By imgonnabedramatic

146K 3.1K 27.9K

Chloe and Halle are foster children who long to become famous singers, but their home life holds them back. W... More

Shine The Light
What's In Your Head
If God Spoke
La Familia
Say Something Part 1
Say Something Part 2
Bougie Party
Lucky Leaf, I Caught You
All This Way Too Much For Me
🕊When I Get Home🕊
Death Becomes Her
All Of The Worries
All Of The Worries (2)
Feel Numb In My Bones
Feel Numb In My Bones (2)
Sneak Peek
We Used To Love
It Was Me

Cry For Me Baby

5.4K 146 295
By imgonnabedramatic

What a day, what a day

The soothing sounds of Erykah Badu held everyone in a trancelike state.

Peace and blessings manifest with every lesson learned
If your knowledge were your wealth
Then, it would be well-earned

Bey hung onto the lyrics until she perceived it as a personal attack. Badu's voice heightened, forcing Beyoncé to sit with the words that flowed like a cool river on a scorching day.

The blonde closed her eyes and imagined the woman seated next to her giving a personal concert. It was as if God himself was the dj and he knew what the audience needed right now.
It's a simple word with a complex meaning, but Bey hoped she wasn't reaching for the unattainable. The blonde watched Chloe as she tapped her finger to the beat mindlessly mouthing the lyrics. Her posture stoic and ready for war, but her eyes told another tale. Curiosity took over the woman's mind wondering what racked Chloe's brain. She was terrified that much Bey could tell. The blonde watched as moisture danced around the whites of the girl's eyes almost as if it was teasing the teen. Chloe blinked and blinked again until the petty jokesters were in the back of her mind. Beyoncé peeled her eyes away, no longer wishing to view the vicious cycle.
On and on.
Halle turned quickly to lock eyes with the blonde almost like she had heard her thoughts. The small girl gave a quick smile which Bey returned without a thought. The silence vexed the woman, but every time she went to open her mouth to speak nothing would come out. Many words were formed, swarming her head like a colony of wasps and teetered just on the tip of her tongue. There was nothing she could say to make things better. With a heavy heart, and a strewn mind, Bey looked between the two teens hoping words would finally flow. In this moment, the yearning to morph into her mother was mighty. There wasn't a moment where Tina was lost for words or stumbled over the words that were already there.
A woman.
Chloe's head now rested on the window, her eyes inert. The child clearly needed a hug. Bey fiddled with her hands just as she thought to switch seats with Halle to get closer to the eldest Bailey. The singer quickly thought better of it unsure if the embrace would be rejected or not at the moment.

You rush into destruction 'cause you don't have nothin' left
The mothership can't save you so your ass is gon' get left

"I'll see you in LA in two days Mrs Carter. Nice meeting you girls."
Bey was so out of it that she hadn't realized they were parked outside of the hotel Miranda called home for the week. The assistant stood facing the truck waiting for her boss to dismiss her. She couldn't lie, the situation affected her more than it seemed to bother everyone else. Miranda saw the gun on Julius' hip almost everyday, but never in a million years did she think he would actually pull it out of its holster. The entire car ride Miranda concentrated on stopping her hands from shaking. She tried pressing them in between her knees and even rubbed her hands together; nothing worked.

"See you Miranda. Don't forget to tell Camilla that she needs to fax me the final set list. Oh and the fabrics that I wanted to use for the Haunted costumes were sold out. I need to get my hands on it please."

Miranda nodded her understanding and headed for the lobby of the hotel. Now a trio instead of a quartet, the stillness wracked Bey's brain making her itch. Torturing her ears to the point where she believed it to be her fault somehow. Maybe she intimidated them as so many people claimed she does. Maybe they were embarrassed?

The drive from the city to Bey's home took longer than expected due to Atlanta's traffic. By this time, Chloe had been knocked out for about an hour, and Halle refused to go to sleep no matter how many times she nodded off. It was still daylight, and Halle was eager to see what type of neighborhood the Queen resided in. Julius pulled up to the huge metal gate that went on as far as the girl's eyes would allow. Halle watched as the bodyguard lowered his window and flashed his i.d to the security officer who manned the little booth. The girl tilted her head curious to see the man's face. He was an older black man probably in his mid-fifties. The officer finally opened the large gate. Since Halle sat in the middle, she looked through the windshield as Julius drove past mansions and huge houses. Bey watched the girl as her eyes scanned each home left and right with her mouth agape. The truck veered to the left slowly, so Halle assumed they were approaching Beyoncé's home. The girl turned towards Bey with her eyebrows still raised.

Julius parked in the driveway of an enormous red-brick modern stylish manor. There weren't any immediate neighbors which Halle was amazed by. The bodyguard hopped out of the truck and opened the door closest to Chloe. The teen still slept, and by the looks of it they would need a marching band to help wake her. Halle didn't have time for Chloe's sleeping antics. She was too excited to be in a neighborhood of this magnitude. The youngest Bailey crawled over her sister to get out of the truck. Bey almost scolded the girl, but thought better of it. Halle grabbed her backpack and took off toward the house. Bey shook her head as she gathered her phone charger. Julius opened her door earning a quick thank you from his boss. After Julius helped her from the car, he went to the trunk to take the girl's instruments into the home. He didn't know if Bey would be driving herself around Atlanta tomorrow which she usually did, but he did know that he wouldn't be doubling back for anyone. He hated that drive. The bodyguard easily lugged the two instruments up the few steps to the door. Halle stood near the brick railing looking on as Bey attempted to wake her sister.

"Halle," Bey called over her shoulder.

The girl hurried to see what she wanted.

"Can you wake your sister up please. I tried and she ain't budging," Bey crossed her arms with her purse still on her wrist.

Halle thought about how to put it. Whenever Chloe came from the closet she slept for days at a time. There was no waking her. Halle had tried for years to no avail.

"Umm you might have to carry her in," Halle readjusted the book bag on her shoulder.

Bey looked at the girl like she had two heads. Who might have to carry who in? Chloe was almost as big as Beyoncé. Granted the singer was a whole head taller than the sleeping teen. Bey looked to her front door to see Julius had already entered. The singer handed her purse to Halle and told her she could go in. It really was hot out, plus she was paranoid of paparazzi sending drones above her house again. The last thing she needed was her face next to a child who looked like she lost a fight with Ali. Halle nodded eagerly and once again took off toward the now open door. Bey stared at Chloe as she laid unbothered with her head resting on the back of the seat. She was at peace. Her face was absent of any worry or trepidation. There she lay in her unadulterated dream state, free of any wrongdoing or troubles. The singer almost didn't want to wake her, but the truck would heat up and all she had to do was keep someone's child alive til the next day.

Once again, Bey tapped Chloe's shoulder. There was no way someone could sleep this hard. Babygirl needs a world record because this was ridiculous. Bey had half the mind to yell her name, but who had the energy for that? The singer walked around to the other door. Queen Bey slid into the seat and moved Chloe so that her head rested in the woman's lap. The girl groaned, and Bey took that as a sign of progress.

"It's time to wake up Chloe. Come on baby," Bey moved the girl's locs from her face.

From the angle they were in, the bruises that littered her neck were on full display. Bey could easily make out each finger mark that must've held her way too tight. Again she was disgusted.

"Wake up baby girl," the singer cooed.

A few seconds passed before Chloe stirred awake.

"I thought I was gonna have to call in some reinforcements," the singer chuckled.

Chloe's cheeks were bright red. There was little she could do to hide her embarrassment. The last thing she was expecting was to wake up with her head in Beyoncé's lap. This was too weird.

"Sorry, I've always been a little hard to wake up I guess," Chloe chuckled nervously.

Some Time Later

"So that's the tour. Welcome to my humble abode," Bey took a bow.

Humble? If this was humble then the Bailey sisters had been living below the barrel. They had spent the last thirty minutes walking through the house as Bey showed them where everything important was. Halle asked a million questions about the artwork and the designs of the house, but Bey didn't mind at all. Unlike the Los Angeles fortress, Bey was hands on in making the manor feel like a home.

Both girls sat at the island in the kitchen admiring everything. Chloe had never been in a kitchen with two stoves and a pizza oven. Somebody must really love cooking.

"It's been an interesting day ain't it? And it's not even five o'clock yet," the girls giggled because it truly has been one.

A gurgling sound filled the room.

"I guess it's time for a late lunch then ladies," Bey walked to her refrigerator.

"Definitely," Halle agreed.

She hopped down from the stool joining Beyoncé as she stared at the contents in the icebox.

"Wow BB you don't do too much cooking do you," Halle placed her hand on her hip.

"I'm sorry lil bit I wasn't expecting company. How about we just order in," the singer suggested.

Bey didn't know why but she was embarrassed as hell. The only things in the refrigerator were baking soda, sriracha sauce, and a handful of condiments she didn't bother looking at. Going grocery shopping wasn't her main priority whenever she was in Atlanta. If Blue tagged along, then she would pick up a few items here and there, or if she had an extended stay.

"Y'all want anything specific," Bey searched for nearby vegan restaurants.

Both girls shook their heads. After placing their orders and giving the delivery instructions, Bey realized she didn't tell her husband anything.

"I'm going to go make a call. If you need me I'll be right on the front porch okay," Bey looked to Chloe.
She simply nodded.

She hadn't spoken a word since she's been here. Realizing she wasn't going to get a verbal answer Bey patted the girl's arm and walked away.

I stepped outside and sat in one of my pool chairs. Hues of orange and pink in the sky scolding my mood for ruining its serenity. Sorry miss moon. I lowered my head in respect and facetimed my husband.

"Oh I know that face. Who did it now," Shawn asked his wife.

Bey smiled and readjusted the camera," I don't even know where to start baby."

Shawn could tell by his wife's tone that she actually had a bad day and wasn't joking.

"What happened?"

"A lot," Beyoncé chuckled.

"Well, I got all day. Talk to me."

Bey readjusted herself in the chair to make sure she was comfortable enough to tell this long ass story.

"Well first of all I didn't end up signing my first artists to my label," Bey let out a long winded breath.

"I know that's not what got you this hot. What else," Shawn waited for his wife to continue.

"Well it ain't but then it is. It's just the way everything played out. So you know I had a second meeting this morning with Chloe and Halle cuz of the whole thing with their manager not being able to show."
Bey looked at her phone to see if Shawn was still listening.

"Mhm," he nodded.

"Well they didn't show up to this one at all. Like no call no show. I was ready to knock something over because I was so paranoid about losing my first artist to another label."

Shawn raised his brow. If there was anything he knew about his wife it's that she would let her mind go everywhere except where it's supposed to be. Sometimes it's good but most of the time it led to either unnecessary arguments or somebody not speaking all together.

"What you do," he asked.

"I told Julius to take me to their house and good thing I did because those girls would've still been there probably suffering or something," Bey shook her head.

Shawn hated when his wife told stories because he always had to pry it out of her.

"Watchu mean suffering Bey," he questioned.

"When we got there this man opened the door looking crazy, but he let us in cuz he saw me. I'm thinking he knew me because he was a fan until he went to hug me and I recognized him. We went to high school together. Anyways, Miranda started talking to him about the contracts and he knew nothing about it. Apparently the girls lied and said their parents gave them permission to meet with Parkwood," Beyoncé stated.

"Word? So you bounced when you found out they lied," Shawn knows how Bey feels about liars.

"Not exactly. I asked to speak with the girls but the daddy only called Halle down. Babe when I tell you I almost cried once I saw that girl's face. It was swollen and she had a busted lip," Bey exclaimed.

"She got into a fight," Shawn asked.

"I think her dad, well foster dad did it. You should've seen her as soon as he stepped foot out of the room. She asked me if she signed the contract could I get her out of the house. I didn't know what to say," Bey's tone softened.

Shawn hated news like this. His mother fostered two children for as long as he could remember and Gloria wouldn't think to lay a hand on them. If anything, they were spoiled more than her biological children.

"That's a little ass girl man. Niggas like that need they ass beat," Shawn was actually enraged.

Blue was his life and if any man ever raised a hand to her Shawn would set the world on fire in her name.

"It's all sad. So anyway, The daddy came down with Chloe and she had scratches all on her neck and she looked a mess. Long story short I told Miranda to call Angie."

"Oh she made a scene I'm already knowing," Jay shook his head.

"A movie would've been the right word. She came up in there with her little notepad and pen being loud as hell. She pretended that she didn't know me which I was so grateful for. Then she told the man the girls were leaving with her. That man got so mad I thought I saw smoke coming outta his ears. Like he was fuming. He grabbed Angie's arm like he was about to do something," Bey said, still a little mad from earlier.

"What the fuck! I wish I would see that nigga! Whatchu say his name was again," Jay fumed.

"I didn't," Bey chuckled.

"Julius pulled his gun on the man and everybody left out after that," Bey finished.

