A Thug to the Rescue

By Sweet_Caramel98

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Book 1 to my thug series More

Main Character
Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Authors note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Charater Description
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors Note
Chapter 19
Character question
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Authors Note
Chapter 30
Authors Note

Chapter 24

377 13 0
By Sweet_Caramel98

Kandi POV

Everybody left n it was just me n Dre in my hospital room. he look sad n mad at dha same time.

Me: bae can yhu come lay wit me

Dre: are yhu sure ion wanna hurt yhur arm

Me: yea bae now come here( I said while moving over for him to have room on dha bed. he took off his shirt n shoes. he only had on sum basketball shorts n his Nike socks. he got comfortable on dha bed n pulled me into his chest. we sat dea quiet for a while until I broke dha silence) bae yhu kno dhis wasn't yhur fault ryte ( I said tracing his tattoos dha wer on his chest)

Dre: bae it is my fault cuz I didn't protect yhu lyke I should have. I dnt kno wat I would do if I wer to loose yhu

Me: it's okay I'm fine n yhur fine dhats all dhat matters ( I said sittin up n kissin his forehead. his dreads wer pulled bac so it was easy to just kiss his forehead)

Dre: bae I really do love yhu n I want yhu to kno dhat n dhat I will never hurt yhu ( he said lookin me in my eyes.)

Me: I really love yhu too Dre n I also want yhu to kno dhat I'm always gonn be here for yhu no matter wat

After dhat he a gave me a peck on dha lips but we both knew we wanted more. he kissed me again but this time wit more passion den ever. he broke it n kissed my cheek n told me goodnite. I did dha same n laid me head on his chest n fell asleep.

Unknown POV

Boss called me n my boy Lentrell to his office. he said dhat it was important so it took us no time to get to dha trap n into his office. as we was walkin in sum fine ass female was walkin out. ma had ass for days. Ik boss had a good ass time. we walked in n sat in dha chairs in front of his desk.

Boss: I was just told dhat Kandy was shot n dnt kno if she is dead or not.

Me: who shot her

Boss: dhats classified but I want y'all to find out if she is alive or dead

Me: ight boss we got yhu but wat if she is alive wat yhu wa-( I was cut off by Jerome )

Jerome: boss we got a problem

Boss: n wats dhat ( he asked annoyed)

Jerome: yhu kno dhat female I was fuckin wit

Boss: dha light skinned one wit dha big tits

Jerome: yea

Boss: wat bout her

Jerome: well let's just say she joined sides wit KingZ's daughter

Boss: how dha fuck dhat happen Jerome ( he said gettin up )

Jerome: she owed me money n I went to go get it while she was at cheer practice den we started arguin n den I slapped her n den dhats wen Kandy n another girl came runnin over gettin in me n tyga face n den dhats wen it came to me. ik who she was so me n tyga left n waited in dha car n followed dem to dhis old house in dha woods.

Boss: so wat yhu sayin is dhat yhu found wea dey been hidin

Tyga: yea sirrr, n I think ima make dhat other bitch dhat was wit her my slave

Me: wats her name

Tyga: ion kno but she was fine ass hell, she had hazel eyes look bout around 5'8 or 5'9 in height, wit a big ass

Lentrell: did she have red or brown hair

Tyga: brown y yhu must kno her

Lentrell: actually I do n she's mines bruh so dnt touch

Tyga: my bad bruh Ian kno

Lentrell: yhu cool just stay away from my girl

Tyga: ight man damn

Boss: both of y'all stfu ryte quick( he said gettin out sum paper) ight dhis how we gonn do dhis( he said as we all gathered around his desk to listen)

For dha rest of dha day boss was explain to us dha plan n wat we are to do. im actually goin to enjoy dhis .

Next day

Kandy POV

I woke up still in dha hospital wit my arm wrapped up n Dre in dha chair fully dressed. he was deep in his phone he didn't even notice I was woke n lookin at him

Me: Dre.

Dre: .....

