Nicholas Hamilton Imagines

By Carl_TWD_Grimes

8.9K 125 4

Imagines about the hot and sexy Nicholas Hamilton More

Meeting Nic Hamilton
Nic Asking You On A Date
First Date With Nic
Doing Grace's Podcast With Nic
Meeting Nic's Friends
You Going To War
Coming Home From War
How He Says I Love You (Short)
How You Tell Him Your Pregnant (Short)
Food Cravings (Short)
Gender Reveal (Short)
Giving Birth (Short)
Introducing Him To The Fans (Short)
Bringing Him Home (Short)
Taking Him To See His Grandparents (Short)
Introducing Him To His Aunt And Uncles (Short)
Introducing Him To Nala (Short)
Filming Him Saying His First Words (Short)
Celebrating Baby Joshua's 1st Birthday
You Give Birth

Baby Joshua's First Vacation, Finding Out That Your Pregnant And Gender Reveal

204 6 0
By Carl_TWD_Grimes

You and Nic have been planning a vacation to take Joshua on. He's 2 now and he's looking more like Nic everyday. While Nic was at the store getting snacks for yourselves and Joshua you had time to make a list of what you needed, feed Joshua and put him in his crib for his regularly scheduled nap. You were in your room when your phone rang. It was Nic.

Hubby😍❤️: Hello love.

Y/N: Hey baby.

Hubby😍❤️: So I got everything on the list for Joshua's snacks and our snacks. I may have went off the list and got him some stuff to do.

Y/N: That's fine.

Hubby😍❤️: Is there anything else that I need to get for our vacation?

Y/N: When you come home help me pack your stuff please.

What Nic didn't know was that you had went to the doctors and taken a blood pregnancy test and it turned out that you were pregnant you didn't believe if and so you took a pregnancy test when you got home to make sure and you were indeed pregnant and you needed stuff for the surprise that you had planned for him.

Hubby😍❤️: Yes darlin. Anything else before I come home?

Y/N: Can you pick up some shoes for him I tried to put his tennis shoes on him and they barely fit him. Can you get four pairs?

Hubby😍❤️: Why do we need four pairs?

Y/N: Your not allowed to know why just yet can you get them please?

Hubby😍❤️: Yes baby.

Y/N: Thank you. Oh when you come home Joshua is down for his nap so please be quiet.

Hubby😍❤️: Ok. Love you lots.

Y/N: Love you lots.

You went into your secret draw and pulled out a crop top a shirt and a onesie. You also pulled out a card and your first ultrasound pic.

Nic's shirt: Hamilton party of four.

Joshua's Onesie: Established in...

Y/N's Crop Top: 2020.

The Card: Hi Bubby Mommy and Daddy I can't wait to meet you. Xoxo- Baby Hamilton.

You packed yours and Joshua's suitcases and then you proceeded to make dinner. While you were boiling noodles for spaghetti your phone rang. It was Nic's brother.

Bro In Law: Hi Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Joshua. How're you??

Bro In Law: I'm good.

Y/N: Listen are you available tomorrow?

Bro In Law: Yeah... Why?

Y/N: Well I think it would be good if you came on vacation with me Nic and little Joshua he's been missing you lately.

Bro In Law: Ok yeah sure I'll come.

Y/N: Cool. If your girlfriend is there she's more than welcome to come too.

Bro In Law: Ok. She'll love that. Now I'm sensing there is something else that you wanna tell me. Is there?

Y/N: I don't know what your talking about Josh.

Bro In Law: Yes you do. Tell me.

Y/N: Ok but you promise not to tell Nic your girlfriend your parents or your grand parents?

Bro In Law: I promise.

Y/N: Your going to be an uncle again.

Bro In Law: I'm so happy for you Y/N. Nic doesn't know does he?

Y/N: No. I sent him out to get some stuff for the vacation Joshua and the new baby and he doesn't even know yet.

Bro In Law: I've already got the tickets we'll see you tomorrow morning.

Y/N: Cool.

You guys talk while you finish up dinner and you end up face timing him so your son could see his uncle. Nic saw that you were on FaceTime with his brother and they talked for a little bit. Then you guys ate dinner and you guys got yourselves and Joshua ready for bed after checking that everything was packed. You couldn't wait to tell Nic at dinner tomorrow.