Jay brushed the little hair he did have on his head. He hated when his wife was in Atlanta or her hometown. She would ditch security for hours on end claiming nobody was going to touch her.

"So Angie took em that's good," he nodded.

"They in the kitchen," she almost whispered.

"You took them home, Bey? You don't know those girls from jump," Jay stated.

"Stop talking like they're stray animals or something! Yeah I brought em here because Angie said her job wouldn't allow her to take them home. What Was I supposed to leave them on the side of the road alone? Besides, it's only for one night. Angie gonna text me where to take them in the morning," the singer explained.

"I ain't mean it like that. As long as you comfortable I'm not gone sweat it. I'm just happy I get to see my baby tomorrow," Shawn smiled.

Although it's only been a week since Bey had been out of town, it felt like ages since he'd laid eyes on his wife. Blue was driving him up the walls with her high energy and neck rolling that only Beyoncé could match.

"Speaking of baby, where's mine," Bey questioned.

"Awe she at your mama house they went to church this morning. Imma pick her up in a few tho," Jay stated.

DING! Bey received a notification letting her know that the delivery person was two minutes away.

"Alright baby, Imma talk to you later. I love you," Bey made kissing sounds to the phone.

"I love you too ma talk to you later," Shawn declared before ending the call.

The singer didn't bother going back inside. Instead, she made the lengthy walk around the manor to the front porch. Just as she rounded the corner, the delivery man hopped from his car.

"Delivery for...Shalissa," the pimply faced teen asked.

Solange set up her Uber account for her a while back and thought she was Kevin Hart after choosing that name. The singer didn't mind though as long as it didn't say 'Beyoncé'. The boy pushed his glasses onto his face and squinted.
Bey nodded and thanked the boy quickly before she could actually be recognized.


I sat on the stool slowly memorizing every detail of the kitchen. From the wooden cabinetry to the gorgeous glass display cases that held top tier kitchenware. Everything about it screamed elegance and dollar signs. I allowed my eyes to roam the polished mahogany cabinets watching them curve in the front just to be held together by gold beveled frames. I gave myself a headache from squinting, too fixated on aiming for any frailties in the decor. Halle's pencil flying steadfast from the beginning and almost to the end of her math homework was alone in its struggle to bring forth sound into the room.
Barefoot and courteous, our caretaker for the night trekked through the kitchen and placed a plastic bag on the counter. The woman maneuvered the place as if it didn't belong to her. Gingerly, she opened and closed the glass cabinets making sure to grab three plates. Without a sound, she made easy work of placing a healthy serving of pasta on each dish, careful not to spill any on the counter. Naturally I straightened my shoulders and sat back in my seat.

"Do you need help with anything," Halle offered.

"I'm fine lil bit. What you got over there," Bey nodded towards the packet.

I watched as Halle flipped through the pages of the homework packet she received a week ago.

"About four more pages of Geometry that's due in the morning," Halle sighed.

"Wow, they give you that much work over a weekend? School has definitely changed since I've been there. We barely had any," Bey took two plates to the dining room table.

I grabbed the last plate and followed her to the table carefully placing the plate down. The last thing I wanted to do was break a two hundred dollar plate. I watched as the woman turned towards me, and my palms began to sweat.

"What about you Chloe you have any homework," she asked nonchalantly.

I shook my head, "no I always finish mine at school and leave it in my locker so I won't forget."

It's true. The schoolwork of a sophomore was far too easy for me. I'd be done before everyone else and have nothing to do, so my teacher gave me all of my assignments including homework at the beginning of class. My counselor tried his best to convince me to skip at least one grade, but I denied just like before. Halle was way too small and a little too mouthy to be left alone with the animals some people actually called kids.

"Oh we have two Einstein's then," Bey smiled.

I smiled and went to wash my hands before eating. Halle like always was feverishly trying to finish the work. I almost laughed before remembering the reason why.

"Hey Halle why don't you give the homework some rest just until you finish your food okay," Bey tried.

To say Halle was taken aback would be an understatement. She stared at Bey before letting her eyes rest on me with a beaming smile. The pencil immediately dropped from her hands and she rushed to wash them at the sink. Both of us hadn't eaten since the meeting with Parkwood yesterday and to be honest, I didn't care if the food wasn't vegan I was eating it.

The table seated eight, but all three of us sat closely. Bey was at the head of the table while Halle and I occupied the seats immediately to the left and the right of her. I picked up my fork to start eating-

"Chloe, you didn't say your grace," Halle's eyebrows met in the middle of her forehead.

Before I knew it, Beyoncé took my left hand and Halle reached over the table to take my right. We bowed our heads and I waited for Halle to be dramatic with the prayer.

"May this food restore our strength, giving new energy to tired limbs, new thoughts to weary minds. May this drink restore our souls, giving new vision to dry spirits, new warmth to cold hearts. And once refreshed, may we give new pleasure to you, who gives us all. Amen," Halle ended.

"Amen," Bey repeated.

I surveyed my sister as she took hurried bites of the lemon basil pasta. She was gifted with a way of words. A poetess. A sonnetist, I was stupefied in her presence. How dare she verbalize my prayers over a simple grace without sanction?

"Amen," I whispered.

Beyoncé and Halle made small talk as they ate. I tuned them out a long time back. My focus solely on the scraping sounds Halle made each time she went to pick a noodle from her plate. The screeching of the dish made my eye twitch.

"Stop scraping that plate like that."
I sat at the dinner table facing the man that I am to call dad for another six years.

My ten year old sister on my right side (as always) and Tasha on my left. Sunday dinner with the Williams was nothing short of a pretense, sort of a cloak to feign familial ties. The reality of our situation made true before my eyes. There's a disconnect. A divide so vast that nobody looked each other in the face anymore. Although there was always a plate left for silence, this one was different. Tasha who's usually loose-lipped with everyone minded her own. She attempted to cater to the man by cutting his steak, but the same grim sneer that sent chills up my spine caused Tasha to recoil from his touch.

"I said STOP scraping that damn plate bitch," Mike launched from his seat and shoved my plate to the floor.

Halle yelped and covered her ears completely forgetting the cup in her hand. The man cringed at the red liquid that stained my sister's yellow shirt. Tasha stood from her seat and quickly shuffled near the counter. She didn't want to be in the crossfire of her husband's rage tonight .

"Y'all ruined my damn appetite," Mike wiped his mouth with a napkin and threw it in my face.

"Chloe Clean this shit up. Halle take your ass to bed, and Tasha don't think I forgot," he pointed to the woman before exiting.

