Haikyu!! x Reader One Shots

By emsiekims

41.1K 1K 307

Drop some requests on the chapter labeled requests!! I will do mostly anything, lemons, fluff, in-betweens, e... More

Request Board
Tsukishima x Reader
Nishinoya Yuu x Reader
Hinata Shoyo x Reader
Sugawara Kōshi x Reader
Kunimi Akira x Reader
Yaku Morisuke x Reader
Aone Takanobe x Reader
Miya Atsumu x Reader (Part 2)
Kozume Kenma x Reader
Satori Tendō x Reader
Kageyama Tobio x Reader
Haiba Lev x Reader
Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Tanaka Ryunosuke x Reader
Author's Note
Hanamaki Takahiro x Reader
Iwaizumi Haijime x Reader
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
Sawamura Daichi x Reader
Shirabu Kenjirō x Reader
Shirabu Kenjiro x Reader
Bokuto Kotarō x Reader

Miya Atsumu x Reader (Part 1)

2.4K 45 11
By emsiekims

If you've ever wanted to have a twin sister, now's your chance LOL
This is longer than I expected it to be so it's gonna be a two-shot now OOPS

You were going out on a blind double date. Your childhood friend Akane had set you and your twin sister up with "two really great guys" she "knows you'll love." Yeah yeah, we'll see about that.

You and your sister, Hina, were nearly identical, the only difference being you had (h/c) hair and she dyed hers a lavender gray. Before she dyed her hair, nobody could tell the two of you apart and it was pretty irritating after a while. People still usually called you by your last names just so they could ensure they didn't use the wrong first name.

She was definitely more excited than you about this date-she was definitely the outgoing optimist between the two of you. You wore a pretty casual outfit since you didn't have high hopes for the night and were mostly going as support for her. She pulled out all the stops, though, and wore a cute flowy dress and did her makeup perfectly. You had to nearly drag her out the door to make it to the cafe on time to meet your dates.


Ah how charming- your dates were late. Your sister insisted they'd show up and have a perfectly reasonable excuse, but you didn't think so. Instead of crushing her hopes and dreams you ordered a (drink) and sipped it at the outdoor table, sitting next to her. You knew you were being a stick in the mud about the whole thing but you just couldn't help it; you had social anxiety and meeting new people was not on your list of favorite things to do.

Two identical males came racing down the street and ran into the cafe, hardly slowing down as they entered.

"That had to have been them!" Hina squealed as she clutched at your arm. You hissed as you unsuccessfully tried to evade her clutches. Hina insisted you go inside to tell them you two were at the table outside. You rolled your eyes, she's lucky you'd do just about anything for her.

You walked in and found the two, one of them nudging the other as you walked up.

"Hey, are you Osamu and Atsumu? If you are, me and my sister are at the table outside," you said pretty emotionlessly. They confirmed they were who you thought they were and followed you to your sister.

"Hi I'm Hina! It's so nice to meet you both," she enthusiastically greeted them with a hug each before ushering them to sit down.

"So, you're a friend of Akane, huh?" the one named Osamu asked to start the conversation.

"Yeah, our families have been close since we were little. How'd you guys meet her?" You let Hina do most of the taking since you didn't have much interest in joining in.

"We know her brother from volleyball, we used to play on a team with him in junior high," Osamu explained. The one named Atsumu stayed pretty quiet, you wondered if he also didn't want to be here. Maybe you could get along with him..?

"So are you guys twins too?" Atsumu spoke up. Hina eagerly answered that question too with a yes.

"Huh, you guys couldn't be more different. I can definitely tell you're the twin that's easier to get along with," he pointed at Hina.

Ah never mind, he's just an asshole. You could clearly see Osamu kick his brother underneath the table. You pretty much checked out of the conversation at that point, you didn't really care what was going on.

Every now and then you'd tune in and add an 'mhmm' in there to back Hina up, but she seemed to be hitting it off with Osamu pretty well, 'good for her,' you thought. The night came to an end and Osamu asked for Hina's number before you parted ways with the other set of twins. She was so happy that you could almost see hearts in her eyes. Chuckling you led her back to your home, knowing you'd probably be seeing more of the gray haired twin in the near future.


"Pleeeeease (Y/N), for me?" Hina begged knowing you couldn't resist her whines for long. You finally gave in, agreeing to go with her to meet Osamu and Atsumu at a karaoke place. She had even convinced Akane and her brother to come.

As you walked in, every step you took was filled with regret. The twins were there already, Osamu moving to hug Hina and politely greet you as Atsumu was scowling in the corner with his hands shoved in his front pockets. Charming. You were there for Hina and Hina only, you kept chanting in your head.

Your group got a room for a few hours so you could sing to your hearts content, but you planned on sitting on the benches in the back for the most part. Your friend (Akane) and her brother (Akito) walked in shortly after.

Hina willingly volunteered to sing the first song, picking one with really peppy love lyrics. You turned your phone's flashlight on and swayed it like you were at her concert, teasing her as she sang her heart out. She came off the platform and playfully punched your arm for 'embarrassing her in front of her new friends.' You just grinned cheekily and stuck your tongue out at her. Little did you know, your moves were being observed by someone else in your party.

Akane forced Akito to go up and sing with her and you could clearly tell he didn't want to be up there. To rub salt in his wound (because that's what you did best) you cheered his name loudly and clapped along with the song, getting Hina to join in on teasing the poor boy, and eventually Osamu too.

"(Y/N) you brat, I'm gonna kill you one day," Akito tried to intimidate you when the song was over.

"You know you love me Akito~," you giggled at his fake rage. You treated Akito like he was your brother so your playful relationship was nothing new to you, but to others it could seem like flirting. You didn't give it much thought though, instead moving to put him in a headlock. Once he tapped out you accidentally caught Atsumu's eyes before he rolled them and looked away. Seriously, what was his deal?

Other pairings went up to sing- Hina and Akane, Hina and Osamu, Akito and Osamu, and even Akane and Osamu.

"(Y/N) you haven't sung at alllll," Hina whined you you with puppy dog eyes.

"No way, you know I don't want to."

"Come to think of it, Atsumu you haven't either," Osamu threw his brother under the bus. Both of you were glaring at your twin counterparts.

"It's decided then, you two can sing a song together," Akito clapped his hands together. Your growl of protests didn't affect him, he just mouthed the word "payback" before flipping you off. You have to remember to stop pissing people off so much.

You and Atsumu begrudgingly dragged your feet to the stage as Hina set the song for you. You groaned when you heard the intro notes. She had picked 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran (I couldn't think of any other cheesy romance songs off the top of my head I'm so sorry). Sighing, you and Atsumu started to sing.

Now, you could actually sing pretty well but you panicked while doing it in front of people, so only Hina really knew of your talent. You tried to make your voice be overshadowed by Atsumu's but he seemed to have the same idea. Then Akito turned the volume of your microphone up so your voice could be heard no matter how quietly you sang. He gave you a shit eating grin.

You laid down your pride and just sang knowing there was no way to get out of this now. Atsumu looked at you with wide eyes when he heard how well you actually sang. You finished the song and stepped off the stage as quickly as possible as you were starting to get really anxious from performing in front of people.

You excused yourself and went outside the rented room to take a breather and clear your head. You sank to the floor and put your face in your hands.

"Hey, you okay?" an unfamiliar voice asked you. You looked up to see Atsumu in front of you.

"Just peachy," you sighed. He slid down the wall and sat beside you.

"You have a great singing voice, way better than what the rest of us could do in there."

"Thanks," you mumbled. Why was he out here talking to you anyways? He had no obligation.

"I feel like we started off on the wrong foot without even trying to.. I was weary of this whole blind date thing in the first place," he continued talking to you as if he didn't notice you shutting the conversation down.

"I only did it for Hina."

"Yeah, I owed Osamu one so I basically did it for him too. I knew it was too early for me to put myself out there." He looked pretty sad but you felt like he wanted you to ask him about what he said. 'Don't take the bait don't take the bait don't take the-'

"What do you mean?" You took the bait.

"I just got out of a relationship and my ex messed me up pretty bad. 'Samu's been trying to get me out of the house to do things but I really don't want to," he gave a bitter chuckle.

"I'm sorry you went through that.. Hina is the same way with dragging me places, but I just don't want to do anything because of my social anxiety that she doesn't seem to understand," you laugh, "I usually only warm up to people after I've known them for a lifetime." It was still a bit awkward, but you found it surprisingly easy to talk to him.

"Sorry, I probably didn't make it any easier on you. I probably seemed like such an asshole when we first met because I really didn't want to be there, no offense.."

"None taken, I also didn't want to be there as you could probably tell," you laughed.

"Ah, it was all just one big jumble of misunderstandings," he chuckled, leaning his head back to rest it on the wall as he looked up at the ceiling. You sat in comfortable silence for a few moments.

"We should probably head back in before the others start to question where we are, hm?"

Atsumu stood up and offered you his hand. You took it and he pulled you up off the ground, letting his hand linger on yours for a split second longer than was necessary. As he opened the door the sound of Hina and Akane singing their hearts out hit you at full force.

"Guess they didn't miss us too much did they?" you whispered to him with a giggle.

"I guess not," he cracked a smile at you and nudged you playfully. You both went and sat down and Akito leaned towards you.

"You two are acting pretty chummy now, what happened out there?" He waggled his eyebrows at you suggestively.

"Nothing happened, we just cleared up a misunderstanding," you rolled your eyes in response.

"Mhmm, suuuuure~." You punched him in the arm, effectively shutting him up.

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