
By Firehedgehog

18.5K 1K 364

Goth child of Reaper and Geno gets written out of existence. somehow the one Goth survived a combination of a... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
A silly Omake
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Retconned: One Hallows Eve Special
A very Gothmas
Chapter Eight
Omake: That Troll
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10: Astral
Chapter 11: Mother and child
Chapter 12: A Reapers Moment
Chapter Fourteen: Connections
Epilogue: In Every Soul

Chapter Thirteen: Unlucky

712 43 22
By Firehedgehog

So the plot is moving forward, this is linked to another story. and yes.. this was planned when i originally started both stories

"The Good Sans want to have a meeting with the Dark Sans?" Goth said in surprise.

"The Retcons have rather spooked them," Error said as he knitted.

"Well... is is a rather spooky issue," Blue said, the rather energetic small Sans had appeared in the anti-void earlier in the day and was using the hanging strings as swings.

"How did you get here anyway, Error didn't cough kidnap cough you today and he didn't open any portals today?" Goth asked, after living in the anti-void so long eh became sensitive enough to feel portals open there.

"Err..." Blue said a strange look on his face.


Blue was cooking his Taco's, he was sure that this batch would be perfect.

"They smell perfect," he said happily, putting them down to cool.

Even better, he'd heard Cross would be busy till tomorrow so no Taco stealing Sans would get them today. He sat down to relax til he could eat them.


"Noooo," Blue cried spinning around, dropping his book.

Sitting on the counter was annoying Dog, the white mutt that seemed to jump between multiverses on a Lark.

A counter devoid of Tacos.

"No, bad annoying Dog, Bad!" he cried, and starting chasing the dog in wain hope to retrieve the Taco's in whatever subspace the canine had hidden them.

"Toby.. no!" he cried.

Then tripped.

When he looked up, he was alone.

And in the anti-void.

"That's cheating!" he cried.

Twenty minutes later Error found him.

End Flashback.

"Ha ha ha, nothing to be concerned about," Blue laughed.

No one wanted to ever speak of the things that dog did.

"Riiiight..." Goth said dryly.


The room was enormous and over crowded, people giving some of there neighbours nervous looks.

There hadn't been such a huge gathering.. well ever.

Dark, Light.. neutral.

Beings of as many AU's as could come.

It was a freaking zoo.

There were quite a few nervous glances towards the very front off to the left, for there were a lot of the Sanses known as the big bad's.

Including the destroyer.

For Error and Nightmare to be there, along with Nightmares crew something had to be up.

Silence filled the area as Ink and Dream walked onto the stage.

"From your silence, by now you've realized this is a serious issue," Dream said placing his notes on the podium.

"For the last several years, there have been thousands of AU's destroyed. Yet not by the destroyer," Dream said, that set off whispering of disbelief. "Part of it you might have coem across, the fact no one can actually what these destroyed AU's were, or suddenly you feel as if something or someone is missing."

There was a very deep silence at that.

"We have discovered the cause, its called Retcons. It erases Au's people.. everything it touches. There has been only one true survivor, and only Error's anti-void kept them alive. I escaped being retconned because of that person, but it still cost me several minutes of memory," Dream said.

Hidden between Error and Nightmare Goth sighed, after being in pretty much isolation for years in the anti-void many people made him nervous.

"Each of you find packets under you seats, the survivor's name is not on it before you ask and will not be released. I ask you to reach out with bit of information you may have or come across, All the information as little as we have is in it. Thank you," Dream said, and left the podium.

Goth felt deep relief his name would not be released.

He had enough nightmares of people demanded while he existed why another didn't.

"Let's get out of here kid," Error said patting hsi shoulder Goth nodded and gripped his lantern tighter.

That's when the roof came off.




Just perfect!

So many of them together!

Even the one that escaped.

Without that one, bits and pieces that they couldn't retcon would be erased.

They'd wipe more then half the multiverse in seconds.

"Then they will be gone, just like you brother," he laughed.


The multiverse must have a sense of irony.

That was what Geno thought as arcs of purple lightning began to bleed into the world, anything ht was just gone.

The ceiling was just gone, revealing a black sky.

Monsters or humans it hit, were just gone.

This was a Retcon.

He was pretty sure, that the only reason that they remembered those lost was that they were in the midst of the event.

Screams surrounded him, as people tried to escape causing injuries to others as they trampled them in there panic. Portals and Shortcuts didn't seem to work, so this situation didn't look good.

"This is all your fault," a Sans screamed at the destroyer, who hadn't escaped either.

"Your a nimrod," Error said, the sans would have attacked but more screaming caught those nearbys attention.

"Please, let me go," A child's voice cried.

"Were all going die, give me the freaking lantern," a voice snarled.

