Missed Your Chance | KOOKV

By Shayli147

183K 5.4K 2.1K

kim taehyung was bullied by his one and only crush, jeon jungkook. how did one summer filled with sweat, gym... More

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2.4K 84 56
By Shayli147

okay so sad shit... my dog died three days ago and he was with me ever since i was a baby. heck he was there before i was even born. so three days ago the one up there decided it was enough and the angel needs to get back to heaven and this angel was my dog, Scar.
noticed 2020 isn't exactly my year huh? it's no one's year right?
trying to stay positive tho. Scar was very old and he had a very hard time breathing, walking, eating and basically do anything but he stayed strong.
a week ago my dad took him to the vet cause he didn't seem to be feeling all too well (not that he was before just worse than usual) and my dad thinking it will be an at least two hours trip to the vet a and ended up at week in the vet and then the official declaration of the poor thing's death.
he stayed strong for us. for me. but i guess he couldn't stay strong anymore. every strong fighter has a breakdown point and guess that was that fighter's breakdown. and now he's away from me. forever.
i miss him so much but the reason i'm writing this and boiling my eyes out is not because i want you to pity me and write such shit as 'sorry to hear that' or 'i feel so bad' nor 'i hope you're okay'.
i'm writing this because Scar was very obvious to me. it's just that to me he was always there and will always be but it's not true, because now, he's gone.
and the reason i'm writing this is because sometimes things seem so obvious to us that we just don't appreciate them enough and only realize that when they're gone and that shouldn't be that way. we should always appreciate everything in our life because one day when it's gone you'll regret. and i'm not saying that because i mistreated my dog. the opposite is the right. i loved him with all of my heart. gave him everything i was willing to give and more but although all of that he wasn't that special. he was obvious it became so naturally. and i guess i missed something there because my heart stings now.
and i don't mind if you skip that part or not because it's your choice if to stay or not and i know it's long but it's only because it's something that i think everyone should know and remember everything is never obvious. nothing will stay forever so better thank for it before it's gone and you totally missed you chance.
have an amazing year and stay safe.


V, Jimin, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon and Bogum were all sitting together at the canteen, lunch trays infront of each oh them as they were all busy doing... what they were doing.

Bogum staring at V lovingly.

Hoseok glaring at Bogum who's staring at V lovingly.

V talking to Jimin.

Jimin looking down, gaze resting on the tray, cheeks way too pink to look up.

Yoongi eating quietly Namjoon's fries, smirking at the flustered Jimin.

Namjoon who's seated next to Jin way too distracted to notice Yoongi has already replaced his empty tray with his full one.

Jin giving Namjoon a small dick-rubbing under the fucking lunch table, slightly smirking when he saw Namjoon's glare and his mouth in a thin line, trying to hold back his moans.

"you guys doing the dirty i see. please my eyes are still innocent"

suddenly a voice appeared making everyone snap their head at the all-too-familiar voice.

"Jeon..." V hissed, teeth greeting.

"innocent eyes my ass" Jin scoffed, hands now on the table causing Namjoon to whine because Jin stopped just when he was about to cum.

"I like my dirty blindfolded.

and YOU..."

Jungkook pointed at Namjoon.

"...are sexually frustrated" he said with a smirk who only grew when Namjoon furiously blushed crimson making everyone burst in laughter when they looked at Namjoon's flustered face.

"sh-shut up!" Namjoon yelled and Jin cooed, pinching his cheeks.

"cute little bean! i'll make sure to give you the best treatment a doctor like me can give to his patient." Jin smugly said, winking at Namjoon.

well Jin was not wrong. he WAS studying to become a nurse.

Namjoon smirked, pulling Jin by the waist, "studying chemistry today?"

"studying chemistry today."

"ew you guys are clingy and gross as fuck" Jimin whined, scrunching up his nose in disgust.

"yeah and last time you "studied chemistry" to accomplish an assignment the only thing you accomplished was taking away Jin's virginity." V said, rolling his eyes.

Namjoon and Jin were a blushing mess.

"hush children" Jin said, waving them off.

Jungkook chuckled at the weird conversation as went to sit down next to V, and then practically pushing Hoseok further, almost making him fall off the small bench like.

"HEY!" V and Hoseok yelled at the same time and Bogum laughed but soon enough his laughter fade away after looking at the glare V and Hoseok sent him.

"hey princess" Jungkook said, smirking, leaning closer to peck V's lips only to be pushed in the face from a gushing V.

"ew do not." V said, blocking Jungkook's view with his dedicated hand.

Jungkook "smiled" softly, putting a hand on V's thigh and then lightly squeezing it.

"damn V choke me with your thighs" Jungkook said and V gagged but then his disgusted expression switched into a smug one, taking Jungkook's hand off of his thigh and standing up, then walking to sit next to Bogum, leaving the rest, except for Yoongi who was way to busy eating Namjoon's food, curious to his actions.

V smirked and placed a hand on the blushing Bogum's shoulder and then turning his head to stare and Bogum deeply in the eye.

"only daddy will get to be choked with those thighs"


"damn you were good V! you one hell of a hoe!" Jimin said.

"aish fuck off you slut i saw how Yoongi and you were looking at each other!" V said, playfully hitting Jimin's shoulder who could only blush in response.

they were currently at MacDonald, waiting for Jin to come with their food. they decided to go there right after school due to the fact they haven't hung out with each other, only the three of them, ever since the school starts.

"food's here you fuckers!" Jin said, handing a burger to Jimin, spicy caramel chicken nuggets (do you have those in your country? cause damn they be delicious af) and three large cheeseburgers to himself.

"yes!" Jimin squealed, taking the wrapper off of the burger and then taking huge bite.

"i thought you were on a diet hyung" V said, dipping a chicken nugget in sweet-sour sauce he received on the side and then moaning at the amazing taste.

"yeah bwut you lweev onwee once so why the hwell nwot?" Jin said, mouth stuffed with the burger and the other two couldn't help but giggle at their cute hyung.

"god i missed MacDonald" V blurted out and the other two eagerly nodded in agreement.

"but hey it's not a party of anything we need to watch our weight! we have been through so much not to go down the same path we have went for the past years! right?" Jin asked the two who hummed in agreement, each mumbling a "right!" as they took another bite from the delicious treat they have been craving for for so long.

the three ate in silence but we all know Seokjin is practically allergic to silence and so he decided to speak up.

"so you and Bogum eh?" he asked V who's face turned crimson red.

"so you and Yoongi eh?" V asked Jimin who's face was now as red as V's.

"so you and Namjoon eh?" Jimin asked Jin who nervously looked around and then spotted a couple sitting behind them in the other booth.

Jin tapped on the guy's shoulder , causing the guy to look at him in confusion and an arched brow.

"so you and her eh?" Jin asked.

"eh?" the guy and the girl asked.

"eh." the other three exclaimed together.

"oh eh... well she's my mother but sure i guess?" the guy said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"o-oh w-well if that's the case-"

"what's going on?"

shocked, the three teens looked up to be met with Bogum?!

"BOGUM?!" the three yelled in sync and Bogum chuckled as he placed the tray full of food on the table, blushing a bit, eyes settled on V only.

"h-hey V" Bogum stuttered, looking down.

Jin and Jimin raised an eyebrow as a matter of 'bitch-we're-here-too'.

"h-hey Bogumie!" V said shyly, blushing a bit as well.

"you know... them?" the guy from before said, eyeing them, especially V. and let me tell you the way he eyed him was just- wrong.

"yeah i for fact do. they are my friends!" Bogum exclaimed sternly then crossing his arms over his chest.

"pfft, friends? yeah like you got some" the guy said in disbelief, "even if you do you ain't got friends like them- especially that cutie" the guy said, looking at V, lust filling his eyes and then winking.

the women glared at the guy, "Ryun don't insult your step brother!" she scolded her son who only rolled his eyes in response.

"step brother?" the other three gasped together and Bogum sadly nodded.

"guys meet my step mom, Kanglee and my stu- my dear step brother, Ryun." Bogum said, teeth greeted and Ryun smiled, "it's a pleasure to meet you all", Ryun said smugly, standing up from his seat and walking towards the three, now standing up infront of V and taking his hand in his and then lightly kissing it, making sure to keep eye contact.

"and your name may be princess?" Ryun asked and V gagged at the all too familiar pet name.

'come on i do NOT need another Jeon in my life' V thought and tried his best to restrain himself from rolling his eyes.

"it will be V..." V said, taking his hand out of Ryun's hold, confusing the other but never the less taking that stupid smirk off of his face.


"you actually ate those three cheeseburgers?" V raised and eyebrow and Jimin rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"he actually ate two more. he was going to order another one when y'all were flirting and the employ was head over heels for him over there and he told Jin that if he'll give her his number she'll give him the burger for free and even another one." Jimin explained.

"wait what? but you're dating Joon!" V said and Jin huffed.

"let midget finish."

"yeah let the midget finish!- wait what?! who you calling midget you horny troll!" Jimin said, cheeks red out of anger when V and Jin burst in laughter.

even Bogum and Kanglee found themselves giggling.

Ryun only stared in boredom as he scanned his nails.

"whatever midget or not finish your stupid story" Ryun said and Jimin glared at him as Ryun only blew a kiss towards him.

"okay so he told her like he was gay and the bitch don't get the sign so she like unbuttoned the first buttons of her shirt and bitch is flat as fucking fuck but whatever and then she liked leaned in to his ear and was all like 'i always wanted to make a gay straight' and then Jin deadass pushed her and told her he has a fucking boyfriend and the chances he will turn straight for her are same chances of James Charles to have actual dance skills and the the queen called the manager and complained about harassment and the manager scolded the shit out of this employ and then she started crying and the manager as an apology offered Jin a free meal of three large cheeseburgers, big cheesy fries and three drinks for him to choose." Jimin said and V gasped.

"and he also asked for my number if i have any other 'complaints'. pfft what a snitch" Jin added with a snort.

"i was gone for five minutes. that's fucking it." V mumbled, rubbing his temples.

"speaking of numbers-" Ryun started and the rest sighed already knowing his request.

"no i won't give you my number." V exclaimed, standing up from his seat and walking towards Bogum, standing next to him and then interviewing his hand in his.

Bogum looked at him, eyes as big as a plate, mentally questioning V what the actual fuck was he doing.

"because i am..." V squeezed Bogum's hand tightly, smiling at him, "dating your brother."



he stood there, greeting his teeth, seeing red again as he threw his tray aside, carelessly letting it fall on the shiny, just have been washed but no longer clean, floor.

"we will see how long this relationship will take."

he squeezed his banana milk, the liquid dripping all over his hand, turning around and walking off.

________________________________________________________________________________ not proofread

hope you enjoyed pls vote

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