Can you be my saviour? (Paul...

By JadeLahote

41.9K 938 71

Jade Harris has just moved to forks Washington to escape a rough past. After a hiking accident she is found b... More

Can you be my saviour? (Paul Lahote)
First Glance
You Saved Me
Bonfires Wolves And Secrets
Truths Be Told
Make Me Forget
I'm Your Sister, Nice To Meet You
Save Me
Tying up loose ends
New Beginnings
not a chapter

Forks High

3.5K 78 12
By JadeLahote

Beep beep beep

I lazily slammed my hand down on my alarm clock. This is what I hate the most, having to wake up and drag myself out of bed but as hard as it was I managed to do just that and damn near crawl into my bathroom, I think it's clear I'm not much of a morning person. After showering I blowdried and loosly curled my hair and applied a small amount of make up to make my green eyes pop. I pulled on some black skinny jeans a tank top thick woollen sweater and a pair of wedge boots. Comfy.

"how did you sleep honey?"

My mom asked as she slid bacon and eggs onto a plate in front of me.

"actually really good. I finally feel like I can breath"

It was the true, it was the first time in so long that I'd slept through the night without nightmares or tossing and turning all night

"well get a hurry on Bella will be here soon"

she smiled. Just as I finished my breakfast there was a knock at the door so I quickly grabbed my bag and kissed my mom on the cheek.

"have a good day at school"

She called as I raced to the front door. I opened it and greeted Bella before following her to her truck.

"Welcome to Forks high"

Bella said as we pulled into the carpark. We pulled in next to a shiny black volvo, judging by the rest of the cars in the lot whoever owned it had to be rich and speak of the devil I caught sight of the owner as I climbed out of the passenger door. He was handsome yet pale, like really pale

Maybe he's part albino?

I thought, his eyes though were a stunning amber. Beside him was a short pixie haired girl who had the same pale skin and eyes as the guy, siblings?

Hmm maybe she owns the volvo

"Jade this is my boyfriend Edward and his sister Alice. Guys this is Jade, she just moved to Forks"

Bella introduced us. As Edward stared at me he made me feel a little uneasy, It was like his eyes were boring into my soul. I shook off the feeling and followed them into the building. Well here we go...A new high school.

*Edwards POV*

The new girl Jade intrigued me. She was a little weary of me at first and she seemed like the typical teenage girl but as the day went on I got a deeper insight into who she really was. She had a dark past, she moved here from California. Some guy called Mark was the reason she left, just from her thoughts the guy made me mad. She had been through alot because of him and all she wanted was a fresh start. I felt the need to protect her. To keep her safe.

*Jades POV*

The day was going great so far. Edward wasn't so bad once I got to know him and his adopted brothers and sisters were cool too. Well all except his blonde sister Rosalie. She was just a bitch and I'd dealt with enough of them in the past to know not to take any crap from girls like her.

I was making my way to the bathroom during lunch when I was stopped by a tall thick set jock, his hair looked greasy and he smelled as though he'd swam in cheap cologne, I almost had to hold my breath to block out the smell

"Hey pretty thing. So you're the new girl, I'm Carter. How about we get out of here and get to know each other better"

he smirked and licked his lips. The guy was repulsive

"Uh no thanks "

I said as I pushed past him. He grabbed my upper arm roughly and pulled me towards him

"It wasn't a question"

he growled into my ear as his grip on my arm tightened. I started to panic and tried to get away as he pulled me towards the mens bathroom but he just held tighter and covered my mouth with his free hand pulling me faster, my eyes filled with tears as I began to have flashbacks. Please not again. He threw me into a stall and went to lock the door behind him but just as he did the door was ripped off the hinges and he was pulled away from me by Emmett, Edwards adopted brother I had met earlier.  A second later Edward was standing in front of me helping me out of the stall. My heart was pounding in my chest and I could feel the tears flowing down my cheeks. I was still havinh flashbacks, being held down a hand covering my mouth and not being able to fight back. I wasn't even aware where I was until Edward said my name

"Jade it's ok. Can you hear me? You're ok now"

I snapped out of my trance and looked at him. I was sitting in his car and I could see Bella rushing towards us.

"Edward we need to tell my dad"

she said as she knelt down next to me.

"No please don't, you can't tell him. He'll just tell my mom and I don't want her to worry. Please I've put her through enough"

I begged them. Mom had been through alot involving me already I didn't want her to start freaking out again. I didn't want to have to pack up and move again

"Ok we won't tell but he will be dealt with just leave him to me. Bella can take you home if you like"

Edward did his best to calm me down. Shaking my head I got out of the car and straightened myself out

"No I'm not leaving trust me i'll be fine"

What an eventful first day.

A/N: Next chapter PAUL!!!!! Oh and I don't anything except Jade. The rest belongs to Stephanie Myer. Although I wish Paul was mine.....hes so HOT!!!

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