Me: Dre


Me: DE'ANDRE DE'ANGELO CAMPBELL IK YHU HERE ME CALLIN YHU ( I yelled causing him to jump n look at me crazy)

Dre: my bad bae Ian here yhu( he said handing me my cloths) n here are yhur cloths

Me: ummhmm wateva nigga ( I said tryna get out dha bed n grabbing my cloths he handed to me n walked to dha bathroom) who was yhu textin dhat had yo complete focus

Dre: nobody( he said walkin bac to dha chair n sitin dwn)

I poked my head out dha bathroom door n just looked at him. dhis nigga must think I'm stupid. he went ryte bac to textin away on his phone n I walked bac in dha bathroom n started my shower. I stripped out of dha hospital gown n hopped in dha shower. I stayed in dea for bout 15 minutes n den I got out n looked in my bag to get my lotion n other hygiene products dhat I was gonn use out n sat dem on dha counter. I lotioned my body n did my other hygiene stuff. after dhat I put on my blue n black bra n boy shorts set. den I got my cloths out dha bag n put dem on. I had a pink v-neck polo shirt wit a white horse wit sum white shorts wit a gold design on dha bac pockets n my pink black n white Jordans. I left my hair dwn n just curled it. All dhis was so difficult to do wit one arm. .after dhat I walked out to "see Dre gonn but Chris sitin in dha chair dhat Dre was in earlier.

Me: wat are yhu doin here wea Dre

Chris: he had to go make a run ryte quick n I'm here because everybody else was either busy or workin

Me: aww ight I'm ready

Dre had already signed my discharge papers earlier so I was good to go. me n Chris left dha hospital n hopped in his all black Benz. dha drive was quiet cuz me n Chris dnt agree or act ryte on certain stuff so we was just quiet until I remeber I had work to do at dha trap

Me: aye let me drop my stuff off at home n den can yhu take me to dha trap I got work to do

Chris: sure n yhu are gonna have to be wit me for dha whole day until Dre or one of dha guys cum wit yhu

Me: y

Chris: cuz yhu got folks who are after yhu n yhur father told ever last one of use guys dhat we had to be wit one of y'all females epecially yhu n MamaTay at all times

Me: aww den wat are yhur plans

Chris: I was just gonn chill at dha trap for a lil bit den I got to go pick up jaden( chris's son) at 4 n I was gonn take him to dha movies or sum

Me: awwee Ian seen him since New Years. ain't his bday comin up

Chris: yea but ion kno wat to do for his bday cuz Brianna ass talkin bout takin him away from me. I was suprised she told me I could see him dhis week.

Me: now I told yhu dhat bitch was no good wen yhu first got wit her but noooo yhu talkin bout her head game bein on point n shit. yhu can't keep a hoe tied dwn

Chris: ( laughs) I should have listened but ion kno I just wasn't think wit my mind at dha time but aye wen we get around jayden dnt say dhis type of stuff around him

Me: nigga Ian slo ik wat not to say In front of a child

He just laughed n we went to dha trap for bout three hours. I was in my office doin paper work. Ian have much now dhat my father is bac. I only manage dha money n account records. after I was finished calculating everthing up Chris was ready to go get jaden

Me: I'm ready

Chris: bout time

Me: shut up n get to dha car

We said our good byes to everybody who was at dha trap n headed to Brianna's house. we got dea wit in 15 minutes. me n Chris hopped out dha car n walked to dha front door. chris knocked on dha door n sum big ass nigga cum to dha door. he wasn't nun but an inch taller den Chris but he was lyke a giant to me.

TallDude: wat y'all want

Chris: I'm here to pick up my son ( Chris said tryna go around dha dude but. He wouldn't let us in)

TallDude: sorry man but nun in here is yhurs so

Chris: man I advise yhu to move n let me get my son before I........

Talldude: befor yhu do wat ( he said before gettin in Chris face. I hopped in between dem before Chris do sum dhat gonn have him locked up.

