My best friends sister //disc...

By BootyforBillie

15.4K 440 94

It's the start of Junior year. What will happen when Addison's best friends sister Dixie starts going to her... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12

chapter 4

989 34 3
By BootyforBillie

*"Dix wait", she said*
Dixie's POV
I turned around at the sound of her voice. "Yeah?" I say looking at her. "Your phone, it fell out of your pocket", she said holding her hand out. "Oh thanks Ads! That would've been tragic if I left that." I said smiling, she laughed. I walked back to the car and took my phone out of her hands gently. "Thanks again for the ride Mrs. Easterling!" I said smiling at Addison's mom. "No problem sweetheart, anytime!" she replied waving to me. "See ya around Addi" I say as I walk away from the car once again. "You too" she laughed as the car slowly pulled away. Charli waved and jumped up amd down, Addison laughed and waved back, slowly rolling up her window in the process. I unlocked the door and walked inside, closing it behind me. I set my stuff on the ground by the stairs, and threw my body onto the couch. "Lazy much" Charli said laughing at me. "Oh shut up I just got home" I shouted letting her know to stop being petty.


Addison's POV
I was laying on my bed thinking about everything that happened today. I thought about how it started out horrible, but ended up not being to bad. I thought about how Dixie and I hugged in the car, which made the butterflies in my stomach come alive again. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through my instagram to try and get my mind off of it, but I ended up scrolling through Charli's followers trying to find Dixie's account. I found it so I followed it, I kinda forgot that it might seem weird that I took time to try and find her account, but I followed anyway.

Dixie's POV
My phone went off so I took it from my pocket and looked at the notification.

addisoneasterling started following you.

Huh. I thought, I don't remember giving her my instagram. I followed her back and then opened up my dm's to message her.

Hey Addi where'd ya find my account lol.
Uhhhh...Charli's followers. 😬
Stalker! 😂👀
Definitely not! I was just looking!
Ohhhhh ok... "jus lookin"
Exactly! Just looking!
Whatever you say loser! 😂
That's rude! 🥺
Sorry softie. 😌
Dixieeeee!! 😭
Ok ok I'm sorry 😙
Fine! 😑

Addison's POV
I'm surprised Dixie and I were actually talking. I was pretty happy about it, she is actually really chill IF you get on her good side.

*Friday after school*

(Still Addison's POV)
I was going to hang with Avani and a couple other friends after school, but Avani ended up having something so we re-scheduled. Since I wasn't going out anymore I decided to see what Dixie was doing. I knew Charli had dance today, and her parents had to work late all the time so I figured she was probably just all alone like me.

Hey Dix what's up?
Nothing much, I'm home alone, pretty bored.
Same my mom works the night shift today.
Mine too, and Charli's at dance which you probably know.
Yup! 😂 Well since we're both home alone and bored, do you wanna come hang at my place?
For real?? 😯
Yes for real! Obviously! 🙄
Ight bet! See ya in a few babes!
yayyyy!! 🙃

Omg I can't believe she's actually coming over! Also she called me babes which Charli said she only calls people she's really close to that. I'm really excited I never thought I would actually have a chance of being Dixie's friend.

Dixie's POV
I grabbed my backpack thinking she might wanna do homework, and walked out the door. She didn't live that far only like a 5 minute walk. It was really nice outside, and I enjoyed the nice breeze. As I approached her house I ran my fingers through my hair making sure I looked at least slightly presentable. I walk up the stairs and ran the door bell. A few moments later I was greeted by Addison. "Hey" she said motioning her hand for me to come inside. "Hey Ads, hows it goin?" I asked, she smiled and replied saying, "It's going pretty good I guess" "So watcha wanna do" I asked "well we could go to my room and make a few TikToks or something" she said smiling the whole time. "Suree, i'd love to" I said excitedly. Then Addison showed me to her room, it was really organized and clean, unlike my room which is a wreck 24/7. We made a few TikToks and then ate some leftover pizza form her fridge. Soon enough it was 8:30. Charli got home from dance, and I wasn't home so she dmed me.

Yo Dix where you at?
At Addi's house.
Bruh stfu we're friends now!
Ok ok i'll leave you alone have funnnn!
I hate you!!
Love you more 🖤
Ok fuck you bye babes ttyl! 🖤

I set my phone down and sat on the edge of Addison's bed. I'm glad we're friends now, I actually really get along with her, she's so kind and she's just great to vibe with.

Addison's POV
I was scrolling through my TikTok again, when Dixie laid her head on my stomach looking up at the ceiling. I blushed and smiled at her. After a while I started running my fingers through her hair, she started breathing more steady, so I new she had fallen asleep. I text my mom and then Charli to tell them that Dixie might as well stay the night. I went to pull her up to the top of the bed, but she opened her eyes. "Hey I told my mom and Charli you might as well just sleep over." I said calmly still running my fingers in her hair, she smiled "Thanks" she said grinning. I grabbed a hoodie and some shorts for her to put on and threw them at her, she groaned, but made her way to my bathroom to put them on. When she got back I was laying in bed. "Your sure it's cool that I sleep with you?" she asked "Yeah I'm sure I mean we are friends right?" I said smirking "Of course babes just checkin" she laughed. She slipped in the bed next to me, and I closed my eyes. Just as I was about to fall asleep I felt her arms wrap around my waist, I smiled and moved closer to her, and soon enough I fell asleep. I know we haven't known each other for that long but there's something about her that makes her the perfect friend.

Hi I decided to write another chapter because I was bored. Hope you're liking the book so far! Remember stay positive, stay safe, and don't forget to wash your hands! I love y'all so much!

📖1161 words📖

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