"Oh and Chloe, I'll be back down for you," he yelled from the steps.

"Huh," I asked no one in particular.

"I was saying you haven't touched your food," Bey stated.

Looking down at my full plate of pasta, I couldn't imagine eating it right now, or anything for that matter.

"I'm sorry. I'm not really hungry. May I be excused," I asked the blonde.

"Of course," Bey regarded my tone.

I stood and grabbed my plate from the table.

"Aah," I doubled over holding my side.

Bey quickly grabbed the food, setting it on the table. I could feel Halle's concerned eyes on me. She knows how much I despised showing people my pain.

"Go rest for a while I got it from here," I flashed a smile.

I watched as Chloe limped to the back where the guest rooms were. Halle stood and began clearing the table. These kids have the best manners.

"You're fine Halle I can clear the table."

"Nonsense, it's the least I can do," the girl threw away the empty containers that littered the countertop.

I let her have her way because to be honest, I didn't feel like washing dishes or putting them in the dishwasher for that matter. Remembering Chloe's limp, I padded down the hall to the guest room. The door was already open, so I knocked on the doorframe and waited for Chloe to notice me. She raised her head from the bed slightly.

"Can you come with me," I asked.

I saw the confusion in her eyes, but she stood slothfully slow and followed a few feet behind. As I entered my bathroom, I closed the toilet seat and motioned for her to have a seat. After rummaging through cabinets and drawers, I finally found the first aid kit. Chloe started to stand once she eyed the object in my hand. I grabbed her wrists lightly before she could exit the bathroom silently begging her to allow me to help her. When dark brown met hazel she sighed and reclaimed her seat. I stood in front of the teen wondering where to start before deciding it would be easier to start from the top. I slid the hair tie from my wrist and reached for Chloe's hair. Surprisingly she didn't move. In fact, she went completely rigid. I pulled Chloe's locs into a neat bun at the top of her head to get a better view of her bruises. I surveyed the damage tilting her head side to side. Her chest rose and fell doubletime. I searched the kit for an alcohol packet. If she didn't clean those scratches they'd more than likely be infected.

"Slll,"Chloe winced.

"Sorry," I apologized before dabbing the remaining areas.

I pulled some ointment out and smeared the clear paste over the puffy welts. Chloe didn't complain so I guess it didn't hurt too much. I placed bandaids on the larger scratches and left the smaller ones alone.

"What else?"

It wasn't a full sentence, not even a full thought, but she understood. Wordless, Chloe rolled up her pant legs one by one. By the time she was done my hand was over my mouth. Raw red tiny gashes were arbitrarily scattered across each knee. Dried blood made the skin look almost crystalized. My eyes were shut, my body burned from anger. As I inched my head down to face what I'd hoped would be the worst of her pain, I chanced a look at Chloe's face. The child was limp, unable to make any movement. My eyes shifted to the gory scene. Without another thought, I grabbed the peroxide this time. There was no need to torture the girl any further. I sat on my bottom and watched the mini white bubbles dance and shake around the wounds before finally fizzing out. I found the biggest bandages I had and delicately fixed it on the affected area.

"All done," I smiled once the last bandage was on.

"Anything else," I asked hoping she'd say the worst was behind her.

Honestly I don't think I could stomach anymore.

"My side," Chloe croaked.

"Which one," I was already on my knees.

The girl pointed to her left and sighed. Her fingers trembled as she lifted her shirt enough for me to see the purple and black bruise. In shock I stood there. As it was, she was battered. Abused. She had neither the power or strength to do anything except sit and receive this type of treatment. There were nail marks alongside the massive bruise. That sick motherfucker. My hands went to the injured side and kneaded the area checking for any sensitive areas. When Chloe leaped from the toilet seat I knew she was in serious pain.

"You need a hospital," I finally said.

She tried to speak, but not even squeals came forth. Instead she shook her head no. I gazed at her with sympathetic eyes and nodded my understanding.

"Imma go make an ice pack and bring it to you okay? You can go lay down if you want."

"Thank you," Chloe attempted a smile.

I pulled her into a loose hug careful not to hurt her side.
"Come on," I said as I helped her down the hall.

Halle was on the floor finishing the last of her homework. Chloe helped herself on the bed as I stood in the doorway.

"Hey lil bit you want some help with that lip," I offered.

Halle patted the corner of her mouth I guess to assess the damages.

"It should be fine," Halle answered.

I nodded and headed toward the kitchen. I gathered two ziplock bags and removed blocks of ice from the icemaker. What would cause a grown man to manhandle a child that way? I didn't want to imagine the actual events. I could tell she had been choked, the contusions and discoloration let me know that she had been beaten, but with what? Fist? Foot? Bricks? Was she smashed into a wall? It was better that I didn't know. It would just make me angrier than I already am. I finished both ice packs and headed upstairs to deliver them.

Eyes glazed and staring off into space, Halle's pencil lazily stumbled over a page, feigning the act of completion. Chloe was sprawled on the bed like a starfish; contemplating. When the hum of my voice finally registered to their brains, they jumped and looked in my direction.

"For your face," I handed Halle the cold bag.

"Your side," I told Chloe.

They muttered a thanks and placed the bags on their bodies.

"What do y'all normally do on a Sunday evening," I asked.

"This," they answered in unison.

I chuckled and sat on the bed next to Chloe.

"Well church all day and then this," the younger Bailey corrected.

"Y'all wanna play a game or something," I know they're teens but it's worth a try.

"A game," Halle sounded disgusted by the thought.

"Come on," I got up from the bed and helped Chloe do the same.

We walked down the longest hallway to the family room. I opened one of the closets.

"Wow," Halle gaped at the tower sized game collection.

"What y'all want to play," I asked

"Let's play uno, I'll deal," Halle grabbed the box of cards.

"Why so you can cheat? I'll be the dealer," Chloe snatched the deck from her sister.

Halle stepped back and grabbed her chest dramatically, "well I've never."

"And you won't because I'm dealing," Chloe limped to the coffee table.


Halle leaned her head on her fist as we sat Indian style at the coffee table. Chloe just hit her with a draw four after Halle had one card left.

"Come on Halle I know you not that mad," I asked between laughs.

She refuses to play claiming Chloe and I were plotting against her. I don't blame her, because she hasn't won yet.

"Y'all keep cheating," Halle's voice strained.

"Who puts a draw four card down at the last minute," she whined.

This child was bothered and she was not afraid to show it either. At this point I couldn't hold my laugh.

