's happening to me," Liam said lifting up his arms, both having bloody bandages. No, please tell me it's not still bleeding. He then ripped off the bandages, showing smooth skin, no signs of bite marks. Thank you, he's gonna live!

"Nothing," Liam said, close to yelling, then walked off.
It was now lunch(I have B lunch, there are 3 different lunch periods, and Liam has C lunch), and the pack, being Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Kira, Malia, and I, were talking while standing in between the buses(all of the busses stay at the school).

"I'm not sharing my basement," Malia said. We were talking about what to do with Liam. Well I still wasn't talking to Scott, but you get the point.

"Actually, it's my basement," Lydia replied. "And my mom knows how you tore it up last time.

"Alright, she's still learning," Stiles told her, defending Malia, and I rolled my eyes.

"We're gonna use the boat house for Liam. It's got support beams, we can chain him to one of them," Scott informed.

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?," Kira asked. Good point.

"I say it keeps him from murdering someone, we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake," Stiles said.

"I'm in," Malia replied, raising her hand. I snarled in response, my anger flaring now. I felt my eyes flash red, and saw Stiles shrink away.

"We're not killing, or kidnapping him," Scott told them, then looked at me. I calmed down after a minute. I may be mad at Scott, but at least he told them no.

"Then let's be smarter," Lydia said. "We tell him there's a party, then we invite him."

"So, you're going to ask out a freshman?," Stiles asked her.

"No, I'm done with teenage boys," Lydia replied. "But, if we're playing a trick on someone, let's use the trickster." She looked at Kira.

"Who, me?," Kira asked. "No, way, not a chance." I zoned out, playing on my phone. I figured they would probably get her to agree. Although I don't want her asking him out(even if it is for a fake party), it's for the safety of him and others.

I'm not jealous of her being picked to bring him, though. Well, maybe a little bit. She's beautiful, unlike me, and he's just so freakin hot and has pretty fabulous personality, too.
Ugh, here I go again...

After a minute or so, I looked up to see everyone in the group staring at me. Why were they all looking at me?

"What?," I asked, touching my cheek, thinking maybe I had something on my face.

"You're going to ask Liam," Lydia said.

"What? Why me?," I questioned. "I'm not pretty, or beautiful. Besides he doesn't like me, and would probably be embarrassed to be seen around me if I did go to ask him."

"You are beautiful, and he won't be embarrassed. You're going to ask him, I see the way you look at him, and he looks at you," she replied. I snorted.

"You 2 look at each other more deeply the way Allison and I did, and you guys just met," Scott told me. I didn't answer, or look at him, though. I still wasn't talking to him, but I thought about what he said. Do we really look at each other that way? I pretty sure we don't, since I'm not appealing to any guys, and no one can compare to Scallison. Then again, he did tell his step-dad that he was trying to impress me. I'm so confused...

"Still not talking to me," I heard Scott whisper to Stiles, snapping me out of my racing thoughts.

"Well, I guess I'm in, but you have to make me look pretty Lydia, before I ask him," I said, looking down at my Ninja Turtles t-shirt, dark jean Bermuda shorts, and bright red high-top converse. I love this outfit, especially my shirt and shoes, but if I want to get him to agree to come, I have to look good. Though I would rather be in my sweats right now...

"Okay. I have something for you to change into, along with a pair of heels. I can do your hair, and makeup also," Lydia responded. Ugh, I hate heels.

"Thank you, and what's the plan for transportation?," I asked, since I can't drive yet.

"I will pick you up," Kira told me.

"Ok, then let's do this," I replied.

Lydia and I rushed to her locker. She pulled out a dress(I hate dresses too), that was coincidentally ocean blue, Liam's favorite color, and a pair of matching stilettos. She then pulled out some black tights, and a black leather jacket that I had previously let her borrow. She shut her locker, then off to the upstairs bathroom we went. The reason we went to this one was so I could make a bigger entrance.

As soon as we were in there, she shoved me into a stall.

"Get dressed, and quick. We only have a few more minutes of lunch," Lydia told me. I obliged, quickly switching out my jeans and t-shirt, for the dress and tights.

