
1.1K 44 36

Right off the bat: I'm sorry, this is not a new chapter, but please read it.

I don't think I will continue this story, at least not in the near future. There is a number of reasons for that:

(1) I'm not happy with how it turned out until now. I wanted to write a good fanfic that I would've loved to read myself, but so far it's just cringey and boring and well. It's not the shit. So like, I keep writing the next chapter and erasing it and writing it again, and then erasing it, because it's crap and I don't want to post half-assed work, so I end up posting nothing.

(2) ToG has generally a not very comfortable setting to write a fanfiction. With all the time skips and rules it is difficult to insert a whole new character without having them to "stand by" (not having an active role in the plot) or stealing others' achievements. So, it's hard to write this without violating the original plot.

(2.5) It sucks having to reread specific chapters each time I want to write a scene to make sure it doesn't contradict with canon.

(3) Khun is smart and I am not. Seriously. I   L O V E   those smart and intelligent characters basically in any TV show / manga / whatever. Like bruh, i don't even care that much if they're not pretty. If they're smart, that's all that matters, they have my heart. 

Buuuuut...! I'm pretty dumb myself so it takes time to write smart characters when it's not just copying the canon scenes. And that sucks. I feel like Khun is going to turn out OOC no matter how hard I try, simply because I have maybe total of two (2) brain cells that are doing their absolute worst and I hate them for that. 

(4) Khun's canon (probably?) "love" for Baam. Being up-to-date with the webtoon, I don't think Khun will care for any women if they're not Baam lmao. 

(5) I have a lot of work that I need to do for school rn, and knowing I haven't posted a chapter in a while makes me anxious and distracts me from my studies.

By the way, it makes me feel even more obligated to write, seeing that this story has gotten over 2K reads and even some votes. On one hand it makes me happy, as I absolutely did not expect more than, say, 15 views? Haha. But I feel pressured to continue writing. Originally I just wanted to write a fic for myself, basically. I wasn't expecting people to like it. Nevertheless, Special Thanks to everyone who's read it, I love you all, sorry to disappoint.

"So, now what?" you ask?


I'm thinking about writing a completely new Khun x reader / OC story, not taking place in the Tower at all (see reason (2) above). Something more free, just featuring Khun or a character with his personality because heck, I love him.  he is  c u n n i n g  and I love that, ok?

If anyone has any cool ideas on how to push this story forward, hit me up. (I mean, y'all have been commenting that you like it and stuff, so it'd probably be a shame to leave it at that? I don't know? Help me the last time I slept was like uhmf more than 36 hrs ago i feel like a microwave haha mmmMmmmmmmm) 

If anyone wants to continue this story from here, feel free to do so. I can also share my thoughts and plans (like the general directions and turns that I planned to make happen) with my successor (notice I put  S U C C  in there ok) if that'd be of any value. 

Anyway, if you have anything to say or offer help or share ideas, pm me or comment here.

Or perhaps I'll still continue it, someday... 

I can also post the fluff scenes that I've written beforehand, but they're already several months old and from when I planned the story a bit differently ([Y/N]'s character is not the same and she'd meet Khun first at the Workshop), so it won't make much sense. Yeah, I'll prolly do that if there's no one who would want to take over. 

Yeah, that it. Thanks for attention. I hope y'all won't hate me for this, haha. (I know you will)

And, even if I'm done (for now at least) with  b i t t e r s w e e t, it doesn't mean I will not be writing anything. I love to write and I will write stuff. Actually I have too much stuff I want to write, it's just that this particular story has turned out to be shitty. Now that I think about it, I'll probably get back to it during the summer holidays, maybe change some details slightly to make it more comfortable to write... well, i'll see. 


b i t t e r s w e e t  (Khun Aguero Agnes x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें