Embrace the Beauty BoOk 3

By and_thebad_wolfStory

183 0 0

"Her beauty raged with fire that even demons Wouldn't dare to touch" 🔥 ~~Hugh Cofty~~ 🔥... More

Sympathy for the Devil
Good God, Y'all
Free to Be You and Me
Fallen Idols
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
Season 6
Exile on Main St.
The Return 

The French Mistake

26 0 0
By and_thebad_wolfStory

"Light it up." 


"I said, light. It. Up."

Darcey took a breath, her mind drawing a blank as she let herself go and let him take control.  She watched through his eyes as he flicked his wrist and sent a fire ball into the house full of random people, people who live there, a family. Two kids, a dog, parents that never expected to die in this very house.

Darcey was shaking in her self as she heard the screams....


A clap thunder awoke Darcey with a fight. The girl sat up and panted heavily as she looked around her surroundings.

Dean looked up and over to his sister who was laying beside him.

"You okay?" He asks

Darcey mutely nodded and wiped her sweaty face just as Sam came back into the room holding a bunch of papers.

"Where's Bobby and Grayson?" Sam asks

"In town. Supply run. Grayson is sleeping upstairs." Dean answers. Since Darcey's gotten back, she's been distant and quiet. Dean figures she just needs time, like before when she was like this. He was just great-full that he had her back.

"In this?" Sam says referring to the storm outside.

"Yep. Man's a hero. We are officially all out of Hunter's helper." Dean says

Suddenly, there's an Electrical sound and  a man appeared.
"Hello boys, and girl. Wait, she's new?"

Darcey let her lip drop slightly as she looked between her brothers. He's moved passed Sam and over to behind Dean and the desk he was behind. Darcey moved herself into Dean's side.

"You guys seen 'The God Father, right?"  He asks

"Balthazar?" Dean questions

"You know, in the end where Michael Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one big bloody swoop" he continued to explain

"Hey...." Dean said trying to get him to explain what was going on. Darcey was totally confused too.

"Dead Sea Brine. Good, Good." Balthazar says reading from a box of salt and started sprinkling some into a bowl on the desk.

"Then Moe Greene gets hits in the eye. Then Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door." He continued to talk about the movie. Darcey can't even remember the last time she's seen the film, or any film for that matter.

"I said hey." Dean said to him

Balthazar stopped and looked at Dean. "You did. Twice. How good for you." He says and pats Dean's arm.

"Blood of Lamb. Blood of Lamb. Beer, cold pizza. Blood of lamb."

Darcey hunched her shoulders as a crack through the house was heard as Balthazar looks though the fridge.

"Yes! Blood of lamb." He exclaims holding out a jar.

"Uh, why are you talking about the God Father?" Sam asks

"We're in it now." Balthazar said now suddenly back near the desk. "Right now, tonight."

Darcey shared a look with Dean. "And in the roll of Michael Corleone, the archangel Raphael." He said pouring the lamb blood into the bowl.

"Uh, you mind telling us what you mean?" Dean asks

"No, no, no, no.." Balthazar started saying as he looks through the desk drawer. Darcey jumped at the sounds of things clattering together as he Emptied it onto the chair.
Her ears being some how more sensitive to loud sounds lately. She didn't know why.

"Yes." Balthazar then said as he held up a small bag. "Bone of Lesser saint. This vertebrae will do very nicely. Your Mr. Singer keeps a very nice pantry." 

"Wait, so Raphael is after you?" Dean asked

"Oh, he's after all of us." He answers opening the bag. "You see, he's consolidated his strength and is now on the move."

"And where is Cass?" Sam said

"Oh, Cassie? He is deep, deep underground." He said mixing the stuff in the bowl all together and walked over to the window. "So good old Raphei put out a hit list... on every Samaritan who helped out dear Cass, including the three of you.  And so much more importantly, me."  He laughs and coughs
"See, he wants to put Cass out in the open."

"So you expect us to believe you?" Sam asked

"Oh, don't. You'll go where I throw you. Either way." Balthazar said

"What's that suppose to mean?" Dean and Darcey say in unison as he drew a symbol on the glass with the mixture.

"Well, and that's all the time we have Gentlemen and lady." Balthazar says as the lights flicker around them. He walked over to the three. "Now, where is it." He says and opens his cote, reveling a blood stain on his side.

"Whoa..." Dean says "what's happened there?"

