Gregory Malfoy

By SlayDestiny

26K 730 26

After the events of the Last Battle Harry makes a visit to Malfoy Manor only to meet the extended members of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

648 23 1
By SlayDestiny

Gregory smiled down at his young husband who was practically asleep in his arms. They had had a busy last day exploring and making the most of it, up early and exploring around Paris for the day. Harry had been so excited, dragging him here there and everywhere. They had finished up exploring Versailles, wandering around the beautiful palace hand in hand. Gregory had surprised him by organising for them to have supper in the palace, calling in a rather big favour, and paying a slightly extortionate amount. But after the palace had closed to the visitors, he had escorted Harry to the dining room, which had been set up for them with candles.

Harry had loved it, and they had had their last meal of the honeymoon in a way he knew Harry would never, ever forget. Following that they had taken a stroll around the ornate gardens which were lit up for them and them alone. Walking and chatting softly, it had been like they were in their very own world, enjoying each other's company and the peace of the gardens surrounding them.

Eventually though they had had to return, their bags had already been sent on ahead of them by the workers in the Parisian dock that Gregory had left their boat in this morning. All there was, was for them to apparate home. Harry had been so tired that Gregory had been worried about him splinching himself, so he had insisted on side along.

He was glad he did, because by the second jump which landed them in London, Harry had been drooping. Their third jump landed them in Malfoy Manor, and Harry had practically nodded off against his shoulder. It was 0130 in the morning, and the manor was in silence, the other occupants no doubt fast asleep.

"Gregory?" Well nearly all of them.

"Grandfather," Gregory smiled turning to see Marcus holding a cup of tea.

"I wanted to make sure you got back ok," Marcus admitted sheepishly walking over quickly and wrapping him in a tight hug. "You look wonderful, married life is clearly agreeing with you," He smiled looking his grandson over fondly before looking to Harry. He chuckled when he realised that Harry had nodded off in Gregory's arms.

"We had a busy day," Gregory chuckled, bending and lifting Harry into his arms. Harry mumbled something to himself, something with Gregory's name in, and then snuggled into his shoulder, settling deeper into sleep it seemed.

"Get to bed, I will see you in the morning," Marcus patted Gregory's free shoulder.

"Come around for brunch?" Gregory asked.

"I don't want to intrude on your first morning back," Marcus shook his head.

"Harry will want to see you," Gregory said firmly brushing a kiss to Marcus' cheek before turning and making his way to their rooms, his precious burden held close to his chest. He had loved their honeymoon, but it was good to be home as well.
Harry yawned widely as he yanked his dressing robe on. He hummed as he looked around their bedroom, happy to be home. He loved the boat, but he had to admit the cabin had started to feel a little cramped. He was used to big bedrooms now, be it the Hogwarts dorm, his bedroom at Andromeda's, but especially here.

Bending down he pressed a soft kiss to Gregory's lips smiling against them when his husband stirred and pressed back.


"It's gone 1000 love, I will go put some tea and breakfast on," Harry explained.

"I asked Grandfather round for brunch," Gregory yawned snuggling a little deeper into the blankets, but opening his ocean blue eyes to look at Harry.

"Oo good, I will see what we have in," Harry smiled kissing Gregory again before shuffling to the kitchen. He dug out the shopping list he had made with all the items that he would need to make his family meal tomorrow night and left it on the side, along with the letters to everyone informing them of it. The House elves would take them and make sure that they were passed out.

"Harry!" The dark-haired man laughed as he was buried into a hug from twin redheads, Carina not far behind, and the three of them getting shoved out the way so Marcus could claim his hug. "Marcus said you would be having brunch,"

"You have been coming around?" Harry asked, a little shocked.

"I have had to have something to keep me occupied without your company," Marcus smiled.

"He has amazing ideas! We have a few new products out, and some more to come," George nodded happily. Harry smiled softly to himself as he moved to turn the kettle on.

"You look so tanned! And glowing! It is so good to have you home!" Carina beamed pulling him into another hug before moving to get some teacups down.

