Truths Be Told

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I sat next to Paul in his pickup as we drove towards La Push. My head resting on his shoulder. We had stayed up talking most of the night. He told me about the Cullens being vampires, although it didn't bother me. I knew out would be awkward come Monday when I had to go back to school. He also told me about Jacob being in love with Bella and her choosing Edward over him. I told him about my life before I came to Forks but left out the parts about my ex. He was no longer a concern so I didn't want to worry Paul. My mom liked Paul straight away, I knew I couldn't tell her about the imprint but there was something about the way she spoke that made me think she knew more than she was letting on.

We pulled up outside Sam and Emilys house and were greeted by the pack. Emily gave me a bigger hug than the last time welcoming me to the pack. As we sat around the table getting reacquainted I would find myself absentmindedly playing with Pauls hair or stroking the back of his neck.

*Sams POV*

I watched as Paul and his imprint interacted, the rest of the pack were purposely trying to annoy him and without even realising she was soothing him. We all noticed it. This girl was definitely special, even I felt a bond with her although I had no idea what it meant.

*Jades POV*

We spent the rest of the weekend hanging with the pack. Sam was the alpha and Jacob was his second. I learnt that they spent their nights taking turns patrolling the borders of La Push and that in their wolf form they could read each others minds. It was so fascinating.

Paul took me home on Sunday night promising to come see me after school every day. Thank god the school year was almost over and I could spend more time with him.

The following morning Bella arrived to pick me up and as soon as I climbed into the truck she turned to me

"I guess you know the truth"

"Yeah Bells I know all about the Cullens and the pack. Imprinting and all that jazz. Don't worry I know how to keep secrets"

"and your not mad?"

"of course not, why would I be mad. I understand whats going on and it's not exactly something to broadcast"

"just be careful please Jade. The wolves are still dangerous. Im pretty sure you saw what Sam did to Emily and Paul is a hot head"

By now I was a little annoyed. Bella was being a hypocrite

"Seriously Bella, your boyfriend and his family are vampires and your lecturing me on keeping out of danger. For your information Paul would never hurt me and he wouldn't leave me and drive me into depression"

Ok that was a low blow but at least it shut her up. As soon as we pulled up at school I walked straight past the Cullens without even looking at them. I was mad.and needed to calm down. Almost immediately my phone started ringing. I pulled it put and saw it was Paul so I answered it

"Baby are you ok? Is something wrong?"

I felt a wave of calmness wash over me and quickly turned around to make sure Edwards brother Jasper wasn't around. The pack had told me about his power. I realised it was Paul doing it.

"everythings fine babe I promise. I just had disagreement with Bella"

"Do you need me to come get you? The leeches better not be giving you any trouble"

"Babe I promise I'm fine. I'll talk to you later ok. I love you"

"Ok. I love you too"

As I walked to the parking lot after school I spotted Paul and his truck. I walked over to him, him in for a kiss.

"I figured you may want a ride home"

I just smiled and climbed in next to him.

After a week Bella gave in and apologized and I decided to forgive her.

Paul and I were sitting around the bonfire with the rest of the pack when Jacobs dad Billy wheeled himself over.

"Hey Jade, your moms name isn't Mary by any chance is it? Mary Harris"

"Yeah how do you know that?"

Most of the elders all turned to look at me, i gripped Pauls hand tightly

"what's going on? How do you know my mom?"

Sue Clearwater then stepped forward

"honey who is your father?"

"uh I don't know, mom said he left her before I was born. Why are you asking? Seriously you are all freaking me out"

I jumped to my feet before turning to Paul

"take me home please Paul"

He put his arm around me and pulled me to his pickup. I just needed to talk to my mother, they knew something about her and i was going to find out.

"mom where are you?" I called as I walked into the house. Paul followed behind me holding my hand to keep me calm.

"honey what on earth is going on?"

"mom who is my dad? I want the truth?"

"where is this all coming from Jade?"

"the elders in La Push know your name and they asked me about my father. What's going on mom?"

*Jades moms POV*

I knew this day would come and I'd bet money it was either Billy Black or Sue Clearwater that opened their mouths.

"baby sit down, you too Paul"

as soon as they were seated I began to explain.

*Jades POV*

"I lived here around 20 years ago and in that time I fell in love with a Quileute man. He was a shifter, a wolf. He accidentally phased in front of me and told me all the secrets"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mom knew about the wolf pack. I looked over at Paul who was just as stunned as me.

"we were so happy and in love and then he imprinted. moved on and left me just like that. So I moved to LA. I found out I was pregnant a month later. I couldn't come back and tell him. He had his imprint"

"who is it mom? Who is my father?"

"Joshua Uley"

Can you be my saviour? (Paul Lahote) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now