"Oh, garish, I know. You see, uncle Raphael sent one of his nastiest to handle me. I'm flattered, actually. And down a lung, at the moment. But, that's alright." He says as the keys dangle in his hands. He then hands then to Sam. "Here, for you." He said

"And what am I supposed to do with it?" Sam asked as he held up the keys.

"Run with it." He says

He then suddenly is thrown to the ground and hits the book shelve.

"Virgil." Balthazar said to the man that came through the kitchen.

"I said run." Balthazar shouts to them. He moved his hand and the siblings were thrown into the window, only to land on something soft.

"Cut!" A voice shouts followed by claps

Darcey looked up and found her and her siblings laying in front of cameras and random people.

"Real good solid fall," A man in a yellow shirt tells Dean and slaps his back.
"Jered, Jensen, and Maia." A another voice calls out. "Outstanding. That was great." He says

Darcey and her brothers look around the room still completely confused. Then suddenly a man comes up behind them, "Supernatural, scene one," Echo" take one, tail slate, marker." He says then closes the thing he held.


When a sudden ringing sounded, and they finally got up from the ground, They all looked around the room.
"So no angels?" Sam asks quietly

"No angels I think." Dean said

"Should we be killing anyone?" Sam asked

"I don't think so." Dean said

"Running?" Darcey asked

"Where?" Dean asked

Sam suddenly picks up a floppy piece of what Darcey guessed to be fake glass. She looked around the room and she could hear conversation from the other side of the room.

"That's a rap on Jered, Jensen, Maia." A man yells into a walkie.

"Who the hell—-"

"Jered, a few minutes, okay?" A red headed woman suddenly said and started to pull him away. Dean and Darcey follows

"Where are we—"

Jensen, Maia. There you are. Let's get you two in your chairs, okay?" Another woman said ushered them both toward a stand with mirrors. Big lightbulb lined the glass as things were scattered around in the table. Darcey sat in the other chair as a new woman came up to her.
"Let's get this stuff off, okay?" She told Darcey as she grabbed a cloth and started wiping her face with it. Darcey flinched back slightly.

She can hear bead beside her as he laughed "I'm not wearing any makeup." He said. But he moved the girls hand saw the colored cloth.

"Oh crap, I'm a painted Whore." Dean said and Darcey couldn't help but giggle to herself.

Once they were done, Darcey and Dean left to find Sam.

"They put makeup on us. Those bastards." Dean said

"Look, I think I know what this is." Sam said

"What?" Dean and Darcey ask

"It's a TV show." Sam says

"You think?" Dean said

"Wait, I mean, like, here. This. Whatever this is...this Twilight Zone Balthazar zapped us to. For whatever reason, our life is a TV show."

"Like how our life was a book series?" Darcey asked

"Yeah." Sam said nodding his head. Darcey sighed, annoyed with this situation. 

"Why?" Dean asked

"I don't know." Sam said to Dean with the same amount of confusion.

"No, like, seriously, why would anybody wanna watch our lives?" Dean asks

Darcey scoffs, "why would anybody wanna read about our lives?" She asked though ignored.

"Huh, well, according to the interviewer, not many people do." Sam tells them.
Dean scrunched you his face and turned and started to walk.

"I'm not saying it makes sense. We landed in some dimension...where you're Jensen Ackles...and Maia Mitchell...which, by the way, dose she  sound Australian to you?" Sam said to Dean pointing at Darcey

Darcey blinks and Dean turns to her. "Speak." He says

Rolling her eyes, she crosses her arms over her chest.

"I'm not a dog." She said, the brothers share a look when they hear the faint accent.

"Crap. Well, at least I'm not something called a...a Jered Padalecki." Darcey says

"So now you're from down under and you're Polish?" Dean asked looking between the two. "Is any of this Nanking any sense to you?"
Reaching the door, Dean opens it and thy make it outside. Looking up, they see the Impala.

"Hey, at least my baby made it." Dean says with a laugh. Sam sends Darcey a quick look when a guy with a bucket throws something onto the car window.

"Hey, hey, what—-?" Dean stuttered out as they make their way closer. Though, Sam taps Darcey's arm and points to the left where a bunch of Impala replicas. Dean stopped walking and grabbed Darcey's arm.

"I feel sick. I'm going to be sick." He said and walked away. Sam and Darcey are quick to follow.

"I want to go home. I feel like this whole place is bad-touching me." Dean says

"Yeah, I know. Me too. What do you think? Cass?" Sam asks

"It'd be our best shot, if he's still alive." Dean said as they get to a secluded place. Darcey stands beside Sam as Dean claps his hands together.

"Dear Castiel, who art maybe running his ass away from heaven...we pray that you have your ears on." Dean says. "So breaker, breaker."
When Dean finishes, they wait a bit before Dean turns and looks out the open prop door. "Cass? Cass. Hey." Dean exclaimed as the three rush over.

"What is all this? What did Balthazar do to us?" Dean asks 

Cass looked between them,  "To keep you out of Virgil's reach, he's cast you into an alternate reality...a universe similar to ours in most respects...yet dramatically different in others." Cass explains

"Like Bizarro Earth, right?" Dean said  "except I stee if back g Bizarro Superman...we get this clown factory."

"Um.....yeah, well......anyway, no time to explain. Do you have the key?" Castiel said

Sam patted his jacket pocket. "Yeah. So, what dose this thing do anyway?" He asks Handing it to him.

"It opens a room." He answers.

"What's in the room?" Darcey asked, she placed her hand on her throat, her own voice caught her off as she hears the accent she had.

"Every weapon Balthazar stole from heaven." Castiel said

"He gave it to us?" Dean says

"To keep it safe, till I could reach you. With those weapons, I have a chance to rally my forces." Castiel explains.

"Oh, okay, good. Okay, so now, what's the deal with all this TV crap?" Sam asked


"Amen, Padaleski." Dean said

"Uh, I think it's Lecki." Darcey said

"Whatever, mate."

"Oh, man. Did they put out new pages?" Castiel suddenly asks pulling out folded sheets.

"New what?" Dean and Darcey asked

"Is this a cosmic joke?" Sam asks

"Yeah, because if it isC it's stupid and we don't get it." Dean says

"Yeah." Sam said agreeing.

Castiel then started to loosen the blue tie around his neck. "Are you guys okay?" He asked

Dean then snatched the papers from him. "Give me that. What is—? These are words in a script. This isn't Cass." Dean says

"But look at him.." Darcey says pointing to him

" do you guys wanna run lines or....?" He asks

"His names Misha. Misha?" Dean said with a questioning look.

"Oh, okay, wow. Just great." Sam said and takes the key from him. Dean and Darcey follow as they walk away.

"Misha? Jensen? What is with the names around here?" Dean asks

"You guys! You really punked me." The guys calls out.

"I just want to dig my finger into my brain and scratch till we're back in Kansas." Dean says

Darcey lets herself shiver, uncomfortable with this whole situation.
"Hey, look." Sam said and pointed to a trailer. There was a sign on the door which read, J. Ackles.

"That's fake me." Dean said pointing to himself.

"Yeah." Sam and Darcey say.

"Well, this must be fake mine."

The three head for the trailer and enter. The door closing behind them.
Entering, Darcey took notice in the giant fish tank behind her and the big toy helicopter in front.

"Dudes, I have a helicopter." Dean says excitedly.

"I have a question, who the hell puts a 300-gallon aquarium in their trailer?" Darcey asked

"Apparently, Jensen Ackles." Dean says

Sam turns and finds a laptop on the table.

"Okay, here we go: let's see who this guy is." He says and types his name.

"Well, he's not a hunter, he just plays on on TV." Dean says looking around. Darcey sees a big TV, it had a scene playing with Dean in it, he was wearing a suit. She watched as Dean Walked over to the small coffee table and picked up a magazine. "Huh, look at these male-modeling sons of bitches." He says turning it over, Darcey sees the three of them in the cover. "Nice Blue Steel, Sam." Dean said
Darcey walked over and took the Magazine from Dean. In a small Bible, it reads a small bubble that says, "Maia Mitchel's Love life..." and shows a picture of her and Spencer.

"The hell?" She says flips to the page and reads it.

"Hey, apparently it's our job." Sam says from the computer. "All right. Here it goes. Says you're from Texas and you, D are from Lismore, Australia."

"Really?" Dean and Darcey ask in unison.

"Yeah. And uh....oh. It says you were on a Soap opera." Sam said

Darcey let out a laugh as the two head over to the table and watched the video titled "Jensen Ackles on "Days of our lives" 
Sam played the video. Laughing more when Dean closed the lap top shut, Dean sends her a glare to which Darcey says, "oh, sorry, Eric. It's just too funny." Dean glares at her again and gave her a shove.

"I don't like this universe, Sammy." Dean says. "We need to get out of this universe."

"Yeah, no argument there." Sam agreed. "But I'm not sure our prayers are reaching Cass. Or, well, the real Cass."

"Agreed." Dean and Darcey said

"I think we are definitely out of soul-phone range but..." Dean says and walks back over to the table and picks up the notepad and pen.