I stepped out of the stall, slipping on the heels and leather jacket. Lydia then pulled me in front of her and started putting on some light makeup for me, that consisted of a little bit of blush, my cheeks were naturally rosey(in a good way), and she touched up my light eyeshadow, eyeliner(I had a dark line on my upper eyelid and on my waterline), red lipstick, and mascara. After she was done with that, she fixed my hair into a cute, braided side-bun.

"Done," she announced, and smiled. The bell then went off, signifying our lunch was over.

"Show time," Lydia sang. We walked to the top of the stairs, and waited until we saw Liam. He was walking out of a classroom, close to the staircase, talking to Mason.

"I will wait here, and watch," Lydia whispered. "Go get 'em tiger. Well, wolf."

I laughed, then went over to the top step.

I started walking down the stairs, swaying my hips a little more than usual for flare, and kept my eyes on Liam. After walking down a few steps, I tripped, yelping, falling down the rest of the stairs, and landed face-first into the floor. I heard Liam run over, then he set his hand gently on my shoulder.

"Are you ok?," Liam questioned, his voice full of concern. I looked up to see him looking at me, looking worried, but his eyes also holding amusement.

"Yea, I'm totally perfect. This is completely normal for me," I replied, smiling and setting my head on my hands. "Anyways, do you want to go to a party tonight?"

He looked at me shocked for a moment, but then smiled and helped me up.

"Is that a yes?," I asked when he said nothing.

"It is," he responded, smiling even more. It brightened the entire hallway. Gosh, why is he so adorable?

Ugh, Alyssa stop becoming like every other teenage girl!

"Great," I chirped. "My friend Kira and I will pick you up tonight, okay. It would be just me, but I can't drive legally yet, so."

"Cool, see you then," Liam replied, giving be another bright smile. I smiled again, and gave him a quick hug.
It was around 9:00 and Kira, Liam, and I were driving to Lydia's lake house. Well, Kira was driving, but you get the idea.

I was sitting in the back seat, next to Liam, who I could tell was starting to feel the effect of the full moon before his shift. I was too, but I can keep it in control.

I rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying the fact he agreed to come tonight, and that he forgave me for everything I've done.

"It's Lydia Matin's lake house," Kira informed Liam, breaking the ice.
"Actually it's her grandmother's lake house, but she's dead, so it's okay. I mean it's not okay that she's dead-"

"We got it Kira," I cut her off. Liam put one of his hands to his ear.

"Can you turn the music down?," Liam asked Kira, breathing heavily. I nestled into him closer, the tingles spreading through my body like a wild fire, and inhaled his intoxicating scent of woods and mint, not caring that he could shift soon.

"You want me to turn the music up?," Kira questioned, doing the opposite of what he asked.

Liam's phone vibrated, and he jumped.
It was Mason texting, asking where he was.

"Who'd you say was coming to this party?," Liam asked Kira and I.

"Um, every-one," I stuttered. We were all quiet for the rest of the car ride. My phone vibrated a few times, signaling I got a few texts.

I looked to see that it was Stiles texting me:

Get here quickly ~Stiles

Be careful ~Stiles

The next one was of a picture of a car that was completely wrecked, with THIS IS YOUR FAULT written on it.

Liam did this, he has major anger issues. He destroyed his teacher's car with a crowbar when he got mad ~Stiles

Oh... My... Gosh... Well, now I know he has greater anger issues than I do, by a lot. I may have some anger, due to being a werewolf, but not like that. I texted Stiles back.

You sure he did that? ~Alyssa

Yea ~Stiles

Great... I then noticed Liam glaring at the moon, breathing heavily. He looked ready to explode, or kill...
We finally got to Lydia's lake house, and parked in the gravel driveway with Scott's bike, Stiles's jeep, and Lydia's car. I hope Liam didn't notice that there weren't a lot of cars here, it would give away there was no party.

We all got out of Kira's cherry red Toyota car; Kira out the drivers side, and Liam and I out the backseat passengers side.

"Where is everyone?," Liam questioned us, looking around. Well, looks like he noticed.

