Counterfeit Boyfriend

By AngelaLott9

8.4K 521 100

Magnus's ex is making his work life unbearable and to top it off she's under the impression he has a boyfrien... More

A Proposition
Blue Eyed Solution
Date for the Evening
5th Wheel
'Work' Dinner
Your Drink

A Real Shot

867 58 10
By AngelaLott9

Magnus hadn't expected a kiss, but he welcomed it. What Alec lacked in experience he made up for with flare. Magnus was still trying to pull himself back down to reality when he saw Alec turned to face Camille. He was staring her down as if she was a bull, not even blinking. Magnus was amazed.

"Well, I say," Camille said, a bit affronted.

"I believe that's your cue to leave," Ragnor said calmly.

"See you later then, Magnus," Camille said, still looking slightly stunned.

No one spoke as they watched her move out of ear shot.

"If the drinks weren't already free the next round would be on me!" Ragnor exclaimed. "That was epic. I've never seen that look on her face before, ever. You rock Alec."

"Thanks," Alec said awkwardly as a beautiful pink blush appeared across his face.

"I agree," Magnus exclaimed. He couldn't believe his good luck. It felt like this man was the answer to all his problems. Who else could have handled Camille like that?

"You single Alec?" Ragnor asked bluntly, breaking the moment.

Alec was clearly taken aback but answered awkwardly, "Yeah."

"Good," Ragnor firmly replied. "Do me a favour and give this bimbo a real shot would ya?" Ragnor gestured towards Magnus. "He's really not so bad once you get to know him. Even if he has a habit of starting things off with fake date invites, and bruised foreheads." Alec laughed, but Magnus was mortified. What the hell was Ragnor playing at!

"That's enough out of you," Magnus said, shooing his friend away with both hands. If he wasn't careful Ragnor would drive Alec away just when things were getting interesting.

"Remember it's a real date," Ragnor whispered with a wink before caving to Magnus physically pushing him away.

"Why I otta," Magnus muttered. Then he turned to Alec. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Ragnor is just being... well Ragnor."

Alec laughed. "It's fine," he said. "I like your friend. He's funny." Alec was smiling at him, and then Magnus realized he was also smiling, without even trying.

"So tell me a little about yourself then," Alec said, after a moment, linking his arm with Magnus's once again.

"Oh, not much to tell," Magnus shrugged.

"I'm sure that's not true," Alec smiled. Magnus waved a dismissive hand, but Alec persisted. "I thought lawyers were all stuffy rich shirts, but you strike me as something else entirely. Did you always want to be a lawyer?"

"The short answer is scholarship," Magnus shrugged. "It was what I was good at so it's where I could get funding."

"You parents didn't help you?" Alec asked.

"They died when I was very young," Magnus replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Alec said, looking more upset than Magnus felt about the topic.

"It's alright," Magnus smiled, trying to assure him. "It was a long time ago now."

"Who do you think of as your family then?" Alec asked next.

"What do you mean?" Magnus replied.

"I mean everyone has someone they call home," Alec said easily. It was such a simple question, though never before had Magnus once considered it.

"That's quite a wise thing to say, Alec," Magnus said to him kindly, that easy smile once again playing on his face.

"Is this you avoiding the question?" Alec asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Just pondering," Magnus mused. As they were talking they'd been walking around side by side, Alec taking samples of bacon wrapped scallops off any catering tray they passed along the way, exclaiming about how delicious they were.

"As much as I hate to admit it, probably Ragnor," Magnus chuckled. "Though you aren't allowed to tell him. And then Catarina."

"Who is she?" Alec asked.

"An old friend," Magnus answered. "She's a nurse at the hospital nearby. She has a son named Tobias."

"What's she like?" Alec inquired.

"Motherly," Magnus chuckled. "And kind. That is when she isn't mocking me."

"Sounds like family to me," Alec smiled at him, squeezing his arm gently.

"You're turn," Magnus countered. "Who is home to you?"

"Well my parents are divorced," Alec replied. "Mom and dad split custody until we were all eighteen and got to decide where we go. I solved the whole taking sides thing by moving in with Jace and Clary, but my sister and little brother still go back and forth."

"Sounds complicated," Magnus replied.

"Most families are," Alec stated.

"Jace was the one I met with you at the bar right?" Magnus inquired.


"So who is Clary?"

"His wife," Alec explained. "Of four years, but they've been together even longer than that. High school sweethearts."

"Isn't that cute," Magnus grinned.

"Yeah yeah," Alec groaned.

"Not a fan I see?" Magnus smirked.

"I'm glad they're happy," Alec said. "It's just hard being the third wheel to Mr and Mrs Soulmate all the time."

"Very fair," Magnus chuckled.

They walked in silence for a while just taking in the decor. It was a black and silver theme, as the tables rotated in either shimmering silver cloth, or black depending on the placement in the room. But Magnus was most surprised by how much he was enjoying Alec's company, even the silent kind. There was just something calming about the man's presence.

"What do you do for a living if you don't mind my asking?" Magnus finally broke the silence.

Alec quickly finished chewing the mini quiche, he'd shoved in his mouth before speaking. "Don' mind," he mumbled before he swallowed. "I have BA in English, for all the good it's done me," Alec laughed, his speech no longer marred by the consumption of hors d'oeuvres. "I just always loved stories," Alec continued smiling. "From Shakespeare to The Little Mermaid. But once school ended I had a hard time using my degree. I've gotten a couple writing jobs, an article here, a play review there, but in general not an easy niche to break into."

"But a worthy one," Magnus replied. "This does explain why you are so much better at telling stories than I am."

Alec laughed. "Maybe," he said. "Though, I think part of that was you playing along with your friend."

"I wish," Magnus laughed. "I'm not very good at spontaneous and coherent. Well prepared I could probably convince you that the sky is orange, but on the spot I'm lucky if I get the facts lined up in the correct order."

Alec was grinning. In that way people do when they are trying not to smile. It was a good look on him. "That's adorable," Alec giggled.

"Oh hush," Magnus groaned. "I'm a professional, and well established successful lawyer. I am not adorable."

"Why choose family law then?" Alec asked. "Why not criminal or corporate?"

"Divorce is quite the money maker," Magnus laughed. "And I do love the looks on parents' faces when I tell them they have full legal custody over their kid."

"You mean like when one parent gets custody over the other in a divorce?" Alec asked.

"No," Magnus replied. "I mean like adoption, even surrogacy and paternity tests sometimes." Alec responded with a slight 'oh' and Magnus continued. "That friend of mine, Caterina. I helped her adopt her son. He was abandoned at the hospital she was working at and she got attached, but she almost lost him to social services."

"And you saved the day," Alec grinned, pointing to Magnus. "Adorable."

"Pfft," Magnus replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. Alec just chuckled softly.

It was only then that Magnus noticed how empty the room was. Where had the time gone? Sure, Magnus knew the early homeward bound like Tessa had left a while ago, but surely that didn't mean it was this late? But it must be. The last few stragglers like them were swallowing one last galp of champagne before heading for the exit. The catering staff was sneaking the last few desserts off the trays before tidying up.

"It seems the party ended without us," Alec said.

"I didn't even notice," Magnus marveled. For the first time that night, Magnus pulled out his phone to check the time. It was well past eleven o'clock.

"Oh, I think I lied to your brother," Magnus said. "And by that I mean I definitely lied to him."

"About what?" Alec asked.

"About when I'd get you home," Magnus replied.

Alec laughed with real gusto now, checking the time as well before adding. "I'm not Cinderella," he chuckled. "I promise midnight will have no magical effect on me."

"I think you might be," Magnus smiled. "And who knows what will happen if I don't get you home by midnight."

"Oh please," Alec rolled his eyes sarcastically. "My car broke down on the way. If we are going with your crazy theory then wouldn't that mean my car would turn into a pumpkin, aka break down later tonight?"

Magnus pouted. "Oh come on," he whined. "That was a great thing you just ruined." Alec shrugged.

"Just cause I love stories doesn't mean I want to live in one," he said.

"Spoil sport," Magnus grumbled.

"Jace will deal no matter when I get home," Alec stated. "Besides he'll be questioning me for days anyway to make sure I went out with you instead of to a bookstore or something, so being home late will just confirm I didn't chicken out." Alec grinned. "Cause most retail stores are long closed by now."

"Such a schemer!" Magnus mused.

"Hey, you grow up with a pile of nosey siblings and you see how long you last without learning a scheme or two," Alec countered.

"Fair," Magnus laughed.

"I suppose we really should be leaving though," Alec offered, as the only people left at the party now were working the event. "I mean, the staff wanna go home."

"Can I offer you a ride?" Magnus asked.

"That would be great," Alec said looking relieved, and together they turned and began walking towards the exit.

"Where did your car break down anyway?" Magnus asked.

"Just a few blocks over," Alec said. "I managed to get it kinda parked by the side of the road before it breathed its last." He sighed looking resigned. "I'll have to come get it tomorrow somehow."

"I have a friend with a tow-truck," Magnus offered. "If you want I could ask him to meet you tomorrow and help."

"Thanks!" Alec said, clearly relieved. "That would be great."

"Just text me the exact location of your car and when," Magnus said.

"Um," Alec began. Magnus just blinked, confused by the look on his face. "I don't have your number."

"Oh right!" Magnus laughed. "How silly of me. Here." And he pulled out his phone, opened it to contacts and handed it to Alec.

"Thanks," Alec replied, as he handed the phone back with the new contact. Magnus quickly sent Alec a text so he'd have the number. He heard a bing just seconds later from the pocket of Alec's jacket.

They turned a corner and Magnus's car came into view. Sitting there was his Audi R8. Magnus had it custom painted. Though he'd kept most of the factory colours, Magnus had a metallic burnt orange painted on the body, and wing and side air ducts were painted metallic black. The two bucket seats inside Magnus custom ordered Italian black leather with yellow stitching. That sports car had been his big expensive present to himself, after winning his first major case. "And here we are," Magnus said, gesturing to his car.

"This is yours?" Alec asked, clearly a little stunned.

"Um yeah," Magnus mumbled. "Why?"

"Cause this car's insane," Alec exclaimed.

"It's my guilty pleasure car," Magnus replied. "Once I could afford such things I kinda went a little crazy."

"I can understand why!" Alec agreed. "I'm so glad you never saw my car. Compared to this it's just scrap metal!"

"Well maybe that's why it broke down," Magnus chuckled. He walked around to the passenger side and held the door open for Alec, who blushed but got in. Moving around the car again, Magnus got into the driver's side.

"Now where to?" Magnus asked. Alec gave him the address and Magnus started the car.

Magnus thought of a dozen questions he could ask as he drove, but never once opened his mouth to speak. The one thing he knew was that he wanted to see Alec again; he just wasn't sure how to go about doing it. He still hadn't figured out the 'how' of it when he parked in front of Alec's house.

"Home sweet home," Magnus said as he turned off the engine.

"Thanks again," Alec smiled.

"Are you kidding!" Magnus said. "I should be the one thanking you. You were amazing tonight, Alec."

"It was fun," Alec smiled. "I'm glad Jace and Camille forced our hands."

"What can I say," Magnus laughed. "Those blondes really are a hazard." He congratulated himself when Alec laughed out loud.

"Oh, what's the name of this friend of yours with the tow truck?" Alec asked.

"Scott," Magnus replied. "Speaking of, I should text him now or I'll forget."

"It's so late," Alec answered quickly. "Don't bug him now. Just text me in the morning when you've heard from him is fine."

"If you like," Magnus said, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"I guess this is goodbye then," Alec smiled, as he reached for the car door. "Thanks again for the ride."

A thousand words got stuck in Magnus's throat as he watched his miracle date walk away.


And 8 months later she updated... lol. Yeah I know guys I wasn't sure if I'd ever update this story again either but here we are. Quarantine has given me endless time to kill and what do I do with endless time: I write.

I've even written enough to give you a Sneak peek. La gasp! lol


Sneak Peek Chapter 5

"Morning sunshine," Jace's voice sniggered as Alec entered the kitchen. Alec replied with a non-commital noise. "You were out late. Did you have a good time?"

And without wanting to, Alec smiled. "Yeah," he said.

"Excellent," Jace grinned. "Cause you needed it, Mr Shut in."

"Yeah," Alec whined. "That so isn't fair. Just cause you haven't been single since tenth grade doesn't mean you get to give any of us single people a hard time."

"Oh yes it does," Clary's voice joined in. Alec turned to see her making coffee over by the kettle. "Oh and guess what?"

"Oh I have a feeling I don't wanna know," Alec groaned.

"Simon texted me this morning," Clary grinned. "And the set up went great! I'm predicting you'll be promoted from 3rd wheel to 5th wheel in no time at all."

"Fabulous," Alec said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

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