Chapter 15- Lazy days

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We did nothing at Smokes dorm. We just sat around chilling eating and drinking. I was getting tired a bit. I was drinking a soda while thinking. Frost sits next to me. I move to the side a bit then she moves next to me. I sigh I just want to be alone a bit. I get up and leave the dorm. I walk down then some one hugs me. It's Frost.
Y/n: Frost what are you doing?
Frost: Hugging you dumbo
Y/n: Why are you acting like were a couple? Am with IQ
Frost: She isn't here right now so we have each other
Y/n: She is here now can you let go please am tired
Frost: We're going to my dorm-
???: What are you doing?
We turn around and it's...IQ
Y/n: Oh IQ thank god-
IQ: What do you mean thank god? Look what your doing!
Y/n: Look it's not what it looks like
IQ: It looks like it
Frost: Monika you don't even care about him
IQ: Oh look who's talking the slut
Frost: What did you just call me?!
Y/n: Just fucking kill me...
The two girls start going off so I just left. I can't go to my dorm cause Monika will just yell at me. I went Blackbeard's dorm. I knock at his door and he answers the door.
Blackbeard: Hey bro what's up
Y/n: Hey man can I crash at your dorm tonight?
Blackbeard: Sure dude you can sleep where ever you want man just not in my bed
He chuckles then i enter. I sit down on his couch drinking a water bottle. I start to fall asleep.

                                 (7 hours later)
I wake up and look around. I pick up my phone and check the time. It's 4 AM. I leave his dorm and walk around the base alone. It's fucking dark like I can't barley see anything. All I hear is me breathing and my footsteps. I walk pass dorms. Some lights are on while the rest dark. I walk outside and just look at the sky. It starts getting windy so I put my hood on. I feel some on grabbing my shoulder. I look and it's Monika.
IQ: Hey...
Y/n: Hey...
IQ: Why are you up so early?
Y/n: That's my question to you too
IQ: I stayed up all night...
Y/n: Damn I just woke up
She lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her. I look at the timer and it's almost 5 AM.
Y/n: Es lindo aqui
IQ: What did you just say?
Y/n: It is nice out here...
IQ: Oh I forgot that you were part Mexican
Y/n: Sí

We kiss and went back inside. We walk to our dorm. We hear some footsteps I guess we're not the only early birds. We enter our dorm then we lay down in my bed. We kiss then Monika gets on top of me. We finish doing our thing then I check the time and it's 5 AM now. I yawn then IQ starts touching the Hickey that Frost gave me.
IQ: Is this a hickey?
Y/n: Maybe...
IQ: Did I give this to you?
Y/n: Maybe...
IQ: Hmm I don't really remember doing this to someone
Y/n: Why is this even a conversation?
IQ: I don't know
She begins kissing my neck. I just let her be while i look at random stuff on my phone. I get up and put on some warm clothes.
IQ: You going somewhere?
Y/n: To the cafeteria
IQ: Why? It's still early
Y/n: Don't know why
I was about to open the door then IQ pulls me back to the bed. She gets on top of me and falls asleep.
Y/n: que tengas un buen sueño mi amor
I kiss her head and lay her down on the bed. I leave the dorm and make my way to the cafeteria. Some operators are awake. I see that breakfast is prepared but why is it prepared at 5 AM. I grab some stuff and sit across from Cav.
Cav: Buenos días
Y/n: Mañana
Y/n: Oh shit I forgot something
I get up and get some food. I walk back to my dorm to see IQ still sleeping. I place the tray on the night stand. I put a note on it. I walk out and get back to my food. I begin eating while talking to Cav. We talk about stuff from Mexico or South America. After eating it's 6 AM so I walk back to my dorm. While walking I see more operators walking and see dorm lights going on. I enter my dorm and lay down on my bed next to IQ who is now eating her breakfast that I gave her.
Y/n: When did you wake up?
IQ: 5 minutes ago and also thank you babe for the breakfast
Y/n: Your welcome mi amor
I kiss her cheek.
IQ: What does that mean?
Y/n: What?
IQ: Mi amor? What does that mean?
Y/n: It means My love in Spanish
IQ: Oh...
Y/n: You have a problem with me calling you that?
IQ: No I don't I was just wondering
Y/n: Oh
We hear a knock at the door so I get up and answer it. It was Craig.
Blackbeard: Hey bro
Y/n: Hey man
Blackbeard: Bro what time did you wake up?
Y/n: 2 hours ago
Blackbeard: Oh well wanna play pool with me and Smoke?
Y/n: Sure I will be back babe
IQ: Okay honey
I walk out and follow Craig to the pool table which was next to the bar. I see Smoke chilling there.
Smoke: Morning guys
Blackbeard: Morning man
Y/n: Hey
Smoke gives me and Craig our sticks and begins organizing the stuff.
Smoke: Alright who is going first?
Y/n: I will
I start aiming at the ball then I hit it with my stick. After that hit let the games begin.

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