Chapter 1

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Before I knew it, I arrived at my destination, which turned out to be a big house in the middle of a meadow on the 29th floor in the regular's area.

As the shuttle behind me took off and hurried back to Shibisu's hideout on autopilot, I slowly stretched out and inhaled deeply. The air was fresh, smelled like spring here. Not a single soul was to be spotted around.

I don't know why Khun wants me by his side again, but I would have had taken a break from my training to let my wounds heal up a little before coming. Unfortunately I only found out about it a couple of hours ago, Shibisu said it was pretty urgent, so I wonder. I can always only wonder, because nobody ever tells me anything.

I sighed and headed towards the lone building. Though before I was able to reach for the knob, the door burst open and a small creature crashed into me. I instinctively wrapped my arms around the girl in the school uniform so she wouldn't get hurt while we fell onto the grass. 

A young voice resounded from inside of the house: "Give up, Miseng! You can't run away forever!" 

The girl hurriedly stood up, looked behind her, but then turned back to me, "Sorry for bumping into you." She stretched out her hand to help me up, "I'm Miseng. Who are you?"

I symbolically took her hand as thanks for a friendly welcome, but pushed myself up with my own strength. "Name's [Y/N]. I'm wondering—"

"Who are you?! What are you doing to Miseng?!" It was that voice from before, belonging to a young boy that rushed to us and pulled the girl away from me, standing between us, glaring at me.

I raised an eyebrow. Am I even at the right place? These kids definitely do not look like they belong to Khun's team. 

"Last chance! Identify yourself and your goal!"

I let out a sigh, "I'm a regular who means no harm unless you attack first. I am looking for Khun Aguero Agnes. But it seems I ended up at the wrong place by mistake."

The two exchanged looks, the boy nodded at the girl and she ran back inside. The boy kept staring at me as if he wanted to fight me on the spot. 

I tilted my head and gave him a questioning look, because I still didn't understand, whether Khun was here or not. When I got no answer to my mute question, I sat down and leaned back on my arms, only to realize they still hurt like hell, so I let myself fall on my back and relaxed. I had no reason to be so sure of my safety, but it was just kind of a gut feeling that I won't end up fighting those people. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the few rare seconds of peace. 

The sound of voices and steps made me reluctantly return back to reality. I spotted a whole group of new faces, and, among them, also the certain someone I was looking for. 

I stood up and bent to dust my clothes, and then nearly jolted as I looked up again and Khun was right in front of me. Next thing I knew, I was stuck in his embrace, dumbfounded. I mean, I remember lowkey having a crush on him back when he first met at the bottom of the tower, but I obviously got over such childish ideas a long time ago. My point being, I doubt he'd hug Rak or, say, Hatz the same way he hugged me just now. Odd, but whatever. It's been seven years after all.

Though I couldn't help but notice how much taller he's gotten. We used to be about the same size seven years ago. I swallowed my stingy comments, deciding to save them for later, lightly patted his back to return the greeting and squirmed out of his hug. Our eyes met and Khun smiled at me warmly, making shivers run down my spine. 

"Dude, that's hella creepy. Don't do that," I whispered, then chuckled at his confused expression.

"Aww, how cute. I wouldn't expect Khun to have a soft side." It belonged to a pretty girl with long black hair.

b i t t e r s w e e t  (Khun Aguero Agnes x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя