Don't Leave Me Here - Starker

By superrspideyy

139K 3.7K 1K

Tony hasn't seen Peter in a few months after Civil War. Peter wished Tony would've reached out sooner, but on... More



9.9K 289 58
By superrspideyy

• Tony's POV •

"Boss, incoming call from Peter Parker." I jump at Friday's sudden voice.

"What the hell..." I don't know why he would be calling me. I haven't seen him since the war, let alone talked to him.

Pretty rude of me, I know. But I have a lot of other things running through my head. It's a lot to take in, once you find that one of the people you're closest to, hid that he knew who killed your parents.

I just needed a break...

And it isn't as if I just wanted to ignore the kid, I've thought about him from time to time. But when I kept pushing off making contact with him, it seemed as though it would just be awkward, and easier for me to let it go. But the truth is, I've missed having him around.

"Boss, it's urgent." She states, breaking me from my trance.

"Right, right. Put him through." I sigh, dropping my screwdriver.


"M-Mr. Stark?" A raspy voice broke the silence. It sounded like he was just run over by a truck.

"Peter, what's going on? Are you okay?" I asked, feeling my nerves kick in. I could hear his rapid breathing and whimpers through the other side of the phone,

"I was o-on patrol. Robbers. T-they were shot. May was shot!" He chokes out, clearly in distress.

My heart sinks. "Hold on kid, I'm coming to get you." I walk out onto the platform, my suit forming around me. "Friday, send me Peter's location." My helmet locks and I take off towards Peter.

"Hey kid, I need you to hold tight for just a while longer okay? You think you can do that for me?" I ask, trying to be calm as possible for Peter.

He seems out of it though, unfocused and crying. He's barely able to form another sentence. "Peter! Hold on I'm almost there."

I stop above an alley, gliding down towards Peter. I stop a few feet in front of him.

He's sitting up against the wall, his head buried into his knees. At least Friday was able to help him control his breathing.

I walk slowly to him, flipping up my mask and hoping not to startle him. "Peter?"

His head shoots up. His cheeks are stained with tears, his curls are messy, and his eyes are wide.

"Peter, what happened?" I reach out for his arm, which he pulls away from me, shoving his hands into his hair, pulling at it. He desperately tries to suck in air, but to no avail.

I kneel, placing my hand on his knee. "No, no, no. Kid look at me." I shake my head at him, "Deep breaths." I take a few trying to show him what to do.

He joins my breathing after a short minute, removing his hands from my hair. "There ya go. It's okay now." I whisper running my band up and down his arm gently.

"Talk to me Friday. Where's May at?" I whisper, trying to keep Peter at ease.

"Memorial Hospital Boss."

"Update me on any changes to her conditions. Not Peter. Not even if he asks."


I sigh, looking at his shaking form in front of me. His eyes are still wide, but his breathing isn't as labored. "Pete, can you stand up? We're gonna go back to the tower okay?"

He stands, pulling his mask on frantically. "No, no, no, no! I-I have to go see Aunt May!"

My heart clenches as I watch his tears fall, and I catch him as he crumbles into my arms. I hold onto him, as tight as I can, letting him cry. My suit probably isn't the nicest thing to hug, but I'm not sure he cares at this point.

I lift him, and tuck his face into my chest. "C'mon Pete, here we go." I turn my thrusters on gently, then we take off to the tower.

Once we arrive I set Peter inside, laying him gently onto the couch. He isn't quite asleep, but I'm sure he's exhausted. I start towards the platform, to remove my suit, but hear soft whimpers. I look to Peter, his teary eyes meet mine.

I frown, holding a finger up. "Hold on just a second."

I hussle to the platform, and remove my suit. I walk back inside towards Peter, seeing him curled up into himself.

"Pete, lets take your suit off." I whisper, pushing him upwards.

He groans, not forming coherent words. He pulls off the suit, exposing an 'I ❤️ Iron Man' t-shirt, and grey shorts. I smile at the shirt.

"Why're you...?" He looks down. "Oh." His face flushes a light pink, and he looks away quickly.

I laugh slightly, as Peter lays back down on the couch, almost asleep again.

Karen said he had a panic attack, so that must've drained him physically and mentally. I frown, looking at Peter. 'He's already lost everything, please God, don't let him lose her too.' I think lifting him off the couch.

I carry him into a guest room inside the tower, and set him gently in the bed. Peter is fully asleep by now, and I cover him with the blanket. I sigh looking at his sleeping form in front of me.

I gently place my hand against his cheek, wiping my thumb over the last of his tears "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you Pete. I promise I won't leave again."

I walk to the door, peering back in at him. "Sleep good kid." I turn off the light, and close the door softly.

Edited 09•30•21

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