Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE...

By loveisweakness7

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"If you don't fit into a certain type, there's a lot of strength in just being who you are." Valerio Montesi... More

Rebel just for kicks
Freya y Valerio
i. Troubled Mind
ii. Friend or Enemy ?
iii. An Angel
iv. Failure is not allowed
v. Feel more Human
vi. Losing Control
vii. Darkest Desires
viii. Breaking the rules
ix. Slowly Losing Her Mind
x. Panic Attack
xi. Crazy, not Creepy
xii. Not ready for this world
xiii. Small society of adults
xiv. Thinking about You
xv. Fight for my Survival
xvi. Trust, my love
xvii. Talking about stupid Rules
xviii. Misunderstanding
xix. You don't like me
xx. Because I love you too, Stupid
xxi. Not so innocent
xxii. Making a deal with the devil
xxiii. An great ballerina
xxv. 44 Lies
xxvi. Moving on
ACT TWO/i. What A Train Wreck
ACT TWO/ii. Teens Dramas
ACT TWO/iii. University Day
ACT TWO/iv. Generous donator
ACT TWO/v. Hope
ACT TWO/vi. Assassin
ACT TWO/vii.
ACT TWO/viii. Forgive me
ACT TWO/ix. Freaking Riverdale
ACT TWO/x. Cheers, cheers
ACT TWO/xi. Only Friends, right ?
ACT TWO/xii. Bruised Heart
ACT TWO/xiii. Not the time to be dramatic
ACT TWO/xiv. Trauma
ACT TWO/xv.Break my heart
ACT TWO/xvi.The family
ACT TWO/xvii. Polo
ACT TWO/xviii. I have feelings, bitch.
ACT TWO/xix. Time to say goodbye
The End!

xxiv. Revenge

3.9K 175 25
By loveisweakness7

"Well, the fishing was excellent. Freya's mother was great. I have about 80 people interested in collaborating. They already confirmed." Freya shook her head at Lu's proud voice before holding back a sigh as she suddenly sat down on her notes, preventing her from continuing."Most of them are the parents from this class."

She paused at the sight of Nadia passing between her and Cayetana before making a remark on the disparities between the families.

Freya shook her head barely listening before tugging at her notebook to retrieve it. She ignored the look Lucrecia gave her over her shoulder before shaking her head as she tried to tidy up her things, paying little attention to the conversation going on next to her.

So she straightened up only on the understanding of her name."Yeah, and Freya's performance is tonight. Darling, do you know who you're talking to? I love saying that. It sounds so dramatic."

"And you're not at all imbued with your person." Freya commented as she put her bag over her shoulder before ignoring Lu's look again. She raised her hands in surrender before placing a kiss on Lucrecia's cheek."Later, drama queen."

"I am not a drama queen."

Freya shook her head as she just waved her hand over her shoulder before making her way down the hall. She turned into a new hallway before pausing suddenly at the sight of Samuel and Rebecca in the cafeteria room. She frowned at the sight of their tense position before suddenly startling at the sensation of an arm on her shoulders.

"What's-Valerio." Freya sighed as she met the mischief look of the brown before shaking her head.

She pushed him away for good measure before giving him a look at his speech."Guess who's going to your performance and the charity gala with Lucrecia?"

"She comes accompanied?" Freya wondered before pausing as she signed for the room they were coming from."I just left her. Barely five minutes ago."

"Well, this is the time it takes to catch Guzmàn again in her nets."

Freya winced at the tall blond's  name before suddenly frowning on her boyfriend."Why do you mind? I thought you were friend with him."

Valerio immediately turned his eyes to Freya, swallowing before shrugging casually."It doesn't bother me. She's my half-sister. I'm just worried about her."

"Right. I think Lu is the last person for who need to worry. I have never known anyone as strong as her." Freya commented with a smile completely ignorant of Valerio's gaze on her. She shrugged before returning her admiring eyes to the brown."Anyway, I'm really glad you're coming tonight. I know it's not really the kind of thing you like but--"

"There is no but." Valerio interrupted her immediately as he pulled his finger from her lips before suddenly removing it as he met Nadia's glare over Freya's shoulder. He clenched his jaw as he swallowed before forcing a smile on his lips as he looked back at Freya."See you later, kay?"

Freya frowned in confusion before watching him hurry away."Uh, okay ...?"


Freya looked at herself in the mirror, adjusting her pearly white leotard along her abdomen.

Under the dim lights of the dressing room, her long hair grouped in a complex bun looks darker and her eyes surrounded by sophisticated make-up of sequins and dull rhinestones.

She grabs the nude lipsticks on the dresser before applying a new layer along her lips. She could vaguely hear the spectators take their places in the huge theater requisitioned by the company.

Freya was fully aware that among her spectators was not only her family but also more than half of her class. She could again feel the stress rushing down her veins as she tried to control the trembling in her hand.

Suddenly, the door of her box was opened simply to reveal Hugo in his own costume of prince Siegfried."Are you ready?"

Freya looked back at her mirror, letting a trembling breath leave her lips before nodding."Yeah."

She got up from her chair before following the brunet outside.

Only a few minute pass until the girl's anxiety takes her to behind the red curtains. Freya's eyes examine the audience, and right in the first row she sees her family and all her friends of Las Encinas. Even Nadia, Samuel and Rebecca were present. For these three, she doubted that they would be present thanks to Lu.

They all seemed to have dressed for the occasion. Azucena was even present alongside Ander and another boy whom Freya had not yet had the chance to meet. She assumed it was Nadia's brother.

Then Freya's eyes run a little further, looking for Carmen and her father. The latter was standing upright and was already watching her friends with an expert eye. She could see him whispering discreetly with Carmen as he paused on Samuel, Rebecca and Nadia.

However, her gaze immediately sought the gaze of a certain brown with thick curls. She wasted no time in leaving a trembling little smile at the sight of Valerio trying to decipher the program with a slight crease between his eyebrows. He absently rubbed his lower lip in thought while Lucrecia was currently in the middle of a conversation with Cayetana.

Polo currently seemed busy undergoing the diatribes of Benigna and Guzmàn and Ander seemed relatively uncomfortable in the silk seats of the theater.

Freya instinctively let a breath escape her and walk aways from the curtains.

She heads towards the bar made available to warm up behind the scenes while the boys in the studio walked behind the curtains to begin the first act. Prince Siefried's court.


With each round of applause, with each new pass, Freya could feel her heart speeding up in her chest. She knew full well that her turn came just after this game.

She walked to the side of the stage as she watched the chase take place in the choreography.

Soon enough, Hugo slipped away from the scene to join her, still gasping.

She quickly helped him change his leotard before taking a deep breath as the music soon changed, announcing her entry.

"Are you ready?" Whispered Hugo, raising his outstretched arm in front of him.

Freya let out a shaky new breath as she nodded, also stretching her arms out in front and behind her before stepping onto the stage.

She tried to ignore any thoughts plastering her mind as she barely looked at the front row.

Instead, she let herself be subdued again by the music. She stopped in the middle of the stage with a courtesy bow as Hugo walked away a bit to make room for her.

She raised an arm above her head as she stretched the other down with one outstretched leg, pointing to the ground. She leaned forward, waving her arms as the music started up again. She soon hoisted herself up on her pointes before starting.

At that precise moment, she forgot everyone around her as she contented herself with putting herself in the skin of a graceful and elegant swan. She strolled along the stage with an almost aerial lightness. She hoisted herself up on her pointes and practiced each of her positions with dexterity.

She was completely oblivious to the looks of wonder, admiration and emotion suddenly fixed on the faces of her friends as she simply let herself be carried away by the fast rhythm of the music.

She finished her first part by letting Hugo catch her again before maintaining the position under the cheers and the loud whistles of her friends. She tried to suppress her smile as she even heard Ander and Samuel cheering.

Instead, she ran straight behind the scenes followed by Hugo before trying to catch her breath as she watched the other swans take over.

"You were beautiful."Whispered Hugo confidently.

Freya left a broad smile as she watched the progress of the choreography before turning to the brown."Thank you."

"Your friends were captivating." He informed before motioning her to go back.

Freya set off again on the stage as they advanced towards the bottom, keeping the movements faithful to what they had worked on.

Again, Freya found herself alone in the middle as she danced, matching her rhythm with the much faster music. She turned and jumped without an ounce of fatigue or even stress.

She even managed to wear it at the end letting her maintain the position in balance on Hugo's leg before letting herself be carried again by the soft music. She resumed her duet with Hugo surrounded by the other swans until she found herself completely alone on the stage. She waved her arms like a bird before taking advantage of the dark background to slip away again behind the scenes to the applause of the audience.


Finally after more than two hours of intense and disturbing spectacle, Freya was again acclaimed by the public for the last time. She tried to hold the bouquet of flowers that Denitseï gave her correctly before making several bows with the rest of the troop towards the audience continuing to applaud.

It was only then that Freya allowed herself to take a look at the front row. She left a broad smile on the verge of tears at the sight of all her friends shouting and whistling her name in madness.

She let several chuckles escape her as she shook her head at the sight of Rebecca making the most noise.

However her gaze was unconsciously focused on Valerio in nervousness. And what she saw on his face soon surprised her. He had the biggest unimaginable sincere smile on his lips as he kept clapping without ever taking his eyes off her.

She felt her heart skip a new beat at the sight.

However, the natural soon began to gallop back as she sought her father's approval.

She soon found her family cheering her just as much, leaving Freya to feel her throat tighten at the sight of her father showing the recognition that she and her brother had asked for. He applauds with all his might as he raises an thumb up to emphasize his intention.

Freya sniffed emotionally before nodding her head toward her father as his steady gaze filled with pride.

Finally the curtain was lowered leaving Freya and the rest of the troupe to go backstage.


"Okay, let's see. Ambassador?"Lu exclaimed in surprise and shock at Cayetana's proposal as Freya looked up from her iPhone to gauge the blonde just as incredulous as her friend.

"Yes." Cayetana confirmed in excitement, allowing Freya to squint at the suspicious blonde."I talked to them this morning, and they thought it was a great idea. You are making a huge effort. You deserve it."

"But basically you were the one who had to be their ambassador." Freya reminded, pointing her phone between the confused girl duo."What does it make of you?"

"Yes, she's right." Lu accepted, nodding her head towards Cayetana."You deserve it more."

"Me, in the spotlight ..." Immediately objected the blonde suddenly too humble for that. Freya didn't know more self-centered than her. After Lu of course."I'm not good at public speaking."

"Come on !"

"You're really good at it." The blonde insisted, leaning towards Lu knowingly."You will have to give a little speech, the interview and pose for some photos. You don't mind, do you?"

Lu looked up at Freya, letting the brunette shake her head immediately as a warning. However, Lu ignored her completely as she let out a sigh."It's my life! Of course, let's see now."

Freya threw up her arms in abandonment before pushing herself from the desk on which she sat reading the sudden message from Valerio asking her to join him in the locker room.

She slipped out into the halls before rushing to the locker room, somewhat uncertain. She entered in hesitation before looking for the tall brown through the empty space.

However, she definitely did not expect to see the tall brown suddenly come out of the showers, fully dressed except that he was holding a huge bouquet of pink and white roses in front of his face.

A huge shy smile curved Freya's lips as she walked further into the locker room with a light blush down her cheeks.

Valerio lowered the bouquet from his face, biting his lower lip as he watched her approach."Hello, my beautiful swan."

"You are completely crazy. They're wonderful." Freya exclaimed as she took the bouquet he handed her to smell them before looking at Valerio under her eyelashes."You didn't have to give me flowers, you know."

"I know. It's not the most important."

Freya frowned at the enigmatic brown before looking at the flowers again at his sign just to frown further at the sight of a small square box. She looked up at the brown as she took it between her fingers before delicately placing the flowers on the nearest bench.

Valerio took the opportunity to get closer to her before tying his hands around her waist.

"What's that ?" Freya asked as she looked up from the leather box to watch him in curiosity and excitement.

"Well, open up and you will see." Replied the brown, raising his eyebrows mischievously.

Freya narrowed her lips in nervousness as she put her eyes back on the box before lifting the lid.

However, she soon widened her eyes, releasing a breathless amazement at the sight of a sublime gold chain containing a pendant in the shape of a coin. With the exception that there was a letter slightly engraved in relief on the face of the coin.

It was not long before she displayed a broad, flattered smile as her thumb retraced the V across the coin before looking up at the brown looking intently in nervousness."So? You like ?"

"It's magnificent." Breathed Freya sincerely touched by his gesture before looking up at the brown as she handed him the box."Will you help me put it on?"

"You want to put it on now?"

Freya shrugged nonchalantly, she was so excited."I'm going to put it under my shirt. No one will see it."

