Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

Lines In The Sand

10.9K 342 204
By Tasergirl

After a slightly tense walk, Elijah and I get to the kitchen to find Klaus inside. Does this man not stay in one place? He looks up and gives me a smirk as he stands at the stove, over a rather large pot. It's a strange sight to walk in on. Never since meeting him would I have thought to walk in on this.

"Hungry love?" He asks and I nod softly. He gestures for me to sit at the counter. I lean on it instead trying to look over his shoulder and see what he's doing.

"You cook?" I ask incredulously. Never pegging him as the type. He throws a smirk over his shoulder.

"There's a lot you don't know about me love" he says. Looking over at Elijah, he raises an eyebrow. "There's no need for us both to feed her brother" he tells him and I look at the older brother, feeling a blush on my cheeks. I'm unable to forget how we felt pressed against each other. Elijah looks irritated for a moment before he shakes his head.

"I suppose you're right, besides I need to change" he says before looking at me. I notice then that the originals sweat soaked through some of his shirt.

"Goodnight Bonnie" he says kissing my hand and swiftly leaving. I whisper a goodnight and move around the kitchen, once again alone with the man I called an enemy for so long.

"You realize I'll have to dagger him now" Klaus says and I raise an eyebrow at the hybrid. Confusion marring my features.

"For what" I ask sitting on the counter behind him. The slits in the dress showing my legs. I go to try and cover them but remember what Rebekah said about feeling comfortable with my sexuality.

"Touching you of course" he says smirking and I roll my eyes chuckling softly.

"Is that your answer to everything?" I ask and he shrugs before turning to me, smile on his face and a steaming bowl in his hands.

"Lobster Bisque" he says taking a spoon and holding it out to me. I raise an eyebrow at him but he just challenges me with a smirk. Rolling my eyes I take the bite. As I do the flavors burst in my mouth, my eyes quickly widen before fluttering closed and I let out a low moan.

This is absolutely heavenly. Opening my eyes again I see him smirking at me with a raised eyebrow. Covering my mouth with a hand, I smile sheepishly.

"That's amazing" I say as his smirk widens, probably seeing the light blush on my cheeks. He smiles nodding. I look down in confusion, wondering why the hell I feel so comfortable in Klaus's presence. Ever since I've been here it's like I'm relaxed around him. My magic isn't on the defense anymore either. Hell sometimes I have to calm it down around Stefan but lately when I'm around Klaus, nothing. It's almost completely calm. If anything it seems to want to reach out to him.

"I'm glad you like it" he says smiling at me devilishly. I shake my head slightly as he holds up another spoon for me. I don't think I'll ever get a read on this man, or my own feelings for that matter.

"Are you going to feed the whole thing to me?" I ask giving him an incredulous look as I take the bite anyway. He smirks again.

"A queen must be doted upon" he says simply. I roll my eyes at him thinking he must be joking, but he just offers me another spoonful. I raise an eyebrow at him but take it anyway closing my eyes as the flavor burst in my mouth. Opening my eyes again I see the smirk still firmly on his face.

"So is this how you treat all your enemies" I ask him with a raised eyebrow. This time it's his turn to roll his eyes as he looks at me exasperated. I try not to giggle at his face, but I can't help the smile.

"You are no longer my enemy Bonnie" he says as if he's talking to a child that won't listen. "If you were I would've left you for dead the minute Elijah brought you through those doors" and something deep inside me believes him. I don't know what it is, or where it came from but I believe the hybrid when he tells me this. I just nod as he holds out another spoonful to me rolling my eyes but taking the bite.

As he goes to scoop another one I slap his hand away, he chuckles but let's me do what I want. Holding out a spoonful to him I raise an eyebrow, giving him a challenging look.

Raising his eyebrows in shock, he looks at me. As if he can't believe that I would do this. Good. Finally a point for Bonnie. He, of course, doesn't back down and takes it. Eyes staring into mine the whole time.

We go back and forth like that for a while. Before long the soup is done. He backs away from me after helping me get down from the counter.

Strangely comfortable walking around the hybrid. I go to the sink and start washing the dish and as I put the bowl away I realize he's still watching me. I cross my arms, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"What" I ask but he shrugs, leaning against the counter with his own arms crossed over his chest. I can't help but take a moment to admire his toned arms.

"I've never seen you like this" he says and I raise an eyebrow at the hybrid. Confusion clear on my features.

"Like what?"

"Relaxed" he says simply before holding a hand out. I give him a suspicious look but take his hand anyway. I've been in his house alone so long if he wanted to do me harm he would have.

He leads me up the stairs, and I can't help but think of what he said. I had just been thinking about that very thing. I am relaxed. For some reason I am much too comfortable here. So strange to think not even a week ago these people were my enemies but now I've spent more time with them than I have my own friends.

Rebekah was somehow quickly becoming one of my best friends. Which is what makes everything about what my friends asked me to do feel so wrong.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" He asks and I look up at him in surprise. He's looking at me knowingly.

"How do you know I'm thinking hard about something?" I ask him and he smiles bringing a hand up.

"Well love, when you concentrate on something hard enough you get a small crease right here" he says gently touching the spot in between my eyebrows. I shake my head at him softly. Sighing quietly, I look away.

Thinking for a moment. Even if I wanted to I couldn't tell him, he'd kill me if he knew. He'd kill all of us if he knew the witch staying in his house was going to go back and tell her friends wether or not he could be trusted.

"How serious are you about making Mystic Falls your home?" I ask suddenly and he looks at me in surprise, before nodding. Considering my question.

"You're don't believe in our truce?" He asks and I shrug. I can't tell him the truth but maybe I can get this out of the way now and not have to 'spy' on anyone later.

"For some reason I do, but sometimes it's hard to differentiate the man I see in front of me and the one that spent so long torturing me and my friends" I tell him honestly and he nods at me seriously. Thinking about my words.

He motions for me to follow him and I do. As he leads me into a room, I realize it's the same room I met with Esther in, on the night of the ball.

"How much do you know about my family?" He asks and I shrug. I don't know much except what Elena and the Salvatore brothers thought was necessary.

"Not much, I know how you became vampires and that you knew my ancestor and of course your parentage" I say softly as I sit down. He nods at my explanation.

"I spent many years lying to my siblings as we ran from Mikael. The man wanted to kill not only me but his own children. I spent centuries trying to keep us all safe and because of that I slowly turned into the monster you've come to know" he says gesturing down to himself.

I nod at his story indicating I was listening, intently. It makes sense. Someone once said to defeat a monster you must become one. Any man who would try to kill his own children had to be a monster.

"I recently found out Mikael was desiccating in a cave somewhere because of a Mrs. Abby Bennett-Wilson, I thought it was fate. The descendant of the woman who protected me from him in my youth, protects me centuries later, without even realizing it. Of course fate is a cruel mistress and made that woman's daughter my enemy before I even showed my face, all because of some damned doppelgänger" he says and I'm reminded of when he walked around in Alaric's body.

Strange how nobody noticed how wrong Alaric seemed to be at the time. Shaking my head I narrow my eyes at the description of my friend. He just shrugs before continuing.

"I, of course, am first and foremost a general and have to push aside human emotion to do what needs to be done. It's what kept me and my siblings alive all of these years" I nod again, listening to him, giving him all of my attention. "You know how the rest goes, how my ambition lead to the demise of many. How much I hurt you and in yet another twist of fate you let my mother free, she shows up alive, well and forgiving" he says and the shock and disbelief is clear on his face.

"My family is whole again for the first time in centuries because of you, Bonnie. So yes, I am very serious in keeping with my side of this truce" he says. I just look at him for a moment, seeing him in a brand new light. The things he's done have been monstrous. The people he's hurt, killed and even tortured, endless. I don't know if I could ever forgive him killing Jenna. Though in a way I understand.

He became what he is out of necessity to keep himself and his family alive. I'm sure even without Mikael there are many people who would like him and his siblings dead. I've done things I'm not proud of, I almost burned Damon alive at one point.

If we're being completely honest Damon's done more to this group than Klaus has and with less reason. Damon abused Caroline, almost killed me and even snapped Jeremy's neck for goodness sake not to mention he's the reason Matt's sister is dead.

"I believe you" I say softly and he gives me a ghost of a real smile.

