Extraordinary // Wayhaught

By EnchantedRilaya

72.6K 1.8K 343

just some cute, romantic, funny oneshots of Waverly and Nicole More

Long Hours
Locker Room
Officer Haught
Forever and Always
Drunk Nicole
Late Night Talks
One Of Our Own
For Yesterday
Vanilla-Dipped Donuts
White Christmas
Moving In
At The Wedding
Everybody Hurts
Diamond Ring
I Feel College
Heartbroken (part 2)
Haught Like Me
Back In Town
Back in Town (Part 2)
Crappy Anniversary
She's Cheer Captain
She's Cheer Captain (part 2)
She's Cheer Captain (part 3)
She's Cheer Captain (part 4)
She's Cheer Captain (part 5)
Fight and Make Up
Come Back... Be Here
Calamity Jane
Stay Stay Stay
No Goodbyes
How You Get The Girl
How You Get The Girl (part 2)
Three Summers Back
Lost You
New Year

Three Summers Back (part 2)

984 38 2
By EnchantedRilaya

Nicole sighs loudly as she finishes reading the letters. She found them on her doorstep about half an hour ago when she was heading out for her afternoon run. Needless to say her run has been cancelled, her mind is far too occupied with the letters from her past.

Waverly's handwriting is just how she remembers it, perfectly neat cursive. Comparing the new and old letters, Nicole sees that it hasn't changed a bit. She smiles, staring at the bottom of the old letter, the never-delivered (until now) letter from almost three years ago. 'Love from your Waverly' it says.

Her smile falls into a frown, her brows knitting together as she glances back at the yellowed envelope on the coffee table in front of her. It's addressed to the dorm room she hasn't lived in since her second year of college. Guilt settles uneasily in her stomach as she remembers the letters she wanted to write, but never did, to the girl she left behind. To the girl she loved. But she tortured herself with the thoughts 'Waverly deserves better' and 'Waverly deserves someone who is there'. She didn't want to take away her senior year of high school and all the fun that could be. She didn't want Waverly to waste her year hidden away in her bedroom writing letters and making long distance phone calls. So she let herself 'forget' to write or call.

And then when she never heard a single word from Waverly, she assumed they were on the same page. But the letters she's now holding in her hands make her feel different. She was wrong.

Just to torture herself some more, Nicole rereads through the old letter, the one from almost-17-year-old Waverly Earp.

' Hi Nicole,

I miss you like crazy. It's been six days and all I can think about is you. School starts tomorrow so hopefully I can get you out of my head enough to concentrate.

This summer was the greatest few months of my life. I'll never forget a minute of the time I spent with you. I miss hanging out at the lake almost everyday. I've never felt more protected than when you held me and helped me learn to swim. And I miss holding your hand and your hugs and your kisses.

And that night in the back of your truck, I dream about it every night and when I wake up I'm sweating and I swear I can feel your hands all over me again.

Anyways. How are you settling in? Did you get stuck with last year's roommate or did you get a new one? I hope college is going well for you and I hope you're having fun.

I hope you're well and that I hear from you soon.

Love from your Waverly
PS: I love you.'

Nicole puts the paper back down and rubs the back of her neck. Her mind is racing on what to do, how to react, what to think of this blast from the past. She reads over the newer letter to try and decipher present-day-Waverly's intentions, hoping it'll help her decide what to do.

'I hope you still think of me when you hear our song on the radio... because I do.'

Nicole tosses these words over and over in her mind. She tries to hear them in Waverly's voice. She can't help but smile about Waverly thinking of her still. I have to see her, Nicole thinks to herself. She's known she'd run into Waverly sooner or later, but she never thought it would be this soon. She's been back less than two weeks and just barely started her internship at the law firm.

Waverly's letter doesn't say anything about her current address, but Nicole is sure she'll find her at the Earp Homestead. She's heard from Nedley that Waverly's Uncle Curtis and Aunt Gus moved out of Purgatory a few months back, and the house and property already belonged to their nieces. Nicole was sure they must still live there.

Nicole os getting up, ready to prep herself to go see Waverly, when another thought occurs to her, Wynonna knows. Wynonna knows that I, an older girl, dated her sister all summer and then left under the pretences we'd stay together long distance, and then I just never spoke to her again. I broke her baby sister's heart and she's going to kill me.

Nicole feels her mouth dry out and her palms begin to sweat. She wipes her hands on her pants and walks through to her bathroom.

She runs the tap and splashes cold water on her face. It'll be fine; Wynonna won't even know who I am. She dries her face and then moves into her room, peeling off her shirt as she walks.

Nicole hums softly while she searches her closet for a suitable outfit. What do you wear to see the girl you're pretty sure is the love of your life but is also the girl who's heart you tore out? Nicole settles for jeans, a white t-shirt and a red and black flannel. As she cuffs her jeans she realises what song she's humming. It's If I Could by 1927. It's their song. Something flutters in her stomach and she smiles.