"What?" Darcey asks

"If we can reverse Balthazar's spell. I watched every move. If we just Uh..get the ingredients, right? And get back to that same window and...there's no place like home." Dean says holding up the pad with the symbol on it.


Dean, Darcey, and Sam were looking in the room which represented Bobby's house. They looked through the desk like Balthazar had done before he sent them here. Darcey couldn't help but wonder how Grayson was doing. He had just got his mother back... she had missed him so much while she was gone. He'd grown and was even taller now too. Her thirteen year old son had been through so much in his life that no other child should have too.

"Backbone of a Lesser saint. Got it." Sam said holding it up. "And...Uh...it's rubber." He sighs and throws it down defeatedly.

"Hey, check this out." Dean says holding up a rubber knife and flung it back.

Darcey rolled her eyes annoyed.

"Look, it's fake." Dean says and stabs Darcey with the fake knife a few times. Before throwing it down. "What are we supposed to do with this?" Dean asks

Walking outside now, the three walk towards the muddy Impala.

"Of course, everything's fake. We're on a film set. We gotta get back to the real world." Sam says as he opens the door to the car.

"Definitely." Darcey says doing the same thing.

Dean gets in and starts the car and turns on the wipers. It slowly moths back and forth against the dirty glass.

Driving along, Darcey noticed how slow it really was going.

"What the hell's wrong with this thing?" Dean asks, at the same time a voice calls out as it taps rapidly on the window.
"Ah, Dean..." Darcey said "it's not the Impala."

"You think?" Dean says

"Mr. Ackles. Mr. Ackles, please stop."

"It's a freaking prop." Dean exclaims "just like everything else."

The three then get out. "Thank you. Thank you so much." The guy says.

"How the hell are we supposed to get out of here?" Dean asks him


"Do you know whereabouts you want me to drop you off?" The driver asks

The siblings share a look, "Jensen?" He asks

Dean scrunches up his face, "me? Yes. Uh...I—-I'll just tag along with, uh...."

"Jered." Sam whispers

"Jered here and Maia...Maia. ." Dean said.

"So since when are you guys talking?" The driver asks

Darcey looks over to Sam who shrugs his shoulders.
"Yeah, you know what, Clint? Um..."

"Clif." The driver corrects.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course. Clif, obviously. So I think we're going to go back to my place..and do some work. " Sam explains

"Work on our acting." Dean says
"Yeah. For our characters. For the show."

"Mm-hm. Yeah. All right." Clif laughs.

"Uh, where the hell are we, anyway?" Dean asks Looking over out the window.

Darcey looks too as they pass a Vancouver sign.
"We're not even in America." She says to them.


The three slowly walked into a big foray.

"Huh, nice modest digs, Jay-Z." Dean says
Darcey nudged Dean playfully as she looked around the house filled with big plants and windows.

"Wow. I must be the star of this thing." Sam says as they walk further inside.
Dean and Darcey scoff. "Yeah, right." They say.

"Check it out." Dean said pointing to a tanning bed.

"What am I, Dracula?" Sam says

Dean walked over to it and opened it. "Yeah, George Hamilton Dracula." He said. He then turned and found a liquor cabinet in the corner of the room.
"Oh, now we're talking." And walked over to it.
Darcey follows and poured herself a small shot and downed it as Dean walked over to the window and pulled the curtain.
"Uh, dude, you have a camel in your back yard." Dean says

"It's an Alpaca, dumb-ass." A voice says.

"Ruby?" Dean says turning around. Darcey turns too and sees said demon at the top of the big stair case.
The three notice the big painting of both Sam and her and Darcey holds her breath as She came down the stairs.

"Ha. Ruby. Right. Because that never gets old." She says as she comes towards them. She wore a short black dress with black sandals and held a black clutch. "How was work today, hon?" She asks to Sam and pulls him up in and kisses him.

Darcey's jaw hung as she shares a shocked look with Dean.

"Wait, you and Ruby?" Dean asks to Sam

"Do you honestly think that's funny, Jensen?" She asks

Dean glanced at Sam, "right. Right, because you're not Ruby. You....I mean, how could you be? Of course, you are the lovely actress who plays Ruby. And you are in. Jared's house....because you two are....married!." Dean says

Darcey looked over to his direction and saw the wedding photo.

"You married fake Ruby?" Dean says. Sam turns and sees the picture himself.

"What are you doing?" Actress Ruby asks

"Work. Just work." Darcey finally says

"Yeah. Yeah, just thought I'd pop in. Say hey." Dean says. "Hey. Oh, and run some lines."