Later that night, after he lead me to my room I change and get in bed.

Laying in the same place I woke up in I sigh. I really do believe him. I believe he wants his family whole, but I also believe his want, no his need for power is going to come back. Maybe his family can help with that though. Maybe his mother can help. Maybe I can help. And with that final thought I fall asleep.

I open my eyes slowly as the light filters in through the window. Looking around the room I sigh. I need to go home, before anyone wakes up.

Putting my hat on I throw on some sneakers and grab my bag. I look around the hallway before stepping into it, rushing towards the stairs. I'm down the stairs and seconds away from the door when I'm caught.

"And where do you think you're sneaking off to"

Turning I see a smirking Kol. Rolling my eyes at the mischievous vampire I shrug. While he seems intrigued by my presence it doesn't seem he's the type to make me stay.

"I need to go home, I haven't been there in too long and since my phone broke I haven't been able to make sure my dads not home" I say as I start to inch closer to the door. He raises an eyebrow and shakes his head at me.

"I see and here I thought you were staying longer" he says and I shake my head at him, giving him a look of confusion. Why would he think that?

"I don't see why" I tell him.

"Because I said it" I hear. Turning around I see Klaus, in between me and the door. I put a hand on my hip. Defiance running through me. He can't just command me to stay and expect me to listen.

"You can't just keep me here" I tell him dryly to which he just raises an eyebrow at me.

"I beg to differ, I think I'm doing a marvelous job at it" he says and I scoff, rolling my eyes at his arrogant tone.

"I'm going home Klaus, I have things to do, a paper to turn in, people to take care of" I say and he rolls his eyes at me.

"You were attacked, we need to figure out who these people are and what they want, who knows what their plans are and your precious town could be in jeopardy" he says and I roll my eyes.

"I will be fine I can handle whatever they throw at me" I say but he shakes his head.

"I'm not taking that risk" he says and I laugh in his face.

"What the hell are you gonna do to stop me?" I ask as I start to walk past him, he just raises an eyebrow at me. Before I know it I'm thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Klaus what the hell" I yell pounding on his back with my fists "put me down you overbearing, controlling, psychopath" I yell as he tuts at me.

"Now love, that isn't going to help you out here" he says and I let out a frustrated groan, feeling embarrassed that he'd even attempt to do something like this to me.

"Klaus you can't just keep me locked away in here" I yell at him in frustration as we pass a very amused Rebekah. She's covering her mouth to hide a laugh but I send her a glare knowing how amused she is.

"Actually I can keep you in this room" he says depositing me into a bed. I glare at him. "See there are charms in place to keep you from leaving this room and also dull your power so you can't use it against me" he says vampire speeding to the door and closing it. I bang on the locked door. My fist hitting it hard, trying to break it down.

"If you think this is gonna keep me you've got another thing coming!" I yell at him through the large and heavy door.

"You'll thank me one day, I'm sure of it" he says and I shake my head as I sit on the bed, muttering about controlling know-it-all hybrids and good for nothing blonde friends.

I look around the room in anger, I can't believe him. Actually I can but I'm still pissed. I get up and look around the room. I'm gonna find those damn charms and get out of here.

No one POV:
Rebekah smirks as she hears Bonnie scouring the room in search of the charms. She shakes her head as she walks to a smirking Kol. He leans against the railing looking like he'd just watched the best show.

"She's going to get out of there" she tells her brother with a raised eyebrow. "The only thing he's succeeded in is pissing her off"

Kol just shrugs at her before throwing an arm over his sisters shoulder. Pointing to her as they walk, and he smiles.

"Yes well I know that and you know that, the only one that thinks he's getting away with anything is Niklaus" he tells his sister throwing an arm over her shoulders as they walk. They share a small chuckle before she grabs her keys. Her mother walks into the foyer before she can leave.

"I'm off to school, I'll give an excuse to Bonnie's first period teacher" she tells her mother and walks out. Shaking her head, Esther looks at Kol.

"Where is Niklaus?" She asks to which he just shrugs, leaving the room in search of a snack. Giving it a thought Esther sighs before leaving to her sons art studio. As she enters he looks at her, his face hard.