Me: look if I was yhu I would get tf bac before sum bad happens. now move so he can get his son n we can be out

TallDude: ( chuckles n smirk) lyke I said there is nun in here dhat yhurs

Me: BRIANNA GET YO ASS OUT HERE NOW BEFORE I DRAG YHU OUT ( I said gettin Irrated wit dhis nigga n her ass. she came out lookin lyke she was ready to fight bitch swing on me n dhats yo ass)

Brianna: wat trick

Me: u must got me mixed up wit yhu ooh wait yhu cant compare to me

Brianna: (Rollin her eyes) wateva wat do y'all want

Chris: wea is my son

Brianna: y yeen finna get him

Chris: hoe ion kno wat yhu was smokin on but I'm gettin my son( he said. Pushin passed her n lookin for jaden. ) jaden wea are yhu ( he got no answer) jaden ( no answer)

Brianna: I told yhu yhur not gonn find him ( she said wit a smirk I was bout to say sum but den I heard a voice comin from dha basement.it sounded lyke jaden)

Me: ( i walked to dha basement door n heard coughin) omg Chris I think I found jaden ( I said tryna open dha door n wen I did I saw jaden on dha floor laid out barely breathing )

Chris: tf yhu do to him ( he asked pickin jaden up n lookin at Brianna who was just laughing I want dhis hoe n I want her now )

I went straight for her. punchin her in her face n bashin her head on dha cement floor wit my one arm it's a good thing dhis arm wasn't dha one dhat was shot cuz I would be so weak. dha dude dhat was at dha door pulled me off her n den he pushed me n den Chris jumped in n was Beatin dha shit out of him I picked jaden up n carried him to dha car by dha time I got to dha door I heard a gun shot. I turned around to see Chris runnin out dha house n hopped in dha car. we headed straight to dha hospital I was still holding jaden

Me: want me to call CUC

Chris: yea n thank yhu

Me: welcome ( I said as I called dha CUC to go to Brianna house )

We reached dha hospital in no time. we hopped out n rushed in dey assisted us immediately because jaden was bleeding n bruised. who in dha hell beats n abuses a damn 5 year old.

Me: ( whispers in Chris ear) did yhu kill both if dem or just him

Chris: I shot n killed him but yhu killed her wen yhu was bashin her head into dha concrete ( I quickly looked at him n he looked at me wit dha same expression. I just killed dhis nigga's baby momma) y yhu look so suprised

Me: nun Im good it's just dhat how am I capable of Killin sumbody wit one arm ( I said n den dha doctor came walkin in )

Doctor: Family of Jaden Edwards ( me n Chris hopped up quick n rushed to wea dha doctor stood) so are y'all dha parents of jaden

Chris: I'm his father n she's his cousin

Doctor: ok well he's ok but he has a few bruised ribs n a broken arm kinda lyke his cousin over here.( he said tryna lightin dha mood ) but we are keepin him for a while to see how his breathing even out.

Chris: thanks doctor can we see him

Doctor: yea n I also want to ask dhis wat happen to him

Me: we dnt kno sir we found him lyke dhat at his mothers house alone

Doctor: so wat yhur sayin is dhat his mother did all dhat n den left him dea

Chris: yes sir we dnt kno wea she is

Doctor: well it's a good thing y'all found him. Wen yhu did cuz poor lil jaden would have died if nobody had found him ( he said showin us dha way to jaden's room. Chris damn near fell out wen dha doctor said dhat jaden could have died. Chris whole body tensed up n I rubbed his bac to comfort him. he looked at me wit glossy eyes. we stopped in front of jaden's door) y'all go in but he's sleepin so ( he said walkin away n leavin me n Chris in front of dha door)

Me: yhu goin in first or yhu want me to

Chris: I'll go in ima need yhu to call one of dha boys to come get yhu cuz I'm not leavin his side

Me: ok I'll call dem wen I'm ready to go ( I said givin him a hug n den he opened dha door n we both walked in to see jaden layin dea lookin lifeless.)

my heart almost dropped wen I seen him. I looked over at Chris n he was pourin dwn cryin n shakin. I never seen Chris cry lyke dhat. I went over to hug him n he hugged bac. he was cryin even harder. moments lata he stopped n pulled away he pulled a chair up to dha side of dha bed n held jaden hand

Me: ima Finna go but I'll be back up here lata ( I said give Chris on last hug n kissing jaden's forehead)

