Off Limits

By aliciamar1e

90.3K 4.3K 2.9K

"Okay, let's do this. But if Ethan finds out then he'll beat your ass." "That's a risk I'm willing to take,"... More

p r e f a c e
c h a r a c t e r s
p l a y l i s t
01 | I SPY books don't count
02 | Oh, to see without my eyes
03 | I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong
04 | And they say chivalry is dead
05 | My current relationship status is making dinner for two and eating both
06 | After you, hell should be easy
08 | You sound better with your mouth closed
09 | He looks like a fucking Abercrombie model
10 | Never let a man treat you like free salsa because you're guac, babygirl
11 | I think I seized the wrong fucking day
12 | Gotta go, my turtle's barking again
13 | Men have one thing and that's the audacity
14 | Don't ask

07 | How I wish I could simply evaporate right now

4.3K 308 145
By aliciamar1e

Even though we never said it to each other, we knew

- unknown

Mackenzie Thompson

"Aunt Debbie asked you to take care of her, not me!" I argue with Ethan.

Honestly, I don't even know how he got me in this situation again for the third time this month. Nevertheless, I do know for a fact that I'm only seconds away from killing him.

Our aunt has been struggling to take care of her twelve year old daughter, Julia, and get to work on time. This lead to our mom volunteering, not her, but Ethan and I to babysit her. Neither of really minded it at first, because we wanted to help our aunt, but we've had to cancel and reschedule our own plans more times than necessary to do so.

In this exact moment, Ethan is supposed to take care of Julia for the day, but backed out on short notice. Tonight, he apparently has to go to football practice, now that the season is starting up again. I let him slide last time because he double booked himself, as usual, but he can't get away with it every time, especially when it conflicts with my plans.

"Just take her to the mall or something. Weren't you planning on going anyways with your friends?" he responds, grabbing his sports bag and opening the front door.

Keyword: Friends, not little cousin.

Don't get me wrong, I love Julia but there are times where she can be a pain in the ass. She can even annoy me just as much as Ethan, and that's really saying something.

"Also, Aunt Debbie should be dropping Julia off in fifteen minutes. Got to go, but I'll see you later!"

I watch as he slams the door shut and one of his football friends pick him up.

Knowing that there's no way to fix this, I decide to get changed out of my pajamas. I scurry around my room and within seconds I have the perfect outfit in hand: a white crop top, my checkered shorts, gold pendants, and watch.

After getting ready in only ten minutes, I hear the doorbell ring. I open the door and am shockingly met with Grace, who has a known record for being fashionably late as she calls it.

"When we go to the mall, we have to stop at Ulta. I'm breaking out and I have a date in a few days," is the first thing I hear her say as she walks in, pointing to a barely noticeable pimple.

It doesn't take long for Jo, Aunt Debbie, and Julia to arrive soon after.

"So sorry again, Mackenzie, but I promise I'm going to hire a babysitter," Aunt Debbie apologizes before handing over Julia to me.

"It's fine! You're a single mom and you're doing the best you can. No need to be so hard on yourself," I reassure her. She smiles and thanks me again.

For an hour after my Aunt left, we watched youtube videos and talked. Around lunchtime, the four of us decide it is time to go to the mall, so we can shop and then go to the food court. We don't waste any time when we make our way to my car and head to the local shopping area in our town. Although, it did take longer than I had anticipated.

"You took my seat buckle!" Grace accuses Julia from the back of the car.

"No I didn't!" Julia states and then pinches Grace, which resulted in her being pinched back.

"Kids!" I shout, turning around in the seat. "We will turn this car around if you don't behave."

I am only sent a deadpanned look from the two, although Jo is kind enough to laugh at my lame attempt of a joke.

The ride to the mall is quiet to say the least, Grace and Julia giving each other the silent treatment as both of them are too stubborn to apologize.

We sprint towards the entrance when we arrive at the mall. Looking around, my friends and I agree at which store to shop at first, which causes yet another problem.

"Jo, Grace and I will go into Victoria Secret and you can go to PINK. I think you can handle going in there alone since it's right next door," I suggest to Julia.

"Fine, but have fun explaining yourself to my mom if I get stolen," she sasses.

"They'd bring you back, trust me," I retort, crossing my arms over my chest.

She huffs but enters the store anyways so she can buy the sweatpants that she wants. Meanwhile, the girls and I search through the various new products on sale.