He's tried to hide it with smug amusement and anger but Esther knows her son well enough to realize how worried he actually is about the young witch.

"You realize this is not what I meant when I said we need her here" she tells her son who shrugs uncaring. She sighs walking further inside, reminded of when she first told him they needed the witch. It seems all their discussions of her are in this room.

Seeing a painting of said witch in the corner she raises a delicate eyebrow. Seems as if her son is now interested in the young Bennett for more than just her power.

"Is there a reason we have a very angry witch cursing Niklaus and ripping apart our guest room?" Elijah asks walking into the art room. He looks from his mother to his brother waiting for an answer. "I thought you were making progress with her brother? She hasn't yet set you aflame"

Klaus turns and looks to his mother and noble brother. He sighs exaggeratedly as he sets down his paintbrush, grabbing a small hand towel. He doesn't want to get into it, not wanting to analyze why he's become so protective of the little witch. He hasn't been able to push her from his mind, painting her, thinking of her. When Elijah came in with her he felt his undead heart fall from his chest, he couldn't analyze those feelings.

"She was being unreasonable" he says simply wiping his hands. Elijah knits his eyebrows together and looks at his brother in confusion.

"She wanted to leave and run amok while there are witches coming after her" he says throwing an arm out into the general direction of the room Bonnie was in. Exasperation clear in his voice and for a moment Elijah looks amused, reminded of all of the times he's argued with his brother over their safety while Niklaus went about his business doing whatever he pleased, listening to no one.

"So you throw her and lock her in a magically enhanced room to protect her?" Esther asks dubiously. Elijah closes his eyes at the description of what his brother did, pinching the bridge of his nose. Exasperation radiating off of him.

"Yes I did, and she should be thanking me. I could have just thrown her into the dungeons and locked her up" he says matter of factly. Elijah looks at his brother in disbelief, though knowing him he shouldn't be surprised by his brothers rash behavior. He won't admit to wanting to do exactly what his brother had done.

"You realize you essentially just kidnapped a very powerful witch" Elijah says to which Klaus shrugs, uncaring of the situation he put himself in. In his head as long as the witch is safe from those who mean her harm he was in the right. Elijah shakes his head as leaves the room.

"Where are you going?" Esther asks her son, though in the back of her mind she already knows exactly where he is headed.

"I'm going to go apologize to Miss Bennett for Niklaus's appalling behavior and offer her a ride home" he says simply and Klaus gets up walking after his brother.

"You will do no such thing, I am keeping her safe she'll come around to see it my way" he says as he follows his brother who looks at him incredulously.

"You realize who it is we're talking about don't you?" He asks his brother as they near her room. Preparing themselves for whatever Bonnie throws at them. "This is the girl who almost died for her friend, harnessed the power of 100 dead witches and came closest to killing you. She will not take this lying down"
he says to Klaus before opening the door.

Looking around and realizing the room was empty he looks at his brother. Klaus looks around in surprise before looking out onto the open balcony where a sheet is knotted tightly around the railing. Elijah chuckles at something on the bed.

"She left a note" he says amused and looks at a very surprised Niklaus. The hybrid walks up to the bed beside his brother, where a pile of charms sit. At the very top of the pile a small note.

While he feels annoyance at being bested by the witch again, but he can't help the pride he swells within him, she's learning. Picking up the note he shakes his head.

Told you it wasn't going to keep me.

"She's proven this before brother but I think you've met your match" Elijah says. Klaus just smirks at him before walking out of the room in search of his witch.

Bonnie POV:

Pulling up to school after going home and changing I let out a sigh.

After everything that's happened it feels good to be doing something normal like school. Getting out of my car and inside I see Caroline and Elena whispering by the lockers. As soon as they see me they run up and pull me into the bathroom. I look at them in confusion wondering what the hell is going on with them.

"Thank God you're okay" Caroline lets out hugging her friend. Though a bit too tight Bonnie doesn't complain.

"Matt said you were attacked outside of the grill and Elijah sped off with you" Elena says holding onto my arm, concern all over her face. Sighing I give them both a soft smile.

"We've been trying to get a hold of you all weekend, we called, texted, even went to your house by the time we realized you must've still been at their mansion, we were ready to storm the place. Wait your hair, you dyed it? Again?" Caroline says widening her eyes at me. For a moment I can almost see them storming the mansion demanding for me back. I almost laugh but the worry on their faces stop me. I touch my hair what my hand as I smiled shyly at the girls before me.

"I'm sorry, it was a lot to handle. My phone was broken I'm getting a new one later and Rebekah thought it was best I didn't go home in case I had a concussion but yea I dyed it again, You like it?" I explain to them and they nod, though their faces show varying degrees of surprise. Hell if I was in their shoes I would too but the more I get to know Rebekah the more I realize exactly how compassionate the blonde original is.

"Barbie Klaus made sure you were okay? And dyed your hair?" Caroline asks dubiously and I nod.

"She's actually really thoughtful" I tell them lightly remembering the food she made me as soon as I woke up. They just share a look, eyebrows raised.

"Rebekah?" Elena asks as if making sure we were talking about the same person. I roll my eyes but nod.

"Yes Rebekah, she took good care of me while I was at their mansion, I do have to kick her ass for letting Klaus try to kidnap me this morning but she really is sweet" I say and they both give me looks of shock.

"Okay back up a little bit Bon" Caroline starts with Elena nodding vehemently beside her.

"Klaus tried to kidnap you this morning?" She asks and I nod.

"Yea apparently to try to keep me safe"I say and as soon as I do their jaws drop. I look at them and realize I haven't caught them up on much. Well it's kind of hard to do when your friends only really call if it's for a spell or life or death situation. "We have a lot to catch up on" I tell them lightly instead, to which they nod. Caroline suddenly perking up.

"How about a girls night" she says happily and I smile at her suddenly bubbly attitude. It's so refreshing to know that through everything Caroline is still Caroline.

"That's a great idea" Elena agrees and I nod not remembering the last time we did something like a girls night.

"My house? My dads not back yet and probably won't be for a while" I offer and they nod happily. We all leave the bathroom with plans to meet at my house at 8 for drinks, movies, chocolate and face masks. It feels good to make a regular plan like this, me and my oldest friends together.

By the time it hits history class with Alaric I feel almost normal. The day had gone by with no problems and even a few compliments on my hair. Honestly I love the way it feels and I like the way I look, but I'm itching to go back to my dark color. It's fun and lively but sometimes looking in the mirror I can barely recognize myself. Walking into Alaric's class I smile at my teacher.

"How you doing today Bonnie?" He asks and I can see the worry in his gaze. Looks like everyone knows what happened, or at least a version of it.

"I'm good, feeling much better" I say giving him a reassuring smile. He nods at me as I go to sit by Rebekah.

"I like the hair Bon" he says softly and I nod at the man gratefully, giving him a soft thank you as I walk past.

"Thanks for the help this morning" I tell her sarcastically. She just smirks at me before shrugging.

"Well I didn't entirely disagree with him darling, besides I knew you'd get out of that room sooner or later" she tells me simply and I send her a glare. They know I can take care of myself, I've held my own against them for goodness sake. This is what I get for being caught off guard I suppose, even if it was only once. She sighs and looks at me fully.

"I'll make it up to you" she says and I make a face at her before nodding. "Besides you've had Niklaus lock you away, that practically makes you part of the family" she says giving me a smirk. I just roll my eyes at the female original but do crack a smile. As Elena walks in with Stefan the bell rings.

After school I get my new phone and immediately call my father. I let him know I was okay and the only reason I didn't pick up his nightly call is because my phone broke. Lucky I called him in time because he had a flight ready to come home. Rudy Hopkins may not always be around but there's no doubt in my mind that he cares for me. He just needs to work on showing it better. Though I suppose that can be said for a lot if not most of the men on my life.

Later that evening I get in my car after picking up some things from the grocery store. I look at the time. The suns set already and its almost 7. Shrugging I decide to go to the grill. There's nothing perishable in the bags and I can grab some buffalo wings for myself before Elena and Caroline show up. I turn on the radio and head over there, Shakira's hips don't lie playing loudly as I speed down the street with my windows down.

Pulling into the parking lot of the grill still humming I get out. Closing the door I feel a chill go up my spine. This one a familiar chill.