"They're here, it's a small party" Kira replied, running inside, and leaving me to walk in with Liam. He turned and looked at me.

"I thought you said everyone was coming," he said to me. He stopped short, waiting for my answer. I stopped walking also, to give him a fake reason why there are so few cars.

"Um they are coming, we are just really early," I told him, and then I heard the front door open and close, signifying Kira went inside. Liam then stepped closer to me, slipping one of his hands behind my back, and pulled me flush against him.

I could feel the body heat radiating off of him. I set my hands on his chest, and looked up at him to see him staring intently at me. I gazed into his amazing, bright blue eyes, getting lost in their depths.

He then started leaning in, and I panicked. Is he gonna kiss me? I've never been kissed before, I don't know what to-
My thoughts were abruptly cut off, as his soft, warm lips met mine, causing mini fireworks to explode in my head, and those pleasant tingles to shoot through my body more intensely.

I think I died and went to Heaven.

My eyes fluttered closed, as his lips started moving against mine. I let my instinct take over, moving my lips in sync with his. I reached my hands up, and put them in his soft, brown hair.

After about a minute, we had to break apart to breathe. This was officially the best thing that has ever happened to me! I looked up, getting lost in his amazing blue orbs again, and I smiled brightly. He beamed back at me, and I instantly remembered I had to lie to him, and felt 100x worse then I did before.

"We should probably go inside," I whispered. "Before everyone gets here. Yay, party!"

He pulled away from me, and grabbed my hand, as I led him to the door. As soon as he was inside, I closed the door, locked it, then blocked it by stepping in front of it. He looked around the room, noticing that Scott, Stiles, and the others were there.

"I'm really sorry, Liam," I whispered, sincerely meaning it, looking down when he glared at me. I felt horrible, and it didn't help the fact that I was apparently starting to like this boy, and I wanted him to like me.

"What the hell is this?," Liam curtly questioned, glaring at everyone one the room. I flinched back slightly when he looked at me with a harsher glare. I didn't flinch because I'm scared, but because it hurt.

I'm an alpha, some boy doesn't scare me.

"Think of it like an intervention," Stiles told him. "You have a problem Liam."

"And we're the only ones that can help you," Scott added, finally speaking up.
He just crossed his arms and waited for an explanation. Scott explained everything, about the pack, about what each of us are, ect. When Scott finished Liam looked slightly confused, and annoyed.

"Werewolf?," he said pointing to Scott, then at me. We nodded.
"Werecoyote?" He pointed at Malia, and she nodded.
"Banshee?" Lydia pointed at him in a way of saying, 'yep, you got it'.
He looked at Kira. "Fox?"

"Kitsune, but fox works," Kira responded.

"And what are you?," Liam questioned, nodding at Stiles, while re-crossing his arms.

"Uh, for a little while I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil," Stiles informed him. He was talking about when he was possessed by the nogitsune.

"What are you now?"

"Better, um?," Stiles replied, looking at us.

Liam then noticed the bag chains sitting on the coffee table.
"Those for me?," he asked, pointing to them by lifting his chin in that direction.

"No, they're for me," Malia said, flashing her blue eyes at him, from their normal color.

"How'd you do that?," he questioned quickly, taking a step back.

"You'll learn," I responded.

"But first you need to get through the full moon," Scott added. Liam looked like he was getting really mad.

"The moon's already out," he told us. We were all watching him.

"And your starting to feel something, aren't you?," Scott questioned.

"I feel like I'm being surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nut jobs!," Liam replied sharply. Well, that kind of hurt.
"You guys are out of your freakin
minds!," Liam continued. We all looked away.
"I don't know how you did that eye thing, and I don't care!," he started shouting. "I'm walking out the door right now, and if any of you try to stop me, I swear to god, I'm gonna-" His words were abruptly cut of, as he clutched his ears and yelled in pain.

"Liam! Liam, are you ok?," I asked quickly, getting concerned since he was starting to yell louder, and clutch his head even harder. He looked up, then back down, seeming to be in a lot of pain.

"What's wrong Liam?," Scott questioned.

"You don't hear that?," he responded.

