Baby Joshua's First Vacation, Finding Out That Your Pregnant And Gender Reveal

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You and Nic have been planning a vacation to take Joshua on. He's 2 now and he's looking more like Nic everyday. While Nic was at the store getting snacks for yourselves and Joshua you had time to make a list of what you needed, feed Joshua and put him in his crib for his regularly scheduled nap. You were in your room when your phone rang. It was Nic.

Hubby😍❤️: Hello love.

Y/N: Hey baby.

Hubby😍❤️: So I got everything on the list for Joshua's snacks and our snacks. I may have went off the list and got him some stuff to do.

Y/N: That's fine.

Hubby😍❤️: Is there anything else that I need to get for our vacation?

Y/N: When you come home help me pack your stuff please.

What Nic didn't know was that you had went to the doctors and taken a blood pregnancy test and it turned out that you were pregnant you didn't believe if and so you took a pregnancy test when you got home to make sure and you were indeed pregnant and you needed stuff for the surprise that you had planned for him.

Hubby😍❤️: Yes darlin. Anything else before I come home?

Y/N: Can you pick up some shoes for him I tried to put his tennis shoes on him and they barely fit him. Can you get four pairs?

Hubby😍❤️: Why do we need four pairs?

Y/N: Your not allowed to know why just yet can you get them please?

Hubby😍❤️: Yes baby.

Y/N: Thank you. Oh when you come home Joshua is down for his nap so please be quiet.

Hubby😍❤️: Ok. Love you lots.

Y/N: Love you lots.

You went into your secret draw and pulled out a crop top a shirt and a onesie. You also pulled out a card and your first ultrasound pic.

Nic's shirt: Hamilton party of four.

Joshua's Onesie: Established in...

Y/N's Crop Top: 2020.

The Card: Hi Bubby Mommy and Daddy I can't wait to meet you. Xoxo- Baby Hamilton.

You packed yours and Joshua's suitcases and then you proceeded to make dinner. While you were boiling noodles for spaghetti your phone rang. It was Nic's brother.

Bro In Law: Hi Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Joshua. How're you??

Bro In Law: I'm good.

Y/N: Listen are you available tomorrow?

Bro In Law: Yeah... Why?

Y/N: Well I think it would be good if you came on vacation with me Nic and little Joshua he's been missing you lately.

Bro In Law: Ok yeah sure I'll come.

Y/N: Cool. If your girlfriend is there she's more than welcome to come too.

Bro In Law: Ok. She'll love that. Now I'm sensing there is something else that you wanna tell me. Is there?

Y/N: I don't know what your talking about Josh.

Bro In Law: Yes you do. Tell me.

Y/N: Ok but you promise not to tell Nic your girlfriend your parents or your grand parents?

Bro In Law: I promise.

Y/N: Your going to be an uncle again.

Bro In Law: I'm so happy for you Y/N. Nic doesn't know does he?

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