Looking around I raise an eyebrow. There's no one around, minus a couple of kids stopping for kiss by the bench down the block. Ah to be young and reckless. I lean against my car, hiking my purse higher on my shoulder. Once they turn the corner I sigh, seeing no one around I call out.

"Come out Klaus, I know you're there" I say pushing off my car. After feeling a gust of wind on my face I turn and see Klaus smirking at me.

"Hello love" he greets smirking at me, though I can still sense some anger. Someone like Klaus is used to people doing his bidding. They either do what he wants or they die. Well he should know better than that with me.

"Following me?" I ask and he shrugs, smirk not leaving his face.

"Well after you left-"

"Escaped" I interrupt quickly but he just narrows his eyes and continues.

"I was forced to take other measures to ensure you were safe"

Scoffing at him I raise an eyebrow. Is he being serious? Does he really think his behavior was okay?

"You locked me in a room" I accuse and he sighs at me, seeming ready to defend his point to hell. Damn stubborn hybrid.

"I did it to keep you safe" he says holding a hand in front of him, as if he was talking to a wild animal. I narrow my eyes at him.

"I can take care of myself and there are other things you could have done that don't involve kidnapping" I tell him angrily and he sighs.

"You're being emotional Bonnie"

"I'm pissed Klaus, you tried to take my choice away from me"

"I tried to protect you"

"I'm not a child Klaus, you can't treat me like one" I say rolling my eyes at the arrogant hybrid.

"I never said you were" he spits out starting to show his anger.

"You implied it!"

"You would not listen to reason, you could've gotten yourself killed and I will not take that chance!"

"We could've come up with another way if you would've just talked to me!"

"You didn't want to talk Bonnie you tried to sneak off before anyone noticed" he says angrily. I stay silent, knowing he had a point but unwilling to say it. Crossing my arms over my chest I frown. Rubbing my arms slightly as I start to feel a bit chilly, and it must show because he takes off his leather jacket draping it over my shoulder.

"Thank you" I whisper putting it around me more securely, he nods at me.

"I want to protect you Bonnie, let me" he whispers and I sigh. He steps closer to me, invading my space. I look up at him, silently wondering what he's playing at. What does he gain from keeping me safe?

"Why?" I ask him finally. He raises an eyebrow at me before sighing.

"Because you and I are not so different" he says quietly and I shake my head, though this time with much less enthusiasm. When you look at it we might not be. Terrible parental figures (although he definitely had it worse),
willingness to do anything for the people we love, stubborn to a fault the list goes on. Maybe that's why I've started to feel empathy for the hybrid.

"Well isn't this cozy" we hear. Turning around we see Damon walk up. The vampire looking as ruggedly handsome as usual, that irritating smirk on his face as he looks between us. I can only imagine what he thinks. Klaus standing close to me, whispering in my ear as I wear his jacket.

"What do you want Damon?" I ask tiredly, not wanting to deal with whatever bullshit was going to come from his mouth. He just smirks walking forward.

"I was just wondering how you were doing after your attack judgey" he says his tone playful but his walk almost predatory. I knit my eyebrows together but shake my head.

"I'm fine Damon" I tell him just wanting him to go away.

"Seems like your more than just fine" he says and I feel Klaus shift forward, but I pay him no attention as I turn to face Damon fully.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask and he waves a finger between me and Klaus. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"This" he says and I raise an eyebrow. He rolls his eyes exaggeratedly before looking at me.

"Sleeping with the enemy Bon Bon, didn't take you for that kind of witch" he says and I make a face at him. Looking at him I realize his eyes are more than a bit glazed over. He's drunk. And pissed. Something must've happened between him and Elena.

"I'm not sleeping with anyone Damon, go home, you're drunk" I say tiredly. I don't want to deal with this, I don't have the patience. He lets out a humorless laugh and walks forward again. Before he can get anywhere near me Klaus is in front of him, stopping the younger vampire in his tracks.

"I wouldn't do that mate" he says lowly but Damon just shrugs him off, walking towards me again. Klaus stops him again pushing him back slightly.

"I need to have a talk with the witch" he says and I roll my eyes. Of course.

