b i t t e r s w e e t (Khun...

By acid_tearz

14K 617 245

Tower of God fanfiction Khun Aguero Agnes x female reader !!! CONTAINS *SPOILERS* of ToG !!! , so mak... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Notice 2

Chapter 4

1.4K 82 42
By acid_tearz

[A/N:  e n j o y  this juicy 3am update, I hope there aren't any typos]

I woke up, realizing it is already morning. Although it wasn't the alarm that woke me, I just had this habit of not sleeping much in general. Especially considering I took a nap last evening.

Ehwa was still asleep. Glancing at the clock, I saw I still had some time left until breakfast, so I left for bathroom for a routine checkup on my scars. I took some pain-relieving medicine and noticed I would have to buy more soon if I didn't want to use the shitty ones. And by soon I mean like tomorrow.

The injuries have actually healed quite a lot already, another half a day and they would be your everyday scars, nothing suspicious. That healing rate always amazed me ever since I got them. I knew they were special, but I still haven't got a single clue about what they actually are, or how to get rid of them.

I also did my hair while in the bathroom and my thoughts wandered to last night's events. There was immediately a wave of anxiety that tried to devour me when I remembered I had to apologize to Miseng and, well, explain everything to her without leaking my secret. 

Uhhh... Why did I have to be so salty yesterday? 

There was also Ehwa who, looking at our talk before sleep, was set on becoming friends with me. That could get bothersome. Again, it sounds like I'm the villain here. It's not like I have anything against her. I just... don't want any troubles, alright? Misunderstandings, lies, secrets, I want less of it. 

I'm climbing the tower to find my brother, and as soon as I do, I will probably part ways with everyone. So all of this is temporary anyway.

I made my way back to our bedroom, choosing what to wear for the day. This time it were leggings and a tunic with long sleeves. And my fingerless gloves of course. Again, all black. I wasn't trying to be edgy, but who knows how much power I will have to use today. If it's gonna be too much, no bandages can prevent my wounds from bleeding, but a dark color can at least hide it. 

I changed right in the room with Ehwa sleeping there, not bothered that she could wake up suddenly. She seemed very tired and definitely not used to such excessive training that Khun decided to put her through, so she's probably gonna sleep like dead even after hearing the alarm. 

Not to keep this a cliffhanger, I wasn't wrong. The alarm went off as I was about to leave the room. Ehwa's response culminated into one hell of a frown. I wouldn't even imagine that her cute face could pull a grimace like that. She laid there for a while, then pulled her blanket over her head and curled into a ball.

I chuckled, walked over and pulled the blanket off her completely, ultimately waking her up. She yelped and made eye contact with me, her eyes telling me she felt utterly betrayed. I smiled faintly and tossed the blanket back on her bed before hitting the snooze button and exiting the room. Whining was heard coming from some of the guys' rooms. 

What a bunch they are. Seriously, though... Do we even have a chance at the Workshop? I sure did tell Ehwa that we will do good because we have Khun, but... Seeing the morning to start off like this...

As far as I knew, Khun was sponsoring this whole team, so even at the breakfast there was plenty stuff to choose from. I made myself a couple of sandwiches and some coffee and went to the living room. Nobody was there yet, so I thought I'd finish up quickly to avoid meeting the whole bunch.

To my honest surprise, though, not even five minutes later people started coming downstairs. I assumed it would still take a while before they get out of their beds.

First to come was Arkraptor. Ah, yes, he made instant noodles yesterday.

"Morning," he said, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table. 

I replied with a nod, because my mouth was full of food.

Another few moments later I saw Dann, Khun and Ehwa enter as well. We greeted each other but nobody spoke too much, everyone was busy eating. I finished pretty fast and went back to the kitchen to clean up, only to meet Miseng together with her sister. 

"Ah..." I mumbled. "Good morning."

"Hi, [Y/N]," Goseng said.

Both girls looked at me, Goseng's expression didn't give away anything suspicious, but Miseng visibly avoided my look and ran to the living room as soon as she got what she wanted. Seeing the behavior of her sister, Goseng threw a glance at me but stayed silent and left soon as well.

I sighed. This is really troublesome.

In the kitchen I also encountered Wangnan and Prince who came simultaneously and we also exchanged greetings.

"Nice to see ya again, [Y/N]," Wangnan said.

"Yeah, same to you," I answered without giving it any deeper thought and turned around. He stood there as if he was waiting for me to face him.

"Where have you been last night?" he inquired. No trace of hostility was heard in his voice – it sounded rather cheerful and easygoing if anything at all, – yet I could tell he was serious.

I didn't let him see me waver, though. "Took a nap on the roof," I replied. "Yesterday was kinda tiring and all, so I just fell asleep on the spot." I mean, technically, I wasn't even lying.

Wangnan laughed, "I see, so that's how it was. Khun was searching for you. I think he hoped to talk to you yesterday." 

I shrugged and smiled, to which the blond man took his plate and exited the room, leaving me alone. 