Time Skip: At Vacation Location.

You guys have explored where your staying you took loads of selfies. While Joshua and his girlfriend kept Nic occupied you snuck away with your son and took him shopping so that you could buy some new clothes for your baby. While you were walking around looking at the baby clothes you got a call from your doctor.

Doc: Is this Y/N?

Y/N: Yes.

Doc: We have some news to share regarding your appointment.

Y/N: Ok.

Doc: I will be out of town for a conference but I do have the results of the gender of your baby.

A/N: (Imagine she's a little farther along).

Doc: Would you like it over the phone or FaceTime?

Y/N: Face Time.

Doc: So as I said we found out your gender... congrats... I'm so happy to tell you that your having a... baby girl!

Y/N: Thank you.

You talked about when your next appointment will be and then you hung up. Joshua was asleep in his stroller and so you went through the baby aisle and picked out pink things. Ironically enough the shoes that Nic bought had pink on them so that just makes it all the more perfect. You pay for the clothes that you picked out and you made your way to the car with Joshua when he began to cry. At the same time you got a text from Nic.

Hubby😍❤️: Baby where are you?

Y/N: I took Joshua to a shop and we looked around. He's getting cranky can you guys come meet me at the shop?

Joshua: Dada!

Y/N: He wants his dad.

Hubby😍❤️: Ok were coming right now.

You stopped texting him and went inside your rental car and hid the baby clothes. You were rocking the stroller back and forth to try and calm Joshua but he wasn't having it. You then saw them walk towards you guys. When you saw Nic you kissed him and then he went to Joshua's stroller.

Joshua: Dada!

Nic bent down to Joshua and picked him up out of his stroller and held him. You smiled at the two of them. While his brothers girlfriend was talking to him Joshua came over to you.

Joshua: So Y/N do you know what your having?

Y/N: You'll have to find out over dinner.

Joshua: Come on you can't tell me?

Y/N: Nope.

He then started laughing and then you guys piled into the car with a very happy Joshua and you guys drove around some more. You went to the hotel to let him sleep before dinner. Just before you were to wake him up Joshua stopped you.

Joshua: You go pack the stuff in the car for the surprise and I'll get him up.

Y/N: Thank you.

You packed Nic's surprise stuff in the car. When you came back inside You told Joshua to distract Nic and you went into the bathroom and changed little Joshua into his new onesie. You then put on your crop top and you were ready to go. When everyone was in the car you made your way to the restaurant.

Time Skip: After Dinner.

Y/N: Ok so I have a very special announcement to make.

They all looked at you for you to continue.

Y/N: This concerns everyone here and with that being said guys close your eyes.

Nic: Close your eyes son.

Joshua smiled and smacked his tiny hands over his eyes. He laughed even after he smacked his little face. Once you were done laughing you got Nic's surprise and sat it in front of him and then began recording.

Y/N: Ok open your eyes!

They opened their eyes and Nic rummaged through his surprise real confused.

Nic: Babe what do I start with?

Y/N: Look at the clothes.

He proceeded to look at the clothes, the test, the shoes, the card, the ultrasound picture and finally his shirt.

Nic: What is all this?

Y/N: Well read our stuff.

He read his shirt, Joshua's onesie and finally your crop top.

A/N: (You had another shirt under it).

Y/N: I'm Pregnant.

Nic: Babe no way?

Y/N: Way. If that surprise isn't enough I have something else to tell you guys.

Joshua: Oh just tell us already I'm anxious!

You laughed at him then you proceeded with what you were about to say.

Y/N: My doctor face timed me while I was at the shop and we are having a baby girl!

Everyone was so excited! You were gonna wait until the baby was born before you told his parents and grand parents. Joshua had someone take a selfie of you guys along with the surprise. Nic then posted the pics to Instagram.

(Imagine the pics here).

@Nic.Hamilton: I have just gotten the best news ever. @Y/N.Hamilton just revealed that she's pregnant with our baby girl... My little princess... I love you so much Y/N❤️❤️❤️. To my baby girl Addison Rae Hamilton daddy loves you so much and I can't wait to meet you!!!

Liked by: WyattOleff, SofiaBryant and 2.9K others.

You couldn't wait to see your baby girl. Now your family will be fully complete.

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