His Step-brothers Are Wolves...

By PissingoffHomophobes

154K 6.8K 510

[Book 1 of the Lighthide Series] Theodore "Theo" Johnson has lived with his father for 4 years since his pare... More

Meeting The Stepfamily
"Sibling Bonding Time"
What Did I See?
Keeping it Secret
A Face From The Past
Alpha, Beta, Omega
History and Threats
Manipulative Apology
A Nightmare
Boredom With A Side Of Meeting
Save Me From Him
Very Own Spark
What It Means To Lead
A Warning Taken Lightly
Attack In The Night
One Falls Another Rises
Adjustment & Nightmares
The sweet smell
His First Heat
A Meeting Em & Ty
Taken Away
So Close, So Far
Back In Your Arms
Dr. Visit
Running into the Past
A love They Share
The Truth Of The Ring
Facing The Pack
Date Night
Set back
Em's Surprise
Traitor In Our Midst
Some Good News
Theo Takes Charge
A Heartfelt Chat
An Unexpected Twist
Authors Note: Very Important!!!
Austin's Spark
Mark of The Mate
Unforeseen Plans

Next Steps

417 16 1
By PissingoffHomophobes

Theo closed the door excitedly behind Ezra, rubbing his hands together as he waddled over to the bed. Ezra turned the light on, amusement in his face. Theo patted the bed next to him, and Ezra took the seat. Theo got up and peeled off his shirt, tapping his belly as he did so.

  Ezra could see the small bump, although it would look like bloating to others, but Ezra has seen Theo's slim body any time and knows this is new. He placed his hands on Theo's belly, rubbing the bump excitedly.

  "Seeing how beautiful this bump is makes me so happy." Ezra leaned down and kissed the bump, causing a yelp to escape him. Lately, he's been so sensitive to touches from Ezra that it made him want to absolutely ravage Ezra. He blamed it on the hormone pills for a long time, but now he was starting to think that maybe he was just getting horny because he wanted to.

  A knock on the door startled them, and Theo wanted to slap himself due to his horniness in such a situation and guiltily walked to the door to open it. It was Austin.

  "Dr. Hall is here." He said. Theo popped his head out and spotted her checking on Mathew. He turned his attention back to Austin. "He'll be fine from what she said. They weren't too deep, just in trauma parts that made them bleed more."

  "That's good to hear." Ezra said from behind Theo. "We should find you two a place until you guys settle down and get to know each other."

  Austin bit his lip and shoved them into the room. Theo was startled at the action but complied as he walked to the bed. Once the door was closed and it was only them, Austin sighed.

  "Whats the matter?" Ezra asked.

  Theo watched as Austin turned towards them with a pleading glance. It didn't suit Austin's sarcastic behavior, so it made Theo immediately uncomfortable.

  "Mathew is an Omega from Defiant. Not only did he sever ties and run away, but he came to us. Gilbert will see this as a hostage situation due to Matthew not telling Gilbert he left." Austin expressed, his pleading face turned to angry scowling.

  Ezra brought a hand up to his chin, his face sharing the same expression as Austin's. "Then we make peace with him. If we give him the ring in exchange for Mathew and have a civil chat, he should back down." Ezra informed.

  "But what if he doesn't?" Theo asked, snagging both of their attentions. "A meeting could be the best time to spring a trap, and it could be the best time to strike a surprise attack on an unsuspecting pack with no leaders to help them."

  Ezra shook his head. "I digress," he walked over and sat next to Theo. "You will be here to watch over the pack. Me and Austin will have this conversation with Gilbert."

  Theo scoffed. "No! That's not happening. You can't keep sidelining me just because I'm pregnant."

  Ezra grabbed a hold of Theo's hand, bringing it up to kiss it. "I'm not sidelining you because you are pregnant, love. I'm keeping you safe since Gilbert wants you."

  Austin snorted. "More like he wants the babies." He muttered.

  Theo wrapped his arms around his stomach, hugging them. "I guess.... you are right, but I still don't want this to happen."

  "We need to. If we don't, it will just cause more problems." Ezra explained.

  Theo sighed, nodding his head. "Fine, but when will this take place? Shouldn't we get the pack involved?"

  Ezra nodded. "I'm going to tell the pack, along with Ty and Em." He reached a handover and comforted Theo. "Don't worry, we will be okay. It'll be a quick talk. We will even bring Lisbeth and Moses with us to keep you at ease."

  Theo did feel a bit more relaxed knowing Moses and Lisbeth, their powerhouses were coming. "When will this happen?" He asked.

  "I'm going to call Gilbert who generously gave us his number and see if this can be resolved quietly. I know his threats in the past are still evident, but I'm going to make sure a war between packs doesn't happen." He grabbed his phone, checking the time. To their surprise, it was only 7 in the morning.

  "I'm going to go check on Mathew." Austin says, walking out of the room.

  Theo turned to Ezra and smiled softly. "Before you guys go to the meeting, we should have a special night." Theo whispered.

  Ezra chuckled softly. "I'm okay with that." Ezra bent down and kissed him softly, giving Theo butterflies as if it was the first time they kissed again.

  "We should go check with them." Ezra whispered through their kiss. Theo's reaction was to groan.

  "Okay, then."

  They got up from the bed and walked downstairs where they were met with Mathew sitting up with bandages across his chest and arms while Austin stood a bit back with his hands tapping nervously against his chin. Dr. Hall was clipping the last little bit of wrapping in place.

  "There, you should be all set. All I ask is that you rest and take it easy for a few days. Your werewolf genes have healed the majority of it, but it still requires basic needs to heal the rest." She informed, reaching down to grab an unlabeled bottle of pills. "These are some... supplement pills for Omega's. If you want to try them, I'll leave them here." She whispered quietly, placing them by the table.

  Mathew looked like a deer in the headlights, and Theo was curious as to why. "How did you know?" He asked.

  Dr. Hall offered a warm, comforting smile. "Your eyes gave you away." She didn't elaborate, but by the look on Mathew's face, he understood.

  "Thank you," he expressed, tears on his waterline.

  She nodded, turning to Theo. "As for my other patient, how are you feeling? Better?"

  Theo shrugged. "Fine, I guess."

  "How are the supplements working out?" She asked.

  Theo blushed, turning away from Ezra's chuckle. "They work." Was all he offered.

  Instead of prying, she grabbed her duffle bag and got up from the couch. "You should know that Sage is doing well. She should be able to return to the pack by next week." She informed them.

  "That's great news! Thank you for taking good care of her." Ezra says.

  "Not a problem. If that's all, then I should be going." She walked for the door, but Theo rushed to it before her and opened it. "Good day, and thank you."

  Theo cleared his throat. "I actually have a question, but I want to ask it privately." He whispered.

  She motioned for Theo to follow her outside. Theo did, making sure the door was closed behind him. Once they were alone, he turned to her, his blush returning full force.

  "What question did you have?" She asked.

  Theo clammed up, bringing a hand up to scratch at his neck. "W-Well, I am wondering if... even though I'm pregnant if Ezra and I could... well..."

  "Have intercourse?" She asked, saving Theo from saying it himself.

  Theo immediately felt relief and embarrassment leak from him. The audible sigh made her laugh. "As long as you don't do any unnecessary movements, you should be fine until you hit your second trimester, then I'd hold off until the babies are born." She explained.

  Theo smiled wide. "Thank you for the information. Ever since my Alpha hormones have balanced, I've been... well, Ezra has looked more jumpable, and I was hesitant." He mumbled.

  She nodded. "That's understandable. But you should be fine." She turned and walked back to her car.

  Theo waited for her to back out and leave before biting his lip. He turned back to the cabin, now feeling his hormones kick in intensely. Thankfully, by the hair on his neck, he managed to suppress the urge. Stiffly, he opened the door, only to almost hit Austin and Mathew.

  Theo yelped in surprise. "Whats up?" He asked.

  "We are going to stay in mom and Howard's cabin while he's away. It'd be easier to have a bed for him to sleep on during recovery." He explained.

  Mathew was wrapped in a thick comforter, his eyes drooping, and his body leaned almost solely on Austin for support. Theo nodded. "Okay, we will talk to you guys later."

  Austin nodded, and with that, Theo watched them walk all the way to the cabin  near the driveway. Once they entered, Theo went back inside their own cabin and locked the door. Ezra was stripping the couch of its coverings and dropping them into the laundry basket.

  Theo walked over and leaned against one of the support beams, folding his arms. "I'm glad Austin found his mate, even if it was out of the blew." Theo says.

  Ezra nods, turning around and sitting on the yellow spongy stripped cushions. "It's going to take some time for them, but I think Mathew and Austin will be a good match. The only thing I'm concerned about is his designation."

  Theo walked over and plopped on the couch, draping his feet over Ezra's. Ezra felt the sparks of fire roll over him when Ezra's hand started rubbing up and down his shin.

  "Why?" Theo asked.

  "Omega's heats are unbearable for Alpha's. Even ones who have sparks. If Austin doesn't mark him before his next heat, it could cause problems." Ezra rolled his neck, cracking it. "I just... it's been a crazy few days, I just want everything to slow down a bit."

  Theo smirked. "How about I take your mind off of a few things." Theo asks, putting a bit of sauciness into his voice.

  Ezra side eyed Theo with a playful smile. "Oh? And how do you plan to do that?"

  Theo took his legs off of Ezra and got onto his knees on the couch, turning to Ezra, he thew one knew over his lap until he was straddling Ezra's lap. He bent down and kissed Ezra, who immediately kissed back, his hands landing on Theo's hips, pulling his shirt up slightly.

  Theo pulled away and leaned over to Ezra's neck. "How about we have sex?" Theo asked, feeling Ezra shiver and melt under him.

  "Taking charge is so hot." Ezra commented back, gripping under Theo's thighs. He stood up, startling him. "Shall we continue this to the bedroom?"

  "Please." Theo begged, going in for another kiss. "Please make a mess of me."

  With those words, Ezra let out a deep moan, and they rushed upstairs.


A/N: Obviously, some steamy smut in the next chapter 😊

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