Dusk Till Dawn | ✓

By moanaaxo

14.2K 972 86

Inaya Hussein is a happy go to 20-year-old studying medicine wanting to make her parents proud. Religion play... More



441 35 2
By moanaaxo

• • •

Pretty much the entire day sweeps by fast. I finished my assignment in nine minutes, beating Daniel's challenge.
And I only asked one thing for him to do because I won.

That was to not break my Hania's heart.

"Daniel's coming over in a couple of minutes." Hania mentions to me and Safa whilst we eat our ice-cream.

My eyes widen, "H-how come?" My words stutter out of worry.

Safa laughs awkwardly trying to not let my stutter be any louder than it was for Hania to notice.

"Just to see us." Hania holds my hand, squeezing it out of excitement.

My frown deepens, I'm such a terrible best friend.

I give her a huge grin, to which she only smiles wider.

"Hey Hania," Daniel says quietly over to Hania making me raise my eyebrows and so does Safa's.

"Is that it?" I question it, Safa takes down notes making me giggle.

I think back to the last couple of days, he always greets me with names other than mine. And he just says Hania? No adorable sweet name to think of?

I mean that's completely fine, but he also doesn't seem like himself either.

"You okay, baby?" Hania squeezes his shoulder to which he moves away from her, rolling his eyes which makes my eyes widen and my anger boil to the extent that I could punch this man.

"What is wrong with you?" I walk up to him, clearly frustrated and confused.

Daniel Malik is the one who is always cheery and charming. This is the complete opposite.

Okay fine.

He's still charming just the happiness isn't there anymore.

His eyes are dark and no longer like this morning. His body language is not the same either, he seems broken?

He looks into my eyes, searching for comfort? Which only confuses me more.

"What's wrong?" I whisper quietly so he can only hear. There's worry displayed in my eyes, I'm scared because this isn't him.

Safa and Hania walk away from us, making me feel terrible for Hania even more.

His face softens, "Nothing. I'm fine." With that, he walks away as if nothing happened just right now.

I'm seriously going to punch this man.

My legs carry me to Hania, being more worried about her than Daniel.

"Are you okay?" I sit by her, as she lays her head on my shoulder.

"I'm okay, I'm not sure about Daniel though." I squeeze her hand for comfort.

"I'm sure his ego just got to him because he's rich and thinks he's powerful enough to do such a thing to you." I roll my eyes, knowing how Daniel can be. But then again, Hania is rich too and he knows how powerful she is within the wealthiest families of our country.

Hania shakes her head at me, "It's something more than that." She whispers up to me making my thoughts wander.

• • •

By the time evening comes, we're in our dorm munching on some crisps as I finish off some homework which was set before going onto my phone sending my parents a kind text.

"Any messages from Daniel?" Safa asks out loud, I turn towards Hania.

She shakes her head slowly, "Nothing." A sigh escapes her lips, just in time the doorbell rings.

I wrap my hijab around my head thinking, who could it be at this time?

"Who could it be?" Hania asks as she opens the door instead, I take a step back sitting by Safa as I take up a book from the stand and start reading it.

My eyes peek up as I look up, to see who it is at the door.

"Hey." I hear that familiar voice making my heart skip a beat faster.


I look up, trying to not make it completely oblivious as I manage to keep the rest of my face hidden in the book.

"Hi." Hania confidently says. I smile from behind the book at the confidence.

Safa looks up, annoyed by Daniel's behaviour but she gets up to eat some of her cookies she bought earlier on.

"May I come in?" He asks politely to Hania, I don't make any input and pretend to keep reading my book.

Hania opens the door wider for him to enter as they sit on chairs next to each other. Hania sitting a bit away from him, which catches him by surprise.

I don't bother making any eye contact with him as I just keep reading the book in front of me.

"I'm sorry Hania." He puts his hand at the back of his neck softly rubbing it. His biceps contract making me gulp.

We all wait for Hania's reply as I put my book down, still not bothering to look over at Daniel.

Hania moves a bit closer to him holding his hand out, "The last couple of days have been the best with you. But I think it's best if we cut it off now." She gives him a small grin. Safa rolls her eyes knowing this is the usual Hania.

Hania will date a boy for a couple of days. If she thinks that it's not good for her then she will break up as soon as possible with them to find her new interest.

I'm practically in shock by hearing the words she just said to Daniel, especially because I thought that possibly this would be going somewhere for Hania and Daniel.

- - -

- A/N -

Ramadan Mubarak! 🥰

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I might slip in surprise chapters here and there to keep you occupied whilst we all are in quarantine 💀

For those fasting today, well done 😌!
I hope it is going well for you 💘

Next update : Monday 27th April 2020

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