Back in the bathroom, Nicole runs a brush through her hair and wonders what Waverly will think of it. When they were together, her red hair had flowed past her shoulders, now it's cut short, curls falling neatly just below her chin.

After another 20 minutes of fussing over her appearance and pondering on what it'll be like to see Waverly again, Nicole finally makes it out the door, into her car and on the road to the Earp Homestead.

When she pulls onto their property, she notices only one car parked out front. Nicole prays that it's Waverly's. With a shaky breath, she puts her car in park and climbs out.

The wooden steps creak as she makes her way to the front door. Nicole hesitates before knocking, wiping her sweaty palms again. She knocks and waits a minute before the door swings open.


Waverly smiles slightly. Nicole puts on the biggest smile she can manage and runs a hand through her hair.

"Hi." Nicole feels 18 again, like the first time she found the confidence to say hi to Waverly. "I got your letters."

"Right. Of course. I just didn't think..." Waverly shrugs, "Hi."


"You said that already."

"Umm, how are you?" Nicole twists a corner of her flannel shirt in her hand.

"You cut your hair," Waverly says, ignoring the question. She reaches a hand out to touch the ends. "I like it."

"Thanks. You look great."

Waverly blushes and steps further out onto the porch, pulling the door shut behind her. "Come, sit down." She gestures to the swing sofa and sits down, Nicole sits beside her a second later. Silence falls over them for a minute or two until Nicole finally speaks up, clearing her throat first.

"I'm sorry that I never called you."

Waverly shakes her head, "I'm sorry I never sent the letter."

"I got caught up in thinking I'd be taking something from you by expecting you to wait by the phone everyday and write letters all the time. And college was so much and so busy. And, honestly, it was a lot of fun too. I didn't want to miss out either. It was selfish, I should have at least told you that."

"Yeah, you're right. But I think it was for the best, it might've been messier if we'd actually committed to long distance. A right person at the wrong time kinda thing."

"You're not mad?"

"Not any more. I was for a while. At you and at myself."

Nicole smiles softly and blushes when Waverly smiles widely in return. "Your smile is even cuter than I remember," Waverly says quietly, resting a hand on top of Nicole's. "Were your dimples always that big?"

"I think so," Nicole giggles. She laces her fingers through Waverly's and squeezes gently. "I missed you so much, you know that right? I never stopped missing you."

"Me too." Waverly wriggles closer on the seat so that their legs brush against each other's. She squeezes Nicole's hand. Nicole looks into her soft, hazel eyes.

"Would I be crazy to ask you for a second chance?"

"Not at all. Well actually..." her voice trails off. Nicole's heart skips a beat. "Maybe a little because Wynonna kind of wants to kick your ass."

Nicole laughs. "If she must. But that won't keep me away from you. Nothing will this time." Waverly's eyes soften and she throws her arms around Nicole. Nicole holds her tight until Waverly pulls back slightly. Their noses brush together, then Nicole tilts her head slightly and kisses Waverly's soft, pink lips.

Waverly kisses back, her hand grips the back of Nicole's neck and the other rests on her shoulder. Nicole's hands hold Waverly steady at the waist as she darts her tongue forward. Waverly's lips part and she shudders as Nicole's tongue brushes against her own. She's just letting her hand slip down to Nicole's chest when a loud noise makes her jumps back, almost slipping off the swing seat and causing the redhead to frown.

Wynonna stomps noisily up the front steps and coughs loudly until Waverly looks her in the eye. The older brunette looks between her sister and the stranger for a moment, silently strategising.

"So this is Nicole then?" Waverly and Nicole both nod. "Hot damn, you're a fine piece of-"


"Sorry," she clears her throat, "So are you here to break my sister's heart again?"

"Of course not. She reached out to me and I came to apologise," Nicole said nervously, gazing at Wynonna's forehead instead of making eye contact.

"Must've been quite the apology, or was your tongue down her throat the apology?"

"Wynonna, stop it. I can deal with this myself."

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."

"Can you just leave us alone?" Waverly grumbles. Wynonna scoffs at her sister, kicking her boot covered foot against the wooden porch.

"You haven't properly introduced us though."

"Fine! Wynonna this is Nicole Haught, Nicole this is my loving, but annoying big sister Wynonna. Is that good enough for ya?"

"Your last name is Hot?"

"H-A-U-G-H-T," Nicole spells out with a nod. Wynonna laughs.

"It suits you," Wynonna says with a wink.

"If you're done intimidating and flirting with my girlfriend can you give us some space? I'll be in when it's time for dinner, okay."

"Okay, okay. Sorry, Waves." With that, Wynonna heads into the house, leaving them alone again. Waverly turns back to a red-faced Nicole.

"Now where were we?"

"Girlfriend? You just called me your girlfriend."

"Oh, sorry. I just thought that's kinda what we agreed on with the whole second chance thing. Though I wasn't really thinking so like if you didn't mean that then-" Nicole cuts her ramble off with a kiss.

"I'm all in."

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