"You've never even been to our house. And you don't even like them..." she says turning to Darcey.

"Well...well, uh, now that I know there's an alpaca, I'm definitely coming back." Dean says

"Yeah, yeah me too." Darcy says

"Well, alpacas are the greenest animal." She says

"Right. Right. And that it so important." Dean said.

"Well, there's that thing I have to get to." She says standing up.

"Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, the thing...." Sam stutters out.

"The International Otter Adoption charity dinner? Okay, well..." she says and pulls him into another kiss. Dean and Darcy roll their eyes and look away.

"Well, I'm glad you three are talking, anyway." She says and walks out the door.

"Well....looks like you did all right." Dean says turning to Sam.

"Yeah....I should figure out her name." Sam said

"Yeah..." Dean and Darcey say with a nod.


In the office, Darcey stood by the desk Sam at behind while looking at a giant computer screen.  The older sibling couldn't keep her eyes off the strange Portrait of her brother on the back of a horse.

"Wrist bone of saint and holy reliquary. Museum-quality from diocese in Oaxaca." Sam reads out loud. "Looks legit."

"All right. Auction house is in Mexico City. Could be there the day after tomorrow." Dean says from his open lap top to the other small table. "We, ah, case it, yank it, be back here by the end of the week."

Darcey then walked behind the desk and stood over Sam's shoulder and looked at the screen. A bidding sale was going on and Darcey couldn't help but laugh.

"Or we can just buy it." She tells them.

"What?" Dean questions. "Dude, that things like, over a hundred thou—-"

Sam then slowly held up a black card. Stopping Dean mid sentence.
"Hello, Jered Padalecki." He says.

Darcey went over to the table to sit down. She smiled as the chair spun and rolled. She then stopped herself and started playing with the poker chips and cards that were sprawled our around the table as Dean held out his own card to the computer.

Sam then started speaking Spanish on the phone with the bidder.

"Triple rush? No problemo because money is no—-this baby is maxed." Dean says throwing said card.

"Wow. They said it should be at the air port first thing in the morning." Sam says excitedly. Dean grabbed another card.

"Money, man. There is nothing like it." Darcey looked over to his screen and sighed when the order completed. 

"All right. Couch." Dean says getting up. Darcey followed behind.

"TV star. Beauty rest." Dean then plopped onto the leather couch with a sigh.

Darcey giggles as she walked over to the chair. She put the two of them together and makes herself a makeshift bed.


In the car, with the driver Clif, Darcey and Dean watch as Sam picks up the package from the small plane.

"Sorry, I don't mean to pry? But why are we picking up a package at 8 a.m...that haven't cleared customs yet?"

Dean glanced at Darcey, "just saving time." He comes up with just as Sam comes back in.

"Here we go." He says Softly out of breath.

"We're not doing anything illegal, are we?" Clif asks turning around to face them.

"Would it make you feel better if we said no?" Sam asked

"No." Is all he says and turns around and starts the car.


Back at the filming lot, the three gather at the set and place the package on "Bobby's desk." Dean takes his knife and opens it. Darcey places the bowl onto the table just as the lights turn on.

"Whoa, what....? No." Dean says

"We finish in 12 hours if it kills us all." A voice says. What is this?" He then asks as he sees the three standing there.

"Here for the first run-through before anyone else? Dedication." He says

Darcey and Sam quickly move out as Dean goes to talk to him.

Darcey raised her eyebrow as she sees chairs behind the scenes with their fake names on it. She goes to the one that says "Maia Mitchell" on it and sat down. Sam put the package on Dean's seat while he sat down in his.

"Ooh. Priority. What's in it?"
Darcey turns to see the person that "plays" Castiel. He had earbuds in one ear and paper and coffee in one hand.

"I bought part of a dead person." Sam says

"Oh, cool." He says quietly.

Darcey sighed as Dean came up. "So...uh....bad news.uh, looks like we're going to have to do a little acting." He says

"What?" Sam and Darcey ask

Darcey stood beside Dean, Sam beside them and actor Cass stood in front of them. She felt uncomfortable having all these people watching her.

"Supernatural, screen 36, take one. Marker." A guy called out.


"Balthazar is no hero. But he knows Raphael will never take him back." Actor Cass said as he slowly walked forward. When he was done, he turned to look at the three.

Confused, they stay silent until Dean slowly walks up a few steps. He looks down at the tape and steps on it.


The bell rings and they start again.

"Supernatural, scene 36, take eight." The guy says "maker.",


"Balthazar is no hero."

Darcey positions herself so she's leaning on the desk, she watches as Sam tries to figure out where to place his arms.

"Dean, grimly. And yet somehow you got no problem with it." Dean says as he quickly reads from the paper.


The bell rings and Darcey let's put a quiet sigh.

After a few more takes, the three finally go sit in their chairs. Sam takes the sheet of paper Dean had.

"Who wrote this? Nobody says "Penultimate" Sam says looking to Dean and Darcey.

"Gun, mouth, now." Dean says making the a gun shape with his fingers. Darcey just rolls her eyes.

"Moving on." A man call out.

"Thank God." Darcey mumbles and follows her brothers over to the table.

"All right, damn it. We earned this." Dean says going into the box. He removed the bubble wrap and they began to take out the stuff.

"That's it?" Sam asks after Dean drew the symbols on the window.

"That's it, Dorthy and Toto." Dean says turning back to them.

With a sigh, Darcy, Dean, and Sam all stand in front of the window and jump through it.

Darcey fell to the hard ground with a thud. She rolled on her back in pain.


"Maybe we did it wrong." Sam said as they enter the trailer.

"No. No, that spell was perfect. It should have worked." Dean says. Darcey sat in front of him and watched as he grabbed the pad of paper and a pen.

"But what if it can't?" Sam said

"Look, I was up all night, looking online. There's no sign that anything like the apocalypse happened here. Ever. And as far as I can tell, monsters, ghosts, demons....they're all pretend." Sam tells them.

"So nobody is hunting them?"

"No hunters. And maybe that's why our spell didn't work, Dean. You know, maybe here, there's no supernatural, no magic."

"No demons, no hell, no heaven. No God?" Dean says

"Something like. Even better.....no angels."

Darcey thought, if that's true, than she had no powers. Seeing for herself, she raised her wrist and gave it a flick, no fire, no anything.

Though, maybe, the one thing she did remember from her time with the god of fire and creation, was that as a parting gift, because he knew that her brothers were there to save her, he took away her power, a sign that told her he won. That he was in control of her.

She, however, was going to keep that to herself for as long as she possibly could.


"Maybe we cant get out of Earth Number 2 right now...but the least we can do is get out of the Canadian part of it." Dean says as they walk through set. Darcey couldn't help but look around as they walked. The giant big green screen, the doubles fighting near the fake Impala, it's was a sight for her to see.
"I know. If I hear one more conversation about hockey, I'm gojng to puke." Dean says

"The coffee is pretty good..." Darcey said remembering the red cup.

The brothers stoped and shared a look with her.
"What...? Clif brought one for me, from this place called....Hortons...Jim's...oh, Tim's. oh, and also these little donut balls....guys?" Darcey looked up to find both boys a little ahead.

Sighing, she hurriedly caught up with them.

"No, no, no. It's this way." She heard dean  Say as she walked up behind him. "It's this way."

"No, I really think that we should—-Dean!" Sam says, he stood in front of Darcey and they threw come face to face with Virgil.

"You think you can run?" He says. He reached out his hand over Dean's head.

"No!" Sam and Darcey scream.
But when nothing happens, they gasp.

"Sorry, dude. Mojo-free zone." Dean says and punches him down. Darcey and Sam move forwards.

"No magic in the house." Sam said

"Which make you nothing but a dick." Dean tells him.

Virile goes for the punch but Dean moves out of the way, he goes for Sam.

As the fighting goes on, Darcey helps by holding one of his arms back.
When suddenly, guys come over and hold back the three of them.

"No, no. You don't understand!" Sam calls out. The guy stars to yell as they struggle in the people's hold.

"We'll break your neck!" Dean yells

"Die!" Sam yells too.


"I don't know, Virgil broke though, maybe he's got a way to get back." Dean says

"Or maybe he just got himself stuck here too!" Darcey exclaimed. She was, surprisingly now, starting to freak out about this situation. If they could get back, she could never see Grayson.

"Okay, yeah. Either way I wanna finish kicking his ass."

Back in Bobby's living room, the three walk into a dark room until a light flickers on.

"There you are, guys. You got a minute?" He asks smiling.
"Actually, we're uh..looking for—-"

"That extra you tired to kill? I expect this from the boys but you, Maia? Is it money?"

Darcey raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Is this the kind of act that goes away if we can scare up coverage on a raise?" He asks

"More money? You already pay these three jokers enough as it is." Dean says astonished.

"Yeah." Sam agreed.

