Revenant (Rainbow six siege x...

By A_Mute_Main

108K 666 319

A ex-white mask member who joined at a young age of 17 years old who was captured by Team Six. You suffer fro... More

Any love interest(s)???
Chapter 1-The Beginning
Chapter 2- New allies
Chapter 3-White mask to a Operator
Chapter 4-Weird Games
Chapter 5-Demons
Chapter 6-Rivalry
Chapter 8- Downfall
Chapter 9-Without me
Chapter 10- Homecoming
Chapter 11-Blood bath
Wtf(not a chapter)
Chapter 12- The return(Short)
Chapter 13-One to love
Chapter 14-Demons gone
Chapter 15- Lazy days
Chapter 16- Lazy days Part 2
Chapter 17- A Suicide mission
Question?(Not a chapter)
News(not a chapter)
Chapter 18- Operation: Mayday
Chapter 19-The Break Up
Chapter 20-Ruin
Chapter 21- The Corruption Follows (Finale)
Part 2

Chapter 7-Betrayed

3.7K 31 1
By A_Mute_Main

(The next day)
I wake up and leave to the cafeteria. I get my breakfast and sit with Glaz because Craig and James are sleeping I guess.
Glaz: There gonna ask you who your gonna choose
Y/n: What?
Glaz: Monika and Tina are going to ask you who are you going to date
Y/n: Oh
Glaz: Who are you gonna choose?
Y/n: I don't know man maybe-
Intercom: Operators Lion and Raven come to the office
Y/n: Be right man
I make my way to the office with Lion. We enter and sit down in chairs and listen to Six.
Six: I want you two to invade s house of white masks. You will have to defuse the bomb
Lion & Y/n: Yes ma'am
Six: The chopper is ready dismissed
Me and Lion get up and walk to the chopper. We enter the chopper and sit 2 rows away from each other cause we hate each other a lot.
                               (20 minutes later)
The chopper lands so Lion and I jump out.
Lion: Raven I want you to invade upstairs and I go downstairs okay?
Y/n: Got it
I rappel on the roof and get ready for the call from Lion.
Lion: NOW
He rushes in while I jump and break through the window. I shoot a lot of white masks. Some white masks ran upstairs but got shot by me. I get shot in the chest. I kill the guy who shot me. It was bad.
Y/n: Lion is it clear?
Lion: Yeah let's defuse the bomb
I meet up with him and we run to the room with the bomb. I start defusing the bomb. After I defuse the bomb we walk outside. Lion stops in his tracks and turns around. I takes out his gun. I hope he isn't going to shoot me like I already got shot and it's bad.
Lion: Give me your dog tag...
Y/n: Why?
Lion: Just give it to me
He takes his hand out for my dog tag. I take it off and drop it in his hand.
Lion: Good
He aims his pistol at me and shoots me 3 times. I collapse down bleeding badly. I put my hand over the bullet holes.
Y/n: Lion...Lion...LION
He ignores me still walking away. I see the chopper landing then he enters. The chopper flies up and leaves. I turn to my back still holding the bullet holes. I hear a car parking. I then hear a door shut. I see some white masks walking upside down. They grab me and drag me to their car. I black out cause of blood loss.

Third POV
The chopper lands then the door opens up so Lion can leave. Once Lion enters the building he acts depressed and sad while he was happy. He sees Frost and IQ at the cafeteria waiting to see Y/n. Lion walks in acting sad. Everyone in the cafeteria looks at him.
Frost: Where's Y/n?
Lion walks up to her and drops his dog tag on her hand. Her face expression changes. The others gave a big gasp.
Lion: He's gone...he was killed by white masks I wish I could've saved him but to late they slit his throat am sorry Tina and Monika...he's gone
Frost and IQ start crying some operators cry also. Smoke and Blackbeard start tearing up they lost a friend who was like a brother. Six heard about the "news" of Y/n.
Intercom: All operators please report outside...
Everyone went outside to see Six who looks depressed.
Six: Today we lost some one...that some one was Y/n also known as Raven

                                  (Mean while)
Y/n wakes up in a bed in a dark place with little light. His wound and the bullet holes are bandage.
Y/n: Hello?
???: Welcome home Y/n other known as Raven
Y/n: Wait no no no it can't be you...
???: It is
Y/n: Your not Kyle
Kyle: It is me your old boss...

A/n: Hey guys sorry it's short I just want to say I didn't know that this story and my other one would get views like I thought I wouldn't have people reading my stories so thank you

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