I Hope You Come True (Austin...

By galsgalaxy

930K 14.8K 1.8K

A city girl named Kendra Lee Anderson got out of an abusive relationship not to long ago and is now moving to... More

Chapter 1 - Fresh Start On Life
Chapter 2 - Is This Real!?
Chapter 3 - First day of Highschool
Chapter 5 - Not ready...
Chapter 6 - Catching Feelings
Chapter 7 - You Can Trust Me
Chapter 8 - Opening up
Chapter 9 - We're Caught
Chapter 10 - Bad Situations
Chapter 11 - Everythings Gunna Be Alright
Chapter 12 - Get Help
Chapter 13 - Relieved
Chapter 14 - Awkward Dinner
Chapter 15 - Big Surprises
Chapter 16 - Everything's Happening So Quickly
Chapter 17 - My Life Is Changing Drastically!
Chapter 18 - Going To Miss This
Chapter 19 - Things Are Heating Up
Chapter 20 - Not The Right Time
Chapter 21 - Perfect Day Indeed!
Chapter 22 - I Met My Idol
Chapter 23 - Loving Every Moment.
Chapter 24 - This Is My Beginning
Chapter 25 - I'm Done
Chapter 26 - Under The Influence Make Bad Choices...
Chapter 27 - Speechless
Chapter 28 - Truth Comes Out
Chapter 29 - I Wish We Could Start Over Again
Chapter 30 - New Beginning Or Wait For You?
Chapter 31 - I'll Wait For You
Chapter 32 - Moving On
Chapter 33 - The Monster's Back
Chapter 34 - Runaway....
Chapter 35 - I've Missed You
Chapter 36 - Just Like Old Times
Chapter 37 - Night Out
Chapter 38 - Show You What You're Missing
Chapter 39 - Finally!
Chapter 40 - DMATB Crew Is Back!
Chapter 41 - The Plan Is Just Starting
Chapter 42 - Birthday Surprises
Chapter 43 - Embarrassment...
Chapter 44 - Craving Food...
Chapter 45 - By Your Side
Chapter 46 - Tell him or not?
Chapter 47 - Three Options...Which To Choose?
Chapter 48 - To New Beginnings
Sequel is out! "Don't Turn Your Back"

Chapter 4 - He Makes Everything Better

20.7K 377 19
By galsgalaxy

**Austin's POV** 

**Next Day in Homeroom**

"Yo Austin"

"Yo AC!" I said back to Alex.

"You'll never guess what Kylie told me about something Taylor said to Kendra!” Alex said.

"What?" I asked confused wondering what on earth she would have to say to Kendra.

"After school Taylor went up to her and told her to leave you alone because you're hers"

"Are you serious? What does she mean I'm her’s? She clearly didn't want me because she cheated on me!"

"I don't know dude I just know Taylor hates Kend-"

"Why'd you stop talking cat caught your tongue or something?" I asked clueless until I saw Kendra sit down and then I knew why he stopped talking.

"Hey Kendra what's up?" Alex asked

"Just tired, it’s a bit too early for me!" She replied while stretching her arm out a bit.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked her referring to the Taylor situation.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"I heard about the Taylor thing yesterday. Don't listen to her I lef-"

“You left her I know, I won't let her get to me" I smiled she did to. I don't know but there's something I really like about Kendra, I just don't know what it is yet...

**After School**

I saw Kendra and Kylie in Kendra's car about to drive off, but I had to talk to Kendra…. So a started to run after her car, which yeah sounds stupid but this can’t wait!

"KENDRA WAIT!" I called out of breath; I saw her look in her side view mirror and smile. I caught up to her car trying to steady my breathing. "Hey...you...want...t-to hang out...Friday?" I asked trying to catch my breath.

She smiled and giggled "What? What's wrong?"

"You ran after my car just to ask me if I want to hang out!" She answered still smiling.

"I know it's crazy but you want to?"

"Hmm...I don't know...."

"Come on Kenny he ran after your car!" Kylie said helping me out while nudging her arm a bit.

"Sure I would love to" she smiled.

"Awesome! What's your number so I can text you" She gave me her number and said bye and drove off. I was so happy I couldn't wait to tell Alex! 

 **Kendra's POV**

**Thursday after school**

Kylie's getting dropped off at home by Alex today because I have therapy after school, I was not looking forward to this at all! I arrived at the therapy place, I signed in and they called my name to see Mrs. Sherwood. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Sherwood but you can call me Ally take a seat!" she said all happy and what not. "So you’re Kendra Lee Anderson?"


"Do you like to be called anything or just Kendra or maybe Kendra Lee?"

"Kendra's fine or Kenny or Ken it's whatever...”

"Okay so tell me about yourself."

"I love One Direction and Justin Bieber I have a sister who's my best friend I have a puppy named Dolce....That's pretty much all I care for."

"That's all you're sharing with me? Is there more? I was hoping we can go deeper then telling me you obsess over famous boys."

"Nope, that’s all can I go now?"

"No...Now let's go deeper how do you feel about you moms boyfriend?"

"I hate him yeah I'm grateful he gave me and my sister and my mom a home but he's an asshole who thinks he's all that because he's rich"

"Alright how about your Ex boyfriend Mason..." Did she really just ask me that?! Just the thought of him makes me want to hurt myself for dating him

"I hate him point blank."

"Can I see your wrist?" I just met the women and she’s asking to see my wrist and ask about my ex boyfriend...I couldn't take it I didn't want to talk about it so I ran out. 

 I got home and ran up to my room; I slammed my door shut, locked it and just walked back and forth just thinking. I was feeling so many emotions I didn’t know what to do so I just cried. About ten minutes later my phone went off. I screwed up my face wondering who would be calling. I looked at the caller id and saw it was a weird number. I wiped away my tears and answered…


Me: Hello?

Austin: Hey it's Austin!

Me: Oh hey what's up?

Austin: Nothing was just with Alex and Robert, and thought of you so I called

Me: Oh cool…

Austin: Yeah can't wait for Friday!


There was something about talking to Austin that made me feel better I liked it... Austin and I ended up talking for about 2 hours talking about our lives and other random stuff until he had to go. When I was going to go to sleep I got a text saying "Forgot to say goodnight so...Goodnight!" it was from Austin I smiled and replied "Goodnight Austin :)" And fell asleep.

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