"That's literally how the game works. Bey I know you said you had two Einsteins earlier, but I think you could knock one off your list," Chloe readjusted the two remaining cards in her hand.

About five minutes into the game, Chloe started to loosen up. I was shocked at how loud she could be. Each time she'd say 'uno out' she'd do a little jig just to rub it in Halle and I's faces. She smiled just as bright as she did yesterday.

"Okay okay we don't have to play no more since lil bit over there in her feelings," I placed my last card down in defeat.

"Good because it was starting to get embarrassing," Chloe placed the cards back in the box.

I looked at the time on my phone and it was going on eight o'clock. If they were Blue I'd be sending them to their rooms for the night.

"Can we watch a movie," Halle's eyes were filled with childlike wonder.

It's amazing that at thirteen she still has her childish ways. At that age I was too busy trying to get signed that all I did was work and when I wasn't working I was thinking about it.

"Yeah, what you wanna watch," I stood only to sit on the couch.

"The Conjuring two," Halle blurted.

Chloe struggled to stand, so I helped her from the floor.

"We are not watching a horror film. The last time you saw one you couldn't get past it for a year," Chloe said out of breath.

Halle looked between her sister and I until deciding to come sit on my left side.

"We can watch The Conjuring right BB," Halle asked.

I don't do scary movies at all, especially not before I go to bed. Halle looked at me doe eyed. Aww but who could say no to a face like that?

"No," I dead panned.

I'm not about to have no white little girl from wherever the hell haunting my dreams and terrorizing my house. Halle's little heart was broken all while Chloe sat on my right snickering and carrying on.

"Please maybe just check out the first fifteen minutes, and if it's too scary for you we can turn it off," Halle begged.

Was that a challenge? Too scary for who?

"Alright put it on, I'll be right back," I padded to the kitchen.

Five minutes into the movie and I realized that this was a setup. The opening credits are still on the screen and I'm flinching at the music. Teenagers are sick they watch this deviltry for entertainment?

"You want some popcorn," I asked Chloe.

She shook her head 'no' too focused on the screen. I hadn't seen her take one bite of her food earlier, and I highly doubt if she ate this morning.

"Come on it's vegan," I sang the last part.

"No thank you," she smiled and turned towards the television.

I held the bowl directly beneath her nose moving back and forth so the smell could waft up her nostrils. Nobody could resist popcorn for long. I still had the bowl under her nose as she gave me a fake side eye.

"Alright maybe a little," Chloe grabbed a few and popped them in her mouth.


We were an hour into the movie and I couldn't relax. The t.v was a little too loud and I kept glancing behind me making sure we were still in the house alone. Halle had her eyes closed and ears covered as the little white girl on the screen talked in a deep demon like voice. These people are playing with the damn devil on the Lord's day? Chloe had the bowl of popcorn and didn't let her eyes leave the screen once. Teens.

"BB is it too scary yet," Halle whispered.

Hell yeah she's in a nightgown crawling on the ceiling.

"No, well it's a little creepy," I admitted.

"We can turn it off for you," Halle suggested.

"No I wouldn't want to miss out on a good ending," I turned towards the screen.

Throughout the rest of the movie, Halle clung onto my arm. This girl was extra as hell, but I'm not gonna lie I almost knocked the popcorn to the floor a few times. The entire time Chloe looked at us like we'd lost all of our marbles. DING! I took my phone out to see a message from Angie.
Leprechaun 🍀 - can you bring the girls to my office at 9am?
Leprechaun 🍀- please don't come in here Beyoncéd out. Don't nobody wanna claim you in public.
Ears 👂- Imma wear 6 inch heels, a 70 inch wig and a leotard, how that sound?
Leprechaun 🍀-It sound like you gone be waiting in the heat with 2 kids

I looked to see Halle on the floor playing with my IPad, and Chloe staring into space. I guess the older Bailey felt the burn from my gaze because she peered at me before quickly looking away.

"Why you always got your head down," I didn't mean to ask that aloud.

Chloe shrugged and again casted her head toward the floor.

"I used to be like that. Always had my head low, quiet, and scared of damn near everything," I admitted.

Chloe didn't look at me, but I could tell she was listening.

"It got to the point where my mama took me to therapy because I wasn't making any friends. Not one. For hours I would sit on the swing and watch the other kids play. They thought something was wrong with me. Hell, I thought something was wrong with me. One day my therapist suggested that I went to these little confidence building classes. That's where I met Kelly. My first friend. The funny thing is that Kelly wasn't there to receive help like I was. Her mother ran the class, and she assisted every week. I remember just being in awe of this girl. Same age as me, but let her tell it she was grown. She stood in front of adults and kids alike actually teaching and touching people's spirits. After a while, I didn't feel alone or stupid or anything else people said about me," I smiled at the memories.

Chloe twiddled her fingers and I lifted her chin the same as I do to Blue when she gets nervous around crowds.

"Alright Imma call it a night," I stood and stretched.

"Are we going to school in the morning," Halle placed the IPad on the table.

"I'm not sure. I have to drive you two to the family services building at nine. What time do you start school," I pulled Halle into my side as I walked to my room.

"Nine o'clock," Halle dejected.

Chloe dragged behind us.

"Alright ladies this my stop. If you girls need me I'm right down the hall," I opened my door.

Halle nodded and continued to the guest room with Chloe trailing behind.

"Goodnight," I called out.

"Goodnight," they called over their shoulders.


After showering and doing a simple skin care routine, I found myself on my knees with my hands clasped trying to come humble before the Lord. Images from the night before haunted me. Tasha tried to kill me. She tried to kill me. It took a full twenty four hours for me to allow my mind to go there. She tried to take my life from me. For two minutes I was made to lay on my back while some woman restricted, no stopped me from breathing. Even when I thrashed and peeled at her fingers she used her weight to make sure I went under. I've never passed out before last night. Yes I got the pillow like two times. Yes I get punished for doing bad, but she always stopped. Her hands always left my face and the pillow was always tucked under my head before lights out. Something changed; more malevolent and ugly. The tears that leaked from my eyes to her hands served only as fuel to her anger. Why does she hate me so much? I don't remember at what point she'd decided I had had enough because I didn't wake up until the next day.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," I cried hysterically.

Chloe stood in the doorway massaging coconut oil into her hands, "you okay?"

"Yeah," I chuckled and wiped my tears away.

"You know how I am about the Lord," I laughed.