Geno spun around and ran, the Sans didn't have a moment to prepare and Geno slapped him away from Goth.

"Are you okay Gothy?" Geno asked, the nickname slipping from his mouth to his surprised.

Goth broke down in tears, Geno grabbed Goth into a hug.

This was his child, he might not remember but this was his kid.

"I.. don't want to be retconned again," Goth cried.

"Shh.. we'll figure this out, your papa always has a plan," Geno whispered.

Suddenly he flying back, shocked as Goth violently threw him backwards.

The world seemed to go quiet and frozen to Geno, his hand out reached towards Goth.

Goth smiled.

"I love you," Goth said.

Lightning hit.

Geno screamed as the lantern fell to the ground.



Goth stumbled and fell, cold sand under him made him more aware.

He'd been retconned.


But shouldn't he be non existent?

Wincing he slowly got up, noting he was lacking his save lantern but he didn't feel that time limit eh did usually.

"Where am I?" he asked outloud.

The sky was darker then black, the only bits of light were purple lightning which was signs of being retconned. Where ever he was, it was also gone, except for this small space of sand.

And a statue.


"Palette," he screamed, recognizing the statue.

"No no no," he cried.

"Oh..." he said freezing, as one of his many selves memories came forward.

He wasn't just Goth, he was teh Goth's of this multiverse also.. a multiverse fully Retconned except for this one spot.

Now he could feel it, a tiny shard of soul.. a piece of his soul.

"We have to wake you up," he whispered.


"Please please wake up," a voice begged.

He hurt, so badly...

"Come on, I know your alive... I need you to help me reverse this!" the voice begged, it was a child's voice and familiar.

Wait that Voice!

That was Goth's voice.

He gave a gasp as something shattered around him, and he fell to the ground.

Woozily he looked up, he could see shards of Stone on Sand.

"Goth?" he asked his voice raspy.

Wait.. the clothing were wrong.

"Sorry, call me Retconned," the Goth whispered.

Palette fell unconscious, from the stress of breaking free from being turned to stone.


When Palette woke again, it was to the thought that it was too dark.

Slowly he shifted til he could see the Goth called Retconned, who was curled in a ball on the sand tear track down there face.

It was then that he realized that something was seriously wrong.

The sky was pitch black... with purple lightning arcing across it, but there was no sound and he could only see about five feet away from himself and Retconned.

"Its called a Retcon, when your AU or multiverse is erased from everything even living memories," a soft voice sad, turning he saw that Retconned had woken.

"My... multiverse got Retconned? But how am I still here! Wherever this is that is.... and how are you here?" Palette asked panicked, e couldn't save Gothy if Gothy didn't exist.

"Two things saved you, you being sealed in stone and this," Retconned said, gently opening his hand. Palette made a strangled sound, as a speck of glowing soul was revealed.

"How... I thought that weird Alternate o me stole all of Goth's soul shards," he said in disbelief.

"He loves you very much, you never did check your own soul for a speck," Retconned sighed.

"That idiot," he cried, even now Goth was protecting him.

"As to how I got here, I'm from the multiverse right next to this one. The retcon hasn't swallowed all of it, but apparently it finally got me. Originally all the Goth's got Retconned in my multiverse at the same time yours did, but I survived... you could say in simple terms I'm all the Goth's," Goth sighed, and explained his situation and the function of the save lantern.

"Wait... are the Goth's of my multiverse there too?" Palette asked quickly, Retconned blushed heavily and Palette felt relief. "Than there is still hope, I still exist... and your still here even though you said your not. Then lets fix this!" Palette said jumping to his feet.

"I don't know how to fix it, the save lantern that kept me stable is missing and I'm in the wrong multiverse..." Retconned said unhappily.

"Since your the Goth's of both multiverses maybe you can slide back over and we can smash the source of the Retcons!" Palette said excitedly.

"I can try," Retconned said frowning.

"Ah... before we try anything, do you have any idea how i got turned into a stone statue?"Palette asked embarrassed.

"From my memories here, just as you went to leave Nightmare Pallette reappeared as apparently he never left. Using the apples curse he sealed you away. I'm afraid at that moment the retcons hit, the sealing and the soul shard somehow slightly moved you a bit out of phase keeping the retcon from you," Retconned replied. After all his Goth was part of him, and was still connected to the soul shard.

"Thanks..." he said, he wasn't happy that his.. multiverse was just gone with only himself and his Goth amalgamated into Retconned to remember it.

"Well, lets try this," Retconned said with a sad smile.

"No try, do," Palette said grinning.

Retconned laughed, and then they were gone.

Seconds later the spot they were in was Retconned, no longer phased away from the rest of the multiverse.

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