"Go home Damon, you have nothing to talk about" Klaus tells him, displaying much more patience than I ever thought him capable of.

"Oh we have a lot to talk about" Damon says sarcastically as he smirks. "Or didn't your little girlfriend tell you" he says before looking at me. I knit my eyebrows together. He wouldn't be that stupid, even drunk he wouldn't put us all in danger like that. "She's spying on you for us, using her witchy juju to find out what you're planning" he says.

Apparently he is that stupid. Preparing myself to run if Klaus gets violent I curse myself for wearing heels today. As I see Klaus stiffen I prepare to fight him off but to my surprise he doesn't attack me. As he slams Damon onto a car I let out a gasp, ready to defend the vampire who just threw me under the bus.

"You are an imbecile, a pitiful excuse for a vampire" he says to him angrily. My eyes widen as he sticks his hand into Damon's chest. Damon's eyes widening as Klaus wraps his hand around his heart.

"Klaus" I yell but he ignores me.

"I already knew" he says and my eyes widen so much I fear they'll fall from my head. "did you not think I had hybrids watching you? I knew what you wanted and I know what she wanted I know everything" he says lowly dangerously. I shake my head trying to get myself to move.

"Klaus please let him go" I say as Damon spits blood from his mouth. Klaus turns and looks at me in disbelief. He shakes his head looking as if he's fighting with himself, before ripping his arm out from Damon's chest. Thankfully no heart in his hand. Damon sucks in a breath.

"Remember you survived this night not because of Stefan, Elena or even the truce" he says lowly, his eyes flashing a bright golden color.

"You survived because I allow it, for Bonnie Bennett, once again you owe her your life " he finishes before slamming Damon's head against the truck on the other side of them.

I look at Damon as he lays unconscious, unable to stop myself from feeling slightly satisfied to see him like that. I look up at Klaus to see him looking at me intently.

"You knew?" I ask him and he nods. I blink for a moment before looking at his bloodied hands. I don't need to ask to know he would have killed Damon if I hadn't stopped him and I admit that scares me. I was starting to see him in a new light when I should've remembered who he was.
"Why didn't you do anything?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"You didn't want to, you who hated us most tried to leave us be" he says and I look down.

"At the time you still hated me and you still did not risk it. My hybrid told me you had not even agreed to spy on us but to just keep an eye on us. I expected nothing less from the brave town witch" he says and I shake my head before looking at him, chin raised in defiance. I'm not ready to admit that I don't hate him anymore, that I've begun to care.

"Who said I stopped hating you?" I ask and he walks forward standing in front of me once more. I keep my head high as I look him in the eye.

"No one had to" he says his sky blue eyes boring into my mossy green.

"You showed me"

A part of me wants to protest but I find I can't. Sometime in all the time we spent together I not only stopped hating him, I found myself wanting to help him. Found myself wanting to understand him. I showed it when I spoon fed him, talked with him and spent time with him alone. I would never have done that before. He's shown me as well. When he cooked for me, when he opened up to me and even when he locked me away to try to protect me, though he went about it the wrong way. He did it the only way he knew how.

"You, Bonnie Bennett have done something to me" he whispers cupping my cheek with a warm hand. I feel my heart skip a beat as he touches me and I pause. "And you can not tell me you are unaffected" he says.

This is crazy. We just stare into each other's eyes for a moment, his hand on my cheek. It's almost as if we're in our own bubble. I feel my heart warm and lean into his touch slightly. Until Damon starts waking up with a groan and whatever spell we were under shatters. I look away and as I do so, his hand falls to his side. Taking a step back I sigh.

"I, um, I have to go" I say and before he can say anything I get in the car and driving away. It's not until I'm halfway home I realize I'm still wearing his jacket. I sigh out loud wondering what the hell was happening. Ever since that damned ball everything seems to be going to crazy.

Helloooo okk sooo it might be a little out of character that Klaus knew what was up and didn't do anything but I promise I explain it in the next one pretty quickly also drunk asshole Damon has made an appearance I have a lot of drafts ready and I'm going to be honest this got away from me a little and formed a life of its own lol but I like how it's turning out also in the next couple chapters the writing style will change because it's more conductive to the story love you guys stay safe❤️

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