Chloe raised an eyebrow and did her best to hop on the bed. She must be in a lot of pain. I turned on a lamp that was on the nightstand before turning the room light out. Chloe scooted to the side so that I could have more room as if we weren't sharing her twin sized just two days ago. This had to be the longest weekend of my life I thought as I made myself comfortable under the thousand thread count sheets.

"I hope Bey takes us to school after the family services building. We get our essays back tomorrow," I said.

Chloe turned and faced me, "what do you mean?"

"Like I don't want to spend all day sitting in a stupid family services building," I answered.

Chloe pinched the bridge of her nose, " girl we're going to the service building to-mor-row. So that means we're getting left there to-mor-row!"

"You need to pray we don't get separated or put into a nasty group home. Nobody's going to want two teens in their house Halle," Chloe hissed.

I was paralyzed by her words. No we wouldn't be separated and those jail centers people call group homes? Not a chance.

"No, BB wouldn't do that," I whispered harshly.

"Girl Beyoncé is Beyoncé but she doesn't have the last say. We belong to the state Halle. Did you hear that? The state," Chloe exclaimed.

"Yeah I heard you," I didn't bother keeping the attitude from my voice.

"Then remember it and let me get some sleep," Chloe turned on her side dismissing me.

I cried for hours. I cried until my brain pounded against my skull, and I could no longer breathe from my nose.

God please have mercy on me.


Bey has been up and at'em since seven this morning. She dressed herself in a simple dark pair of jeans, an all white t-shirt, and matching converse. The singer was on the phone with Miranda going through a list of paperwork and personal items that needed to be in LA. She had already woke the girls up and fixed them breakfast which consisted of oatmeal and water to wash it down. Nobody had time to sit and try to cook a meal with imaginary ingredients.

"Hold on," Bey said to Miranda who was shouting out random items.

The singer sent a quick text to her bodyguard to meet them at the facility in almost an hour. He responded with a dry 'ok'.

"I'm back," Bey said into the phone.

"Okay do you have your laptop chargers," Miranda asked
Bey snapped her fingers, "I knew I was forgetting something!"

She walked down the long hall passing up Chloe who was in the bathroom changing the bandages on her knees.

"Morning, where's your sister," Bey held the phone close to her chest so Miranda couldn't hear.

Bey had to basically drag Halle out of the bed this morning. She was certain that Chloe would be the problem, but the teen was already awake when Bey entered the room. Halle was basically glued to the bed, and Bey didn't want to be late taking them to Angie. The superstar had to physically stand Halle to her feet while the girl was asleep.

"Good morning, I think she's already in the kitchen," Chloe answered.

Bey nodded and made her way to the kitchen to grab the laptop chargers. Halle was at the island eating her oatmeal.

"Morning lil bit what's with the long face," Bey asked
as she wrapped the chords together.

Halle shrugged and continued to eat. She made sure her locs were pushed to one side to hide the puffiness of her face.

"I'mma call you back," Bey spoke into the phone before ending the call.

Chloe did her best this morning trying to make her sister feel better. She tried singing and teasing her, but nothing worked. Halle was either extremely pissed or terribly sad, the eldest Bailey couldn't tell. Chloe apologized for speaking to Halle the way she did, but a phony "it's fine" was all she received in return.

Bey walked to the counter and rubbed Halle's back to get the girl's attention. She didn't know what was wrong, but she knew Halle was acting differently.

"Chloe can you get you and your sister's bags and take them to the car please? It's already unlocked," Bey stated.

Chloe's walk was a little better than yesterday, so she had no problem. Bey sat next to Halle at the counter.

"Nervous," Bey asked.

Halle shrunk further into her seat. Though she was a foster child she has never experienced the typical upbringing of a person who belonged to the state. Since the day her father passed, God rest his soul; she's been with the Williams. There wasn't any jumping from house to house parent to parent or hell whole to hell whole. The girl didn't know what she would be walking into today, but her gut had been doing flips all morning.

"Everything will be fine Angie's ama-"
Halle let her spoon drop with a loud clunk, and pushed herself from the stool. Bey watched the girl angrily empty the contents of the bowl into the garbage before washing the dish.

"I'm ready," Halle smiled before running off.

"Hey! Hey," Bey called stopping the girl in her tracks.

"You need another ice pack," Bey shuffled to the freezer.

After making two new packs, Bey was ready to go.

"Here, give this one to your sister," the singer said handing Halle the freezing bags.

Halle took off running out of the door.

This is going to be one long ride.

Bey parked in the back waiting for Julius to pull into the parking lot. How the hell did she make it here before him and she drove from Timbuktu? Chloe and Halle were both seated in the back. Unlike Chloe, Halle still had an attitude from earlier. The entire drive over Halle only answered questions that were directed toward her with a non or shake of the head. She moved the ziplock bag around making the water travel to one side before tilting it the other way. Chloe made beats on her thighs to pass the time.
A few moments later, an all black company car pulled into the lot. The singer pulled her hair into a ponytail and placed her shades on her face.

"Okay ladies," Bey got out of the car.

She held her hand out to help Chloe out of the car while Julius did the same for Halle. Luckily there were only about two other cars here besides Julius and Bey, so the place couldn't be that packed.

"Damn what time did I tell you to be here," Angie yelled from the back entrance.

Bey looked to the door to see her cousin shielding her eyes from the sun.

"Tell that to the big man over there. I was here fifteen minutes ago," Bey had Halle's bookbag on her shoulder.

"Mmhm," Angie said as she let everyone inside.


Left. Right. I kept telling my legs to move along. Just keep up with the rest of the crowd. The family service lady from yesterday led us through the emergency exit and down a hall filled with fluorescent lights. I looked over to see Halle basically being dragged by Julius. Maybe I would've laughed if I didn't have this knot in my throat. Bey and the social worker babbled in hushed tones until we reached what I assumed was her office. Julius was the last person to enter the office, so he closed the door behind him.
"Uh, may we help you Mr...De'boer?" the lady asked the bodyguard.

Unspeaking, Julius left the room and guarded the door. I observed the small room for what it is. It was obvious that the social worker had nothing to do with the decor. Angie wore an all black suit with black pumps. Her makeup was natural except for the bright red lipstick, and her hair was jet black and ran down her back. It was odd to see her standing in a room brimming with beige tacky furnishings. She clearly had coins.

"Good morning you two. I'm sorry we didn't get a proper introduction yesterday. I'm Angela Beyincé, and unfortunately I share the same grandmother as that one right there," She pointed towards Bey.
Halle sat in the chair besides me while Beyoncé stood behind us. She looked everywhere but at Angela.

