the spartan twin (mythos acad...

By juicebox55555

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Raised by Reapers, Taught by Reapers, and Loved by Reapers. All these things that the Reapers do to try and t... More

The Spartan Twin (mythos academy)
Chapter : 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 : Unexpected
7: flash time
8: little friend
9: family secrets.
10: shopping. Eww
What just happened
12: missing
13: rescue mission of one
14: Champions
17: Fenrir Wolves
18: Good and Evil
19: mixed emotions
20: another or anothers
21: Broken hearts
22: This isn't goodbye
23: split Decisions
24: Shocking News
25: Game plan
26: Final ending
27: epilogue

15: the student becomes the teacher

57 1 1
By juicebox55555

15: the student becomes the teacher

The door made a loud thud against the wall. Gwen and Logan were getting pushed in by three Reapers I didn't recognize. No body seemed to notice me standing against the wall. And Michel seemed to have forgotten I was even there.

"Michel. What the f**k did you do?" the front man said looking down at Anna's lifeless body. I slowly started to inch towards the door so I was behind them.

"I don't know. I was just coming in for my shift when you guys came in. I hadn't even notice that. Wait is... Is that Anna?" He fell to his knees and slowly crawled forward. He put her head in his lap and started stroking her hair.

I knocked into something but quickly caught it before it hit the floor. The thing I was holding was a little box of throwing knives. That would be helpful.

I quickly turned my sword into its lipstick form and put it in my back pocket. I opened the box and pulled out two knives. I put one in each hand and let them fly. They hit the back of the two people that were holding Logan and Gwen and their knees.

Blood splattered on both of them but they stayed silent. Holding the two lifeless body's from hitting the floor. I grabbed another one but the Reaper turned and caught it in midair. There was only one person I knew who could do that. He was the one that had taught me how to do that.

"Robbie." I spat. He threw the knife back at me and I caught it inches from my face. He let out a strangled laugh.

"Lacy. Good to see you again. I see you've gotten better at that little trick I showed you." Robbie said with enjoyment. "Finally a worthy opponent for me."

"Only thing is, is that your scared. You'll never do your best when your scared. You'll die, at my hands, the one you worked so hard to train. You star pupil. Or at least that's what you told me."

I grabbed three knives in one hand and dropped the box on the floor. I threw one and let him catch it. I could tell he was unimpressed. I threw the other two and rushed towards him.

He dropped the one knife and caught the other two. I stopped a foot in front of him with my lipstick in hand. He dropped the two knives he had in his hands and grabbed my wrist. He looked at me sadly.

"Lipstick. You plan to destroy me with a thing of lipstick." He uncapped the lid and put it to his chest. "Oh no you got me. I'm going to die."

I smiled wickedly at him. "Ya actually you are." I said and twisted the bottom to the right. The next thing he knew was he had a knife through his chest.

Some how I knew I had to turn it to the right, I always did. If I turned it to the left nothing would happen.

"Bu- but how...?" he struggled.

"Oh you know, I always have my ways." I told him and then he dropped to the floor. I pulled my sword from his chest and went over to where Logan and Gwen were standing. I smiled up at them.

"Kenzie has to be here. That's the only reason they have Reapers set up on the look out." Logan and Gwen nodded.

"Um Lacy?" Gwen asked.

"Ya I know. But he's harmless." I told them because I knew that Gwen had spotted Michel.

"I know where their keeping your friend. He's in the basement." He checked his watch. "If we want to get him we need to go now. Only the guard should be down their at the moment. Lucy should be able to take care of him quickly."

I nodded and picked up the box of throwing knives. We're coming Kenzie, I thought.

We ran towards the door I had seen Michel use earlier. Michel lead the way to the stairs. As he showed us the way I made sure to remember all the lefts and rights we took. It was sad to say but I wasn't sure if I could trust Michel anymore.

He stopped at a door in the fifth hallway we took. I looked through the window and gasped. Kenzie lied on the floor in a pile of fresh blood. I could tell it was his blood.

My heart jumped in my throat with realization. I looked around to see there was no guard on duty. He must be inside with Kenzie, planning a sneak attack. But that wasn't going to work. Not on me at least.

I grabbed the key from the hook and threw open the door. Kenzie jumped and looked over at the us. I motioned for Gwen and Logan to wait.

I grabbed two knives in each hand. I took a step inside threw each one to the sides and rolled in. I turned to see two men now lying on the floor with knives in their necks. I did a quick seep of the room and saw no body else but Kenzie in the room.

"Lucy." I heard a strangled voice from behind me. I turned to see Troy holding a knife to Logan's neck, and Michel holding a knife to Gwen's. I snarled. Troy was Michel's best friend.

"Lucy?" Kenzie choked out. "It's not safe for you to be here. You need to leave."

I stayed where I was. Me leaving Kenzie would be like going back to Loki's side. Never going to happen. Not when he was here in Reaper hands.

"Put the lipstick down Lucy." Michel demanded. I did what he said. "Now walk out of the room slowly."

"Thanks for bringing Nike's Champion to us. And look bonus points for Artemis's and Apollo's Champions.

"Not a chance." I took a step forward a threw the knives that I hid in my sleeves. I did this when I grabbed the other ones that I threw at the two guards. The one hit Troy in the eye and the other hit Michel in the forehead. As Troy fell the knife slightly cut into Logan's throat. But it was nothing to serous.

The knife in Troy's eye was to far in for him to have survived. And surprisingly the knife in Michel's head reached farther than just his skull.

"Kenzie?" Logan asked stepping into the room. I quickly stepped out of the room as a look out. Gwen walked into the room and helped Logan lift Kenzie. They carried him out of the room with one arm around each of them. As Kenzie was carried by me he smiled.

"Okay Lucy has to go first." Gwen said moving to the side. She let me go first.

"Bu- but."

I smiled at Kenzie. "Your in no shape to fight. And I have the best chance beating these Reapers. I know each and every one of their fighting habits. I'll be alright, I've made it this far haven't I?"

He said nothing, just looked at the ground. I took the knives out of the box and put then in my pockets, and some in the side of my shoes. It would be easier than carrying around the box. But it could also be more dangerous.

We made our way to the stairs with out meeting any people. We were just about to go up the stairs when I herd voices. I motioned for them to hide in an alcove in the hallway opposite then the one we had just come down.

The sound of feet came down the stairs and into the hallway. I peeked my head out to see they were gone. I came out of my hiding spot and motioned for them to fallow. Going as quietly as we could.

Sooner then we knew it we were out of the building. But we weren't safe yet. We were still really far from Mythos Academy. They were bound to know Kenzie was gone by now.

We made it to the road when a car pulled up. I took a step back to brace myself. I slipped a knife out of my pocket and readied it. Gwen grabbed my wrist.

"That's my Grandma. She's on our side." I nodded but didn't relax.

I turned and threw my knife. It dug into the person's chest and they fell to the ground. I told Logan to get them in the car. Gwen got in the front, Logan at the far side and Kenzie in the middle. I never looked away from the people coming from the building.

"You guys, start going. Try to keep my door open if you can." Kenzie nodded and said something to Gwen's grandmother. She started the car and started to pull away.

I swiftly threw knives at the people closest to me and ran. I ran towards the car and jumped in. I closed the door and did up my seatbelt. After I was buckled in Gwen's Grandma floored it.

"Oh look. Gwen, you have a new friend. Well I'm Geraldine Frost, Gwen's grandmother." she introduced herself.

"Lucy Quinn, Logan's twin sister." I told her. Just then I got the feeling like I was forgetting something. My heart dropped. I forgot my sword on the floor in the Reaper hide out.

"Logan I didn't know you had a twin." Geraldine said.

I checked my pockets put all I found were knives. I swiveled around in my seat and stared out the back window. How could I forget something so important? Something that a Goddess had given to me. I whimpered.

Before Logan could answer Kenzie spoke. "Lucy, what's the matter?"

"I forgot it." I told them.

"Forgot what?" Gwen asked.

"I forgot the sword that Artemis gave me. I left it on the floor from when Michel told me to put it down."

Geraldine pulled up to a house near Mythos Academy. I guess it was her house. She turn of the car but she didn't get out. It was sort of like she blanked out or something. And there was this weird feeling to it.

"Stick together no matter what. But their will come a time when you'll have to let some one make their own choices." that's all she said before she got out of the car.

"My grandma has the power to tell the future, but she doesn't like to tell me or my friends what will happen because she says it's best to make our own choices." Gwen told me. I nodded in understanding.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I think I'm going to ask Gwen's Grandma if I could take a shower. I'm all blood covered."

"Ya that seems like a good idea." Kenzie agreed. Gwen just nodded her head.

We all walked into the house and Gwen showed us to the kitchen. We all sat down and Geraldine put a tin of chocolate chip cookies down in the middle. She looked at each one of us in turn. Then her eyes settled on me.

"Okay you all need showers. Lucy you go first so I can take those wounds of yours." she said motioning to my left shoulder and upper arm. "Gwen will give you some fresh clothes to put on when you get out."

Gwen showed me where the bathroom was and I thanked her. She thanked me back. I was confused for a second.

"Thank you Lucy. If it weren't for you Logan and I would most likely be dead by now." she smiled at me and then went back down the stairs.

I quickly had my shower and got out to see a pair of black sweat pants and a white tank top. I carefully put the tank top on making sure I didn't get any blood on it. I headed down stairs trying not to get blood on anything. I walked into the kitchen and they all looked at my shoulder.

"How did you get that?" Logan asked. He looked at the back of my shoulder took in a sharp breath when he noticed the stab wound was worst there.

"Anna, the girl you guys saw lying on the floor when you got there. She was Loki's new Champion. She stabbed me threw the should when I had first spotted Michel." I explained as Gwen's grandmother wrapped my two wounds.

"Well guess who's going to see Metis when we get back to campus." Gwen looked at me. "Wait did she use the Champions blade on you?"

I nodded. "Ya I know. I'm going to be left with scares. But that's okay with me. These new scares for me, will always remind me that this is a new beginning, and how good things can happen."

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