"Because I'd like to tho k that over all these years...we've grown closer. That you don't think of me as Director Bob...or Executive Producer Bob Singer.— But as Uncle Bob."

At the familiar name, the three share a confused look.

"Wait, you're kidding. So the character in the show, Bobby Singer—" Sam says realizing.

"What kind of douchebag named a character after himself?" Dean asks

"Well, Chuck did write himself into his own book...." Darcey answers quietly to herself.

"Oh, that's not right." Sam says

"Okay, guys, let's begin again." Bob says

The three turn around.
"I don't think Virgil would've shagged out...without getting his mitts on that key." Dean whispers.

"Yeah. yeah, I agree." Sam said. He then patted his pocket.

"Guys, you can't come to work on poppers. And you can't let them come to work on poppers." He says looking to Darcey, Though she is fixated on watching Sam hot his pockets in panic.

"And smuggled Kidneys from Mexico. And make up your own lines as you go. You can not make up your own lines. Good God, what about your careers?"

"You know what? Screw our careers, Bob." Sam said firmly then left.

"You heard our brother. That's right, I said our brother. Because you know what, Bob? We're not actors. We're hunters. We're the Winchester's. always have been and always will be. And where we're from, people don't know who we are. But you know what? We matter to that world. In fact, we even saved the son of a bitch once or twice. And yeah, okay, here, maybe there's some fans..who give a crap about all this nonsense.—"

"I wouldn't call it "nonsense." Bob said

"But, Bob Singer... if that even is your name...tell me this. What does it all mean?" Dean finishes

"Okay. This is good. I mean, we've all had our psychotic breaks, right? I can work with this." Bob says Just as Sam comes rushing back.

"Guys. Virgil, I think n he has the key."  He says

Dean turned to Bob.

"We quit." He says, making his mouth drop open in shock.

"Later, mate." Darcey says and follows after her brothers.


"Maybe if Ed get in the police dispatch system—" Sam says as they enter his big house again. Darcey closes the door behind her. "Then put out an APB in Vigil." Dean finishes.
"Might work, if he stays obvious."

"Not like we have any time:" Darcey says.
Walking out of the foyer, the turn to the hall where they see the Ruby actor. She stands out the door crying. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"

"What?" Sam asks

"Misha. He's been stabbed to death." She says

"Where?" The siblings ask in unison.

The Ruby actor shakes her head, "where?" She asks shocked. 


At the scene, the three slowly walk passed the police. They see and hear a homeless man to an officer.

"Yeah, Raphael. Like the ninja turtle." He says. " he was calling someone name of Raphael up in heaven."

Hearing the name, the three move to go talk to him.

"Yeah, that's right. The scary man killed the attractive crying man. And then he started to pray. And the strange part...after a while, I swear I heard this voice answering." The man finished explaining.

"What did it say?" Darcey asks. 

The man looked down. "You know, it's didn't make any sense." He says.

"Try us." Dean says to encourage him to continue.

"The voice said for Virgil to return tomorrow...at the place where he crossed over at the time of the crossing. And Raphael would reach through the window and take him and the key home."

"Okay, hey, thank you." Dean says kindly and takes out some cash and hands him a fifty.
"Okay, Guys. If Virgil gets back with that key, Cass is Dead and our world is toast." Sam says

"Well, then we stop him. I mean, how bad can an angel with no wings be?"


Darcey stood by her brothers. The past days events in this strange world was taking a told on her and all she wanted to do was go home and be with Grayson.

Her dreams were haunted with her time away and it replayed all the times she had to hurt someone.

She told her brothers that she didn't remember anything, but it was a lie.

"You know that if we drop Virgil, get the key...I mean, this might be it. We might be stuck here." Dean says bring her out of her thoughts. The idea of being stuck here however, didn't sit well with her.

"No, we'll figure out a way back." Sam says confidently. Darcey nodded, agreeing.

"We have to." Darcey says.

"Yeah, you wouldn't be that broken if we didn't, though." Dean says slowly.

"What?" Sam asks turning to face him.

"Dean, don't be stupid." Darcey says firmly.

"Well, I'm just saying, no he'll below us, above us only sky." Dean continues to say.
Darcey leans against the wall near Sam, not believing what she's hearing.

"Dean, our friends are back there. Our nephew." Sam tells him.

"Yeah, but here, you got a pretty good life. I mean, back home, the hits have been coming since you were six months old. You gotta admit, being a bazillionaire, married to Ruby? The whole package. It's no contest."

Darcey shakes her head and crosses her arms.

"No, you know, you were right. We don't just mean the same thing here. I mean? We're not even brothers here, man. " Sam says. Darcey watched Dean nod his head. And apparently they didn't seem to be talking in this world.

"All right, then. Let's get our crazy show back home." Dean says

"Damn right." Darcey said.


Darcey jumped at the sound of a gun, reacting quick, she followed Sam after he ran off from Virgil. Together, the two hurry and find Dean and him righting, Darcey took a hit to the side as he lifted his leg and kicked her down to the ground. Without her power, she was kind of useless. Or so that's how she felt.

But together, Sam and Dean were able to get the key back from him, Darcey stood up and tapped Sam's shoulder when she noticed the symbol on the wall start to glow.

"Raphael. Run." Sam says

They set of to run, however, the three and pulled back and crashed though the window and land on a hard ground with a thud.

With a grunt, they get up and see who they assume is Raphael.

"You three. Have the strangest luck." She she says.

"Raphael?" Dean asks. "Nice meat suit. Dude looks like a lady." He mumbles

Then, all of the sudden, she lifts her hand and the Winchester's let out a breath as they grunt in pain and fall to the ground.

"The key." Raphael demands. She bends down and picks it up.

"And that will open you a locker at the Albany bus station." 

Darcey feels Dean held her up and they look over to see Balthazar.

"Really."  Raphael asks

"I needed a modest decoy to make it more convincing."

"Give me the weapons."

"Sorry, darling. They're gone."


"I said, too bloody late. You see, they were so well hidden that I needed time to find them. So I volunteered these three marmosets for a game of fetch with Virgil.  Now you three were such a adequate stick. Thank you. Thank you, boys and girl. "

"You've made your last mistake." Raphael says

"I've got a few more ho my sleeve, honey."

Raphael then raised her hand and moved forward, only to be stopped.

"Step away from him, Raphael."

Darcey looks to see Cass.

"I have the weapons now. Their power is with me." He says.  "If you don't want to die tonight....back off."

Silently, she disappeared.

"Well, Cass. Now that you have your sword, try not to die by it." Then, Balthazar disappears too.
Castiel walked up to the three left standing.

"Cass, what the hell— " Sam asks

Suddenly, they were transported. Darcey took a breath and looked around and saw that it was raining. Back in Bobby's actual living room.
Dean put a hand on her arm but said nothing. She knew he was silently asking if she was okay so all she did was nod.

"Wait. Wait, so you were in on this? Using us as a diversion?" Sam asks

"It was Balthazar's plan. I would've done the same thing."

"That's not really comforting, Cass." Dean asks

"When will I be able to make you understand? If I lose against Raphael we all lose everything."

"Yeah, Cass, we know the stakes. That's about all you've told us." Dean said raising his voice.

"I'm sorry about all this. I'll explain when I can. " Cass says. And with a flash of lightning, he's gone.

Sam slowly walked over the wall, he raised his hand and hit it a few times.

"Yep. That's solid. It's real." Sam says turning back to them.

"Nice" Dean and Darcey both say at the same time.
"Yeah. Real, moldy, termite-eaten home, sweet home." Dean said too.

Sam gives a little laugh.

"Chock full of crap that wanna skin ya. Oh, and..we're broke again." Dean says

"Yeah. But, hey...at least we're talking." Sam said.

Darcey smiled. "I'm going to check on Grayson. Night."

"Night." Dean tells her

Looking to Sam, they both watch her descend up the stairs before He says anything.

"She seem off to you?"

Sam looked to where she left and to Dean.

"Dude, this whole day's been off."

"No, I mean, before. When she got back. She's distant, quiet."

Sam though, he did happen to notice she was action aloof. But what she's been through, it didn't surprise her.

"Maybe, look, just, talk to her?"

"Yeah. Yeah, all right.."

Meanwhile, upstairs, Darcey sat at the side of a sleeping Grayson's bed.
She gently put her hand on her growing son's cheek. 

The boy moved slightly and he slowly began to wake up. Rubbing his eyes, he opens them to see his mom sitting beside him.

"Sorry, Baby." Darcey says for waking him up. It was late and he needed rest.
"It's s'okay." He says sleepily. Darcey smiled, "go back to bed, k?" She tells him and started to stand up. 

"Stay! Please, sing the song."

Darcey smiled again. She moved over to the bed and got in, having Grayson move over and lay his head on her stomach like he used to when he was smaller. She put her hands on his head and started to him "Hey Jude" and not only soon after, dose she start to fall asleep herself.


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