Dusk Till Dawn | ✓

By moanaaxo

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Inaya Hussein is a happy go to 20-year-old studying medicine wanting to make her parents proud. Religion play... More



395 35 4
By moanaaxo

   • • •

"I saw the flirting." Hania mentions to Safa, "First seat and everything." She finishes her ice-cream off before laughing with Safa.

"If he dares try to hurt you." Safa starts.

"He'll be gone and no one will suspect a thing." Hania hisses, finishing the conversation.

That conversation ended fast.

"We're not together." I remind them both, not wanting them to hype us up.

"Yet." Safa smirks making me roll my eyes at her.

"Atif lover." I smirk back at her, now it's my turn to tease. Hania gasps, loving the comeback.

Shortly, Atif walks by us and Hania grabs him by the wrist pulling him towards Safa. Safa's eyes widen in panic.

I hold in my fit of giggles, "Hey Atif, how are you doing?" I start a normal conversation.

Atif seems to be in a panic. "I haven't seen Daniel and I'm afraid where he could be."

My heart feels as though a ton of bricks have hit my chest. "What?" I stand up in worry.

I hate that I care about him this much, but that's what makes me I suppose.

Hania and Safa stand up in panic, as they both give me a look that they are going to search for him. I nod back at them, before disappearing with Atif to find him.

I reach his dorm door, looking around suspiciously making sure no one else can see me otherwise I can get expelled for going to the boys dorm. I have never done this before in my entire time of being at this university.

The extents I go to for this boy.

Atif leaves me to it as he goes to other places where Daniel could possibly be. I open the door slowly, as my eyes stumble from the ground to the horrific image in front of me.

"Daniel, are you in he—" My eyes start to swell up in tears, as I hold my mouth not wanting any noise to escape. My breath feels as though it's tightened at my throat as I try to not let any cry weep out. I will not let him see me go weak. What else was I to expect? He's a playboy and I'm the complete opposite to him.

He's laying in bed with another woman, acting completely normal. I manage to look into his eyes as they seem in a panic. I flip on my heel and run as fast as I can as I hear him call me many times, but I give no response.

I run until I reach my own dorm, slowly falling onto the floor in tears as I feel my heart splatter everywhere. I let out a sigh which only hurts me, my breaths are uneven. Why is this even affecting me that much?

Why did I have to fall in love with him? There are so many other boys who are not players and wouldn't break my heart either.

Why him, Ya Allah?

I hold my head in my lap, laying there for God knows... hours? All I can see is Daniel's gorgeous smile displayed on his face, his sweet gestures, his focus in our lectures. All I see is the good in him - why can't I just see the bad bits of him too? Why does my head wonder to only the good things about him?

A sudden banging noise happens on the door frightening me as I lose my train of thought. "Inaya?" His voice comes out soft, caring.

I hate how he calls my name out. It only makes me want to hear it again from his loving voice.

"Go away." I sniff, in between tears I stumble my way to my bed. Laying to try to sleep. I don't bother opening the door to him.

"Inaya, you can't ignore me. We have classes after lunch—" It's my turn to cut him off.

"I don't have any after lunch. Get ready for yours and leave." I say loudly enough for him to hear in an aggressive tone so he gets the message loud and clear.

He knocks on the door again, "What's wrong?" His voice calmer than it was last time even.

I ignore him.

"Inaya, open up and tell me." His voice coming out as smooth as liquid.

• • •

For the next couple of weeks, I stay as much as away from Daniel. Leading to me, asking Dr Phillips to move me away from him.

Daniel's tried to make an effort with me but I just try to ignore him and I do.

I'm not getting close to him, because it wouldn't be good for either of us. Our friendship is fine, smooth. I don't want to ruin that. As well as, he's a playboy and not ready to settle with someone either. His life is completely different to mine, I'm practically invisible compared to him.

We're too different to be alike.

It's too complicated, he will never understand me and I will never be able to understand his ways either. It's better this way, I am no longer distracted by him and my entire focus is on my education.

I'm saving my heart pain and his shock if he ever finds out about this.

Hania and Safa have been so supportive. They have never pressured me to do something like to speak to Daniel or go near him. In fact, Safa's little crush has blossomed and Atif is such a sweet boy for her. They've been on a few dates here and there and Safa has told her parents about Atif too.

They're a perfect match for each other.

"Completed the assignment yet, Inaya?" Atif asks me as Safa walks around the library picking up a few books.

I nod my head at him, "Nearly."

The last few days have been odd though, I haven't seen Daniel that much either. He doesn't come to class, rarely if not at all. I don't know whether it's personal problems or just because of the sudden distance between him and me.

Whatever it is, I am worried but I'm certainly not getting involved.

- - -

- A/N -

Poor Inaya, her little heart is a bit of a mess right now 🥺

I hope you enjoyed this longer chapter! Please vote and comment on what you think about the story so far 💘

Next update : Wednesday 6th May 2020

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