The Love Within

By TxJbabess

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We all have a friend, one we can't do without. Finding the love within and all throughout. I found love with... More



1K 44 12
By TxJbabess

Excuse any mistakes 💛


I woke up with Toni arms wrapped tightly around me and her head rested on my shoulder.

Last night had to be some of the best sleep I ever had. I honestly wanted to move in with her and spend every night like last night just to fall asleep in her arms like this.

"Mhh GoodMorning." She kissed my cheek, letting go but I held her there.

"GoodMorning Toni." I smiled feeling her muzzle her head back in my neck as she kissed that too.

"Uh Uh your stomach growling, what you want for breakfast?"

"Oh hush, and I don't know."

"Mhm, you want take out or you want me to cook?"

"You can cook, I wanna watch."

"Ight, come on." She moved getting up, putting on some shorts and shirt. I don't understand why she puts on clothes and she ain washed yet that mean she gotta wash extra clothes. Just doesn't make sense to me, she could've put on a simple robe or something but nah she puts on clean clothes.

I grabbed my unicorn slippers going downstairs behind her. I sat at the island watching her gather all she needed for breakfast.

"Alright J lemme show you how it's done."

"You act like I can't cook."

"I never said you couldn't."

"Anyways cause you trynna be funny, what we having?"

"Uh I call it Toni's special."

"What that consist of."

"My secrets. Sit back and relax you gone be alright."

"I better be."

"Mhm, Janet there was something I wanted to ask you last night but never got round to the words cause you wanted to watch that damn scary movie." She poured the pancake batter in the waffle maker turning around to me.

"It was good won't it?" I grinned as she snarled

"No and you went to sleep."

"No I didn't, you kept jumping."


"Yes you did."

"The hell with it, I won't scared. Ian never scared."

"But you were last night."

"Whatever." I laughed as she made a face seeming to be annoyed.

"What were you gonna ask me though."

"Uh right, I like you a lot really I do. I think the world of you and you're really the most beautiful person I've ever met and uh I was wondering would you be my girlfriend."

"Come here." She took the waffles out then the eggs sitting them in the table, coming around to me.

"Yea Wassuh."

"Bend down lemme whisper sumn."

"What." I pulled her in kissing her, she grabbed my neck.

"I was waiting for you to ask me that." I smiled as she kissed me again.

"So is that a yes?"

"Of course."  She smiled turning her attention back to our breakfast.

"Alright this ain't no Huddle House but it's way better." She had a little special grits eggs pancakes a lil orange juice on the side.

"It looks good."

"Just like you." She winked sitting across me and fixing our plates.

I took a bite as she stared at me watching my facial expression. It was surprisingly good, like real good.

"Toni this is wow, where you learned how to cook from?"

"My grandma, I use to stay with her when nights got rough. She taught me everything I know, I want you to meet her some day."

"I'd love to."

"She's been my biggest reason of all that I do. One day ima pay her back for all that's she's done, without her honestly I don't know where I would be." I smiled as she talked about her grandma and when she was a little kid.

"Toni I feel like your only telling half the story."

"You just wanna get a laugh, Like I did dumb stuff. Need flash I was a angel."

"Oh yea right." We finished breakfast and got dressed.

"I hate to leave you." I said truthfully as she was coming out getting her keys.  I looked up at her as she fixed her shirt.

"I hate for you to leave me too, but you got practice."

"Will you stay?"


"Ok." I smiled as she smiled back. She pulled me into her giving me a tight hug. It gave me a warm bubbly feelin I couldn't describe it but it didn't feel like any other hug I've received from anyone I was in a relationship with. It just felt like I belonged in her arms, that that's where I was suppose to be.

"You good?"

"Yea I'm fine, let's go. Though could I stop home first, I refuse to sweat in these clothes." She shook her head opening the door for me.

"Yes pretty girl." We left and she drove to my house I seen my dad sitting outside with my stuff as my mom tried to put back in the house.

"Stay here." Toni got out before I did.

"Woah what's the yard sale for."

"Joseph put her stuff back."

"No and you can leave with her. You allowing our daughter to date a female!"


"I want you out of my site. boys put the stuff in the truck."

"Mr. Jackson your really doing the most man." His head snapped in her direction and he went up to her.

"Don't think about putting your hands on me, Mike hand me her stuff." She went and got the rest what the boys didn't and put it in her car.

"Janet you go with her and you can forget about the whole record deal."

"The shits trash anyways."

"Toni! Wait!" Latoya and Rebbie cape out towards her as we got in her car.

"Janet think about what you're doing."Latoya said with them eyes trynna tempt me to stay

"No he needs think about what he doing." She knows what Joseph good for because he kicked her out when she going with that dude. I don't even know why she on his side.

"I only ask one thing." Rebbie said looking at me and Toni



"Yes ma'am?"

"Take care of our baby sister, I'll call everyday Janet. I love you."

"Will do."

"I love you too Rebbie."

"Rebbie are you really on Jan side?"

"I am shes 18 let her live her life instead of trynna run it, that goes for Joseph too."


"Yea mike?"

"I'll come see you after rehearsals"


He made sure we had everything in there and we left. Toni kept her hand in mines the whole ride.

We got back as she unloaded all the stuff placing in the other room she had where my clothes at.

"Alright you'll all set, anything you need? You ok?"

"Thank you and no I don't need anything. I guess I'm fine, you know."

"I'm here if you wanna talk. Remember I went through the same thing, so I know why you're going through."

"I know, I appreciate it. Could you just hold me for right now, I need a nap."

"Come on." She laid back on the couch pulling a blanket  putting it over us.

"It's all gonna work out I promise."

"I hope so." She kissed my forehead as we slowly fell asleep.

Don't get me wrong I love my dad but this was gonna happen regardless if I was with Toni or not....

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