I. Walked out dha room n into dha waitin room wea I called my dad to come get me

Phone convo

Dad: hey princess

Me: hey daddy wea are yhu

Dad: just chillin at dha main trap wit yhur uncle Keith

Me: ohh ok well can yhu come pick me up from dha hospital

Dad: yhu still dea I thought one of dha boys came to pick yhu up

Me: yea Chris did but we ran into an altercation n so now I'm bac here I'll explain everything once yhu pick me up

Dad: ok baby girl I'll be dea in a minute dnt leave no where or move from dha spot yhu in until I get dea

Me: ok bye daddy

Dad: bye baby girl

End phone convo

I sat dea readin a magazine waitin on my father until dha two dudes from dhat day at practice n Jason n Lentrell came walkin in. I hid behind dha magazine n just listened

Nurse: how may I help yhu gentlemen

Jason: yea wer lookin for kandice avant is she here

Nurse: she was released dhis morning

Lentrell: ok thank yhu

Dey walked bac out wit big ass smiles on dey faces. dey hopped in dey car n drove away. I'm glad we moved in our houses two days ago. five minutes lata my father pulled up n I quickly hopped in dha car.

Dad: wat happen

Me: I'll tell yhu once we get to dha trap n call n tell everybody to come n I mean everyone even dha females.

He looked at me confused but yet he did as told I was tryna figure all dhis out y would Jason n Lentrell be tryna look for me. well dhat was a dumb question, I'm KingZ's daughter n plus me n neisha beat their assess so if I were dem I'll be lookin for me too but y are dey hangin wit black gang members unless .........NO No No No No...............dey can't be. we pulled up to dha main trap n I see everybody's car n I mean everybody's. we hopped out n headed in me n my dad both had to put our finger scan in. we walked in n went straight to dha main office. everybody was I. Dea even dha girls. my father sat at dha head of dha table n everybody else just sat anywhere.

Dad: ok babygirl yhu have everyone's attention

Me: ok first Chris can't come because jaden is in dha hospital because apparently Brianna n her new bf was beating n abusing him n wen we went to go pick him updey wouldn't let us In but den we made our way in dha house n I heard jaden coughin in dha basement n so to make long story short I beat Brianna to death literally n Chris shot dha other dude n now jaden is in dha hospital.

Uncle Keith: is he ok

Me: yea he have a few bruised ribs and a broken arm dha doctor said dhat dey are goin to keep him for a while to see how his breathing evens out

Mom: thank god my lil baby ok

Dad: is dea more yhu need to tell us

Me: yes I think black gang is after me

Dj: y

Me: cuz dem two boys dhat wer after china n also Jason n Lentrell as well came to dha hospital while I was waitin for my father to come dey asked dha nurse at dha from desk was I still in dea n she told dem dhat I was released n den dey left wit smiles on their faces

Dad: did dey see yhu

Me: nahh I had a magazine covering my face

Dj: so wat yhu got in mind

Me: I think dey kno wea dha safe house at so we should burn it dwn

China:(starts cryin) I'm so sorry for bringing dhis onto y'all

Mom: Hunni it's okay yhu didn't bring nothing upon us . yhu been very helpful sweetheart( my mom said tryna calm her)

Me: china non of dhis is yhur fought wit out yhu I would have never known or figured dhis out wit out yhur help( I said givin her a hug n den I thought bout sum ) aye china yhu kno wea dey trap at

China: yea want me to show yhu wea

Me: I got a better Idea, daddy can me n my partner in crime do a little investigation on dey trap

Dad: no cuz yo brother is trigger happy n if dey catch yhu den we all gon......