"Nice to meet you," I reached out my hand for her to shake.

"Likewise," Angela smiled before continuing.

"As of this morning, I'm your caseworker. Your last one I believe her name was a miss Sharon Collins? She's currently on administrative leave due to a series of negligence complaints and failure to report."

I shifted in my seat and nodded. What else was I supposed to do? Angie opened a file cabinet and removed a single sheet of paper.

"Here Ju this is for you to sign. It just states that you had the girls for one night. The dates are already specified and a copy has already been sent and viewed might I add by your lawyer. All you have to do is sign and your part is done," the lady slid the paper across the table.
I could feel Bey leaning on my chair nervously tapping away. Nervously? I turned to find her lost in her own little world. Eventually she walked towards the desk and read over the paper.

"Girl if you don't sign this paper dang you take thirty minutes to read over five sentences," Angie complained.

"I'm just trying to make sure I'm not selling my kidney. I never know with you," Bey quickly placed her signature on the dotted line.

"If I wanted to buy a kidney I'd go to Mexico," Angie filed the paper away to be copied.

"Alright I'll fax Rob the signed copy," Angie sat in her chair.

Halle hadn't picked her head from the floor since Julius sat her in the chair.

"So what's next," Bey sat on her cousin's desk.

"Unfortunately," Angie started

My heart abandoned me; I couldn't feel it. Unfortunately. There's not much that I hate but I despised that word, along with sadly, regrettably, and any other words that safeguarded my misfortune.

"I only have a handful of eligible people who are certified to be foster parents and most of them are at capacity," Angie sighed.

"And the rest of em," Beyonce asked.

"Well not everyone is willing or able to take in teens Bey.

The blonde stood from the desk, "so where would they go?"

I kept quiet waiting for the next words that fell from the woman's lips.

"The girls will be temporarily placed into a nearby group home for girls," Angie watched for our reactions.

Halle audibly gasped and held onto the arms of her chair, "we're going to jail?"

Angela stood from her seat and kneeled in front of my sister.

"It's not jail sweety. It's just a building with girls your age who need help just like you do. It's nothing like jail," Angie ensured.

Cry for me, angel. Cry for us all.

Halle sobbed into her hands. I couldn't find fault with her tears. I'd done my fair share of research on group homes, and she was right we were going to jail. May as well be, bunk beds and state funded dinners; all the same really. Bey tried her hardest to get Halle to settle down. She was in full panic mode complete with the ear-piercing shriek and hiccuping through words.

"Can we room together," my voice was heavy.

All commotion halted as I wrangled my words together. Bey looked to her cousin coaxing her to answer my question.

"Well," she started.

Does God hate me? I wish I knew the day I disappointed him. The hour. The time. I would travel to that moment a thousand times to do it again.
Better this time.
I would make God so proud and he'd stop punishing me.
I'd be his child again.

"I could talk to someone to pull strings, but I can't make any promises," Angie stated.

DING! Bey checked her phone before going back to whispering things into Halle's ear.

"If you need to go Bey your part is done. I can handle it from here," Angela stated.

Angela gathered papers and placed them in a briefcase. I tuned out Halle's cries until they were a meager blare caressing my ears. I guess it was time to go because everyone walked towards the door. Beyoncé bent to Halle's height saying things I couldn't hear. I watched Bey's mouth move, but all I could hear were Angela's keys as she locked her office door. I was startled when Bey pulled me in for a tight hug. Face to face and I still couldn't give an audience to her. I nodded just so I wouldn't seem crazy. Halle grabbed my hand as Bey hugged her cousin and placed her glasses back on her face.

"See you soon okay," Bey smiled and waved goodbye.

Julius opens the back door to the company car and I get in. He had another person drive my car home before the meeting with Angie started.

"You ready," Julius asked from the front seat.

"Yes," I put my seatbelt on as he pulled off.

We've been driving for about twenty minutes now, and I couldn't get Halle's cries from my head. That girl definitely had some lungs on her. Chloe looked so out of it when I was saying bye to her. She was in such a daze that she didn't bother saying goodbye. I felt around my pocket for my phone.

"Turn around," I told Julius.

"You sure," he looked at me through the rearview mirror.

"I'm sure."

Julius made a U-turn at the light and headed toward the family service building. I pressed my husband's contact name and waited for him to answer.

"Wassup baby thug," Jay smiled.

"I couldn't do it," I deadpanned.

His face came closer to the camera, "do what?"

"Leave them behind like that," my voice cracked.

There was a pregnant pause before he spoke again.

"So watchu sayin," he rubbed his chin.

"They're coming back with me. Imma take them in," I laid it out simply.

"Are you sure," Jay asked after a while.

"Yeah, I've thought about it, and I think it's the right choice. The only choice actually. I'm on my way to get them now," I looked out the window to see how far we were.

"Whatever makes you happy I will support, but I'm not sure if the people will just let you take the girls this quick. It's not like you're a family member Bey. My moms had to go through classes to get certified as a foster parent. Even then, they didn't place her with a child until months later," Shawn explained.

"I'll see what I can do. I just wouldn't feel right coming home knowing there was something more I could've done to help them," I sighed

I texted Angie telling her that I was on my way back. She was already at the rear entrance waiting for us to pull up.

"What's going on," Angie asked worried.

We made the long ass walk to her office again and she shut the door.

"I want to take the girls in," I said.

"Uh take the girls in what," she actually looked confused.

"As in fostering them Angie," I rolled my eyes.

Angie sat at her desk seemingly thinking over what I'd just said.

"Are you sure Bey? Have you even let Jay know," she asked.

"Yes, and yes," I sat in one of the chairs.

Angie went into a winded speech about the entire process. From signing papers to completing all twenty four hours of the certification course. She was talking so long that I almost forgot what we were talking about.

"Is there anyway to speed things up," I was annoyed at this point.

"Because you were so blessed to share blood with me, I can expedite all of the paperwork. That's easy work. However since you reside mostly in Los Angeles both states would have to approve of the move. Until then, I'll just use the address you have here. I'll notify you of any upcoming inspections so you have enough time to fly back," she explained.

I sat for a minute taking in the information. What am I getting myself into? My cousin typed all of my information into her computer. It was a while before either of us spoke again. She didn't put Shawn's name on the paperwork, but when the social workers get switched in LA then he'll have to be written in. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
After all the T's were crossed and the I's dotted Angie told me the girls were already at the group home being processed. They couldn't even wait an hour to take them over there? Damn.