"You are finally alive then!" Lucius said as he swept in. "Honestly I have come and gone twice!" Harry blinked a little when he found himself swept into a hug before his eldest brother in law made his way to the table. He had to shake himself a little at that thought. Lucius was his brother in law.

"They are literally just back from their honeymoon, leave him along Lucius," Julia rolled her eyes as she swept over herself and pulled him in for a hug. He kissed her cheek, and then baby Selina's.

"Merlin, she has grown already!" He shook his head looking down at the pretty little baby.

"Merlin already?!" Gregory mock groaned walking out the bedroom braiding his hair.

"You thought you would be able to escape us?" Lucius smirked.

"We thought we might get a little peace and quiet. Honestly, we will be here 365 days a year, you couldn't give us one morning?" He said casually as he hugged Carina tightly.

"Wait what?!" Carina gasped yanking back and looking between him and Harry wide eyed. Marcus was a second behind, his eyes widening.

"You guys didn't even wait till official bruncheon time," Gregory nodded hugging Lucius, Fred, Julia, Selina, George and Marcus before finally reaching Harry and taking his cup of tea from his amused husband who was shaking his head at him.

"365..." Lucius trailed off, also looking between them.

"Well perhaps not 365, we will be taking holidays and little breaks abroad," Gregory shrugged taking a sip of his tea.

"But, what about your second home?" Marcus asked wide eyed looking between them.

"We decided the money that we had planned towards that can go on a couple of little holiday homes. We will expand our rooms here a little, if that is ok?" Harry asked.

"Of course it is, but, is that really what you want or are you doing this for us because..." Carina paused when Harry just hugged her.

"While we were away I realised that even though I was having an amazing time, I was looking forward to coming home," He emphasised the word and blushed when all the Malfoys beamed at him.

"Oh Merlin!" George suddenly blurted out making them all turn to him. "Sorry, sorry I just realised that you're a Malfoy now!"

"Did you forget the wedding we attended a month ago?" Fred asked his twin dryly.

"No! Of course not, but it hadn't hit either, I hadn't really thought about it," George flapped his hand. "But he's a Malfoy!"

"And I am a Potter," Gregory teased.

"Oh Merlin, a Malfoy Potter!" George gawped.

"I think you broke him," Harry snickered as he moved to start cooking.

"Are you sure about this Harry? Please don't feel you have to," Marcus said softly as the others teased George.

"I know I don't have to do anything I don't want to," Harry smiled. "I want to Grandfather,"

"We can make a start on expanding the rooms for you," Marcus beamed.

"We had a few ideas actually. We wanted to have a second living room, a little bigger for when everyone comes around," Gregory hummed as he leant against the counter beside where Harry was cooking at the stove.

"What about a nursery?" Carina asked casually, but her eyes were gleaming.

"Actually, we wanted to add two, and four rooms for children," Gregory said with matching casualness, but he couldn't stop his smirk when the Malfoys at the table went silent, the twins starting to roar with laughter as they obviously clicked on.

"Stop it," Harry rolled his eyes at his husband amused.

"Harry and I want a few children,"

"That's putting it mildly, Harry has wanted a flock of kids since his second year," George laughed.

"Seriously he's been adopting first years since his second year, from all houses," Fred snickered.

"You sound like I have been kidnapping them!"

"You practically did. Honestly, they followed him around like ducklings,"

"I wasn't that bad!" Harry protested.

"It was adorable to watch, we called him mummy Harry behind his back," Fred smirked.

"You did not!" Harry gawped.

"Oh, they really did," Ron snorted as he walked in clearly having heard the conversation. "You look so tanned!" He grinned as he walked over the hug Harry tightly.

"Missed you," Harry smiled squeezing back.

"I really missed you," Ron smiled before letting go and moving to hug Gregory. "Missed you too, I've had no one to tease,"

"It's been quiet without you around," Gregory teased back.

"How many grandkids am I looking forward to then?" Carina obviously couldn't wait any longer.

"We were thinking just a few," Harry shrugged, a teasing look of his own appearing.

