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Imma start planning the next part of the story soon (I'm not planning to fuck around that long between chaps anymore), so yeah.

As of next chapter, we're finally getting into the Workshop (as well as reader-chan's personal story)! So these 6 chapters were more like a lengthy prologue, haha. I hope they weren't all that boring.

I'm back on track with more or less regular updates (i sure hope i am lmao. ill see and plan the story a lil bit, then i can maybe estimate the frequency of updates)

Anyway, i'm pretty set on finishing  this story, so worry not. It might end up somewhat shorter than when I started it all hyped up but i'm not abandoning it.

Also, if you haven't understood yet, this is a slow-burn fic, so it's gonna be a while before we get to sitting in a tree and k-i-s-s-i-n-g. I myself am a fan of relationships that are based on some actual content rather than plain lust, so that's that. I'm gonna try hard to do a good job at the pacing, so that it's not too slow but also not unreasonably fast either.

By the way, I just wanna let you guys know how much I appreciate your reads, votes and comments and everything! sometimes it just makes my day and yeah, I know the story isn't that good but I'm really hyped up to improve it because i've been absent for so long yet there are somehow still ppl reading it and voting and commenting?? I love y'all so much <333 thank you

like holy cow over 6k reads and 300 votes yeehaw

i really never imagined my story would be read by more than like 2 people who'd say it's trash lmao

"semi-important": so I'm really itching to write stuff and aside from this story, what're y'all fangirling(/-boying) about? Imma keep this story as it is already, but I wanna write write write a lot, so. Sure, I got a pile of my own ideas, but feel free to suggest something new, (maybe not a pairing/character, but a whole story idea, motive, anything you'd love to read.... no promises though)

Other ToG characters? I personally really like the slayers bunch (White is a snacc) and also Yasratcha and Hansung Yu, Hatz? Though White and Yasratcha stories would be difficult to write, I think. 

( ⬇️ not important anymore 's just me rambling ⬇️ (I just have things I want to say and things I wish I could say, so imma use this) but it's not any relevant intel)

GERMAN INTERNET CONNECTION IS SHIT, yo. idk if it's the heat but our router goes down like 20 times per day??? it's always only for like a minute or two but it's annoying as hell. I wanted to play some video games but i guess that's a no, then. 

I have no idea what I've been up to for the past 6 weeks or so

i had plans to catch up with all the stuff i lack at at school and study the subjects i skipped so skillfully (would you look at that alliteration tho), but... uh. i haven't touched a textbook once. kay, lies, i have used my econ book as a window prop.

One thing I know that I entered like 34853034 new fandoms haha

Also I spent like 485 hours a day switching between pinterest, reddit and discord lmao

i bought myself a bouquet of roses yesterday and they're really pretty and they smell really nice and now my whole room smells of roses and it's neat. 10/10 would recommend. though roses are really mainstream and it makes me feel kinda cheesy. the petals are really soft and smooth too and if you touch them long enough your fingers will smell of roses too. 

also it's like 37 degrees outside and I'm frying alive ffs i just hope it cools down soon. i shut my blinds completely to minimize the heat, so F in the chat for all my plants in my room that won't be getting any sunlight any time soon. photosynthesis won't be very stonks this week.

 idk if it got anything to do with the actual global warming?? i don't really remember it being so hot during my childhood but we moved two years ago so maybe its the local climate (if so, it can go fuck itself)

also I'm like totally swarming with ideas and stuff i want to write and new ships i got from all the fandoms but brain doesn't cooperate much as usual

soryr for not posting for so damn long i just ??????????????? uh? anyway ,,the school started yesterday  so ill try to do better (i mean, when ill have a lotta homework ill just have to procrastinate by writing this hahagaha do y'all feel me)

but like seriously, idk what the friggin heck is wrong with me. the only game i play on ma phone is having a crossover event with my fave anime of all times and i cant bring myself to even launch the game ???

i just wish i could experience the Void™ for a few millennia before i return to this goddamn world do you feel me guys 

as for positive news... well. my schedule isn't so bad this year. personally, for my last year of high school it looks kinda empty to me? it's not a bad thing and i k we're supposed to be preparing for exams etc etc but i have like only 9 subjects? compared to those 13 or so i used to have in like 9th grade?? 

okay i realized the longer i keep putting off publishing this note, the longer it gets because i have a lot of useless things to say and it's reaching ridiculous lengths so i'm ending it here (it's over 1k already lmao i don't even write that much during 90min-exams)

also, i think people in general really underestimate the speeds at which everything can go to shit

On the last side note, how are y'all holding up?

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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