The girl in the attic

By Seager99

1.5M 14.8K 1.6K

Preston is a rich jock with a hot girlfriend and a perfect life, that is until his parents decides they want... More

(1) The girl in the attic
(2) The girl in the attic
(3) The girl in the attic
(4) The girl in the attic
(5) The girl in the attic
(6) The girl in the attic
(7)The girl in the attic
(8)The girl in the attic
(9)The girl in the attic
(10)The girl in the attic
(11)The girl in the attic
(12)The girl in the attic
(13)The girl in the attic
(14)The girl in the attic
(15)The girl in the attic
(16)The girl in the attic
(17)The girl in the attic
(18)The girl in the attic
(19)The girl in the attic
(20)The girl in the attic
(21)The girl in the attic
(22)The girl in the attic
(23) The girl in the attic
(24) The girl in the attic
(25) The girl in the attic
(26) The girl in the attic
(27) The girl in the attic
(28)The girl in the attic
(29) The girl in the attic
(30) The girl in the attic
(31) The girl in the attic
(32) The girl in the attic
(33) The girl in the attic
(34) The girl in the attic
(35) The girl in the attic

(36) The girl in the attic

37.8K 832 300
By Seager99

The girl in the attic

Chapter 36

Preston’s POV

Over the weekend we went grocery shopping and I have to admit it was fun. I never imagined that shopping for toothpaste and milk could be fun but with Katie anything is possible. When we were satisfied that we had all the food and things that we needed we headed over to our apartment to pack it away.

On Sunday my aunt and uncle asked me to eat dinner with them and I asked them if I could invite a friend with who I would like them to meet. To my astonishment they agreed. Katie was very hesitant but I assured her that Lina wouldn’t say a word, she would lose her job if she did. It kind of felt like payback seeing the look on Lina’s face when she had to serve Katie.

Katie loosened up as dinner continued and actually had a conversation with my aunt and uncle. Nothing personal, but it was good to see her coming out of her shell. I even saw her give Lina a spiteful smile when nobody was looking. After dinner I pretended to take Katie home and then sneaked her back into my room.

We packed the last of our things and then got into bed deciding to get some sleep. We had a big and busy day ahead of us tomorrow. We woke up really early the next morning. We had to go drop off our stuff at the apartment and then I had to take Katie to the hospital and go to school. I wasn’t particularly looking forward to going back to school but I knew I had to do it. I wanted to go to college and get a proper job so that I could look after Katie and give her everything she deserves.

Once we were on our way Katie turned up the music and relaxed in her seat, she looked really excited.

“I was thinking that maybe I could get a job and do some sort of college course,” she said taking me by surprise but also making me very happy. I didn’t want her to have to work but the fact that she was looking forward to the future instead of just waiting to die gave me great pleasure.

“That’s a good idea, it will give you something to do while I’m at school but you don’t need to work. We’ll have some extra cash since we’re not going to be paying for the apartment,” I said smiling at her.

“But I don’t want to keep on taking your money, you’ve done enough for me,” she whispered sounding sad.

“I like doing things for you and anyway, you’re not taking my money I am giving it to you.” She didn’t look impressed so I continued, there was no way I was going to let her get a job until she was completely healthy.

“Ok, how about this? I’ll pay for your college classes and then when you qualify and become super rich you can pay me back,” I stated taking her hand in mine and holding it on my leg. She looked deep in thought before she answered.

“That’s a deal but there are a few conditions,” she stated looking much happier now.

“What?” I asked pretending to be scared. She laughed at me.

“Well, for one you are going to have to teach me to drive so that I can go to college, or the hospital or shopping when you are at school,” she said looking at me to see my reaction.

“Done,” I replied and watched as her smile grew bigger.

“Good, the second one is that you must stop worrying about me so much, I’m feeling much better now, I’m not going to break if you touch me or if I make you dinner,” she said looking a bit nervous.

“I don’t know about that one,” I whispered, there was no way I would ever stop worrying about her.

“Please Preston. I want you to touch me and kiss me fully, I can’t stand you holding back anymore, I want to be with you,” she pleaded her eyes threatening to run over with tears.

“Ok, I’ll try but I can’t promise anything,” I said trying to make her feel better. She smiled and nodded her head letting me know that me trying would be enough for her.

When we got to the diner Mr. Mack was busy opening and invited us for breakfast but we had to decline. We didn’t have much time left. We quickly threw our bags in our apartment, grabbed some breakfast bars and flavored milk and headed out again. It was a bit cold for the milk but it tasted good nonetheless.

I walked Katie in to the hospital and then said goodbye. I didn’t like leaving her alone but she assured me that she would be ok and that I should go to school. I left reluctantly trying to think up excuses to stay but knew I had to go. I was already a month behind and it was going to be tough catching up with work and everything.

When I got to school I parked my car in an empty space and headed for the office. The lady behind the counted welcomed me happily and handed me my schedule. The kids and the teachers all seemed ok but I couldn’t get myself to stop worrying about Katie. I spent lunchtime with a group of guys that I met in class but was way too preoccupied with my own thoughts to try to get to know them. I had much more important things to think about then making new friends.

When the bell rang announcing we could go home I literally ran to my car. The drive to the hospital felt like it took forever. I rushed inside and found Katie sitting in the waiting room. The moment I saw her I felt whole again. I ran over to her and scooped her up into my arms hugging her tightly. She giggled and pressed her lips against mine kissing me hard. My first reaction was to pull back in case I somehow hurt her but then I remembered what she asked me earlier so I fought against my overprotective side and kissed her back as hard as I could.

When I pulled away she was flushed and breathing heavily.

“Thank you,” she whispered softly smiling at me.

“It’s a pleasure, do you mind if I do it again?” I asked teasingly. She giggled and shook her head so I pressed my lips against hers again and kissed her with everything I had.

On our way home Katie asked if we could stop at the mall. I had about an hour left before I had to start working so I agreed and pulled into the parking lot. When I got out of the car she stopped in front of me and shook her head.

“You have to give me some of that money of yours and wait in the car for me,” she instructed trying to sound authorative but failing miserably. I laughed at her but handed her my wallet and got back into the car.

She wasn’t gone for long before she came bag with a huge smile on her face and a bag in her hand. She got into the passenger seat and gave me a long kiss. I had no idea what she had bough and she wouldn’t tell me no matter how much I asked. She told me it was a surprise and that I would just have to wait and see.

When we got back to the diner Katie headed upstairs to our apartment and I went to work. The hours passed by quickly and I couldn’t help but wonder what Katie was up to. At around nine Mr. Mack closed up and I headed upstairs feeling excited.

I could tell that the living room was dimly lit as soon as I opened the door causing my heart to beat faster in my chest. I locked the door behind me and took a look around the room. Katie had made up our little dining room table just like I had done for her before.

“I thought we could try it again since I spoiled the last time,” she said as music started playing. I turned around and looked at her. She had on the orange dress again but looked even more beautiful than before.

“You look gorgeous,” I whispered unable to stop myself from staring. She blushed and walked over to me holding her hand out. I took it happily and she led me over to the table where we sat down.

“I made the food myself so it’s probably not going to be that good,” she said looking at the bowl of lasagna.

“I bet you it’s better than anything I’ve ever tasted before,” I said scooping some onto a plate for her and then for me. We ate happily while talking about her day and my day at work and school.

When we were done eating we danced slowly for a few songs and then Katie told me to wait in the living room while she disappeared into the bedroom. I sat on the couch waiting as my heart pounded in anticipation. When she called me to come in I was a nervous wreck

I pushed open the door and had to catch my breath. She was sitting seductively on the bed wearing lacey black lingerie.

“Katie,” I whispered not believing my eyes. She was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her.  She smiled at me and indicated for me to come over to her. I walked slowly trying to calm myself down. When I got to the bed she reached for my hand and pulled me down beside her.

“I love you,” she whispered smiling at me with sparkling eyes.

“I love you too,” I replied leaning forward and pressing my lips against her. The kiss started off gently but soon grew in passion. I wanted to make love to her and I knew she wanted me too so I pressed her back on the bed gently and moved on top of her without breaking our kiss.

It was the best night of my life and when I woke up in the morning I felt happier than I ever imagined possible. We made love and it was more than I ever expected it to be. It was still early so decided to make breakfast in bed. I made pancakes and juice and then headed back into the room. Katie was still sleeping so I gently ran my finger down her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open and focused on me as a smile formed on her face.

“I made your favorite,” I said smiling back at her. She quickly pushed herself up into a sitting position and I handed her the tray. Her face lit up when she saw the pancakes. When we were done eating breakfast I took a quick shower and got ready for school. I kissed Katie goodbye still feeling like I was on cloud number nine and then headed out to face the day.

Katie was going to search for some part time college courses that she could do online or through the post today and I really hoped that she found something that she would like.

After school I headed back to our apartment. Katie had found some online art course and was really excited about it which made me really happy. I did some homework while she explained all the details about the course to me. When it was time for work I kissed her goodbye again and headed downstairs.

I would much rather have spent my time with Katie then working but the hours flew by quickly. After Mr. Mack closed the diner I headed back upstairs and gave Katie a huge hug. It was killing me to spend so many hours without her. I had gotten us some food from the diner so after we ate we took a long hot bath and then got into bed and watched a movie while holding each other tightly.

The next two weeks flew by and when it was the day of Katie’s final treatment we were both excited and a little bit nervous. I dropped Katie off at the hospital and went to school just like all the other days but I couldn’t get myself to concentrate. After school I picked her up and we went back to our apartment. Dr. Kremer had run all the necessary tests and would phone us as soon as the results were in.

The next morning we got a call from Dr. Kremer asking us to come to the hospital to see her. I ditched school and we headed to the hospital. I was a nervous wreck by the time we got there and I could tell that Katie was really worried too. Dr. Kremer asked us to come into his office and have a seat.

He showed us the results of the scans they had done of Katie and when we both just stared at him. He told us that the treatment had worked and that Katie was in remission. The words were like music to my ears and I had to stop myself from jumping up and down. Katie burst into tears and I pulled her into a loving hug. After a few minutes of hugging, laughing and crying Dr. Kremer interrupted us.

Katie was completely healthy now and could lead a normal life but would have to go for regular checkups just to make sure that the cancer didn’t return and that they could catch it early enough if it did. We promised that we wouldn’t miss an appointment and then thanked Dr. Kremer for everything that he had done for us.

We could barely contain our happiness as we drove back to our apartment. Once we got there I told Mr. and Mrs. Mack the good news and they were so happy for us that they gave me the day off. We headed upstairs to our apartment and I wrapped my arms around her as soon as the door was locked behind us.

Katie’s POV

“Thanks for never giving up on me,” I whispered knowing that if it wasn’t for him I would surely be dead.

“How could I when I knew I wouldn’t be able to survive without you,” he replied as he leaned forward and pressed his lips lovingly against mine. I kissed him back with everything I had in me knowing I was finally home.


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