Khun wanted to talk to me? He didn't say a thing while we were eating, though? Now that I think about it, he only uttered a 'hello' and that was it. Was Wangnan making things up...?


Khun made individual trainings for everybody, so nothing worth mentioning happened until after lunch. After changing my bandages again I headed outside to the field that had some training dummies to work on my dagger-wielding skills this time, no shinsu required. 

I had the luck to be my own master as Khun was having his time managing the other members' progress. I was still a couple of floors ahead of this team because I was with Shibisu previously, so the need to take the test before I could enter the Workshop didn't apply to me.

Deciding to practice one of the moves I developed while sparring with Hatz, I entered my usual trance-like state and kept repeating the move while paying attention to even the smallest details. 

I don't know exactly how much time has gone by before I vaguely felt someone's presence getting closer to me. A slice of my attention tried to shake my concentration, but it wouldn't budge. I wouldn't. I didn't allow it. The important thing was to land the next blow as swiftly and precisely as the previous one. 

But I missed. I swung and sliced a little higher compared to the countless times I've struck before. It was obvious looking at the deep groove and a fine line slightly above it. I stood straight and frowned, then finally snapped out of it and looked at the source of my distraction.

To my left, there was noone else than the good old blue-haired Khun. He was keeping his distance, but walked up closer to me as soon as we made eye contact. 

"Training hard? You seem to be quite familiar with daggers," he commented, glancing at the dummy. 

"No, not really. It will take some more time to get these moves into my bones," I said, hiding the weapons back into my pocket. "What do you need?"

Khun seemed to be a bit startled by my question, though he tried not to show that. But that didn't change the fact that I saw his eyes widen a tiny bit for that fraction of a second.

"Nothing much, really," he said, making him sound carefree, but out of all things Khun could ever be, 'carefree' was the last on the list. "Just came to check up on you. We didn't have much time to chat yet."

To chat? Really? I raised an eyebrow.

"Cut the small talk, Khun. We both know you don't just 'chat' with people."

It seems I struck a nerve, because I totally didn't expect his outburst that followed.

"Hey, [Y/N]..." he started, crossing his arms on the chest. There was definitely annoyance in his voice. "Are you trying to start a fight with me? You're right that I don't fool around with everyone else. But... there's a difference between them and us. Me, Bam, you, that damned gator... I had the impression that the four of us are going to climb the tower together. At least that is what we had agreed upon at the bottom."

I didn't know what to say, so I kept silent, staring at him without a change in my expression.

Looking at me he continued even more sternly, "You've only arrived yesterday, but... I have a strong feeling that you're trying to draw a line between us. Are you trying to make me treat you like every other trash out there? I sure can, but I didn't know you felt that way about us."

"Wha– no! I..." I turned away, facing the ground, at loss of words again. 

He just... uhh!

"You make it sound like I'm the bad one here," I uttered, still not daring to look at him. I was afraid my eyes would betray me.

"I'm not forcing you, okay? If you don't want to, then say so. I prefer no surprises when it comes to alliances. Rachel is enough trouble."

By this point I was sure, continuing my previous policy would not win his trust back. He already has his doubts. Well then... I can only use the truth now.

"Saying how you care about me, Khun, don't make me laugh." I lifted my head. 

I wasn't crying, but my eyes must've been visibly filled with sadness as Khun's expression went from stern to some kind of awkward confusion.

"Not having contacted me over the last 7 years? Completely ignoring my messages? Only letting me know what I absolutely have to in order to be useful to you? Is that how you show your care? You called me to your side and expect me to act like nothing happened? As if we're all buddy-buddy with you? And now you even have the balls to accuse me of drawing the line between us? What are you even babbling about? Do you hear yourself?"

Oh gosh, I talked too much. I am quite angry though. But it is true that I didn't plan to have him hear that. These thoughts should've stayed within my mind. 

Khun sighed in defeat, "Man, to think you'd have such a grudge against me. I could explain everything but... It's likely you'd just misunderstand and get even more frustrated. But it's nice to know that it was just–"

"Just? Am I a fucking joke to you?" Now he's done it.

I glared at Khun with all the fury that has built up within me, but... No matter how much I tried, I didn't find any hostility within him. Just a while  ago he was blaming me, but now he stood there somehow... unsure? It was my first time seeing him like this.

Khun lifted his hands in defeat and lowered his head. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't realize how it looked from your point of view. I... I didn't mean for everything to turn out this way," he apologized.


Using the moment — I was completely shocked to see him say the word 'sorry' or acknowledge his fault at all — Khun approached me and wrapped his arms around me.

When did he get so touchy? It felt warm though.

"I regret being a piece of shit, [Y/N]," he mumbled.

"It's kinda late to try and bribe me with hugs, you know? I don't have a crush on you anymore," I stated as a matter-of-fact.


"What?" I mimicked him and wiggled out of his grasp. "If you have said everything, I'd like to continue my training."

I chuckled silently. You're not the only one who can play tricks, Khun.

Not waiting for an answer, as I knew he wouldn't give me any, I pulled out my daggers again and took the stance.

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