Julius stood behind me as we eyed the worn down building. The girls were right this was a prison for innocent kids. I didn't even want to see how the inside of this building looked if the outside was this disgusting. Angie stood at the entrance and handed me her blazer.

"I guess I'm the help now," I held the blazer loosely in my hand.

"Girl we are going into a building full of itty bitty teeny boppers. Do you really want a mob rushing you," Angie folded her arms.

I made quick work of throwing the blazer over my shoulders and buttoning it. The glasses were huge so I should be fine. My head remained low as I followed Angela through the rundown building. I watched as she placed all of her items in a bin and walked through the metal detector. Angie gossiped with the security guard about some girl who was getting cheated on that they both knew. I placed my purse in a crummy bin and watched as the x-ray took it to the other side. Angie's cackle brought me to and I successfully made it through without taking off a million things. I feel like I'm about to visit my jailhouse boyfriend and sneak him contraband. This is truly the ghetto.

"Alright I'll see you this weekend for drinks and you better not invite Lanette country ass. I mean I'm country as hell but I draw the line at overall shorts and a gap," Angie laughed obnoxiously as she walked further into the building.

"Why you always gotta be loud," I asked.

"Cause God Gave me a mouth to use it how I please," she laughed.

I playfully nudged her shoulder.

"Alright now, watch it before I take your little disguise off and standby while you get pummeled by kids," Angela warned.

"And I'll beat your ass as soon as I get away," I smiled sarcastically.

Angie scoffed, "I'm the oldest."

"That ain't never stopped me before," I shot her down.

"Girl that was one time and you caught me off guard," Angie rolled her eyes and pushed passed some double doors.

I looked around the building as more and more girls began to pour into the common area. It's a shame the amount of children that don't have a home to go to. My head was down, but I was looking for two brown girls with beautiful locs.

"Wait here," Angie went to speak with a woman behind Plexiglass.

Julius was the tallest person standing in this building right now, so even if I wanted to remain incognito he was a dead give away. I saw a glimpse of a familiar profile walking at the far end of the room. The girl took a seat but she was clearly crying. I watched as Halle emptied her nose into some Kleenex. Chloe seemed to give her words of encouragement, but just like earlier, she was inconsolable. Angie stood at the window sifting through papers with the secretary. Before I knew it, my legs were moving faster than my brain. I trudged towards the girls still trying my best to weave through the cluster of teens unnoticed. Finally within earshot, Chloe's voice became distinct. She repeatedly told Halle that it was okay she was going to get something back. I tapped Halle on the shoulder causing both girls to look up at me. The older Bailey gasped and Halle's cries halted in her throat.

"What's wrong," I asked.

Halle wiped her nose with the tissue.

"Why are you crying," I tried again.

The small girl stood and hugged me. I cringed at the snot that was possibly on my shirt but this isn't the right time to be bourgeois. She looked at my face with her arms still wrapped tightly around me.

"The lady. Sh-she took my guitar and Chloe's Keyboard. She said we can't get it back," Halle cried.

"Who," I asked.

Halle pointed to the woman Behind the plexiglass.

"Come on," I told Chloe.

She wasted no time following us. I knocked on the glass lightly. I held Halle's hand and Chloe stood behind me with her arms crossed.

"I already told y'all you're not getting the instruments back. Now for the hundredth time go sit y'all asses down somewhere," the woman didn't bother tearing her eyes away from her phone.

I took my glasses from my face and placed them on my shirt before knocking a little harder.

"Look," the woman started.

"Oh my God h-how can I help you," the woman fixed her tone.

"They need their instruments back," I tried my best to put on a smile, but who was she telling to sit their asses down?

She went over a tired script on how instruments weren't allowed in the building. The girls had to wait until they were leaving to have all of their belongings returned. Company policy.

"Well they won't be staying here, so if you could get their items," I smiled.

The lady nodded and rushed to the back room tripping over her chair.

"If we're not staying here we have to go back home," Halle shifted from foot to foot.

I turned both girls to me so I know they were listening.

"Um you're going to stay with me at my house, my main house in Los Angeles. Well, that's if you want to of course."


'Staying with Beyoncé versus living in a dump like this? Is she serious' Chloe thought.

She almost passed out once the last word fell from the blonde's tongue.She wasn't bourgeoisie by far but the thought of having to sleep on one of those soiled pieces of toast they called a mattress sent her into a world wind. Halle Hugged Bey tightly thanking her a million times over. Chloe smiled waiting for her hug. The singer was cautious not to put too much pressure on Chloe's side. After the quick exchange was over, the lady came back with both backpacks, one keyboard, and one guitar. The moment Chloe's hand touched the familiar hardened plastic the lump in her throat dared to come up, but she wasn't going to cry in front of anyone.
Angie walked to them with two files in her hand.

"Okay, so here's your papers. Your license is inside. I got my girl to say that you completed all the hours already. Don't worry, everyone who works here is under strict non disclosure agreements. All of the girl's information, medical records, birth records, things of that nature are in the file. Please read through them within the week," Angie stated.

'This is sick' Bey thought. How was it this easy to get a hold of someone's child. A human being. A signature here and there and boom two children were in her care.
The group exited the doors and now stood in the parking lot. Halle didn't bother letting go of Bey's hand. She was too scared that if she let go she'd wake up and the dream would be over. Beyoncé wriggled her hand away from Halle's just to take the blazer off. Angie snatched the blazer after her cousin held it out like it was trash.

"You play too much. Anyways you have to be back in Atlanta in two weeks. The girls have to speak with an investigator. Oh and don't try to enroll them in school yet I'll let you know when the state transfer is done. I'll be in LA in a week to remind you," she finished.

"Who invited you," Bey asked.

"Myself. I know y'all missing me too much," Angela chuckled.

It was true Tina did miss her niece and showed it by calling every hour on the hour to talk about the morning news, evening news, and her husband. Every month Angie would come and spend a week with the family if she could. Angie Hugged Bey goodbye and thanked her for lending a hand to children in need. She walked closer to Chloe and handed the girl her card.

"If you need anything call me. Even if you get tired of my cousin, which you will. Give me a call. When I see you in LA y'all gotta sing for me okay," Angie smiled.

Chloe nodded and watched Angela peel out the lot.

Fillller chapter

I split this chapter up into two because it would have been too long. That's why it ends so abruptly.

How do you think Blue will react to two more kids at the house?

Was bey right with her decision to take the girls in?

Comment and vote

As always, thanks for reading 🥰

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