She turned, gathering her long, smooth strands in a ponytail in her hand before lowering her eyes, touching the piece with her fingertips as he tied it. She let go of her hair behind her back before turning back on her heels to face him.

She stepped forward to tie her hands around his neck before placing one of her hands on his jaw to support his gaze with emotion."I don't know how I can thank you. I have not planned a gift."

"It was not the goal." Whispered Valerio with a chuckled before taking her hand on his cheek to kiss her palm. He looked back at the brunette before placing his hands on her hips to bring her closer to him. He swallowed before licking his lips in nervousness."After seeing you last night, I just realized that ... I'm crazy in love with you, Freya Bjørkaas. And I can't lose you."

Freya felt her heart skip a beat as she looked at the brown with a slight crease between her eyebrows. She smiles in confusion."Losing me ? Why would you do think that?"

Valerio narrowed his lips as he looked away as he thought of ten reasons why he might lose her.

However, he was unable to speak one out loud. Even less before her.

He shrugged before forcing a smile on his lips as he looked at the necklace around her neck with emotion. He looked up at the brunette gradually losing his smile at her silence before suddenly taking her face in his hand to draw her to him.

He pressed his lips to hers to kiss her as if his life depended on it.


"The first thing we do is remove the determinant from the matrix."

"Nadia ..." Valerio said between his teeth clenched in nervousness as he tried to catch the brunette's eyes.

He couldn't continue to fear that his relationship with Freya would be blown up. He had to get the absolute promise that she wouldn't say anything. He trusted her.

Freya was everything to him now.

Even if he had to do one last thing to separate Lu and Guzman. They weren't made for each other.

However, it had nothing to do with his feelings. Or at least that was what he thought.

"But if it's not a square matrix--"

"Nadia." Valerio insisted in frustration as he continued to stare at the brunette focusing on her notes to avoid having to meet his gaze.

Finally the brunette let out a sigh."What?"

"I'm here." He reminded between clenched teeth. Nadia's reaction was enough to fill him with panic at the mere thought of Freya's reaction."Hi. Do I disgust you so much?"

The brunette left a grimace as she continued to ignore him."Is that question part of the exam?"

"You can't even look at me in the eye. But you don't mind giving me lessons as long as I'm still paying you. I guess your moral high ground has a price. But I'm the one that's fucked up."

Nadia took a deep breath before suddenly looking up at the brown, leaning more on the table in indignation."I can't even look you in the eye anymore because you cheat on one of my best friends with-with ... and you make me lie to her. You're not the only one I can't even look into my eyes anymore."

At the mention of Freya, Valerio immediately leaned over the table to keep the gaze of Nadia, begging."Please Nadia, you can't tell her. She's everything to me. But Lu has always been with me. And-- "

"Seriously, Valerio. We're here to study."Nadia cut him off impatiently." I don't want to know any more, okay?"

"Are you going to tell her?" Valerio asked with a trembling breath.

Nadia ran her tongue along her front teeth before finally looking up at Valerio to support his gaze sincerely afraid of the simple idea.


"Hey, Freya!"

"Polo." Recognized the brunette Bjørkaas with a small smile before frowning at the wrapped box he was holding in front of her."What--"

Polo pushed the box a little more towards her before shrugging his shoulders."My mothers wanted me to offer you something. After last night's performance, it was ... in short, that's all my mom can talk about since. You were amazing."

"I, uh, thank you. But it's a little too much, right?" Freya asked somewhat embarrassed by the gift she still had to take.

Polo displayed a broad ignorant smile before shrugging again." Not for me. You were really great. You deserve to be offered something. Seriously. You were wow-mind blowing."

"It's, uh, it's very nice." Freya huffed, embarrassed before trapping a srand of hair behind her ear before wincing, contrite."But I cannot accept. You should give it to your girlfriend, right? I'm sure Cayetana will love it."

Polo almost instantly lost his smile before leaving an embarrassed breath."I, yeah ... you're probably right. Besides, you're not really that kind of girl."

"What kind of girl?" She exclaimed confused.

"Oh, no, no, it wasn't an insult, was it? No, no, no. On the contrary." Polo hastened to explain the nervousness."You are a great girl. With principles and values. This is what I like about you."

Freya let out a small breath of laughter surprised before standing up, flattered."Well, you're great too, Polo. You really are a good person."


Freya lost track of the conversation somewhat as she soon frowned at the sight of Valerio suddenly bursting out of the men's locker room. She raised her hand to the brown still waiting for an answer before quickly apologizing as she walked around him, distracted.

She didn't understand what he was doing in the locker room. He was supposed to study with Nadia.

However, it was not long before she was suddenly arrested by her brother.

"Luís? let me pass."

"What were you doing with him?"

Freya immediately frowned as she tried to overtake her brother again to join Valerio."Who?"

"Polo! Damn it!" Luís replied dryly, leaving Freya to finally lay her eyes, confused on the blond.

"Polo? What do you have against him?"

Luís suddenly grabbed her bicep before pulling her with him to a quieter corner. Freya tried to fight his grip however he had grown much stronger than she had thought.

"Luís, let go of me. Luís!" Sighed the brunette as she managed to extricate herself from his grip before giving him an exasperated look."What's your problem all of a sudden?"

"My problem ? My problem is that a fucking killer is around my sister." Murmured Luís dryly.

Freya's eyes widened in horror before glancing toward where she came from in the making."What? Polo? Have you lost your mind?"

"Absolutely not ! Samuel has proof, Freya." Luís insisted. "It was he who killed Marina. Carla even threatened Samuel." Freya paused in disbelief before watching her brother at the sight of his sincere expression."This is not a joke. It's him, Freya."

Freya gave a new look over her shoulder in doubt before licking her lips, uncertain.


She couldn't believe it.

He had become a kind of friend in his own way and although she recognized that he was a little strange as a boy, he had always been sweet with her. He did not have the profile of a killer.

"I know it sounds completely crazy but you have to promise me that you will never find yourself in an isolated place with him."

Freya immediately left an incredulous chuckles."Come on, Luís."

"Promise me !"

She swallowed at the intensity of his gaze before nodding her head in silence.


Freya strove to perfect her makeup to perfection. She shaped the contour of her eyebrows with an expert hand before going down to her lips to apply a touch of gloss along her lips. She drew back in her seat to observe the final result.

Giving a look at her hairbrush, she took it before brushing her long caramel brown hair.

She got up to inspect the dress that Carmen had chosen for the party before taking the fabric in her hands. She had to admit that Carmen was out of her usual comfort zone. The dress was much shorter than what she was used to wearing.

(Freya party's outfit)

Nevertheless, Freya found herself strangely appreciating this much more daring style.


"Carmen! Mr. Bjørkaas! "

Freya imperceptibly shook her head at Lucrecia's euphoric approach before quickly accepting her embrace. She greeted Luís with a quick glance before turning to Freya's parents in a hurry.

"Can I borrow her for a moment? "

Sandvik was about to contradict her only Carmen hastened to shake her head in agreement."Of course. Go and enjoy, girls."

The brunette did not lose another moment as she immediately tied her arm with that of Freya before pulling her away from her parents."Thank's god, you're here."

"Isn't the evening going as planned for you?" Freya asked immediately with a slight look of judgment as she saw Guzmàn in the distance.

Lucrecia followed her gaze before squeezing her jaw bitterly."Imagine that he slept with Nadia again. That bastard."

"Sorry? What?" Freya exclaimed, looking wide at the brunette by her side."How do you know? He told you ?"

Lucrecia let out a deep sigh as she took two glasses of champagne in the process before turning to Freya to give her a drink. Freya took the offered glass keeping her eyes on the expectant brunette.

Lucrecia took a sip of her flute before wrinkling her lips in frustration."I have my sources. But can you believe it? Cheating on me? With an Taliban."

Freya rolled her eyes at her surname for Nadia before immediately shaking her head."I wouldn't get involved in it. Sorry, Lu."

However, the brunette didn't have time to answer anything like her phone suddenly rang. She raised her finger to Freya to make her wait before walking away to answer the call.

Freya watched her back turned for a moment before shaking her head as she turned on her heels taking a sip of her champagne flute. She absently looked for her brother's blond head among the crowd of guests before seeing Carla making her entrance. The blonde immediately managed a small smile at her sight.

They weren't really friends, but they had sort of created a tacit bond with each other since Carla had sat down next to her.

Freya was quick to take her eyes off the blonde, however, as she let out a breath of sudden pain.

She turned on her heels to catch up with the brunette who had just hit her to catch a glimpse of Lucrecia's glassy face."Lu! Shit... what's going on?"

"Have you seen a ghost?" Carla exclaimed, just as worried since she had just seen the whole scene.

Lucrecia straightened up again in shock before suddenly taking Carla and Freya's hands."Come with me."

She led the duo of puzzled girls into a slightly quieter corner before moving away from the duo still in shock from what she had just learned.

It turns out that Freya had been right to be wary of Cayetana from the very beginning. She was not a rich heiress like them. In reality, she was the daughter of the high school cleaner. All she had told them was a shameless lie. And she didn't even talk about the cause for this damn fundraiser.

Now she understood why she didn't want to get involved anymore.

"How could I not have figured this out? She has thousands of followers on Instagram! How did she... The Burberry she brought the other day was a dupe?"

"She must have bought them." Carla objected with a sigh.

"With what money?" Lucrecia reminded on the verge of tears of anger."She's the fucking cleaner's daughter. Fucking hell..."

Freya shared a restless look with Carla before clearing her throat as she looked back at Lu in panic."Lu ... What account are the guests' donations being paid into?"

Lucrecia stopped laughing angrily as she turned to the girls' duo in shock."Holy cow. Fuck my life." She approached the stage on which she stood in horror."All these people are here because of me. Not because of her."

"These are friends and working relationships of my stepmother." Freya exclaimed as she joined Lucrecia's side with a wide look of panic as she could feel her heart speeding up in her chest.

Lucrecia gave a look of sympathy on her friend since she had warned her from the start before swallowing in anger as she resumed."I'll teach her what I'm capable of ... Fucking bitch."

"Listen to me. Don't." Carla quickly intervened as she retained the brunette Montesinos."Listen. Don't make a scene. It'd be scandal and not just for her. Calm down, wait till the party is over. Tomorrow you can discreetly see how people can get their money back. For now, you need to keep up appearances. Both of you, okay?"

Freya gulped as she watched the blonde, somewhat doubtful before seeing Lu watching Carla with emotion."I'd forgotten what it felt like to have you worry about me."

"Let's go." Carla advised as she gestured to the girls' duo.

However the trio wasted no time in slowing down at the sight of Samuel trying to get past security.

"Come on ... you invited him?" Lu immediately exclaimed, giving an indignant look at Carla before turning to Freya.

"Me? Why? "

Lucrecia immediately left a scoff at Carla's denial while Freya clumsily cleared her throat looking elsewhere."I know what's going on between you guys, Carla. Do you really think I'm so naive?"

"I don't know, ask your friend Cayetana." Carla replied immediately in a passive-aggressive tone, allowing Freya to nibble nervously on her lower lip at the palpable tension between them.

Soon enough the duo separated leaving Freya to look between the two girls in a loss of bearings.

She winced before leaving a curse as she retrieved her phone from her clutch. She couldn't stay another minute in this war field. She knew very well that everything was going to explode in her face at this rate.

She immediately searched for her contact through her list before bringing her phone to her ear in nervousness."Come on, Valerio. Please pick up."

Unfortunately, the beep sounded soon, leaving Freya to swear under breath before suddenly jumping at the sensation of a warm breath against her bare shoulder."Hey, Freya!"

The brunette Bjørkaas widened her eyes as she met the wide smile of Polo."You... you surprised me."

She swallowed as she remembered what her brother had said before looking nervously around for a loophole. She still didn't know if her brother was right, but she didn't really feel comfortable in the company of the brown.

"Is everything alright ? You look pale." Commented the brown in the concern before raising his hand to put it on her shoulder.

However Freya reacts by simple instinct as she drew back under the confused look of Polo. She struggled against the tremors going up her open arms before giving a new look in the direction of Samuel and Carla.

It seemed to distract Polo enough as he hurriedly apologized before rushing over to Carla to whisper in her ear. Freya narrowed her eyes at the duo in mistrust now before looking quickly at Luís.

She was not long in finding him by the side of their parents, leaving Freya to give him an urgent nod towards Samuel. Unsurprisingly, Luís widened his eyes before quickly apologizing to their parents for joining Samuel.

Freya shook her head, clearly overwhelmed by the events, before turning quickly on her heels to get as far away from this mined ground as possible. She quickly approached the bar just to let a breath of relief at the sight of a familiar face.

"Look at this ! A real hottie." Rebecca exclaimed as she approached Freya before taking her empty glass and replacing it with a new one."Well what's this head? And where is your lover boy?"

Freya's eyes widened before giving her a warning look."Shhh. Trust me, now is not the time to add more fire to the powders."

"What's that supposed to mean? "

Freya turned her head just to sign Samuel quickly approaching the duo with a scowl.

"Samu? What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk. "

Rebecca swallowed, looking sideways at Freya, leaving Samuel to realize her presence with a guilty look. Conversely, the brunette let a new sigh over her glass before shaking her head." I get it. I am leaving."

She pulled away from the duo before finally resting against one of the tables. She put her glass down before taking out her phone again just to find that Valerio had sent her a text. She hastened to answer him with a weary sigh.

However, her attention soon became suddenly entertained on the small stage after Lu tapped on the microphone. Freya immediately widened her eyes in panic.

"Well, um ... thank you sincerely for being here tonight. Thank you for your kindness, from the bottom of my heart. It's hard to believe that there are still good people in the world who we can trust. And thank you especially to a wonderful woman... A generous and very special friend. Cayetana, please, let's give her a hand."

Lucrecia pointed Cayetana among the crowd letting Freya swallow in a bad feeling. She tightened her grip on her glass as she noticed Lucrecia's smile diminish more and more. She seemed to have great difficulty keeping up appearances.

Cayetana hastened to lessen the obviously overly humble applause. Freya contented herself with shooting the blonde's back with bitterness before looking back at the blonde suddenly joining her side.

"What is she doing ?" Carla murmured, visibly as worried as Freya.

The latter took a sip from her glass, tilting her head with her folded lips."It's Lucrecia. She will take revenge with class."

"And a fucking liar."

Freya took a deep breath as she pointed to the brunette Montesinos as an argument. The crowd suddenly gasped and whispered under Lucrecia's shocking revelation.

"Does this NGO even exist?" Asked the brunette Montesinos with sarcasm."It must be as false as your stories about trips around the world... Your house. Your friendship. Your Ralph Lauren dress. I don't know who you stole that from."

"Lu, please--"

"And your followers on Instagram." Lucrecia continued visibly far from having finished with the blonde mythomaniac."Your whole life is a fucking lie. Yes, Cayetana is the daughter of a house cleaner."

Even more whispers sounded around the scene leaving Freya puckered her lips as she nevertheless felt an ounce of sympathy for Cayetana. Lucrecia went far too far.

Unfortunately she knew her enough now to know that there was nothing that could stop her at this point.

"I really believed her. Well done. Unbelievable. It was all a big lie. Don't worry, she'll give you your money back, I'll make sure of that."

Freya took another sip from her glass hoping to dispense the pill as she felt her father's stern gaze fixed on her duet with Carla. She knew that Lucrecia had literally crumbled any chance of friendship with her at this point. If there was one thing Sandvik Bjørkaas hated, it was the scandal.

Worse, she was the only one who asked for Carmen's help and even if she had been fooled by Cayetana like everyone else, her father wouldn't make a difference.

"Great night. I'm sick of it. Sick of pretending. Putting on a fake smile all night long, pretending that everything was all right." Freya immediately looked up saddened at the sight of Lucrecia's weary and dumb expression."But nothing is all right. Especially with Guzmàn."

Freya immediately lowered her head in despair as she knew she had definitely lost Lu.

She winced as she heard her broken voice visibly plagued with tears."We are finished. I'm sorry, Laura. I really tried. But it didn't work out. It was too hard. Because your sweet boy cheated on me with a Bedouin girl."

"She didn't do that." Hailed Freya as she suddenly raised her head to Lu, outraged.

"Yes, he cheated on me. Can you believe it?" She left a bitter chuckles."I don't know how I do it, but I always end up betrayed and disappointed by the very people that I have fully supported. Right, Carla?"

Freya immediately turned her head as all eyes turned to their duo before clumsily clearing her throat as she gave a discreet look at the blonde as Lu cast her eyes on her.

"But I'm done. You are all mistaken if you think... you can take me for a fool and get away with it. Because that won't happen." Menaced the brunette coldly before forcing a smile on her lips as she raised her glass to the bewildered crowd."So now I want to toast to this wonderful night."

She wiped a tear escaping her before pointing Samuel preparing to leave."Ah! Carla is fucking Samuel."

"What? "

Freya stared at the brunette in the distance with her jaw clenched in indignation this time. She had gone far too far. She had just destroyed the majority of her friends' lives. She no longer even recognized the girl she had learned to call her best friend.

Freya had always known that Lucrecia could be a formidable bitch but that was beyond anything she had imagined.

She shook her head as the crowd hastened to disperse before hastening to follow after Lucrecia as she suddenly fled.

However she was quick to slow down as she found the brunette leaning on the edges of the roof, in tears.

She ran her tongue down her teeth in internal conflict before crossing her arms over her chest as she turned her gaze to the illuminated city. She clenched her jaw in frustration."Are you happy now?"

"What?" Lu exclaimed as she turned to face her in disbelief."Wait, are you mad at me? They are the ones who took us for idiots!"

"So that justified destroying everyone's life?" Including Nadia and Samuel?" Freya replied in indignation.

Lucrecia abruptly backed away in shock before leaving a bitter laugh."Are you taking their side?"

Freya immediately left a scoff before pinching the bridge of her nose. She looked up at the brunette with a trembling sigh as she could feel tears streaming down her eyes.

"Wondering why you always end up being betrayed and disappointed by the people you love, huh?" She asked before licking her trembling lips under the emotion before resting her eyes on the swallowing brunette Montesinos."Well, I wonder how I could have been so blind not to see how cruel you could be? You just destroyed lives without any remorse. And all this for what ? Because you were hurt?"

"What did you want me to do, Freya?" Lucrecia replied as she walked towards her as she realized she was losing her."What was I supposed to do?"

"Don't humiliate people to start with!" Barked Freya in a loss of patience."Stop being that evil bitch, this mean girl! Life is not an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Life is about forgiveness and about growing up. Be the better person. Note this caricature."

Freya could see the tears running down Lucrecia's cheeks only none of the girls had time to say anything as Sandvik suddenly appeared behind the duo, impatient."Freya, we're going home. Now !"

Freya gave one last sad look at Lu as she wiped the tear escaping her before shaking her head as she turned to join her father.

She was obviously oblivious to what her reaction had caused in Lu.


"I forbid you to see this girl again! You are going to stop rubbing shoulders with her where I swear ... "

Freya left a scoff as she put her clutch on the table before glaring at her father."You don't have to tell me. It's already done."

Sandvik backed away from the pain in his daughter's eyes before swallowing as he watched her run off the stairs.


Valerio gulped as he watched his screen intently awaiting Freya's response. He knew there was something going on at this damn party. And the fact that she didn't answer him anymore was enough to drive him crazy.

He knew he had made a mistake the moment he sent this video. He should never have done it. He did not understand why. It had been stronger than him. More than his love for Freya. He had to prove to Lu that she was wrong from the start.

He gulped as he watched his conversation with Freya for the umpteenth time before dropping a curse as he jumped out of bed. He couldn't stay here waiting.

However, it was not long before he paused as Lu suddenly entered his room. He froze as he swallowed at the sight of tears accumulating in her doe eyes. She threw her coat over one of the armchairs near the entrance before suddenly rushing over to him.

She put her hand on his neck to attract him only he suddenly pulled away. He swallowed avoiding her gaze as Lu frowned in confusion."What? Wasn't that what you wanted? Isn't that why you sent me the video?"

"I'm dating someone." Valerio admitted immediately, contrite before frowning as Lu let out a mocking laugh.

She stepped back, bringing her hands to her hair before walking toward him again, sensually."You? You are going out with someone ? Come on, Valerio, you know this girl doesn't matter to you."

She put her hand down his cheek to caress him letting Valerio look up with his lips squint in frustration before grabbing her wrist tightly to make her understand.

Lucrecia jumped at his gesture as Valerio removed her hand from his face before giving her a serious look."It's not just any girl. It's Freya."

Lucrecia gasped as she backed away from the weight of his revelation before leaving a bitter laugh."Are you banging my best friend behind my back?"

"It's not a question of sex."

"Of course, is not. Freya is a freaking Puritan." Lucrecia exclaimed before suddenly slapping Valerio. She walked over to him to take his face between her fingers."Screw you! Fuck you all!"


Note author :

Hey guys,

Still three chapters before the end of this story 😭😭😭

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