Introducing Him To His Aunt And Uncles (Short)

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His friends were coming to meet the baby for the first time and you were very excited. You were in the living room when there was a knock at the door.

You opened it and you saw his friends standing there waiting and so you brought them inside and they all hugged you.

Y/N: Nic honey bring baby Joshua to meet his aunt and uncles.

Nic walked into the room holding baby Joshua.

Owen: He's so adorable.

Wyatt: He's so cute.

Sophia: OMG! You guys

Jackson: You guys made him? Cool.

Chosen: Awww.

Jack: His eyes are so blue.

Finn: He has Nic's hair.

Jaeden: He's got Y/N's lips though.

Jake: Look at him he's smiling.

Logan: He's going to be spending a lot of time with his Uncle Logan. I'm going to be his favorite uncle.

You all laughed and they each held him Logan being last. Joshua was about to cry when Logan held him and tickled him to make him laugh. He smiled at him and he even fell asleep on Logan.

You guys were so happy that Joshua has people who love him.

Nicholas Hamilton ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora