Deactivated (A FNAF Fanfic) D...

By Vanikkic_Fandoms

10.2K 397 111

(Little bit of a Foxy x OC) Reika a new beige animatronic saber cat, hates almost everything she does with pa... More

PreHistory - Part 1
PreHistory - Part Two
Reika - Chapter 1
The Silhouette - Chapter 2
The Fox - Chapter 3
Love Struck - Chapter 4
Kid Phobia - Chapter 5
Fighting for a Brat! - Chapter 6
Anger Management - Chapter 8
Foxy goes Crazy - Chapter 9
Spill the Beans - Chapter 10
Frustration - Chapter 11
A/N so sorry
Bust or Not - Chapter 12
The Cake Part 1 - Chapter 13
The Cake Part 2 - Chapter 14
Factory Blues - Chapter 15
The Strange Deal - Chapter 16
A Deadly Trick - Chapter 17
Pleading a Dead Girl - Chapter 18

Friend or Foe - Chapter 7

395 18 1
By Vanikkic_Fandoms

(Hng sorry guys for the short chapters trying to publish them as quick as I can.. Also editing some bits too in the last parts)
Ugh, I opened my eyes and groaned as I lifted myself off the mattress. My head wobbled a bit. Wait why am I here? Shouldn't I be on stage? Confusion engulfed my electronic head.

I stood up and left the room looking for the others. Wait a second why is it dark? I thought it was day just few minutes ago!
Getting concerned I frantically tried looking for them. Bonnie appeared out of the corner and did a gesture with his paws for me to come.

"Why?.." I whispered loudly and shrugged.

Suddenly I cupped my ears from the sound of loud clashing of pots and pans. What's with the loud racket?!
Bonnie giggled and pulled me to the kitchen entrance. The door went wide open as I stood there in shock.

Chica was talking to a fresh pizza slice she found in the bin.

My eyes blinked in great surprise. Chica mumbled to herself with the stinking pizza.

I could see tears of laughter came out of Bonnie's eyes as we watched Chica put a pan on the pizza. "Is it hot pepperoni? here wear a hat!". He silently slapped his knee from the humour. I kinda started to giggle myself too. This was the most ridiculous scene I ever saw.

I accidentally slipped on a pizza box and clumsily face planted with a loud bang of metal clashing on the hard marble checkered tiles. Chica jumped and hid the pizza behind her almost tripping over her own feet.

"Uhhh.. You didn't see anything!"

"Nope we saw everything ... " Bonnie laughed uncontrollably.

"Hmpf prove it bunny!" She crossed her arms and frowned at him.

A chuckle came from behind us. Freddy was holding the camera that was from the ceiling. He showed us the whole clip, my eye then secretly saw a glimpse of Chica's face turn red in embarrassment.

"HA burnnnnn!..."

Both Freddy and Bonnie sprawled on the floor laughing. I had to force myself a smile too. I covered my mouth from the excessive chuckles trying to escape my lips.
Chica was blazing red like crazy. She didn't hesitate and chucked the old slice of pizza in the trash.

"Oh wait I don't think there's a security guard here tonight, you guys know what that means?"

"What?" Chica was still embarrassed.


I wasn't so bright on the idea but I went with them anyway. Bonnie and Chica danced out the room towards the stage and spun around the tables kicking the party hats off the cloths. Chica rolled on the table wrapping herself in the tablecloth.
I left the room last looking back at the dark hallway. I could see my own endoskeleton eyes shinning on the reflecting tiles.

I stopped walking by the time I reached the stage. And a sudden un relevant thought popped inside me. It was Foxy.... Why is he still in my mind? WHY? Wait was I... No.. No ...hell no..

"Hey can I ask you guys somethin?"

The three turned around in surprised that I wasn't as happy as they are right now. The smiles on their faces drained into straight ones. Bonnie dropped a party hat that he was about to put on his head. The cloth of Chica slid to the ground.

"Do any of you know a guy... Uhh named Foxy?"
No spoke and the whole room was silent like a library.
"He's all broken an-"

"How did you know?!" Chica's voice deepened into her normal robotic sound. "No it's just the other night... I saw him.."

I wanted to regret what I said. It seems that I have killed the mood. Everyone was now frowning at me and crossed armed. Freddy was really agitated and frustrated for some reason. Was it because of what I said?

"Look.. Don't trust those kind of strangers like him.. You never know what might happen... And that's why you should stay in your room after hours.. Miss" Freddy tried to explain. I was getting angry now. My ears went down in an annoyed expression.

"What are you talking about! And you can't tell me what to do.. Show off!".

Freddy's POV

Wow she's really pissed right now. Well it's better than telling her the truth. I never liked Foxy. He's a very sneaky and arrogant cold-hearted... You know the rest..

Trying to get someone like Reika on his side. I'll show him.

Reika was so disappointed she ditched us and went back to her room. Not even saying another word. She always has to do that. I hate her attitude. No wonder she had a bad reputation today. Hey look I don't blame her. She hasn't been here any longer.

"Stay here imma talk to that douse..." Bonnie and Chica watched as I stormed to a closed area of a small star purple curtained stage.. I opened the curtains seeing Foxy lying down peacefully, with his jaw hanging wide open. Ignoring his beauty sleep, my paw grabbed his neck and raised him upwards.

"Say pal... What did I tell ya about how not to mess with her.. She Doesn't need some pathetic scrap of metal like you to fool her innocent mind!"

Foxy just smirked. His eyes were half open. Clearly he wasn't paying attention. So I tighten my grip and made my eyes turn black and menacing. Eventually he spoke, hardly trying to.

"If yer so desperate then whe ye go on and get rid of meh uh?"

I couldn't do that. Reika already knew something was suspicious. It couldn't get any worse than killing him too. I decide to spare him since Reika would be on a killing spree if she found out I did that.

You have no idea what she's capable of...

"Fine.. But you better stay here.. No funny magic tricks in here... Or she will be the last thing you see..."

"Hey matey then she will be tha last thin ye will see" an awkward grin swept upon his face. I dropped him hard on the wooden floor stepping out of this dump.

I don't trust this bastard at all. I wish he never existed. After what he did years before she was here.
He took away our freedom...

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