"5 or 6." Gregory nodded before laughing when Lucius choked on his tea. Carina and Marcus were staring at them wide eyed.

"You're kidding, right?" Selina choked.

"Nope, that is actually the amount that I want," Harry laughed.

"Bloody hell, I thought Marcus and Leandre were rabbits," Lucius snorted.

"Lucius, do not be so crude!" Carina scolded.

"Sorry Mother," Harry had to press his face into Gregory's shoulder, he would never get tired of seeing Lucius cowed by his mother.

"5 or 6?!" Marcus asked hopefully looking between them.

"Yup, we talked about it while we were away," Gregory smiled as he handed Harry the plates he was motioning to.

"You realise no Malfoy has managed to have that many children?" Carina said gently.

"I know, but as Harry pointed out he is quite known for changing things from the impossible," Gregory chuckled.

"That he does, if anyone can break that it will be Harry," Fred snorted.

"Do you remember that time..."

"No!" Harry pointed at Ron.

"You don't even know what I was going to say!" Ron laughed.

"I don't care, you want food you keep stum!" Harry warned.

"Mean," Ron grumbled.

"I know," Harry snickered.

"How was it being home?" Lucius asked, snagging a slice of toast as the plate floated passed.

"It was strange waking up in our own bed," Harry admitted.

"And not rocking in the boat," Gregory hummed.

"I bet that boat did some rocking," Harry burst out laughing as Lucius did some ridiculous eyebrow wiggle before yelping when Carina clipped him with a stinging hex. Gregory just rolled his eyes before taking his seat at the table as Harry floated everything else down onto the surface and joined them all himself.

Marcus was laughing and chatting with the twins when they walked into Harry and Gregory's kitchen, only to pause when they saw Harry sitting at the table with Gregory fussing over him. There were also a small line of House elves wringing their hands worriedly.

What was even more concerning was that neither of them seemed aware that they now had an audience.

"...m fine Gregory, you don't need to call the Healer," Harry was arguing.

"Harry, you had another dizzy spell, you can't blame it on lack of water," Gregory sighed.

"I'm fine," Harry smiled running his fingers through Gregory's hair. The elder man was kneeling in front of the chair Harry was seated in looking concerned. "Honestly, it was just me being silly, I haven't eaten properly today,"

"Harry," Gregory was looking mutinous.

"I am fine, honestly," Harry shook his head.

"What's happened?" Marcus frowned walking in fully.

"He had a dizzy spell," Gregory tattled before Harry could say anything.

"I went a little dizzy that was all. I have been standing over the hot cooker for a little while and haven't had much to eat, that's all. I feel 100% now!" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Maybe a healer wouldn't be a bad idea Harry?" George frowned reaching out to touch his forehead.

"Stop fussing, I am fine!" Harry shook his head.

"Have you had any other dizzy spells you haven't told me about?" Gregory asked. Harry pursed his lips. "Harry?"

"I have felt light headed a couple of times, had a few head rushes, that's all though," Harry shook his head.

"Please let me call a Healer!" Gregory was looking concerned now.

"Gregory, I am absolutely fine," Harry cupped his face. "We have been busy, and I wasn't used to the heat, that is all. If I have another dizzy spell I will go to the Healer, but I need to finish supper,"

"The House elves could finish," Gregory protested lightly, keeping his hands on Harry's waist as he stood.

"No, it's our first family meal since the wedding, I am ok now. No offence guys and girls," Harry added looking to the House elves.

"As long as young master is ok," One of the elves squeaked before they popped out.

"You terrified them," Gregory scolded.

"Yes, them," Harry raised an eyebrow at his fussing husband. "Now, you lot can start laying the table, Fred can you get the big serving bowls out please," Harry ordered moving back to the cooker. He ignored the concerned looks they were all shooting him as he went back to cooking, Gregory hovering close by, his blue eyes barely leaving him.

Harry reached out and brushed their hands together, squeezing Gregory's hand in comfort and ran his thumb over the band on his husband's finger, before turning to go back to cooking. This seemed to relax Gregory a lot more, and by the time every started piling into the room he was much more relaxed.

"What am I doing with these?" Hermione asked him. Gregory was at the table laughing with Remus, Ron, Bill, Lucius and Marcus sr. Carina, Ron Tonks, Andromeda and Narcissa were talking about something else - something he guessed was conspiring considering the looks they kept shooting him and Gregory. Leandre, Mikhail Marcus jr. and Julia hadn't arrived yet.

"I need you to mix this sauce in slowly please," Harry passed her the sauce before glancing over his shoulder and moving closer to her. "Mione,"


"I need your help with something," He muttered glancing over his shoulder once more before explaining.

Gregory narrowed his eyes at his husband and his friend, everything about their demeanour said they were discussing something that they did not want sharing, both looking shifty. He narrowed his eyes further when Harry glanced over his shoulder and glanced around to make sure no one was close to overhear anything.

Something was going on with Harry, and he was not stupid enough to fall for 'not eaten enough' and his husband had an idea about what was going on. He wasn't going to make a scene about it, he knew that Harry would be mortified if he made a scene in front of their family, but once everyone was gone.

He turned back to smile as the three missing family members arrived, calling out their greetings, and Harry announced supper was ready.

"Can you get the drinks on the table please love," Harry called to him.

"Of course," He stood and made his way to the cooling cupboard, levitating out a variety of alcoholic and none alcoholic drinks for everyone. He snagged Harry round the waist and he went to walk passed him, pressing a deep kiss to his lips. The smile that Harry gave him, with bright eyes was the only thing stopping him from dragging Harry to their room to demand answers.

"Oh Merlin, Harry you have outdone yourself!" Andromeda hummed as the food descended onto the table in front of them all.

"It's recipes that I picked up while we were away," Harry explained.

"He has been dying to try them out," Gregory chuckled sitting next to Harry and linking their fingers together. "He got the recipes from people wherever we went,"

"The food was amazing, and so different, Gregory bought me a load of recipe books while we were there as well," Harry smiled sweetly at his husband.

"Well if you need a guinea pig for some recipes, you know where I am," Ron mumbled through a mouthful of food. "Holy Merlin Harry, this is amazing!"

Harry blushed as every started piling up their plates and giving their compliments. Everything seemed to be going down well, and everyone was trying a little of everything. Some of them recognised dishes, particularly the well traveled Malfoys. But Hermione recognised a couple of the French dishes, Andromeda and Tonks the Italian. Remus had apparently spent a time in Greece researching werewolves and so was familiar with a good few of those dishes.

"We have a little surprise for you too," Andromeda smiled, and her little group from earlier all looked pleased with themselves. They were onto their deserts and everyone was relaxed and comfortable chattering away.

"We put this together for you," Narcissa slid an album across the table to them. Harry blinked at the beautiful wedding album, leaving it for Gregory to pick up to look through.

"These are..." Harry stared at the pictures from their wedding morning, when they were both getting ready and there was not way anyone had had a camera.

"I found a spell, you can turn a memory into a photo, it is like pevensive, only onto paper," He explained.

"We all got together and came up with the best pictures that we could from the day. We know you have the professional photographer's pictures to come, but we thought you might like this as well, it's a little more personal," Carina actually looked a little nervous, making him realise how much time had gone into this.

"It's wonderful!" Gregory assured them.

"We left a little space as well, for your honeymoon pictures," Ron grinned.

"Oh! I will go get them, Hermione come help me!" Harry grinned bouncing to his feet. He blanched at the narrow eyed, knowing look his husband gave him, telling him that he had not fooled him. But Gregory said nothing as he dragged Hermione to their bedroom, quickly snagging the photos where he had had them ready from this morning to show off. Instead he turned to Hermione with a serious face and nodded.
"Oh you look so happy!" Carina sighed.

"Yes, we had a wonderful time," Gregory nodded, but his eyes were on Harry who had been more than a little distracted since he and Hermione had come back from 'finding' the photos.