None of the clothing catches my attention, however, a person sure did. And of course that person just so happens to be Aaron.

The girls must notice what, or in this case who, I am staring at because they start asking the same questions that are going through my mind.

Why is he here?

Shouldn't he be at football practice with Ethan?

What also didn't make sense is that he is here with a couple other boys from the football team.

Something isn't right.

"Is that Aaron Everett?" Julia chimes in, scaring the shit out of the three of us.

Julia knows who he is because Aaron has been our friend for years, after all, and has met my entire family.

"I haven't seen him in forever! Hey, Aaron! Over here!" she then starts to yell, waving her hands around to grab his attention.

Aaron is talking with his friends across the store from us, but stops when he hears Jules' screams. He looks over in our direction with a confused look until he spots us.

How I wish I could simply evaporate right now.

When Aaron starts walking towards us, leaving his friends, I start to panic. However, maybe I can get answers to my questions about Ethan and football practice.

"Look what the cat dragged in," I quip as he draws nearer.

"A devastatingly handsome, incredibly funny, and caring specimen? That cat has good taste," he replies. I roll my eyes.

"The cat seems to have dug through the trash."

"You say the sweetest things to me," he replies, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I don't even realize the two of us started having our own conversation until I hear Julia clear her throat.

"So, um, is there football practice today?" I ask him, remembering my questions from earlier and causing Aaron to shoot me a confused look.

"No, practice starts next week," he answers.

Searching his face to see if he's lying, I conclude that he is telling the truth, although I wish he isn't. Why would Ethan lie to me, and where really is he then?

"I'm asking because Ethan said he has to go to some emergency practice today, which seems off," I tell Aaron. "It's Sunday after all, and last year you guys trained during the week."

His facial expressions automatically change, as though he realizes something. "Oh, well Ethan is probably doing some extra drills with Coach."

I don't believe that bullshit for a second.

Aaron might try to deny it, but I've noticed that he bites his lower lip when he lies. He did it when I asked where Ethan was the night of the bonfire. However, I let it go because I was too drunk and had a pounding head ache.

"Everett! You coming?" One of his friends called before I can question him any further.

Aaron nods his head and holds up his finger so they wait a minute.

"Kenz, Ethans alright, trust me. I have to go but I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye, guys," he says before walking away.

"I like him and all but thank God he's gone. I was practically suffocating from all the sexual tension!" Julia rambles once he's out of sight.

"What are you talking about?" I ask as we exit the store and head towards the food court.

"You guys were totally flirting during that little banter. It's like the type of flirting where you and the other person don't know you're doing it but everyone around you does," she explains.

"It's true and it's honestly the best type of flirting out there," Grace butts in.

I shake my head in disbelief at the two.

We were just messing with each other and that was nowhere near flirting, not that I have much experience in that area. Me trying to hit on a guy is just painful to watch. It's unfair how Jo and Grace make it look so easy. They've tried to teach me how to flirt, along with a "how to be a bad bitch" lesson a few weeks ago. To say that I failed both would be a grave understatement, however, I'll spare everyone the mortifying story and save it for another time.

"We weren't flirting," I grumble. "But, that doesn't even matter anyways! My brother isn't at practice like he said he was. I know it's not my responsibility or business but I'm worried."

"You're right. He has been acting awfully suspicious like he's hiding something," Grace agrees.

Ethan and I might not get along all the time, but we do trust and help each other. With that being said, I'm determined to find out what is going on and try to prevent him from doing something stupid if he's up to no good.

"Kenzie?" Jo snaps me out of my thoughts. "I know you want to help your brother but I'm sure he's fine," she says, trying to ease my nerves.

"Exactly. Just ask him about it and see if he gives anything a way. Plus, we didn't get to finish our conversation about Aaron and you. Even Julia agrees that he likes you," Grace teases.

I groan. "Enough about me! Let's talk about your monster size pimple."

"You did not just go there!" She exclaims, sticking her tongue out at me and bumping her shoulder with mine.

Author's Note

please vote, comment, and follow

again, this chapter might have seemed boring but i just wanted to state that fact that ethan is hiding something and becoming secretive!

do you think he's up to no good?

what exactly do you think he's hiding?

why did it seem as though, aaron was covering up for him? do you think he knows?

- alicia marie

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