I tuned in my wolf hearing, finding the sharp sound of tires rolling on a gravel driveway. Lydia's gravel driveway. We all looked to the large window to see headlights shining brightly through the blinds. It looked like most of the high school was here. Oh joy. Scott bent down in front of Liam as I rested my hand on Liam's back, as he fell to the ground.

"Did you tell anyone about this?," Lydia asked, probably thinking back to her mom telling her no more than 6 people. I really hope her mom doesn't find out, because Lydia would be dead.

"My friend Mason," Liam panted, looking up, his hands splayed on the floor, breathing heavily. I have a feeling he's going to shift soon. I then focused back at the topic at hand, just now realizing what he and Mason did. "You said it was a party!"

"And who'd Mason invite?," Stiles asked.

"Everyone," I concluded. This is awful. Parties suck, especially the one in Mexico at the Calaveras', and I only went to that one to get Derek back. Besides I hate big crowds, especially ones full of high schoolers.
Liam started grunting, his nails growing longer and forming claws. He started scratching the hardwood floor of the lake house living room.

"The floors! Get him of the floors," Lydia rushed, quickly walking towards us.

He looked up and growled, his face already changed, fangs grown, and eyes glowing gold. Lydia stopped short, looking slightly scared.

"We need to get him to the boathouse," Scott shouted, grabbing Liam's left arm, pulling him up.

"No duh," I yelled back, grabbing Liam's other arm. We started pulling him to the back door so we could chain him up to a pillar in the boathouse.
Kira came with us, I guess to be there for extra help.

"Stiles," I heard Malia shout.

"Yea?," he replied, and she growled.

"Hey, okay. Basement, now, now, now," he said.

"What am I supposed to do with the hordes gathering outside the door?," Lydia questioned. We shut the door and left, so I decided to tune out the conversation and focus on not letting Liam kill anyone.

When we got to the boathouse, we immediately brought a snarling and struggling Liam over to one of the pillars, and pushed him against it, wrapping chains around him, quite loosely if I might add.

"We got him, get his hands," Scott shouted to Kira over the loud growling coming from Liam.

Though, I do have to admit, he still looked hot all wolfed out.

Kira walked around to the other side of the pillar, and grabbed Liam's arms. Her grip then slipped, and Liam shoved me to the side. I hit the thick cement floor of the boathouse with a thud. Liam launched himself onto Scott, pressing his hand into Scott's throat, snarling viciously. He raised his hand, preparing to maim, or end a struggling Scott's life. Kira grabbed one of the oars, and whacked Liam in the side of the head, knocking him out cold before he could kill Scott who didn't fight back for some reason. I got up, and rushed over to him, along with Scott and Kira.

"Oh god, I didn't kill him, did I?," Kira asked in a panic. Liam was laying on his back, his arms spread out. He looked so peaceful now that he wasn't trying to kill us.

"No, he's out cold," Scott informed her.

"I wonder if Stiles is having better luck," Kira thought aloud.

We then got up and chained Liam tightly to the pillar, this time being easier since he was knocked out. I sat down next to him, and rested my head on his shoulder, snuggling into him. I closed my eyes to try and get some sleep.

A couple minutes later, I heard Scott and Kira talking to each other, sitting a few feet away from Liam and I.

"They look so young," I heard Kira say to Scott.

"They are, they're only 15," Scott replied. I could feel their eyes on us, so clearly sleep wasn't an option. I decided to keep my eyes closed though, so I can continue to listen to their conversation.

"What are we going to do with Liam?," Kira questioned.

"We're going to help him," Scott answered.

"You know I saw them kiss earlier?," Kira told him. She saw that?! I thought she was inside.

"I did too. Actually I think all of us did, they were in direct line of sight of the window," Scott replied. Great, all of them saw me kiss a guy. I won't live this one down.

"They are kind of adorable together," Kira stated.

"Yea, I just wish Alyssa would talk to me," he told her, sounding upset.

"She will, she was just really upset. And besides she can't stay mad at you long. She probably forgave you already, since we all know she doesn't hold grudges," Kira responded softly. She is right, I have already forgiven him, I just haven't talked to him yet.

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