"Well, we had better get going, I'm sure you two are still tired," Hermione yawned and made a point of stretching noisily. Harry shot her a look for her unsubtle moves.

"What, but I was going to have more, oomph! Yes, tired quite tired," Ron yelped. Harry rolled his eyes and glanced at Hermione, Ron trying to discretely rub his shin where Hermione had no doubt kicked him.

Gregory glanced between Harry and Hermione, completely aware that something was going on between them, the only thing stopping him from freaking out at Hermione's discrete call to leave them alone was the beaming smile that she had on her face.

"I was thinking about as many of us meeting up for lunch in Diagon tomorrow?" Carina suggested as they all stood.

"We will try and make it," Fred and George smiled bending to kiss Harry's cheeks, then Gregory's to his surprise.

"I was thinking of having supper together on Saturday, is that ok for everyone?" Harry asked standing with the photo album.

"That would be wonderful," Marcus Sr beamed nodding.

"Are you cooking?" Julia asked hopefully.

"Yes I will be cooing. The elves will be boxing up the left overs from tonight and dropping them off to you," Harry laughed.

"Thank you, it was wonderful," Tonks kissed his cheek.

"You really did amazing," Remus hummed.

"We're looking forward to seeing the pictures from the honeymoon," Andromeda kissed him.

Gregory was gritting his teeth. He wanted nothing more than to kick everyone out and demand from Harry what was going on, but he had to be patient and smile at everyone. He honestly did not keep track of saying goodnight to everyone, just getting them to the door as politely but fast as he could.

Finally, finally he closed the door behind the last of their family and turned around to see Harry making his way into the living room. Following him quickly he opened his mouth to confront Harry as his husband sat down and patted the sofa next to him. Narrowing his eyes Gregory moved to sit next to Harry, trying hard to fight down the panic building in his chest. He stilled a little when he saw Harry was looking at a photo in the album of the two of them at the wedding, having their first dance.

They were swaying together, and Harry was looking up at him with so much love and happiness, and he was looking down at Harry as though he was the moon itself.

"Harry, what's going on?" He asked.

"I have had a suspicion for the last couple of days as to what is going on," Harry licked his lips and then finally looked up to meet Gregory's worried eyes. Setting the album to the side he turned so he was facing his husband and took one of his hands.

"Harry you're worrying me. What is going on?" Gregory admitted softly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you, I just didn't want to say anything until I was sure. Hermione knows how to perform the spell, so I wanted to wait for this evening when I saw her," Harry bit his lip nervously.


"So, we may have to bring forward the extension of our rooms, for the nursery in particular," Harry looked up at him as he moved their joined hands to press against his stomach.

"Oh...oh, oh! Oh! You're and...Oh!" Gregory's eyes widened almost comically.

"Is that ok? I know it's a lot faster than we planned but..." Harry squeaked when Gregory pounced on him kissing him over what he was sure was every inch of his face.

"Oh Merlin! A baby! We're going to have a baby!" Gregory laughed jumping to his feet. He paced a lap around the room seeming unable to sit still as Harry got to his own feet, laughing gently at the excitement in his husband.

"Yes a baby," Harry laughed.

"Oh! I'm going to be a dad, we're going to be parents, we're having a child, together, we made a baby!" Harry covered his mouth to try and smother his laughter at his husband's rambling excitement.

"Yes you're going to be a dad,"

"Oh Merlin, Harry!" Gregory swept him off of his feet, spinning him in a tight circle as he hugged him close, alternating between scattering kisses over his face and pressing kisses to his lips deeply.

"I was a little worried that you wouldn't be happy, a little too fast," Harry looked at him with soulful green eyes.

"This, us creating something, could never be anything more than perfect. We have all time in the world for everything that we want to do. Having a family with you, could never be anything but perfect," Gregory smiled.

"I love you," Harry groaned pulling the blonde down for a deep kiss.

"I love you too," Gregory murmured when they parted, before a massive smile took over his face again, "We're going to be parents!" Gregory laughed swinging him around in the air.

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