Me: daddy we not gonn get caught

Dj: n Ian dhat damn trigger happy

Dad: wateva but ok just scoop out dha trap while y'all doin dhat we goin to burn dwn dha safe house

Mom: dha females n security are gonna stay here I got sum I want y'all to do

Me: okaiii momma gettin involved dws, aye daddy dnt we pick up dha twins toma

Dad: yea

Me: do dey kno how to kill n shoot

Dad: yea me n yhur uncle been training wit dem their actually pretty good y

Me:( smirks) good

Dj: dad she got dhat evil smirk on her face

Dad: I see n I'm startin to worry cuz she only has dhat smirk on her face only wen she bout to kill n kill hard just lyke her mother

Uncle Keith: king yhu raised a trigger happy son n as stone cold killa for a daughter n a classy ass thugette for a wife wea was yo mind at.( he said makin him n my father laugh)

Me: man y'all gonn get off me I'm not no stone cold killa I just got a good as plan n a even better one once I see how their trap is so Dj n china lets go ( I said gettin up n walkin towards dha gun room) momma can I borrow Betsey for my lil mission ( I said holdin Betsey up )

Mom: yes hunni n be careful

Me: always is ( I said walkin towards dha door n motioning for Dj n china to follow)

Mom: Dj take care of my baby girl

He nodded his head n we were on our way to their trap. we walked cus we didn't want dem to see our car. we hid in dha bushes across dha street from their trap. me n Dj loaded our guns n we told china to stay in dha bushes n dnt move . she nodded her head n me n Dj ran across dha street makin sure nobody saw us n ran to dha bac of dha building. we was tryna find away in wit out gettin caught n den I seen a vent. I showed Dj n he nodded. he helped me in to dha vent n den he crawled in. we seen every room in dha trap n den we came across their main office dey wer havin a meetin. looks lyke I came just in time me n Dj listened to their leader tell dem dha whole plan. I recognize dha leaders voice but I dnt kno who it is cuz his bac was to us. he dismiss dem n dey all went bac to work. me n Dj hurried n crawled bac out dha vent n ran bac over to dha bushes wea china was still hiddin

China: y'all get sum info or nahh

Me: we got plenty now lets go

We got up n walked bac to dha trap. on our way bac my blood started to boil ever minute I was thinkin of their plan. we finally made it back n everybody was once again bac in dha main office.

Dad: so did y'all find anything out

Dj: yes n let's just say dey got a bad sex habit

Mom: wat yhu mean

Me: ( wit anger in my voice) it means dhat while dad n his members are bein killed me yhu jas china n neisha wer goin to be sex slaves( I said gettin real heated.)do I look lyke a damn sex toy to yhu......No I fuckin dnt so sumbody Finna pay n I'm not showin no damn mercy

Mom: baby girl calm dwn tell everybody wat their plan was

Me: they were goin to come to dha safe house n kidnapp us females while dey kill dad n Dj n burn dha house dwn wit dem in it. Us females wer assigned a nigga to be their slave. mom yhu was dha bosses slave, china yhu were ole dudes slave, neisha yhu a slave to two niggas n I was Jason's slave( I said wit so much venom in his name )

Dad: so baby girl yhu got this one or me

Me: me I got sum for all of em

I explain to dem my plan n everybody looked at me wit fear in their eyes. yhu fuck wit me or my family ima make sure I be truley greatful to fuck yhu up. I sho no mercy wen I kill. after everything was explained everybody got ready for toma. we made sure bombs wer ready. guns wer loaded. n knives wer sharp. after everything was ready we all went home. dha immediate family stayed at me n dre's house since it was dha biggest. as soon as I stepped in I went straight to dha shower. I got all my stuff ready for dha shower n stripped out my cloths. I hopped in n let dha hot water massage my body. moments lata I hopped out n put on my pink n white bra n pantie set n lotioned my body. I put on a pair of black sweats wit a blue tanktop. I walked out dha bathroom to see dre layin on his stomach on dha bed. I climbed on dha bed n straddled his bac n started massaging his bac. he turned around wea he was now facing me.

Dre: are yhu okay

Me: yea y ( I asked turnin my head to dha side lookin at him crazy)

Dre: cuz yhur plan is pretty epic, I never seen yhu so killa crazed before

Me: I'm good all I need is sum rest ( I said sliding off him n under dha covers he did dha same as well I turned dha light off n got comfortable)

Dre: Nyte baby

Me: Nyte bae

He pulled me Into his chest n Laid his head in dha crook of my neck. we both fell asleep moments lata


I thought dhat since I made y'all wait so long I put two chapters in one. I hope yhu enjoy.



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