love maze

By falleninterludes

220K 12.5K 3.8K

when jisoo's family company is going bankrupt, her father made a deal with a business partner and set her up... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three


3.1K 204 29
By falleninterludes

It was my first time waking up next to a guy. I've dated some guys before who've asked me to stay the night at their house, and even met some who just asks me to sleep with them. Of course, I declined all those men and let Jungkook do the beating.

This morning, as I stare at Taehyung sleeping soundly beside me, I'm so glad to see that he's the man I slept the night with - BUT we literally just slept, unlike what the other men asked me to do with them. He looked so cute sleeping with his pouty heart shaped lips, and his hand curled into fists like above his head. He looked just like a baby, I wanted to pinch his bread cheeks so bad. Surprisingly, I was able to contain myself and get up to cook breakfast before we wakes up. Checking the time, it was already an hour before 8 in the morning, the usual time that I go to my office. It seems that I'll be late for work since Taehyung and I slept in.

After cooking, I took a bath and changed into my formal clothes for work. Coming out of the bathroom, I found Tae still sleeping so I didn't wake him up yet; he must have been really tired from work yesterday.

As I was about to go outside my bedroom, my phone rang from the bedside table. I quickly took it and checked who was calling; it was Jungkook. I glanced at the sleeping Taehyung before going outside my room to answer the call.

"Good morning, Chichu!" Jungkook greeted and chuckled. "I'll be there in 5. Let's go eat breakfast outside." I was about to decline when he continued, "But this is not a date. I just want to eat breakfast with you before I'll have a quiz in one of my classes later. Get ready now. Bye!" and then he hung up.

I have never been so annoyed at Jungkook until now. How am i supposed to just leave Taehyung here?

Frantic, I took a pen and a post it note I found on my desk and wrote a message on my kitchen counter: I'm sorry, I have to leave early. Eat your breakfast here before you leave! Call me anytime after 1 pm since I have a meeting before that.

I looked at the message, half satisfied with what I wrote. As for my name at the end of the message, I played with my pen, thinking if I should add that word. In the end, when I noticed that Jungkook would arrive soon, I carefully wrote my name.

[ Jisoo's full message:

Good morning, Taetae! I'm sorry I have to leave early. Eat your breakfast here before you leave! Call me anytime after 1 pm since I have a meeting before that.

Your Chichi <3 ]

I went out my unit and thought of Taehyung once again.

He won't forget to lock the door of my unit, right?


Jungkook and I had our breakfast inside my office, as per my request because I'm not really in the mood to eat at somewhere fancy again.

We were both talking about his med school life when someone knocked on the door and opened it. I was nervous at first, expecting that it would be Taehyung advancing towards me, asking me why I left him again. Instead, a sigh of relief escaped my lips when the person revealed herself to be Yeri.

"Ms. Kim, Mr. Cha wants to talk to you." I caught Yeri staring at Jungkook before smiling and leaving the scene.

I nudged Jungkook. "Looks like Yeri's into you too".

Jungkook made a face and said, "You know that I'm a flirt but I'm not really interested in other girls."

"Other girls?" I asked.

He leaned in to my ear and whispered, "I'm only interested in you." I gave him a confused look while he showed his innocent bunny smile.

Suddenly, I heard a loud sneeze from behind us. I froze, remembering someone with a loud sneeze just like that.

"Jisoo, Taehyung's here."

I turned my eyes to Jungkook, who somehow knew that Taehyung would be here because of how he smirked at me before turning around to face Eunwoo and Taehyung.

"Jisoo, I'm going now. I don't want to be late for my class." Jungkook kissed my cheek before patting Eunwoo's shoulder, and nodded his head at Taehyung.

If looks could kill, Jungkook's probably dead now.

Eunwoo's gaze followed Jungkook until he got out of the room. "What's he doing here this early?"

"He ate breakfast with me." I said, looking at Taehyung for his reaction. He didn't even hide how his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth turned to a frown.

"That's unusual. I only see him here either lunch or dinner." Eunwoo said, and I saw how Taehyung clenched his jaw after hearing those. However, when Eunwoo turned to him, his facial expression turned blank.

Taehyung could really be an actor!

But I'm dead after this.

"Anyway, Taehyung called me and said that he needed to ask you something personally." Eunwoo said to me meaningfully with an indiscreet wink. "I'm leaving you two now. Don't forget the meeting at 11." I nodded, not sure what to react with the sudden appearance of Taehyung.

Just as Eunwoo left my office, Taehyung locked the door and glared at me. "I wondered why you left early."

"Well, now you know." I laughed nervously, avoiding his glare. "Aren't you busy with your own company to run?"

"The company can wait." He said, "My secretary and Vice Chairman can call me if there's something wrong."

"Your secretary?" I asked in an accusing tone.

"Don't make this conversation about me, Jisoo." I pouted, making his facial expression to soften for a second before I saw him clench his jaw again. "Care to explain?"

"He called me after I finished preparing OUR breakfast. He was already on his way to my apartment when he hung up so I couldn't say no to that."

He clicked his tongue, looking annoyed. "You still haven't told him about us yet, have you?"

"I'm sorry, Tae." I apologized. "I'll tell him some other time." After we finish those 3 dates I promised him. "Please don't be mad now.."

I approached him, reaching out my hand as I did so. I held his hand easily and pulled him towards my desk beside the huge glass window overlooking the busy city of Seoul.

"Alright." He simply said, "But you need to give me my breakfast."

"Huh?" I gave him a questioningly look. "Didn't you eat the breakfast I cooked for you?"

"I did. But you missed something." He smirked, leaning closer to me.

"W-what did I miss?" I asked, backing away slightly. Taehyung grinned before before closing the gap between us.

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